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<br /> � Borrowce and�orcower'a successors in lnterest. i.endet shalt not bc requlred to commence proccedtn�te c�Bainst auch successor
<br /> • or ma�1 refuse to extend tlme for pnymcnt or othenylse mudify a�ttortizcition of ttte sum9 eec�amd by th:s Secur{ty Instrument by �.
<br /> . , r��son of cmy demanA rr�de by the arl�iva! Horeo�ver aracl Qartower's sucr,�:ssors in interest. Any Corbearance by Lender on �
<br /> one or more occnsions In exercising uny ri8ht or remedy hereuader. or atherwisc afforded by upp8cuble low, sh�ll not be a _�y_,.
<br /> " � wn{ver of or preclude the inter exercise of that or any ot�er da►t oc remcdy.
<br /> �� L.ender m�ny nccept pnrtlol paynients fram �orrawer, �vithout waivL�B ur forbearing riuy of 1t� rights undcr this _,`
<br /> �
<br /> , • Security Instrument or uader the Note even if such pnyments am nututed a9 a pnyment in tWl,or with n noutti4n nf eimilnr �._
<br /> meuning. ��^
<br /> =•-�•--5=�'� 13. Succcssors and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and �everul Ltablltty; SlQnere. 'Ihe covenants and t�cexmeats herein __
<br /> °a � contuined shall b1nd,and the dghts hereunder ahalt inure to, the respecdve successors aad�+sigas of Lender ond Borrower, �:
<br />' �• subJect to the provistoas of Part�rt�ph 1?hereof.Atl covennnts Qad ngreementa of Borrowec sball be joint und several. Aay �'
<br /> ,; Boreowcr who signs thia Secudty ln9uwnent, but daes not execvta thc Note: (a) !s signing this Scrurity Iasu�rscent only W _`
<br /> �•:� mortga�e. grnnt aad convcy that 8orro�ver's ipierest iu the Property to Leader uQaer tho terms of thia SecurIty Iastnun�nt�(b)
<br /> �, fe aot personaily liable on the N�te or under th3s Securlty L►stcument. nnd(c)agrees th�t Lender nnd�uy other Sarrower may _^_
<br /> ° ; naree to exrend�madify.forbear or msike any uscotrnnndsitions with re��rd to tho terans of thia Securlty Instrumenx or the Note �_,^
<br /> ' aithout that Borrower's consent. �,-
<br /> '� 14. NoHce. Bxcept for any notice required mider applicable law co be given in another manner. (a) eny natf.ce to _
<br /> . �x Borro�rer pmvIded for in this Secwrity Insuumeat shall be given by detivering it or by mailing such aotice by first class mail _._
<br /> � nddressed to ehe Property Addmss or to such other address as Borrower ttuy designate by aotice to Lender as pmvided bereia, __
<br /> " �, uad (b)eay aodce to l.ender ahtill be gtven by flrst class muil to Lcader's address stated herein or to such other uddress as R
<br /> • l,eader a�ny designate by notice to Bonower As provided he�in. Any noticr.pmvided for ict this Security Insuument shall be �.
<br /> ",���, �•- deemed to have bcen given to Horrower or l.cnder when given ln the maaner deaignated herein.
<br /> ��Y�'��^ IS. �oveanim�Lmw;Severrebllity.'!he state oad lacal luws applicable to this SQCUrity Insuument sheU be th�e la�v�of the
<br /> �yh� �x�`i jurisdlcdon in wta�sh the Praperty ia locaeed. 'Ibe fore�oing sectence sh�ll not limit the appltcability of federal law ta tWs =
<br /> Security Insuuraent.In the event that any proviston or clause of this S�2curity Iaetnunent�r the Note cantlicta wlth applicable __
<br /> ra
<br />- `'� law.such conflict shalt not affect other provtelons of this S�curity Insttument or the Note whicb can be glven effect wltt►out
<br /> the contlicdag pmvision�and to Wia end the provislons of this Securlty Inatrument snd the Noto are dec:lare�to be severable.
