, �5.. . ,����, �'�r���� ,4_ ,..
<br /> j � , Q �� ` � ��� � , . ` .. ..
<br /> �� V I 'K � -----�.. �
<br /> ��� =:�,-4-
<br /> . ' �Q . - - - - _ ..
<br /> :.=� ` � RERECORDEOg3•'Rf�� 93� ion�.�s --
<br /> ��NUfa�itnwUnn ar�►thcr takln,�ot'qny pur�oP the Propeny.or for conveyonce in Ifeu of condemn��ian,ure hereby axsipned wnd
<br /> — �ItrN bo pwid to Lendcr. �
<br /> � In Iho avcM of� tdvl lofcin�uT ihe Propeny. Ihc procceda rholl be applied to thc sumx securcd by �his Securiry
<br /> InM�nimeM,whrlhcr nr n�w thcn duc.wi�h any exceR�puid�o Borrower. In the evem af a paniul tukin�oP�he Pmpeny in
<br /> ; � which Ihe i'air m�rlcct vaiuc of thc Pn+peny immediutcly bcfbr+e the�aking i� eyu�l�n or greate�than�he umaunt af�he sums
<br /> �+�.v:wn+l hy�hiK�x�:u�i�y Inwumcnt im�uediu�ely befarc�he�aking,unle�x Barmwer And I.ender rnhenvi+ce Agree in wdting,
<br /> -;�` tho�umr r.eeuntif hy thts Security !n4[nhnrnt xhAll he rcdumd hy�he amount of�he prcx:eed�multiplied by�he Follawing -
<br /> IiwcUun: lu►�he�otul anuwnt oi�he�umx aecumd immediutely before the iuking,dlvided by lbl the fair mu�Ae�vAlue af 1hc
<br /> 1'nrywrly imu�ediulely before �he wic[ng. Ally b71I7lIICC RIIAII bC j4ll(1(0 NDI'fOWCf. In the evem of u paniul tuking uf it►e '.
<br /> ('d�pe�y in which�hc fuir morlcct volu.c c►k'1he Prop�ny immedlutely heforc the twl:ing is less than the umount af the sums
<br /> . - -- rw�eaned ImmcdiMcly Aefore the�aking,ua��s Bartvwer and l.ender othcnvise agreo m writing or unlesc s�ppllcubfe law _
<br /> •���-', utharwt�o pmviJe►►.�he prarecds�twfi bc applied to�he sums aecu�cA by thic Securiry In+�trument whether or nat�he sums are
<br /> :==Y' �Iwn duo.
<br />"`�-.�:,c+` If Ih�.•1'n►�xhy ik uMsuKkNkd by Bnm�we�.or if,after M�tice by l.endcr to Barn�wer thut Ihe condemnor offem to make �
<br />__ � �i�`��� un uwa�rl or�:ulc u rlaim Pur Ja�mgcs.&xn�wer fAils ro rex�nJ�o Lender within i0 dny.uPter the date the nmice ir given. —
<br /> ..�"��� I.anJur i�uulhuri�.ed k�collec�ancl np�►ly al�e pn�ceeds.at its aptiun.ei�her�o��tcxation�u rep•rir of the Propetiy or to the
<br /> tiwnM M.r:ureJ hy�hix S�YUrity Inu�u�rnent whrther or nnt�hen due.
<br /> llnlec.r I.cnikr wul li�xn►wNr uthe�wise a�ree in writin�,any applieution of prnceeds to principul shall nat extend or
<br /> �'' ��'�6� ��w��a�e�be due dute uf ihe�n�rit�tityµ�}mrrnt.�feRCd to in parnBmphs 1 und 2��r change the amaunt of yuch paymants. —
<br /> � ' �r�; 11. Norrowe� NW Reltace�lt�'L+'O�ew�nce By I.ende� N4t a Wni��e� �xten+ian oi the tlmc far payment or _
<br /> �� ' � `"`�r'�;, i m�wlMculiva uf um�x�ieWia►of 1he wnn.�:cc�c�i hy this Security I�Ftrument grAmad by Lender�o uny �uccex+or in interesl —_
<br /> � "�i,'�;, of(lurmwcr hhull no�aperrt�w�iease ohe iiabilily af the ariginal Banawer or Honower�succosu�rti in iMerest. Lender =
<br /> _--_ hhall n�+t he n+��d eo�vnm�sr.�pnxti�eclim,�x ugain�� any �uccessar in intems� ar ref'use �o extend time fnr�wyment or ��. .
