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<br /> � ' � dJpon paynteut!n fult of nll�ums cecuec�t by thie Security fastcument, Lender ehnl!promptly retLnd to 8orrower any ���'•�
<br /> • Furtds held by Lender. It,wvler Pnru�rnp� l0. L ender ahnit acquim ot�ell tho Pro{�rty, l�cacfer,prtor to the acquiaidon or { '�.
<br /> , ealc of the Property,eha11 apply nny Funda held by I.enAer nt the time of ucquisition or eal�ns a credlt anninst the sums
<br /> ' secured by thlo Securlty lnslrument. ____
<br /> 3. Appllt�tton oQ Pag►nicretn.Ail pnymente of princtpnl and lntcreat recclved by I.cnder ehail bc applied as provided in �����
<br /> the Note. If i3orro�ver o�ves tx�iaer a�iy lat�cha¢acs,oe u�►ca fce�or churgcs ("other chnrBe�"),/hey ajlt be ps�ynble upon
<br /> ° nder. Unl�ss rohibttcd by 1nw.the�pplir.r.tlon of pnyamnts mny be uffi.•cted by the Imno�itlon uf other char�es. �'`�`��
<br /> demand of Le p
<br /> 'I�erefom, paymente of other chnrQes. whether p�id to Lender la r.ddition to the monthly pAym�nt or separ.�tcly, will bc
<br /> `.�:�° npplied in u mzwter at tho ubsoluto discretion of the 3.snder. Borrower ugrces thnt Lender may epply uny payment recelved ',_�::���
<br /> ' under PAmIIrnphs 1 nad 3,either flrst co arrtounta pnyublw under Paragrnph 1.or flrst to ur�ounte p�yable under Pura�mph 2. �,;�-__
<br /> A. Frior Mor¢gaaes nrtd D�ds of Trust;Charge�:Llcas.Borrower shuil perform ail of Bonower's obligattuns under �.,,_,�
<br /> nny mortQoBe. deed of tnist or otdeP securiry agrctmcnt witb a!lcst rlhiclt hns prlorlty ov�r th�s Securtty iastnunent� If any. �^
<br /> � including @onower's covennnts to make payraents when duo.Borcower e4a11 pay or enuae to be pnid ull tnxes.assesstaents aud
<br /> ottier chNaes.flnes aud I�gositions utulbutnble to the Property which mny nttntn n prlodry over tbte Security Insuumens�and ____
<br /> � leasehold pAymenta or Qmund rente,if uny. �:'�'
<br /> , Borrower shnll olso pay.6efore the snme bECOme dellnqu�nt.the entire nmouat og nay tax levied upon tl�tta Secur►ty �,y*.
<br /> - . • Instniment.upon the iaurest of Lender under thla S�urity IasUvment or upoa the ladebtedness secured hereby. ��-
<br /> ° g, EnsurAnce.Horrower shatl keep the improveraents ttow existtng or hereufter erectc�d on the Propeny iasured against �
<br /> loss by fii+e.hezards included witbin the term"exteaded coverngo," flood and Any nt�er haaacds a� Lender may mquire, fcom �
<br /> °,�� time to time�aad ia such enaauut nnd for sU.ch periods es Lender may mquire.
<br /> ;; '!he inauruace cnrrler providing ttie insurance sball be chosea by Borrower subJect to approvN by Lender;provtded �...
<br /> " � ' that sucd nppruval shuU r.ot be unreasonably withheld.If the Barro�ver ftdle to muiatuin the covemBe descdhrd nbove.Lender --=
<br /> r ms�y.n3 ic�upttoa,obtain oo,:rage to protect tts rig�ts ia the Property in t�ccordnnce with Paragraph S. All ituw�ttce poflctes —
<br /> �� aad ret.�s thereof shaU be in e form acceptable to Lender�td shnU Iaclude n atwidurd mottguge clause ia favor of and In __.
<br /> a fomi nvoeptable to Lender. L,ender shnU have the right to hold the policies end renewtda there�of,�ubJect to the tem�s of nay
<br /> � � mortgu�e, deed of uust or other aecurlty agreement with a lien which has prlority over thta Security Instnunent. If nuy
<br /> insurauce pmeReds are made puyAble to Bozcower.�orrawer shaU promptly pay such Amounts to Lender.including, without
<br /> ° limitation,the eadorsecneat to Lender of aay pmo�e�s anade by check ar other dratt.
