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�..v1.�� � �Y' �/1�F� . . �6?;� . , h ^..r <br /> � . �� � �tl..�. 4 �Q <br /> - %� I f...�� �! � - <br /> 1- . �` ���11�' � YI'� .�, • <br /> . � <br /> + -i-- <br /> .: . '��' - ' • <br /> .. : �,� ; I ' -.. . . . . . <br />-- ��,-::_= -� --�-� � E.R�CORDEO — . <br /> - 9�•�a� 93- �.Qnsas <br /> � �� 7�OOfl77�lBR WITH�II the fmpmvemans now ar herc�ller eroctod on�Ib�ohy.wMl�U c�r�amQm�,uppuncn,u�ces. <br /> ... �arl tiztwes qow�Mros(ter a put of�he pr�ty. All ropl�comeMr�ail�Mflliunr NhNll dw�bo�ovand bY Ihie 3ecurity <br /> InWwmen� All of tho fom�oi�i�rcfrnM tn in Ihia Socudty Inrtrumont Nr�he"Pmreny." <br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS llwt Bc►nawor ia lawfully ReiRai nf Ihe c+►lote hc�rby c��n�uyc�l and har Ihe rlgt�t to g�tt <br /> and convey theproperty and thw tho Propeny ir ut►encumhered,ox��eM GK en�umhauxe�of'recnrcl. �wer wucrantc and <br /> -- -- will defend�ene�liy�ho utk ta the Propehy+�ainwt�11 cldms wxl d¢maadK,wh��la wny rncumbrances nf recprd. <br /> `f'� ------ � THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMSNT combinos unlfam c�ven�nl� Gx nnN��nAI a�e wKl n��n•unllam cavenanra with <br /> `;�� Iimited wul�dons by judsdiclion lo cunx�i�ula w unifium wxu�i�y in���unwnl cuvcPiny twl prurxAy. <br /> :°:r, UNIPORM COVENANTS. Bomnwer�nd 4onder covonaM�nd���+u f�dN�wN; <br /> ,.:,�b::; 1. P�ya�eat otPrincipwl+�ad Inter+esli ProMymeat�nd I.�te Clu�r�. Ikwn�wer�IwU pn►mp�ly paY when due�s <br />__ •�,�; principaI of and iruerost on tho debt evidenced by tho Naio und way pro�ymen�and Ipk ch+u�u�duc undcr the Notc. <br />- 3. FL�de�or 7bces and Insurnnce. SubJeet ta appUc�hla Ipw�x In u wriltcn wrivcr by l.en�lr►.&xmwer xhull pay tu <br /> =-��•� �E�• Lender on U�e day monthly paymanla uro duo unde�tho I�k�to,undl Iha Nnto Ix Mld In 1'ull,u hum l"Flmd++")far:ln)yearly �• <br /> , —_:r��•AF"�'��'"'�i�� �� � � �auces u�dassess�nents which mey auaio priad�y ovor thiR Securlty In�tn�m�M aw a Uan on ihr Pmpeny;lh1 yc�uly leac�hold <br /> .� `'""���� ' paymenas ar ground renta on �he Pmpeny, if any: lc) yeutly haar+d ar pmneKy In�urntk:o �xumiums; (dl yciuly fiaod <br />-���9��±;'� •.. ans�ennee premiume. if any;(e)yeurly mongage insumnce promiumR,it' uny; und 1� any sumw �yAhie by Narrower to <br /> �--�- - -_ - • d:e� n�cordance wi�h the provisions of paragrnph A,ln Ifeu ai tho�►uymonl nf martgAgo inrumn��+promiumF. 7Uose <br /> =�► iiems a�ree cn0lad"F.scrow I�ems" I.ende� any�ime,collec�w►d hold Rmde!n�n amnunl ix►t to oxceed Iha maximum <br /> _;�i Y`�y — — —�'. . ammuna a lender for a federally related mo�gage loan may requiro for Barmwerk ax�mw uccc�unt under�lhe faWral Reul <br /> °-�,�;,,{;. ,� � �Esw�we Senlemem.Procedwes Act oi 1974 as amended from timo tu Iim�.12 U.S.C.�2bt11�i srq.( RRSPA ).unlens unather <br /> �; .sq�: law ihat app➢ie�to 1hc FLnds sets a lesscr amounl. If so,Lcnder mAy,at�ny lime.colloot and hold Phnd�in un rmaum nat ta <br /> - _.____�_.:;:,:.:,�-.L-----•--- �xcc:af olic �a�scr amoum. L.cndcr n�p esamata the amount of Phnd�due on �he basix nf uurr+ent dao rnd ro�wnabla <br /> --.-.—P - _-`��,�;� '�j�— es�umates vf eapenditures of future Escrow Acems or otherwise in occat�nce with applirablo iuw. • ` <br /> � � � � • 'fQ�e R�ncls shall be held in an lnwitutian whose dapoxits arc insured by A fedornl agetky, enlity - <br /> �:���,j; j '`•�i R ' '(includi�u l.