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. ;,; , . . <br /> , :� '., <br /> � � . <br /> . .,. , . ., <br /> .. . ��.,►a�... . . <br /> . .. ., <br /> . <br /> ,. �4 ; <br /> ., • ' . ��� ������ - <br /> � � dJnless Lender und Borrower otherwtce aBrei in wdting, nll awards, puyments or judgmcnu+, including interest <br /> ' � • thcr�n.for s�ny in,jury co or decreuse ia tbe valuc of tde Property receiv�d by Borrower wtil be used to reatore the Propeny or <br /> n <br /> npplted ro the puyment of aums secured by thie Secudty Instrument, whether or aot then due, with uny excess paid to <br /> o Borrowes. Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agrec in wdting,tmy applicadon of proceeda to princlp�l sh�ll not exrend _ <br /> or postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referred to In Purc+Bmphs 1 swd 2 or change the umounts of the paycnents. .� <br /> . � Boaower agrees that ln We event aa nwnrd. Payment or judgment jucludsy com{x:nraitiop foe both inJw�y or decmase in the �,n <br /> � • vulue of the Frop2tty and compensation for uay other iajury or loss. the total ama�nt af sucb awurd. payment or judBment -_y <br /> sbnll be doemed coinpensatton wlth respect to the Property nnd 13orrower hereby consec�ta to Lender's Interventlon into nny �^ <br /> .. ��,° praceedings regarding the Property. ���... <br /> , -� T. Loun ApplicaUon Proccss.Borrower shall be in default under this Securlty Insttument,if Bonawer,during the loua .`a,�;�: <br /> applicution process,gave mated�lly false or Inncctuute informatton or atatements to Lender(or failed to provIde L.endor wlth ���_ <br /> any matertal iaformution directly benring on Lender's de�ision to extend credit to Borrower), ia connection with ths loan .__ <br /> evtdenced by thc Note. ��°�^ <br /> 8. ProteeHon of Lender's Rig6ts ip the Piroperiy.If Borrower fails to gerFoma the covenanu+and ugreemente contnlned ___ <br /> in this Security Instrument.or tbere is u IeBal proceeding that may siBnificandy affect I�ender's r�ghts ia tho Property(sucb os �"��= <br /> n proccedfnA in bankruptcy.pmbate.for candemnudon.forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�ulations),then Lender mny do uad �;�.z_-•• <br /> Lender's actiona may o'�-�? <br /> pay fotr whstever ie neoessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's r�ghte in the Property �,_ <br />� F=•� include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prtodty over thia Securlty lnstrument, appearing ia court, paying �'LL" <br /> � reasonable attomeys' fees s+nnd entering an the Property to make repairs or abate nufeances. Although Lender may take Rctlon ��. <br /> � . .�.- <br /> , ,, under thia Farugrs�ph 8,Lender does aot have to do so.'1'ho d�ht of Lender to protect Lender's dghts in the Property ehall - <br /> " tnclude the rl�ht to obteln at Honower's inspecdons, credit reports.appraieals.opiniona of value or other �, <br /> �� ''" �_ ux�ert opiuiono or reporta unlesa prohibited by law. iL4 <br /> � '��� Any aznounts diabursed by Lender uader this Parag�nph 8 aball becoiae additional debt of Borrower sa�wrcd by this <br /> `���° SccurIry Instrumeut. Uuless Borrower and Lender agme to other ten�of payment.these araounts shall bear interest from the --- <br /> „�:�: — <br /> ��'�'�', dnte of disburserxneat at the Note rate and eh�ll be payable,with iatereat,upon dcmaad of Lender. � <br /> , �tr�� <br /> 9. Mortgage Insurence. If Lender required mortgage insurancc as a cuadidon of making the loan sec..ured by thie <br /> e <br /> � Securiry Iaetnuaent, Borruwer shall pay the premiums requk�d to mainwta the iasuraace in effect undl such time es the <br /> :�5;���r;�" . '�,., requlrement for the inew'ance terminates ia accorduuce wit'h Earrower's and Leuder's wrItten agreemeat or applIcsible law. <br /> ���'�'`� h�'.;,. 