i�` � .---r -�r. .� •�f�l�Gy?,.%�% ',4.'7 :;;'. � ' _i ;� � . :li ��
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<br /> .. � � '"i' I i'� 1��YX•f+(y�r1��' 'i�Q +�� �:�=���'•: ' J`
<br /> �lr t r �t: �; I ' r�'.( !1
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<br /> . ' . . � � .' -iii J I � ::+�%�ij 11, � , !•J•y'irlN
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<br /> ♦ . '� - 1. ' ?; ��`'{�� f' ' '`�,l•�.�...�� ... _ .._-. .-. .
<br /> - . ..1.1 IW�._.. __..- -
<br /> _��_R=��..�►,� :10A553 _._
<br /> �3 93..! �.anic►s
<br /> - v p�rlad�Qwt Lenckr myuiroo, 7he inaurance ca�mar providing 1ha Inauranc�shull be chosen by Borrower xul�Jcct to Londerb
<br /> - - - - , , pp�oval whlch slipll rtot be utueasonably witlthcld, lf�or:owrr fnilx t�maintain cave►age de�c�ihe�d Ahnve,l.ender msy.q _-_-
<br /> 1.e�idert c�pli��n,aMwin covon��e ta protect Lender s rights in th�Prc�erty!n accordanea w11h p�ragraph 7.
<br /> -- - All in.unu�co palicke�nd renewds siwll•be uccep�Able�o l,ender ond shell include a swndard martg�ge clauRe. Leadar
<br /> whw8 lu�re tho�i�hl to hold Iho policies and renewals, I'f l,ender nr�ui�ew,Borrower shull promptly give�a Lendcr all rocefptr
<br /> - � �� ��f Mid promiumM pnd ronewal naiccs. !n Ihe event o3losti,�c+rrower shall give prompt notice to�he inwrance caMer and
<br /> --�— L���'. l.d�alar uiwy mnku pmof uf iws If nat mad�prc�mptiy by E3orrawcr.
<br /> _— -- —•r�� Unler�w Londer wwl Bamawer otqcrvvise agrce in wriiing,insurance proceeds shull be Applied to rostoradan ar repui�of
<br /> -�=�r - tho �ny damwQed, if the t�stora�bn or repair is economicu�ly feasible and L.ende�k security ix na Iessaned. If tha � ,'
<br /> ' rc�tcrc+n an ar ro�i�iR nat ecanomically Peasibfc or L�ndcr';,ecority would be lessened. �he in�umnce procceda shpll be
<br /> =.,'°'",',, Appllnf lo Iho sume Fecurcd by this Securiry lostsument, whcthcr or not then due, with uny exceas paid to Barrowcr. If
<br />-�,;;s Barower ubundonM the P�openy.or dae�npz ansu�er within a0 dnys a naticc from l.e�der t�wt the Incumnce carrier haa
<br /> offercd lo seulo a oluim,then Lender muy calleca��fie ansurnnce pmceeds. L,ender may use tbe proceeds to rcpuir or rest�x�e
<br /> " - �ho prnperty ar to pay wmr cxw�ed by this Securi:y insonunent,whether ar na then due. The 30�day period will begin when
<br /> �he notico iry{iven.
<br /> "„" Unkwx Ixnder and Bormwer atherwise agree in a•rizing,any'APPlicc►tion of proeads lo prinsipol shall not extend or R�
<br /> �—_- poslpone the due dale af Ihe monlhly payments refcrred tu in par.��:�phs I and:or chunge the nmowu of the paymentx. lf
<br />_�;" under pua�raph 21 tho Pmperty is acqui�ed by l.emler,Aormwera righr to nny insurance policies and praceeds rosuiting
<br /> -- f�+am dpmaQe�u Ihe t'roperty pdor to�he acquisiticyn shnll pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums securcd by this Securi�y
<br /> ; ;."� Inslrumen�immediatelyprfar ta�hc ucquisitian. —
<br /> ! � - 6. Oc�np�acy P�+a�ervatlan. Mqiateow�ce a�nd �P+noteciaqn o! ihe Property: Borrowe�'s Lo�a Applkatlon: _
<br /> I,eauhoW� Bartawer shall accupy.establish.and ase the d'rr►perty us Borrowerk principel residence within sixty days afier —
<br />�:;L.„ the execution af thix Secu�ity Instniment nnd shaH con�im�: �o occew��tlee Propeny as Borrnwer±principal residence for at °
<br /> - �• Ieaxt aa year utlar thB date of nccuponcy, unless �ender o�Gaerwi�e agrees ln writing, which consent shall not be ���
