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<br /> .tiT' , .1 `v r r�s �., -
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<br /> ��,
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<br /> ��`.,i -- -- ' �pplicable uw m�y:pecifY far rein�wm�►t)befora c�le nt ti�PiW�enY Pursuant w any power ot aale cant�ined in this
<br /> _ Secucity Inwuma�t;or(b)et►uy of a judgaoent a►ta�cin�this Security Instruma�� 71w�e canditio�u ue�tat Botrowa: (�) . �
<br /> __ -_ _ ° , pYs 1.ender�il s�ups which tt�at wouW be due urwier Ihi► Suwutlty InstnttncM mid the Note Rs ii no aaxlaadoq bad
<br /> aavned:(b)cuna any deftult of u�y atber covtn�nn ar�gteanenm:lc)P�Ys dl expenses incwred in enforcing thi�Security
<br /> , Imbumen�including.but not limited to,raso�bb�uomoys'fees: and ld)t�kes auch actlon�s l.ender may�easonably
<br /> - require�aswro that tbe lien of this Sxudty Dnstrument.Leede��dghte inU�Borrnwerp�Wi�aH�is SPecurity
<br /> _-_��� _ - sums s�cuted by this Securiry Insbnunatt �ll cantinuo wttlw�ged. pa► -.-
<br /> - - Instruinent ind t6e obligations secured bereby ahatl remain fully effxtiva as if na scalsation lud occumed. Howeva.thfs
<br /> 1�: --- ri�ht to reinstata slwiU not apply in the cas+a of sccxteratia�w�der p�graph 17. °
<br /> .: � 1!. Sale d Note;(.'iiae�e d l.a�a 3erviar 'it�e Note°r a P��inoerest in the Note(tngether with this Secucity
<br /> � Instruma�t)may be sold ono or more�wlthout prior noNce to Botrawer. A sale may result jn a change in the entiry
<br /> -��'� (kmwn as tbe"l.o�n Servicer")that coUects monthlY P�Y�nts due under the Nate wd this Socurity Insmiment. There also
<br /> --- .may be one or more changes of the L.om Servicer unret�ted to a sak of the Note. If there is a ch�nge of the I.ann Servicer. _ -
<br /> � Bortower wili be given written notice of the chan�e in accoNance with paragraph 1 A above a►nd�pplkable law. The notice �,
<br /> �'!' �� w i l l s t a[e t h e n a m e s�n d a d d r e s s o i t h e n ew l.oan Servicer and the addres�to which payments shauld be made. TAe notice will �
<br /> �� � ` alao contain any other infam�ti�w�reyuired by applicablo law. �
<br /> - -- —��.�eo'i'�.i�i •
<br /> ----�---°- � 2p. }�t�y Substwoces. Bonower s h a l l not cause or penn i t t he p re s e n c e.u s e.d i s p o s a l.s t o r a g e.o r release af an y �_
<br /> }l�zardouu Subsumces on ar{n ilic Property. Borrower stwll na do.nar allaw anyone else to do,anything affecting tiie
<br />— ��,p' Property tl�at is in vtolution of any�nvironmental Luw. 71�e precedin8 two sentences stwll not apply to the presence,use,or ��
<br /> ' star�ege on the Property of smuU quantides of HazArdous Sub�lances that ane genemlly recognized�o be appropriate to namal ;�:.;__
<br /> �f :; residential uses and to maintenancc of the Propasty. �,;�::;
<br />,:i�;' '¢ Bonnwer shall promptly Sive Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �� .`'� gover�prien[al or regul�ory egencY ar private paAy involving �h:Property and any Hazardous Subslance ar Environmental f-"`�'
<br /> �n:,` ��,s
<br /> �?:y;t�• � taw oi whn;b SorioKCr t�s actu s! l c nrn•r l e d8e. I f B o m o w e r l e e m s. o r i s n a t i f i e d b y a n y g o v e m m e n t a l o r r e g ulat o ry
<br /> , , ;�,.�`.' auUwriry.thac any remov�l or other remediation of any Hazardous 3ubstance aft'ecting the Pmperty is necessary.Borrower
<br /> , .�•
<br /> � ;�� , ��.1t , shall promptly take all necessary remedi�l nctions in accordance with Environmenwl Law.
<br /> '�A i,'•' +':'. "a' As usal in thls 20,"Ha�ardous Substances"are ihose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> -� 4 • � �
<br /> P�8�P� . �''
<br /> '� '�' � Bnvironmcntal Law�and the following aubstances: gasohne.l�erosene,other flammable or toxic peuoleum producls.toxic �_�
<br /> , ';� �"�` , �,� � cides end herbicides,volatile salvcnts, materials conlaining asbestos or fom�aldehyde, :md radioacuve ma�erials. Aa 14�.:=
<br /> . �y... u�in thls paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federol laws and IAwa of Ihe jurisdictian whero the PropeAy is located �'-
<br /> �;H,,,:,.: �`.:ae�''�ii!�L.:.c;;'e`:'' �' thu relue W health,safety or environmental protection. �,,
<br /> ' , °�� � NON•UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lender further covenant und agree as follows: �
<br />„y,t,,,,.. ��,��,,�.,.:'�..
