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� _ ��.�._Yvr�+'� .: q1`q • , <br /> . i ••.i i4 . �,,�,y��,��'� "'ty^ ��d�(,.'r .. <br /> _t ) • 1 . "�d�'�,7��1a.��'i��lYq'� : <br /> � ?� �� - � . _ -. <br /> .. . <br /> _.. <br /> -_� . "���`__ <br /> .. ...�___"_.. __._. '_;��7'i!7»n.. <br /> _—..._. " "1' -i " .�_�. <br /> �.�� � 93= 1�sss <br /> ' TOOE711ER WITH dl iUe improvement�now ar i�Qcr croc�od cxi iUc propeny.wxl wll eacemems.Appunenances, <br /> -- - ' �nA fixtwes naw or he�per a put of ifrc pmpaty. All rcpl�cements wtd addi�bn�xiudl�Isa be cavorod by thi�Secu�ity <br /> _,,. ._.�. <br /> bupuman. All ot tbe farcgofng iR mkttM 1n in Ihis Socudty Inwrumcat ac the"Rnperty." <br /> BORROWER cOVBNANTS liW Rarower is I�wfully seised af�hc euue hereby convcyed and hac the r�pht�o grant <br /> and 000vey the Ptoperty and lhat lhc Prop�ty is w�arcum6end.except far mcumMances of necord. Borrower wuran�c wM <br /> _�� wi11 defawl generally�he li�k to the Ropeny against�I cWms�nd dem�is.wbjoet to any encumbrances of'nxord. <br /> .,�� - i� �-�- THIS SF.CURITY INS7RUMEJVT combines nnifam covenart[s for na[iarwl use and �xm•unifam oovawu� wiW <br /> �imilod varis�Uonc by jurisdictton w conuitute a unitorm cecuriry ins�rument covering real property. <br /> ' .'� UNIFORM G�OVENAN7'S. Bomower and I.ender cove�ant wid agree as foibws: <br /> 1. P�yment ot IMncipY a�d I�lene�i Prep�ymeal�d LaM Crar�es. Norrowcr sh�ll promptlY PaY wixn due 1he <br />"'�'` — _ princ�l af And interesl an tlre deM evideneed bY 11�e Note and any prcpaymenl aad IAte chArges dae under ihe Note. <br /> � Fluad�far 7luies�d l�ra�ee Subjact w applics�ble Inw or to a wrltten wsaver by I.ender.Sarower shall pay to <br /> -- --- �-�� �����Y��Y PA!'���due uader�de Nae,until the Note ls p�id in fu11.a sum 1"Funds"1 <br /> _�'.��, uuces�nd assessments whlch mAy main priarity o.rer�his Sc�.-�ait�r lasam��u a�.+a lien on�he PtopeAy:lbl yearly leayehold <br /> _- ,�I�Sg�� p a y m e n a s o� g�ound rentx an the Prioperty. if�ny:(c!yesriY hs�ard or piripe�ty insurroce p�emiums: Id► ye�Hy floa! <br /> i n s u n r�c prrmiwns. i f any: lel Y�y�gAge i�uarance piemiuma,i f any: a n d l i l any wms pay a b l e b y B o n ox•er tu <br /> �� ti=�•��� laider, in accordance with the provisions of pmagnph S,in lieu of the puyment oi mortgage inwrancr p�aiums. 7?�ese <br /> - �-� ' ilems arc colled"Escrow Itemg." L.ender�ny titm.collect and hald Fuwls iuw an umauat not to exceed the maximum <br /> amount a lender for a federally relatod mortg�e luaa rnay requi�e for Barower>escrow acraunt under Ihe +faderal Iteal <br /> = Eswte Seplemrnt Procddurcs Act af 19T4 as��d from time to 1ime.12 U.S.C.4 2b01�et seQ.("RESPA").unless at�ottiet - <br /> law Ihu applies to the Funds sets a ksser aa�o�n4 Ii w. l.ender may,ut any urW hald Funds in u�amouol aot to <br />'_��:.� :,:"-�` , eacaA the leccer nm�wM.�de� aau!• eqimale tUe amnunt af Funda due�►n�he I+a.cic nf currenl dala smd rostrons�Me _. <br /> _ --- "• est�asates of ez�sdiissrc�rtt tuturc Gscsbw•Itcm�c:z„�.