<br />�-� • unmACOnubly wi�hheld,ar unlass eKtenuating cjrcumstilQlCCS CXISI u'�IIC�t afi beyond Borrowerk cont�ol. Borrower shall not �:.�'
<br /> D � , �: .w. dectroy,dumage nr impuir�he Propcsny,ullow the Ro�rerty to d�teriaruce,ar commii wnste on the P�aperty. }Aoemwer shall
<br /> � '�`�"°••��" be in default if any forfefture aNian or praceeding.whel6cr ci��i1 or.criminal,is begun that in Lender's•gaod faith judgment � '
<br /> ' . �, ����.+�. could rexull in fixEeiwro af 1he Property or dhenvise n�steriall� Im,��ir the lien crcated by this 5ecurity Instrument or ,
<br />- � ;•• �* s..,,,_ Lender x r;erudty lnterosl. Barmwor may cure guch a default and rrmsta7e.�is provided in puragrnph 18,by causing Ihe action
<br /> •r"�;+��)Y f�;��, ar pmceedin�to be d1AmlKr�ed wi�h u rulin��hat,in l,enderk good faith�d:Yermination,pmcludes 1'orFeiture of the Barower!c -
<br /> . ' ''�r':'-''",°�'�'`?s interc�t fn Ihe rt or ather mwterful im irment of the lizn creiue;l b this Secu�i In4trumenl or Lender� securit
<br /> . . .,�,;�,..= .. ,t} � y w� y �r y ,.,.::
<br /> ',,�N inte�ext. Borrowe� shall alxo Uc ie defauU If Bortower, during ihe loa�i ap,plication prceeqs. gave mnterially falsc or �=��
<br /> � • � inaccurnle infotmulfon or at�lemenl�:ta l.ende�(or fuikd tcn pr�vide 1.end�r with urn mnteriul infarmation)in connection w1�h -
<br /> ° � �' `� `"' ' ��� �he loun evidonced by �he NcHe. including, but not limiaecl 70, repre�:niniions conctming Borrower's accupancy of the �;�;;,
<br /> � ` ,,• � Propeny a.r w princfpal re�idenre. !P thiK Secu�ity Inxm�ment is an a leaset��9d,Harrower shs+ll comply with all the provisions
<br /> , - �;� - . oi�irc ieaxe. It 8omowcr w.�yui�ex fec ii�ic io�he i'�upeny,ihe leusehoid�nui t3�r fec titie�ha11 noi mcrge uniea.Lender ay�ees �.
<br /> 15 � �a thc mcrger in w�itiog. �
<br /> ..s,,�(�,;Y$ � ; , � �. p�eetbn ot I.ender'n Rl�hls�(n tlk Propet�ty. If Bonow�er fails to �etform the covenants und agreements �'
<br />_�,��1�;=� ,, cumuined in this Securlty Inaln�meni,i►r�hen f� u legul p�aceedfng that mn� ,igai�icnntly affect Lender's rights in the ��'`
<br /> ����'.�;_:,; � �'� ', propeny(such ux n praceeding in hunkruM�y,pn�lwte,for condemnat�on or fflrfaiture o�t�enforce Imws or rcgulations),then �!^-
<br /> '`'s�"'",':;.� ;'*�`'�""`:.`': � -: Lender muy d��+u�d puy Pi�r wh��rv�r I� �k�e�r�ty lu prutc�l lhe valut uf U,e P�u�xrty anJ L�ndur's rights in the Prop�.rty.
<br />-�tia:::i.:: �:� f r.�„ .. '-,.s�_
<br /> r-�h � ,;f,,�,�;;.; •� .:.w- LenderR uctiona muy inclwk p:iying ony �um�necurcd by u lien whirh ha:�riority over this Securitv Inswment.appearing
<br /> `' ' � � in courl,puying reosonublc uttumey�'fcr.und ente�ing on Ihe Propeay tA makr repairs.Although l.ender may takc action "
<br /> r,• .•' —:,'
<br /> -:�F.. ;w,�'�`.,�,.. .
<br /> . �'" w�der this purngrnph 7,l.rnder d�x x n�N huvc tu�,�.a.
<br /> •.. n '.4�Si�'�i... y1r.i,.
<br /> "'�_ ;q;,�.,.,;, . ,.�t;;�` Any nnwunts diabuned by Len�kr wxkr ihi.puragmph 7 shaH become additiana�debt of Borrower secured by this �'�:F'
<br />��Y; ;, �„y�y;;;= _ Securiry Instniment. Unlrxx B��rn�w�r unal Lendcr ugrce to othcr�erms o6 puyment.Ifi�se amounts shall beru interest from 1hc a-�=
<br /> -�,,'� , - � date of disbursemem ut thc NiNc rutc anJ�hull tK puyublc, wilh inkresi,u,pon notice from Lender to Bomower requesting �
<br /> , � `..=�.:" �. , ment. :,'r`
<br /> `���'� } •"�'�'.�""�. , `i"y� � �Y 8. Mort�nge Insurppce. 11'l.��tJcr r�yuired mongu�tc in,ur,ui;.� a, a concli+ion of malcing�'ne loan sccured by this ,.