<br /> `•. 21. Aoceferatlon; Remedies. I.ender slwll give aottce to Borrower priar to acoele�don iollowfog Borrower's ':
<br /> ` " `' �` ""� " breach o�uy rnreow�t or agreemeat in tals Security Instrumeat(but not prior to accelenitioa uader ps�a�raph 17 � `
<br /> ��. ,j ,..,.,• `:�,',�� uokss�ppl9cabk law provldes Mhervvtsel. The eodce shall specity: (Al lhe default.(b)the Actlon requtred to cure t6e _
<br /> ..�:1Y
<br /> d e fan i tt �c)�d s ie,au i i e s s i i�n S i i d a s s f s a m t h r d�l e!h e s t a t l ce i�g l v t n!o H o r ro w e r,b y ah kb the detault must be �
<br /> .��'� ,'�� � ' � curdl;w�d(d)Ihat tpllure to cure tl►e deiault on or before t6e date specitled in the notice a�y result in acc�leratbn of �:-:
<br />-� ''��'� � the su�s secured by this Security lastrument And snle of the PropeHy. The nWke stwll fhrther ioPorm Borrower ot
<br /> ,�'�' tbe�f�Mt to reinslate after acceleration and the right to b�ing a rnurt acUon to asseM the non-existence ot A defoult or
<br />' 4 `~ , �' , t nny dlier detense oP Harrower to accekralbn and sale. I�Ide default is not cured on or before the date specified in �-,
<br /> ���,;� �''�_��,;,.,t
<br /> � �.�1;;�.� the nWic�,l.endev At tts option muy require immediate payment in tull of all sNmc cecured by thls Secu�ity Insirument ���"
<br />_ , `�� �•.�'��+�`;ti " withont turther demand and moy Invoke the power of sak and any other remedies permined by �pplicaMe law �r'_
<br /> - ,�:,..,. ... ti , . ., ---
<br />° �. �,��;.• .w, l,endcr shall be enUtleil!o co11eM all expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in IhLc parag�ph 21. i_
<br />.-:.,� ; , ,.,_,� _-•�-.
<br /> , :�i;,,_ti,�;,�h. iact�uding,but not 8mited to,rea.gonable atlorneys'�ees and cosls of title evidence. �"
<br />- ���._�. � �. ��'��+. If the wer of ss�le is invaked,7Yustee sl�all record s�aotice of default in each county in whkh any parl of the
<br /> —"- , ,�1q.ru�,-,..,, a:.r p0 ��.:,
<br />--��r�, ,,�a�:�. pmperty Lt Iocated aad shall maU capicg oi such notice in Ihe manaer prescribed by applicable Iaw to Borrower and ta
<br />°�-�`-�': �" "`�+ the d6er persons prescrlbed by applicable law. Afte�Itie time required by�ppUcable law,7lvstee slwll give publk
<br />.=��;.u;: '�,�.�� .:�',<n:.:� °:
<br /> i i3O",,,, °�.:,�'``��*_::�;;.,; ` notia of sale Io the pensons�nd in the ms�nner prescrfbed by applics�ble law. 7lrustee.wilbout demand on Borrower.
<br />-��r.' • '.. 7ty'•��' - ' :a.
<br /> -:a;;. •.�t� �hali selllhe Property at public auctton to the highesl bidder at the time and place and under the terms desigaaled in
<br />��.�: + .•rr :�a.�, I Ihe notke of sale in one or more ps�rcels s+nd in any order 7lrustee determines. 71�uslee mr�y poslpone salc of All or any
<br /> �;� .�,,�;.�,'_,,�,���;r`�71,,;; parcelotthe Prope�ty by publte�anouncement at the time and p1ACe oP�ny previously schedaled sak. Lenderor Its :l'
<br /> �-.� ���;.�~��:��,��i<,ftii�' deel�aee may purclwse the Property at any.rale.
<br />.:-�s^�_�(„ �,�. �S�'`'�1te;y�t
<br /> i.`.;_;.,:.�.
<br /> y�� . Upon receipt of payment of Ihe price bid.'I�ustee shall deliver to Ihe purcha5e� 7Yustee's deed caaveying Ihe
<br /> -�„�r,,.�� ' � �,n;�,a��t;� � Property. The recitpls in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima fpcie evldence of Ihe Iruth o�the statements made Iherein.
<br /> � ^='" " 7Fuslee sh�ll apply the praoeeds oi Ihe sale In Ihe�oNowing order. la►to nll costs And expe4ces of eaercisin�the power '��-
<br />_{y, , ;�,: ==-
<br /> ; ..�,. '�-,f.
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