-rwisc in acror3�sncc witic�+ticr�hlc lats�. _ <br /> The Fvnds shall Gc hetd in an inuitution NR�use deposils am inwrod bp �tedernl agency. instrumcowlity.or entiry , ° <br />;;,�j �:.; : (fncluding l.ender,if L.e►a�kr is such an insti�wion>or in any F�edernl Home Loan FDank. l.eoder shull apply Ihe Funds to pay � <br /> ,r. the Escmw Items. Lender rtwy not charge Barower for hoWing and applying�he Funds.annuully a�wlyzing �he escr�aw = <br /> '-`�k`, account. at verifying �he Escrow Items. unless Lxnder pays B��rxuwer intenest on the Funds And Applicnble luw pemei[. <br />��;��:" Lender w make such a charge. However,Lender may requ6re Borrower to pay a one-time charge far an independent reu� - <br />�� �-`? , estate�ax rcponing�ervice used by L.ender in connecaon with�his lo�n,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an °- <br /> P: <br />=�?'� •.,�,, agreemem is made ur applicable law reqnires inteirsl to 6e paid Lender shall not be required to pay Botmwer any interest or <br /> h;•..� <br /> -="=� eamiags an the Funds. Bomower and l..ender mny agree in wriung,howevcr.�Fwt interest shall be paid on the Fund+. Lender - <br /> '^`:�,,� shall give w Bormwer.withoul unnual accountiag af the Funds.shawing credits and debits to�he Funds w�d the _ <br />- pur�wse fa which Kach debit w the Fwds was made. The Fw�ds arc pledged a�additional sexurity for all wms secuRd by = <br />-�� �, this Socurity Instrumtrot. <br /> .=�= .f.,. g, - li the Fwwis hcld b} i.csc3cr exceed ilte atr�a�nis permitted ia i�e hzi� g;} qp�licable 1aw. Lemie; ;.`+aii accauai io - <br /> c <br /> �� � r�•� Borrower(or Uie exce..�'unds in accordunce wlth tQ+e uinements of liceb�:law. If the amoum of thr Rmds held b � <br /> ;: : ,;�wati- �9 aPP Y , - <br /> Lender at�ny dme is�x wfficient to pay the Fscrc►w Items when due.L.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br /> %�� '•' • . �.+"' ' cuch case Bomawer shall to l.ender the wnount neccs. � - <br /> �:,�, 1,�V,,,' �, paY cary ta muke up the deP�ciency. &►rmwer shall make up the , . _ <br />,_.��•..�: ��;�� � ..::. defickney in no more than twelve monthlY paYments,at l.endera,uQc discretion. <br /> U�•on��.:�yment in fult�f all suma secured by this 5ecurity Inxwment.l.en�ier shall prompUy refund to Bwrower�+ny - <br />_}..- -, � �.�-..._-.. � ' _ <br /> — . �;t�� �,: FUnds helJ by I.ender. 0f�,under para8rnph-1 l.endzr tihall acquire or sell Ihe Pr�perty.Lender.prior to the acquisition or <br />-'_!''•.,,'.� �' 4��.��'-. �',� sak of the Property, yC+A�6�apply ony Futuls held by Lender �1�he lime of ucy�nisuion or�le as a credit against U�e sums <br /> - +�'� ,,i� ,.r secured by this Security 77avwment. <br /> �"� �>>'�� ' •S1 3. Applk�tion o� Pbyments. Unless applicable law prc�vide. ahcrnise, all payments receiveJ by Lender under <br />,� �a��::; <br /> �� {) puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Fcsa,to nny pnepayrnent chargc,due under the Note;second,to amounts pa�able under _ <br /> ' � �� s �''�'�: r paragr�ph 2;third.�o inte�s�due;fa�ur, principal due;and lati�,to:uiy late cburges due under the Note. <br /> .� �.�:•?''{�:.,,��i. _ <br /> ,•�° '`^���;,..� , i,;;r�. 4. Char�es; Liens. Borruwer sfiall pay all Inaes,u.�xc�ments,chnrges, fincs and imposilions attribumble to U�e = <br />�'•;> "'`" '�' Property which mny a�win prfarity over this Security lnstrumem,and leacehold pu}•ments or gmund renu,if smy. Borrower = <br />? .;+�; "• shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragmph 2,ar if not paid in th�1 manner,Borrower shall p�y them on ° <br />��.,_• •;•'', •� rt,:::s���,�. time direcQy to Ihc person owed payment. Bortowcr shall prompUy furnish to Lender�11 notices of amoums to be paid under _ <br /> , , .