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<br /> Picaso sce Exhibit•A•,here'by attieched attd mudQ n part here�P. ,��
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<br /> . � beinB We same pmgefty►oommonly kno�vn ns: ��� 68B�10 ("ProPerty Address )• �i.;r.=-
<br /> . „
<br /> 309 W.3r�St. �r, _�
<br /> .. � 'Q'OGEI'ti�R with siii the improvements no�v or hereafter erect�on the property. and all esissements�cnghts. appurteaances '-"
<br /> _ . .� �n_.
<br /> � � s►ad rents.nll of which shall be deemed to be and rematn a pan of the propertY covere�my this Security iasuwiieat. All of the �tti�`
<br /> foregoiaII, toIIether v�lth suctn pzopertY (or the lc�sehold e�tate if this S�curity TnsY��'m�nt is on a leasehold)a� called the ��;.;:
<br /> , ' .,p�PertY•" ..s=��
<br /> ' �' Bo�rower wvenanta that Borrower ta IawlWly sei�ed of the estate herPby conveyed and h�s the r��ht tv mortgage,
<br /> ' Bmat ond convey tbe PropertY� and thut dte Pro�setty is uaencumhered. except for eacumbrances of recard. Horrower ---
<br /> „ +�. �v�,��d ooveaunts thut Borrower wAl defend gearra'lIy tbe title to the P'ro1►ertY n8ainst�1 claims and dema�c�,subject to
<br /> -•, encwnbrnncea of reoord.Bosower f�uther warraate�c�p'�seats aad covens�nta ns foUo�vs: -
<br /> ' 1. gey�mnt oi Erlucipal and lnterdt.H°n°wer shall promptly pay when due the prfucipal and iaterest indebtedness �-
<br /> and al!other c2»trges evidenced by the Nots. �er,�nd subject to applicable law.Borrower shall pay to Len�er
<br /> • Z. �nds[or Taxes nnd l�sura�t�.If requited by --
<br /> . Am due uuflcr the Note.�til the Note is paid ia full.a sum("Fu��s")for:(a)yearlY u+xes attd �
<br /> on it�a�ay iucasssl;gs;�ts-- � �! l�1c!Is�Y-mfmte or
<br /> u
<br /> .:'��. � oss�,,ments which may attuUn priodty over thia Securiry lasuwnent ns a liea on the'rropociy:t 3 Y'" Y �ums. :�r°4=
<br /> � � � , w,�,' � grouad rents an the PropertY,if any:(c)YeaT1Y harard or pmperty Insurancc premiums�(d)Yearly tlood tasurance P
<br />- „ .. if any: and(e)Ye�ly mortgu�;e insurnnse pcemiva�, it aay. Theae Items ure called Esemw Iten�." Lender may. etlaxa
<br />`. . , , time.caUect and hold Fun���account uader the fe;�erai Renl�state Settleraeat ndPmee�iures A�c of 1974,as azae decl from
<br /> r�rn:�r require for Bornower e
<br /> ' ' tis�ae to t1me.12 U.S.C.Sc:cti�n 2601 et seq.t"�P�p��'�"��s A°0�er luw that applies to the Fundo sets ule�str autotu►t. If
<br /> •:.,.:, , a
<br /> „�.. -: so.L,cnder muy.at ony timeb ia of cument da and reasoswble�te.uunates oY e�dltures of�Nturet Bscraw Items or�enr� -
<br />.T,;�w�..., •�y�; tunoaat of Fuads due oa th ---
<br />_ . .. in n000rdance wi[h rsppltcable luw.
<br />=;�... . '[he Funds ehntl be held ta an institutton whose deposits are insured by a federnl ageacy. U►stnunenwliry.or eutr,�1 —.
<br />`.'�'t'L�:;,- �: � {iacludtag Leader.if Ixu��c in such an[nsdtuHon)or in eny F e d c T U l Home L o a n Bnnk. Lender ehatl apply tbe��escrow �°:�;
<br />�lir,•:}..!,::..•�,
<br /> 1 the Fuads� aanuaUy enalYzlnB ;;�;;:
<br />-"'�„'�'"`.:, '�. the Es�mw Itews. L�ader may aot charge Bo:rower for holdiag and app —_
<br />�`=-�-��_y..;�� y,��`� acaount�or verifying the Escmw Items,unle�ss Lender pays Borrower intemst on We Funds Qa�P�d�l�d nt r�.eal e�.�ta�ta
<br /> ,.;,;�6.-+�;rc.��.��4 uire Bosower to pay a one-time chnrg
<br />-�;�,��,.r;,,,; to make such a chnrIIe. Nawever. ixnder may req _
<br /> r"- service used by�r ia aonaPCtioa with this loan,unless upplieable law pm���er any•incerc�m et�mings on
<br />-��s`�,f;i{� r�,=..�r TPpoT�I�B --._.
<br />'��� �*� -. is made or applta►ble law����s interest w be p�id,ll.�ndec shall aot be required w paY
<br />�'`�-"'i�;�.• the Fuuds. Borcower and Leader may agcee in wdtwB,ho�vever,that interest shnU be ps�id on the Funds. �under shatl Qtve ,�,..�
<br /> � ", ,� ` w Barrowrr.without chat6e.sui annual uccauntin8 of We F1mds.showing cYedits and debits to the Fuuda end the putpese for -''
<br />,u�,'-:... this Sec�r4'ty
<br />" whirh ea�t debit to the Fuads was made. 'Ihe Fuads ere plod�ed as aQdidonnl securiry for aU suma se�vred bY
<br />,..�..�`..�...:� . k
<br />---�'�E'r.�'� Insinunent. licable law�Lxader sbtill acoovnt to
<br /> �,• ued to be held by app
<br />�1'f;y;,�,.����, . If the Fuads held by I.ender exoead We ana�unts Porcai licable Inw. If the emount of the Funds held by =
<br /> Rsi;r'ib,"„�,:�,:.^' Boirower for the excess Funds ia ac�oidiu►ce with ttto requtremsnts nf aPP
<br />}�';�.;`•::,•,`.s Lender Qt�y time ia uot sufRcient to�ay the Esct�w Items wt�due�,Lenp er�maeficiency. Borrower h�l�make up�tice
<br /> . � .., ��� such cas� ���r.�rower ehNl pny to I.eaJer the ta�uat necessarY
<br /> : . :�.- ,�, deficiency ia�ao more�Ran cwelve mon�hly payments.at I.cuder's sole discretion.
<br /> • �� W�BRd►�Ct�►dE�O OF TRUBT ie�on - _
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