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<br /> s � •1f l.eader invokes the pawer of sate, l.euder shull execuu► or cause Trustee to execute a writtea n�tice of the
<br /> • occurr�nca of nn eveat otdefnult nnd of I�ender's election to enube the Pcopeny t�bc sold.Trustee sball cuuse tdis noticc>to be
<br /> '' r�orded in e�sh county in which nay part of the Property ie lacnted. Lender or Trustee sbNl m�ll copies of the aotice aA
<br /> prescdbcd by applicable law to Bonower aad to the mher pc�sona preacribed by applicable law. Trustee sh�li Bive public __
<br /> notice of sale to the persoas tuid ia the monrter prescribzd by npplicuble luw. After the tirne required by applicunlr luw, �
<br /> '1'rustee�wfthout demand on Horm�ver,shafl se11 the Peoperty at publ(c uuctlon to the hlghcst bidder nt the timc and pince nnd �,�_
<br /> ' � uader the temns designated in the noQce of sale N one or more garcele r�id la su�y order Trust�e deterailaes. Trustee mny 1_
<br /> ° postpone stille of ttll or any parcel of the Property by public ennouncement at the time nnnd place of any previaualy scheduled
<br /> � . ....��.. eale.[.ender or ite desiBner may purcLase the Property at nny eale. �`�
<br /> Tcustec shall deliver to the purchascr Trustee's deed conveying the Progerty without eity covenant or wurrnnty. _-
<br /> � eapressed ur implied. '!he recitals in the Trustec's deed sdaU be prinna fucie eviderece of thc trutk of the statementa mude �=
<br /> '' therein.Tmstee shull uppiy the proce�of the sule in the foliowing order: (a)to uli expenses of t�c sale. includinn,but not �--
<br /> � llraited to,reasonable'trustee's fees;(b)to all awus secured by thta Secuclry Instruatent; uad(c)any exse�s to the person or
<br /> '�, persons Icgally ettutled to it. _--
<br /> ' , 19. Borrower's Itight to Reiastnte. Noiwithetanding Lxnder's acceteration of the sumfl sccured by thto Secudty �y
<br /> �• ' Instcument due to Borrower's breach,�arrower shull hnve the dg,ht to hava any proceedingn l�egun by Lende:r to enforce thie ��'"
<br /> ' Securlty fis4tWment dlscontinued at any time pdor to sale of tha Fraperty or enuy of a judgment enforcing this Secui3ty ��
<br /> . _.,�� Instrument if:(a)Horrower pays Lender all sums which woWd be then due uader this Securlry Insirument end We Note hnd ao -°�
<br /> T- r��celeration occurred; (b) h�utrower cures ell breach�s of any other covenants or agrcx�nents of Borrower wutauted in ihis =—
<br /> " �y;� �; $gC{1TI[y/L18t111f11�Ilt;491d(C)�.IATfOWCI p8y8 8II lNBICC�B fCC.4 tiCtpBUy IIICtITIC��aot exceeding the greater of$50.00 or oae-half �`
<br /> of one percent of the unpaid principul sum secured,au.d caurt costs. Upan sucb payment and cure by Borro�ver,this Security __
<br /> ;,�� Insmtment and the abligattona secural hereby ahall remain ia full force aad effect es if no ecceleration had ocrurred. 7his
<br /> �"' right to reinstate shaU not apply.howcver�In the case of acceleratioa purauant to Paragraph 1�.
<br /> ,'�� 20. Assigament ot Rents; Appointtuent oP R�ceiver. As additlonal securlty hereunder. Aorrower hereby assigns to
<br /> Leador the renta of the Property, provided that Bonower shall, prior to accelerntion uader Paragraph 18 hereof or
<br /> abaadonment of the Property,have the right to callect and retaln such rents as they bocome due aad payable.