��,,�5,. �i � this paragraph. If Bormwer makes these payments direcUy, Bur�ww•er shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br />�;�(7f':�:: . - /, �( <br /> � ,�i�U''� <�r!'?: T7�. i�1C�?Yf11CIN3. <br />_:.,,::r �.,, } ,�..i�. <br /> '` �'r !��ti1"f� P Borrawer shall prcWm(Mly dischnrge any lien wk'�ich tna�priodty over�hir Seciiri�y Instrument unless <br /> �.r���,f�l��rf,��'�i�`' • in writin w the mer.e�+t the obli a�ion tiecured+h�,thr lien in a manner acco tuble lo Lender,(b►contcsts in ood faith the <br />;�,,. 5..,�� ..t,. , (�''�� S PaY S . P B <br /> 4c,;, Y li�'i�� 1�,ISr � <br /> il �� ���.. ,�� , lien by,or defends agAim¢enforcement of the lien in,te�ol pmccedinFs which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent tfie <br /> ����` _ l: � S� enforcement of Ihe lien:or(01 secua�s c�rom the holder of Ihc lien an�greement satisfsutory Io Lendcr subordinating the lien <br /> �.'� :,.� Y Y P' �1� Y � 1 Y P� Y <br />� +..,--Y M'' to this Securit Instrumem. If Lenc:'er�tetermines that nn an of the rt �s sub ect to n lien whirh m� attsiin orit - <br /> �' `�f ��1�''�' - <br /> ' `�� over this Securily Instnimend.Lendec n�ay give Borrower a nolice identifying thr lien. Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or talce <br />�.a.' . 4:-�1������• <br /> ' ;�.s „;t� �: . one or morc of Ihe ac�iun�.ct fortfi abnve wilhin IQ days o(�he giving of notice. <br /> �;,,.�.,'• ��r`��:.-'''-�� ,N�• S. H�rd or Prqperty Insurance. Borrow.4r�,hall k��ep the improvements now ezi�ting on c�rcaftcr erected on the " <br /> � ,.. �e <br /> ' fi /4�.,. ��.;....� <br />;:e�'.'`"�. �`,.: d��;z',;,{;;�lc Propeny insured against 9�ss by fre,h�u.artls include�l within thr tertn"exlended coverrge"and•rny other h:uarcis,including ` <br />_L�;!"�,� ,a,;,.a•;nr�''; i�tK�, floods or flfloding. for which Lender�eyui�s insurance. Thi�ia�urance �hall be maiMained in �he. amounts and for rl►c = <br /> ;��,.. •„�,- . -� ,�r'; <br /> r��{�,�'. ,:�.�,�;..,�,;�7 <br /> �`�•, ;�'� � {�f p"A f� Furts J01Y 4�l� •paer:W'6/wRrs► <br /> . -. � 1�,; .•,C•.NS•3�: _ <br /> '`� ���+-�'':i��t1,�,;��`,`;��l ' _. <br /> .���' . .',�,f?,`,,.}, . ' ' , <br />..!•.'.'�'� �.„ '.( x5.p:^�' ^ <br /> �. �. 4{ r�,�i, ..-4� �n' .- :�{.R::.'r� :e..t;a... x 5.+-��l��qWM1nM�4fM'e/e+,.;' :'t �t — r_ <br /> r. ' Ftr1�,.1: �.11 . f ' � . '. '�/��"?��:iv.Tf �'T"'�r7� ' , +_- <br /> . I ' l� ?,,. _, �..,� F�y'�����'���'�.. <br /> � `� . • . ���r i�....:✓ t� .F . <br /> - p �. <br /> y�!�,�� ' _ � <br />�' . -, , , ' 1 . . - r:. - . � . . .. .'f . . � � - 1 '�:�-. <br /> ' , �""y^ . �l�r i � -<-�rr.. . _ �, � • � �, <br /> 4N1il��Iy.�«4tilef'_.,�rL`_ ��i�,_ � � f:1: ' . � , � -� � _.. . �Se-'•�±_i'. <br /> . <br /> • •� <br /> .._— '_ __ _ ._. ' ' _'_' <br /> . . • " ' _'__ -. ...."' .... .� <br /> R. �,i��[:���-f,�, . . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .. . . ` —.' . ' ,' .. <br /> �° • +r ��.. . , • � ' ,` ' <br /> . � • � , .�> " „ • , ' i <br /> ' • ��... � . .. , . <br /> , ,�,�, � .,�� , '... ° . .. • . <br /> � a..� <br /> �.� � � ..r�,'�� . ' ., , , 1 .. <br />.•!" ° , . . '�' � _..�. , . .� t.�.. <br /> t � `4 Jr�, � , ' " <br /> 'n . S ' . ". .. , ' . ' <br /> � , . <br /> . ••' � <br /> ;.`n •� � . ,' � <br /> . <br /> .�..� , . __ .__-_ .__. <br />