<br /> � � ^c As used herein,"oosta." 'eapenses" aud"attorneys' foes°inslude all sums to the eatent aot prohibited by applicuble law or
<br /> � - lln±i;eA herein. ,
<br /> ,, ; ' � 16. Borro�r-�r's Copy. Borrower ehaU be fl�mished a copy of the Note aad oi�his Securicy insirw�►i+u�i�ti��f
<br /> executloa or aRer recordadon hetti.'�af.
<br /> 17. Tcanster of t6a PropPa ty ar a Beneficial Interest in Borrower.If all or Any purt of the Property or eny iaterest in it
<br /> ���� ia sold or transf�rred for if a beneticfel interest in florro�vEr i$sold or traasferred nud Borrower is not u nntural person)
<br /> �• . vdthout E.xnd�t'a primr wdtten consent, Lender mey.nt its opdon,require�Ew payment In tiill of all swas secured by
<br /> � tlus Securiry Iitstxumextt.Hownver.tttts option shall not be exerctsed bp Y.end�r If exereise is pmWbited by federal law as of
<br /> - ,;.;�;�' ' the date of this Seauity Iastnureent.
<br /> °' •• If Lender exercises thia option.Lender ehel!give Borrower nodce of ucceleration.The notice shaU provlde n pesiod
<br /> �"''�' �"�` of not less thcu►30 days from the dnte the notice is delivered or mnfled within which Borrower musc PtaY all Bums secured by
<br />'t ` thts Socurity Iuatrumeut. If Borrower fatls to pay theae sums prIor to the expiratfon of this period. Lender may Wvoke aay
<br />;,_`;•„�...`� remedles pem�itted by thia Secudty Inamunrnt wichout i�uther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />==-=*�:��� 18. Aaeleration; Remedies. B�ccepi as provfded ia Puragraph 27 hereof,upon Bormwer's breach of any covenant or
<br />-,:i,;:' . ;
<br /> ----r:,:�.-�� agreement of Borcower in tteis Saev�i¢y Iastrument�tncluding the coveannnts to pay when dc:any sunos secured by tbie Saudty
<br />_.ru::_....
<br /> ��^�;s-:��;.�� Instnunent,Lender prlor to aco�ieratioa shall give nattce ta Borrower as provtded in Parngruph 14 hereof specifying:(1) e
<br />-=���"''�`�`"''� bneach; (2)tkte acdoa required to aure snch breach;(3)a dme. not less ths+n 10 dnye from the date thc aofloe is�lled w
<br />�'�''�;;' Y Borrower�by ah��h such breach muec be cured:and(4)that failiue to cuce such breacb on or before the date specifled fa the
<br /> ,�_.
<br /> -� �rot:. � no�tee muy resutt in uoceleratton of tbe coms aecumd by this Securlty Instnunent. foreelosure by judicial p or
<br />�:,,,;. "� .., advertlssment nnd sale of the pmperty �
<br />�.:,.;Y;'i;i�,�� 7be aotice shall tl�rthez inform Borrower of the right to e+einstate after ecceleration wid thc right to bring a cou►q
<br />-_:,i '��' action or to stsscsi iu c�►e judtctui pxuaxJlug the noncxtsiettce of a brcach or ntty flth�r Aefease of Borrower te ncaelerntion and
<br /> .,��:�p.� , `
<br />:i:a�� �;:; , foa+eolasure.If Qie breach is not cured oa ar before We date speciRod in the aotice�Lender,at Leadar's opttoa muy da:l�rre all
<br /> r.1�.+�"'. � .
<br /> ;Y,•f�.,,�'.�;,;:',. • oF�ye sumy seeured by this Security Iustnunent to be immediately due and puyuble without RuWer demand end may foreclos�
<br /> -�e.,,��' Wis Socuxiry Instrument by judicttil pmceedln8 or i�►voke the gower of sale hereby granted and aay dther remedies pem�itted
<br />;`��'s'`'''`-° ' � b n licuble la�v.Lender sh�ll b$entitled to collect all eapeases of foreclosure.lncladtng.but aot lim[ted to.court coste,And
<br /> ,';aSt�t;,��. ` . Y PP
<br /> costs of docunrontaxy ev[dence. abstrnets aad title ceporta� even if the breach ie ci+red prior to the wmpletion of nny
<br /> , " ���r,�: foreciosurc.
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