<br /> ��` Upan acceleratlon uader Paragraph 18 hereof or ubandonu�ent of We Property� Lender, in person, by ugeat or by
<br /> .> � judiciaUy nppoipted recelver.shall be endded w enter upon,toke possesalon of and manage the Property uad W wUect the
<br /> ' _,.,�, rents of the Ptoperty including those past due.All rente caUected by L�nder ar che receiver shaU be apglted firet W puym�eat of
<br />{ : - - the costs of management o�tde Properry end coiiection of rencs. inciuding.bui uut Slraited i��t�[v;.r's i��gs�st3ssme�a -
<br /> - �;� mceiver's bonds und reasonuble attomeys' fees� nnd then to the sums secured by thia Secutity ia�tn�ment. Lender und the
<br /> _ ,iY�;�'� recefver shall ba liable to accaunt only fur those rent�actually received.
<br /> '�'�t;;, 21. �a¢ardmus Substances. Bortower ahell not cause or pemilt the presence,use,disposal, storage�or release of any
<br />_. �� '.�!�}3�:{' Har.ardoue Substt►nces oa or W the Property. Horrowei shell not do. nor allo�v anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br />• ' •� ' Prop2rty that is ia vloladon of ony Environatental Lt►w.'!�e preceding two szntenses shall aot apply to the preseuce.use�or
<br /> ,�, .. - ti storage on the Property of small qunntitles of Hazardous Substanoes that nre geuer:�Uy recognized to be epproprinte for aomud
<br /> . . :'rr restdential uses aad for maiutenance of t�e Property.
<br /> • � a��r�h 8orrowor shali promptly give Q�eader written aotice of any luvestigadon.cltiim, demaad,lawsuit or other action by
<br /> };.;.•� :,, any govemrde�tal ar regulatory agency or privtnte party iavolving the Property and nny Hazardous Substonce or
<br /> "� Bnvisonmental Law of which Borrower hes acturJ hnowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notlfled by nny govemmenutl or
<br /> i;
<br /> y,,; . ,�, P �Y �Y+
<br /> ,.:::,, tegulutory usthority, that any remov�l or other remediation of eny Ha7ardoua S�batanco eff�cting tbe Pro e ie n
<br />` „n��-�,>.�.rt; ' Borrower shati promptly take aU aecessary remedial uctfoae in accordauce with Bavlranmenuil I.aw.
<br /> " ,+,
<br />��•• .:.,,;�j�,�.� pa used in this Paragraph 21. "Hazardous Substanccs"are those substauces deMed as tunk or haz�rdoua substunces
<br /> n��=�'��� `° by Envirom�ntsl Luw and the followtag substances: gRSOliae.keros�ne,other flcmnuible or to�cic peuolewn producte,waic _
<br /> �.�:
<br /> ���- �a pesdcides and hcrbicideo,volatUe solventa,mat°riala coatatniag asbesws or fomu3ldehyde.and radleactl�e matedule•Aa us�d
<br /> -;�::':.. .
<br />~� �" in Wis Paragrnph 21, "Eaviromnental Law"means federal laws and lawa of the Jurlsdirdon wbere the Pmpx�tyr is locuted thut
<br /> relate to h�Ith�safr.ty or envlmnmentel protectioa. —
<br /> � '•'-•- 22. R�ronaeyrince.Upon payment of�II sums secured by Wis Security Iasauraent, ILender sLall request Tmstee to
<br />�'�'-"-�-� rccanvcy thc 1PmgeRy sna sh�l sotretscler thls Security [r.gtmmerrt and pii netes evideacing debt secured by thte Seoutlty �
<br />� :� � � r��..
<br />��:�+.,�,*� Instrua�ent to Trustee.Tn�atce sh�ll reconvey the Property without warranty to We person or pe�sons lega]{y entided to �t, !i.
<br /> rn.:. `,r . Such person or persons ahail pay I.eader's reasonuble charge for preparatioa of aay pnyoff stateanent os o�her document in _
<br /> .�="'w�•��- connection wlth the reoonveyance.aay'fruatee rocoaveyance fee and any coata of reaordation,unless applfcuble law pmvides
<br />""�''"'.°�..: . oth�rwise.
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