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in my Federal Home Loan Bonk. Lcndc�Khwll upply Ihr Fundx 1a pay _ <br /> ;:��� s� ,��,,, �i�e Licmw l�ams. L.ender may not chuge Borrower for halding andapplying Ihe Fund�, annuully analyzin� �he er�rrow - <br /> �-ti ��1• .,�•��j��,; arcount.or ve8fying�he Fscruw Items. unkss Lender puya Borrower inlerest an �he Fuods WKI A�INCAI�IO (MW �1Cf111�IF _ <br /> ����•�� �';�� Lender to make such a chuge. However,I.ender muyreq uire Barawer to p�y n one-Ilme churyc fix an indepondent reul _ <br /> `�;`i�� , , t� eatate tax reporting servlce used by Lender in connection wlth Ihis loon.unlexx Appliwble Iww provideo iNherwixe. Unless an - <br /> :, ,�, agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender ehall noi be rcyuired�o pwy Nom�wer any intercs�ix - <br /> .�,;;lj�``, ' �>ta eamings an the FLnds. Bornowcr nnd l.ender mey ugrce In wri�ing,hnwever.llwt interest shall bap�d an Iha Fu�xl�. 4ender = <br /> -.��'�'t '', ,• sha11 give to Homnwer.wilhoW nnnual accouming of Ihe f�nda.shvwing credilK und dabit►�ta lhc Fl�ntlx And Ihe _ <br /> •<;..,. <br />-ti�)z� . .,�f �,. P+�ose fbr which each debit to the PundR wns made. The FLnds arc pledQed us addU�ot�l cxudly far�11 wumw�ured by - <br /> = `��, „ Utis Secudly lnswment. <br /> - ��1::��_,.4z, <br />` ;;�jr;�-� �;� --__� . If d�e �undg held by i.ender eacaea the umoumR permiaed to be held by appiicabic iaw. I.c� %iiwii a�wYnmi iu <br /> ��,.� Bornower Por t�he cacess Ftinds in uccordance with the requirements oP wpplkable law. IP the amount uf�ho FUnda hcld by <br />���"�'�''� Lender ut aca time is not sufficient to the Escmw Items when due,Lende�ma ec�notif &►rrawcr in w�ilin aoJ, in <br /> t� : � .� ,( '�•4,i.� <br />-�''�,`+�,,�a; , �.. h:;.: �« )� PeY Y ' Y 8� <br />_.-`;; ,, , � �'�yt.��, =^ such case 61zxr�wer shall pay to Lender the amouint necessary to muke up Ihe deP�clency. B�rrower �hall m�ke up the <br /> � f 't°"' " � deficlency in na moa tha�twelve moMhly payments,�t L.enderSs sok discrctian. <br /> �:,-.;:� � ���: — <br /> i� ,• �- , ,, U n a cnt In f�l1 of all sums securcd b this Secu�it lnstrumertt,Lender shall m I afund lo N�xrowrr an _ <br />�;:,,,d�,� r. .._, �t, 1w P Ym Y Y pm P�Y Y <br /> � `' Furtda held by Lender. Iff,under pan►grrph 21,Lender shall Acquire or sell Ihe Propeny,Lender,prlur In tho ucyui�iti�+n�K <br /> _= .�,�y . :�.,,,..�r� = <br /> � }���; " s o l e o f t h e Propeity. s ha l l app ly a ny F u n d s h e l d by L e n d e r at t h e tl m e a f a�y u i x i t i u n �x w d e a r�c r c d l l u�{p f n�l I l w M u m� <br />����S,`7, ,,,. <br /> .�,,.. ;.yty�'.+.?�.,�rt�, sectued by this Security Insuument. <br /> ,,�,;,,.,�,.,�,�,� 3. ApplkaUon of i�ayments. Unless ppplicable law provides otherwise, ull paymem.r a•ceivod by I.onder undrr - <br /> �;.; ' ��;,;�,.,:;• , �wragraphs 1 end 2 shall me applied:firs�,to ony prepuyment churges due under thc Note;�iCCOMJ,to amuuntx payublu umk�t ° <br /> ':r: prragraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal duc;and Iast,to uny lute chor4ea due under Ihe Nale. <br /> :•��.