<br /> Unlesa L.cnder aad Borrower otherwise t�e in wrltlnII� inswnaoe Proce+eds sbnU be applied to restutution or rep�ir
<br /> •� - of We �ro�erty dautaged�if tite rescoration or ccpnir is�u��ty f�fbk aad:.�er's�tris;i_aQi 1��+'�. �f t�Q
<br /> ' c�estomtian or repalr is aot economically fensible�ar Lendu's security �vould be lessened,the insurance proceeds shull be
<br /> •• applted to the sums sesutod by thie Securtt�►lnsmtt�nznt,��hether or aot then dus,wiclhh any excess paid to Borrow�r.
<br /> +� Unless Lender and Borrowcr othenvIse�gr�c in wrttiu8�a�►Y aPPlication of prooeeda to princlpal shall not extend or
<br /> . �.;�i,:� postpone the due date of the montWy payntenta refexred to in Purngrnphs 1 and 2 or change the aznouat�of the payaaents. If —
<br /> � `�ft�`•�s; `• under Paragmph 18 tbe Praperty is acqufred by Lender. Borrower's rlght to nay inswaace nollcies end pmceeds resultinB
<br /> ' ,��?��''�; � rlor to tDe uieldon shall Ass to Lender w the exteat of the sutas secured by thla��utlry
<br />�,.,` - .,.r, fmm duma e to the PmpertY P �9 P
<br />_ Insuuraent Imraediotely pdor to the acquisttioa.
<br /> � ..,,,b 'Ihe provlsions af t�is Parngrnph S cano��g the ps►yment.disbursement or applicateon of lasumuce proceeds sbn11
<br /> �� nppty Car any insurence PmceeEs covering the Pmp$�ty whether or not(i)Leuder ie n named iasured.(ii)the policy conwias�
<br /> : mort�aage n:tause or(iU)l.endec htu requiied Bomawcr co mciis�tnin the iasurance. Borrower auWorizes and dtrects any insurer
<br />-�""• �' � '�' to list Lender as a loss payee oa any payraent of insurance pr��s upon Lender's aotice ta lnsurer of Lender's interest in the
<br />=::i��;•c,-r....., . .
<br /> ;-.;..�.m:,:�S"s.,. �ILSIIIffi1CC(1I�OOCC�B.
<br />�f�,..�. .,.�.•._� Ia the event�f7loss.Borcower eball give�7�ompt aotice to the ins�u�te carrier and L/ender.Ixnder may muke proaf
<br />:s-wa.�-.�a.. ,�,.
<br />- , �r-..•:.:._�� of loss if not made pro�rnpAy by Sornower. �
<br />�`��c�"'#�:�•��"' pf�he ptr�pe�ty is aban.doAecl by Bormwer. or if Borrower faUs to respond to Lender�vithia 30 duya from the date
<br />�i3`�f n�k(r'%:' .
<br />=,:.;�.�'��'- aodoe is rnailed by Lender to Baraowcr that the insurauce efurier offera to Fettle a claisu fmsr insurance beaefite, LendEr is
<br /> ,,,,s�.�����c. '
<br /> ' �� +.� au�horized to oollect and app1Y the insurance pro�eeds at Lender s o�tion�lther to restoratioA or repair of the Pc+operty ar to �
<br /> °�.`� ' '" the sums secured by this Securlty Inatn�ment.
<br /> �.R'�..�.e
<br />-�'6-T-:� �� b, pe+eservANnn and Mointennnce of Pmp�ty;Leaseholdst C��atalmlauns; Pinnaed UWt De�elopmente•Borcower
<br /> �,_ __ _
<br /> F-:_
<br /> _-�'���''"�� 9onuwerpshoU ao da anyth� affecttng the Praperty�tus 3u v�io�lutlam o�"anylaw ord�Inanc�e or govemment��On —
<br />_=��T"",;�,., _ � � applicuble co a resideatlal property,aad Borro�ver shall couipiy�vlth the�::�vislons of auy lease if thia Serurity Instrument is
<br /> "' ' on a leasehold. if this Secudty Instnunent is on a uait in a coadominiuFa�or n plaaned unit development.Borrower shu11 =—
<br /> - � � �, pedorm all of Borra�ver's nbligutions under the decluration or wvenunta creutiag or goveming tlze condomWum or plannect —
<br />' ' � unIt development,the bytawa und cegulations of the oondomWum ar planaed uait development,end ooustituent dceumenta. �--
<br /> c �
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