<br /> .r ,•, r„�.• ��Ilwrw�n�ma1�Cy;un.Kevanun i�l�Ek,umti.�n�u�sd by iGi.aec urity in5trum�nt by c�a.uu ot a�iy dcmand madc h}•thc ariginal �.«=
<br />.:�:�a ��'`�• ':'�' . Bum�wer or Nomtwert.occr�u�r�In inte�t. A»y furbearnnc� by Lender in exercixing uny rlght ar remedy shall not be u -.-•�=
<br /> j�. .1 ..d..��• p_.
<br /> �; _, waivar uf ur pnclwk Ihe excrcinc uf any ri�ht or remedy. �r
<br /> �,-;,: y. 13, tiuceQr��wpd Aset�aN Bound:Join�O aad Severa0 Li ubility;Co-xl�nera. The cavenunts und ugreements of�his [?t_��`
<br /> ,�,,V� Srcurily Inhlnm�em�hull bind uncl brne8� thc surcetiwn And as,iFns of l.ender and Borruwer,subject to�he provi.ion�of ;�.._„
<br /> ;, pnrugrnpl� 17, fli�rcowrri.rovununtx unJ ugRrmcnt�xhall bc jaint und uvcral. Any Barrowcr who c�rxign+thix Securiry "-�•'>
<br /> �`' ��"�' In*irumenl hw d�kx nu�rzcru�c�h�Nute: lul ir co-siFning this Securily Instrument only n�martguge,grant and convey th�t '::�-
<br />• � ,,; . . •.L � �� BiKn�wer�in��n,�N�in�he Pro�ny undcr ilx�tcrmx uf�hi+Securiry Inwrumcnr. (b)is not pen�onally abliguted to pay the sumx i•;�;
<br /> _ _. +�curcJ by ihik SerurNy In+trumem;anJ Irl agrce�tCwt Lcnder and any other Borrawer may ugree to extcnd,m�►dify.fo�bear ����
<br />-r°% •��'�'� "� ', '� .x muke uny uccumm��lu�i��n� wi�h rcgund �o�hr cem►h ui thi� Security Inxtnimrm or �he Note without that Sormwer ti ` �
<br /> �.�.:,;.. .. , � ���n�cnt.
<br />�,�" � ,.;;�,:._.y 11. l.uAn Chrr�es. 11� I�r�n .x�uml by �hi.Seruri�y Instrument ix subject to u law which �cels maximum loan --
<br /> ,-;��� . ; ,:;;�;i:�,�+� charyter.und Iha1 iuw iti linaliy interpmted u�tiwt 1E�i�m�i ar uther i.u�n ci�arge,culleci�J ur to t�callected in connecticxti —ra�-
<br />,:;,,,;,��� i,'r ��, ,,.:� wilh IIK luun rxcerd�hr�nniued limit..�hen: +:�1 any suc�le�n churge sh.►Il lx reduced by the�mount necexsary to reduce 'Y';
<br /> �'1', l�i!�rr. ,: .�:
<br /> r + ^' y�,;,. ° Uk�churytr to�Fte permU�rd limir,anJ/bl un}•aim��a0reucl� «*]lected from Borrower which exceeded peRnitted limi�s w�ill be -
<br /> _,,,,. •t
<br /> ,;;,:;,-,�/;; ,,��:�_ n�l'umkd��+fl�a rower. l.cixkr may chcw.e to make thi+rcfuncl hy reducing the prinripal owed under the Note or by mnking a
<br />�%�;4�.'',:" . dinrl paynxnl la Bnm►wer. li a rcfwiJ rcJucrs�,rinripal.�he reduc�ion wi)l be Ireuted ns a p:vlful prepuymenl withaut any .;,
<br />-��:::- �"'''' . . 1�^'I�yow ui churp�un�kr�Uc IYar. ;�..-.
<br />"'' � 14. Nulkt�. Any oatirr a. &�rn�xrr�x���i�lad i'or in ihi. Security Instnimen� +hull be given b�• delivering it or by �`=�
<br />�' �.+ , moilin u h lin�i rla..mufl unk��a laahle lu«rr wn+u�r nf anoiher method.The noticc shall be directed to thc Prapeny -
<br /> ..� : ,'.:.. .. p�,� N Y � PP y '�
<br /> r . AJJrr��nr uny�Nhcr u�Wn�� &►m►w�r�k�ignata.h� notice tn l..endcr. Any notice to Lender shull he given by firtit clnss ;
<br />,�,,. .Y;,��,t,,,..,t�..� mail lu l.c��l�r a uddn��,IUte�l hr�in.K�m�xher addre.•Lcnde: Jesignutes hy notice to Borrowee Any nolice provided for
<br /> �y, � in d�i.Srcuri� In*woie�u ,hull tk �ktim�vl w havr t�rcn ��iven to Burrower or Lendcr w•hen given a. provided in �hix �k�;;
<br /> :•'��-�ti. k���LL ``� ; M�'+k �} Y .