10. Ipspr,�t6nn.Lender muy uiake or cause to be inade reas�nuble cnules apon end iaspecdons of the Property.provlded <br />- :' ..�r" that Ixnder shall gtve Bor�ower notice prior to Any such inspecqon apeciayiug ceasonabFe�;susc�c�cf�.as r�taiai ta I.aader'� ° <br /> "'�;4;.�,.' i`�' inteiest in the Pra e <br /> ':,.>;1ti5�. �� r P rtS'• <br />. !Il. Condemnatlon. The pracx,eds oP aay awerd or claim for damagea, dirett or coasequential� ln connectton wltb any __ <br /> <.. aua s�i���nta co%na�ern,s bj�c eo�c�cem�s of aay mortf guSe,deed nf uus�t or othe securlty ag�cement wtth a lien whi h -- <br /> � �k'�,�' has priority o es this Se�urity Instnunent. <br />.�� ' �..� Ia the�vent of a totat tuking of e�s Property. the proceeds shall be applt�to the sums secured by t�is 5ecurity <br /> • ; Instmment. whether or not then due. with auy excess pa[d to Bornnwer. Ia the event of a partlel taldnB of the Propeny In _ <br /> '"' ' which the fair market value of the Property Lnmediately before the takfng is equal co or greater thaa thc umount of We auaas <br /> V • - �, secur�d by this SECUrIry Instrumen¢lmmediately before the taking.unlcss Borrower and Lender otherwisa agree ia�vrlWig,the <br /> � ~'r�� sums secured by this Se�urlty lasuument ahall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds aaultlDll�d by the followiag frncdon: - <br />;..��� • �'� (a)the total arrwant of the sums socured immediutely before the taking� divided by(b)the fatr mazket valus of the Ptoperty <br /> L�:�^-�°e� , imtnediatel�r before We taking. Any balaace shalt be pa�d to Borrower. In the event of a partial utking of the l�perty in _- <br />;:::-�;:�•:-:=�,�;.' which the falr market value of the Property immediateYy before the taking is les� than the amount of tho ntu�os securcjd _ <br />_`�`"" +� imme�iately Gefore the tnking, ualess Borrower and Leader othenvise egree in writ3n$ or unle�ss uppltcable ludv otherwlse �, <br /> ,., :.i.r.' — <br /> -`���:�'`� � pmvides.the proceeds shnll be applied to the swas secured by this Securtty Insuument whetieer oz aut the sums arc theA due. __- <br /> . , ;�_` If the 1'mpeity is abandoned by Eomower.or if. aRet natice by Ixnder eo Borrowc�r tUnt the condemnor offe�a to • ___ <br />--�`.';; ^.T make an award or settle a claim for damages,Borrower fnils to respond to Lender within 30 dnys aRer the date the aodca is� ��. <br /> -�*� �. � �� given. Leader is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at ita option. e[ther to restoradon or repair of the Property or .�:: <br /> �..,r.•-irr K.. . '�!;''_ <br />����.. We sums secucw!by this SE�:tuity fusUwaeut,tivhcthcr or not thca due. , � <br />,_�- ,,;..",,, 1lnless Lender�nd Borrov�er otherwlse aBree in wcitiag,anY aPP��c�lon of proceeds to priacipal shall nat eactend or <br /> rn <br /> :�ti°-�..r,zt:;,.: <br /> .�� � . t;• �� postpone the due date of the iaonthty payments referred to ia Patagraphs I aad 2 or chun�e thc aiuount uf eucL paymence. <br /> '��t.:,t,z�.r.:.;j�•r'�• <br /> - ;�r� 1Z. Borrower NoZ Releasedi Forbcarance By Y.ender No!p'Wmivcri Acocpience of Purts�u7 Pnyatent.fixtenaton of the <br />-.�-: <br /> _ ' � � time for pvyment or madification of araortiznttoa of the swns secured by this St:curlty Instrut�nt g�aated by I.eader to � a <br /> - „ �� Borcower or any successor ia intemst of Borrower ehall aot operate to mlease. in any mnaaer. thB liability of tLe orl�innl �_ <br /> � <br /> • ,T = <br /> �+''i NEERA6KA 0@ED OF TRUBT�s�on `� <br /> ,,� ,; <br /> � •'�'`�'� [�1003-0HE Papo a oN : - <br /> ' ''',+j'r'' '''_ <br /> i�;'j�,' :.Si�) <br />..1',;,1�1�- ;���� '��'_� <br /> . .���(�;,.{ <br /> :1,.',,': �.. <br /> ..� � 9 ._��._� �--��-.��._-r-.--��. . . 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