<br /> -,��r. _' �.'.����- n
<br /> �a ... .: '�`.�:',I�� 4 (���' ,
<br /> ���s?�)�x"•a;+r: Security los�amem. Borrower�hull puy �he premiumx rcyuircd w maintain ih� mortg��ge insurnnce in effect. If, for any ' '
<br /> 1:iV,*.:;I��*:.�P;�ii�t���i'�u ,
<br /> �� " �j;;,::;�;'�,:•�'•;;�'!l; resuan, �he mongage fnnurunce cuvcruKe myuircd by l.endrr 1•rpse� or cea+es to t►: in effect, Homower shall pAy the �--_'
<br /> ; �''. <<t�.,i �f, p miums �'°
<br />•_-��,�---� ,•� .r , re reyuircd to ub�ain cmcruge .uhdunlfully equivulent lo the mongage insu�;�nce previously in effect, ut a cost
<br />;_,,::;�_:;�..,,� .t,ti, •.,�If . substunlivlly cyuivalenl 10 Ihe c��.l lo Hurn�w�r ut'the munguge insurance previously in effeca,From an al�ernate mortgage �
<br /> ��3 ,+�`'• insurcr approved by Lender. It'wh�wn�iully ryuivulent miinguge imurunce caverage is not avi�ilable,Borrower shall puy to
<br />---'` ' � °�'� ` " '� � Lendcr earh month u�um e uul�o unc•�wclDh of It�c �url m�m u�c inwurAnce remium bein� �ic?b Bo�rower when the
<br />_._�.�;t•r�:' ��:. 4 Y Y R � P b P� Y ��:
<br /> �°���r'� ` "'�`� .'" � insurance covem e lu tied ix ceu+cd lo hr in el'1'ec�. lwnJer will ucce t use und re�nin th�se u rnems ati n loss reserve in liru �
<br />:�,s.ri., c B p� f• P Y
<br /> _,.� �� �' of mortgage insurance. Lrn�n�crvr puyin�m+muy no lungcr br rcyuired,at the option of Lender,if mort€aee insurance �,_�
<br /> .,�•c�1:-?� �"�,;.'�. ,� ��
<br /> :. ,.!, ,�,r�.; .. ;� ; coveroge(in�he umounl unJ titt�hc �xn�nl�hu�lxnder n�yuircsl provided hy nn insurer Appm�e<�by Lender again becomes :,�,
<br />'� :';f'�`���= ,;� - "��.� �'`' uvailabk und is obtnined.Born�w«.hull puy�h�premiu�n.myuircJ�o maintain mangaFe insur+nee in effect,or to provide a
<br />`�• ;��.:;���, 1 •;�,, -•• bss rescrve,umil the reyuirem��nt tiN man�tu�tc iiiwruncc rnJ+,in urc�►rdanrc with.�ny written aFrerment betwcen Bornawcr
<br /> �%I:�,,;�:g,,� , �c:y�,t,�v;�� `. • . iud Lender or applicublr luw.
<br /> ��'`� �` " 9. 1 tion. LcnJer ur il� u �nt mu mnl.r Ru�nnuhlc cnlrie�u m und ins �ctions of ihe Pro rt Lender shull
<br />—�':_:v;.�'N .'3�''ti���'�(r��»`�.+v
<br />--�- �f,• �•,,..r,.�.,.:�,, +�,:.,., _ � �• > � p� � >• ':�.,,}
<br />�='?"r',�rs �..t �1�.;,,r���4`' give Borrower nodre ut the�imc ut'��r�xiur w un in.�xcti�xi,�xcil'yiug rca,onaMe cause fnr th�i nspectinn. -
<br /> '���'' �"' �' c f ,� �� � i luim li�r Janu�ge..Jirecl��r cnnsea�eenti�l,in connection with nny
<br /> ��', '�� !� . . . to. coodemnwriun. rhe nx d,.� ..
<br /> - � �`��•� 1.`. ' � l'l' �:111) dN�If�I11r .
<br /> '��}��~�•;~" •7 ���t�'r�. V J rcl'�IFI)R�11htiTRl'�tEtiT• l'nifnrmCo�caen�+ 99p f uYe3r n eu
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<br /> .'�iT45 i:'% '1` �, .���..�,t�....,. I To Q�kr Calk 1�1i0D630A0lKi G Y�.'f AI&791•1131
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