<br /> r �
<br />"r�', "�,� � -•-< * IS. (:o�•crnlnp I.�w�t tiSevc�bllil�. Thi� Srcurnp I�.ann�xnt .hall bc gmemed by federal law and the law of Ihe :
<br /> �.•
<br />��`���•,';.^ , ,;`' � juri+alictiun in wQirh�hc I'�u�xny i�I�k+nrd. lo Uk rven�that am proai�ion or rluu�e af thi+Security Instrument or the Note
<br />`�� �'��'�r ' '�'.. -r�+%'�, .�;�����y conllicl�wi�b upplicuM�luw.wcl�conllirl,twii�kK�(fact utt.:;provi.ions i�f thir.Srcurity In,t�wnent or the Note which can
<br /> r"'y�• 'r ,. , '�
<br />'���;;' , . ,•n��:. , „ ix givrn clTecl wilhuw dx r�H►Iliclin�t pro��i.wn. Ti��h�.rrwi the pn►vi,ion�of�his Sccurity Instrument und the Note ore
<br />-,e�•".1. �' 'y'_� d�lureJ�u I+�,ev.•ruMlr. .� .
<br />'w:�+�����;; ',; I6. HorroNe�'x l'opy. NuR�►u�r�h;dl ta����n��c��n.t��Krncd ropy i�f thc No�c:►nJ ul'ihi.Security Instrument. ��'�`
<br /> ;�:•�'�� .�� 17. 'IrwnrJer��f thc Pn P� P 5 Y f`��
<br /> T'„ :;; ,. .. � ,. . w �perl}•�K N Ite�rficial lo1er+esi ir Burrower. 1 i all or imy ►n oi'the Pru en�or an interest in ,,,
<br /> 1j►{ •� ' °��'"'�"'��.�, � il i.�uW ur trun.l'rR�J wr if u Ixnrl�ci�d mt�rc.t in&Kr.►�a�}r i�.uW or�ransl'crrcii.+nd Borruwer is not u nutural penon) .
<br /> . ��ttY • wiliMnN Leiukr;p��ur wrfu�n rnnknl.Lrn�lr�nr�y.. .0►t,�p�inn.rcyuirr imnxdiulc puyment in full of tdl sums.ecured by • ,
<br />;t_`'���`_ �'r.�;;,.. �hi�S��urUy h�+lrunknt. Nuw.v�r.�hi.npliun.fulf a�r P►r eu..�i.ed by Lender if exerci.r is prohibi�ed by federal law us of �%'-
<br />� •:.
<br /> + IIk Juteuf Ibi.tircurily(n.uw�knl. .�-�
<br />`��; , I(I.en�k�.xrn•ik,�bi.��pt��m.l.cndrr.hull�:�vc H�irn�wer n�nir�ul'ucr.lcru�ion. Thr n�nire shall provide u periaf of -
<br /> "�.,� .,��'. . n�N Ir.,�him i��du�•.tr�an�h��detr th►n�N�rc i,dclfvrnJ ur mail�J wi�hin whirh N��rr��wcr mu.t pay ull tium�+ecured hy�hi, �
<br /> ,�`i..�.� �,��.:` .
<br /> , �K,«:� ; �. . ,, Srruri�y In,mioiem. 11 1lnnowrr luih iu p��� dir.r .um,priur w �he expiru�iun ol'thi. �xnocl. Lrncler may invol.e any
<br /> 'f••.' nnkJic��xnu�ll.��l l+�Ib�,S.•.mu� In.lrumenl wdhuwlunhcr n���ircurJ�m:mJun Ni�rn�w•�r. `..
<br /> �r��' IN. f1�K�ower'� RlKhl lo ReInwIW��. II R��nuwcr nxrt, rcnain rundiuon.. Hurro�►cr .hall have Ihc rigM �o have
<br /> ' , ��Mi�rronk��N�H tlp�ti�ti•wuy lu.numrnl di.rununurd at:m�tinh•pri�rc tuthc earlier uf: �:u S da}.�„r.uch other period•rs
<br /> .� .. '`� `�'" �'' bnykl+md� !'wpk\1nc�IhddkNurl�l�'lIR\II\Sl'Rl'�fE�'1'..l'uu�xmt'u�e�uot. 91911 r�u�PJ�¢Ary4rs�
<br /> ' i
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