•:;••;,.;i <br />'" � ' ���� �,��,��rt;'� 4. Ch�es; Liena Borrower shall puy ull laxes, osussments,eharges, finca and impnxiliona �tMbutabk In Ihc � <br />'+ � � :;,��,�t?!•:..•�' Property which may ettain priority over this Secudty Instrument.and leasehold puyments ar gnwn�!rcnls,if uny. Hurnrwor <br /> �,�,;;�?;'- + s. .,�i�3t� :}�; shall pay�hese obfiga�ions in thc manner provided in paragroph 2,or if aot{wld in tha1 munnrr,&xrowrr shull pYy Ihem��n - <br />:���.;�.•. ?T�;1��. time directly to iJ�e peraon owed puyment. Bomower shull prompUy furnish�o Lendcr all nWicex uf�mount�to In pAid utkkr - <br /> ?<<i���," y�i�;.�•-�,, , this �wragraph. lf Borrower makes these paymems direclly. Borrower�Iwll prompUy fumi�h ta Lendcr rerciplr ovfdcrkM� _ <br /> �,.,�,S�r� !�;{��+�` '��c•' the peyments. .� _ <br />-=+.'���� � � . �� � Bortower shull pramptly discharge uny lien which has p�iori�y over�hix Secu�ity Inx�rument unle�.r Bom►wc�:lul ugR�y <br /> ii��r':Z•.�� �` �z"' •�...,:.��~s�;: in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a m�nner nrceptable lo Lender:lb)contesis in gaxl fAllh the = <br /> !�;• ,?;; w �.�e� <br /> t•;-• , ? ^�` '�'<• ,� Ikn by,or defends ngainst enforcement of the lien in,legul proccediags which in the I.eixter�opiniun operute w nrevcnf Ihc <br />�?�� �;� ' enforcement of the fien;or lc)secures from the holder of 1he lien an ag�cement sutis�fuctory 10 Lender�ubordinulin�the lien =. <br /> � � +, .:���}.y� Io this Sauriry Instrumem. If Lender detemiines that any p�ut oi�he Propeny ix�ubject tn u lien whirh may�11uin priurity <br /> �'� ' � °F �� v�:•'• r. �' over this Security Insaument,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the licn. Borrower sh�ll�wli�fy the Uen ur tuke <br />�F`�rCl" � � "'�`^ '>• one or more of tfie actions set forth above within 10 da s oi the �vi oi notice. <br /> �.:".1�'� t ���'�'�� ,��j. S. Ha•r�rd or Property lnsurance. Borrower shall k p tlk improvemems now exis.�ing or hercnflrr erected un thr _ <br /> • ���,��� ��i���y� ;:k:� Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the�em� "eatended coveruge"und uny�nher huiunl+,fnrluding <br /> �,.;_,..,:r � � . <br />?�;�{�t{i �•� � (lood�or flooding,for which Lender requires insuranre. This insurnnce ahnll be muinwined in Ihe unxwntY w�d far thc <br />_,_�•,, �;sl��'. -• . <br /> ' � ��,�..� �r,. <br /> .'`,���,��. � ,� °;r.i%��`}+'• - � 1'Yf111a0�Y 9I10 1/hrX�•:��f1�VY�v <br /> �r�°l;•`.''S�, 't� . . � • - <br /> �,� •.5.t <br />;.71;<<':l��ct' �X r'';s. �.irt,:�, , <br /> %i��. r <br /> `.l_' . , ' :.� <br /> �/y1J� �, '1r'�i <br /> •tit��`•�'�:, ���i7��1 . �'y _ `';�l <br /> .y t .,�Z1�1�Y y �, t _. <br /> �5ctQ�:;4 i��e�'•.S�t�?j�r�� {}{Q�1�1?�gfd7�N���'rc.��w»ausLWY��snrr-•_-- _ -.---_—__ <br /> ��t,b��i �1}Y � )�I '��1 �1� • y'' � •�<t i_ '1✓ :"r d;i� • ; . " .•�_.�Y -��- M,asn�v,�` - ° - : <br /> 3t 17�' �t �'. :.�� r,�� vf� '('l�t1t ���.,ti ';��,^1 '�• ` ��.,t, <br /> Gi d;�..�i ; i ,i r.�iJ�i�?Y� ',,.' .t • t�f F. � -i.. ��i•c�i� ° ,.�;.�� �L. _ I 4. ; '�,,�;_�-( �L. <br /> /r•tr:t1� �' jii cf(,(^.�.' �{� ' 3 i���5��:� �t 1. . ����.�',�.� ��';��::Y�M '1'. . , � j� r r 7 <br /> .�.Ykj.rl �l7i�l� .t','�•�i.+i�O.�Et�i�ihl:l�wL�.•�' eA1!_.`.�:.Jt:r_... . ... ',. . .. . •� .• . _i,.. li�'. �TYSE,..- <br /> ,--�rri-� N - � - ti i. �i i''.S'P�,��•�r�• .. . . . ., ... , . , . . .. _.. , r - -,. <br /> ° r ° ,n�}! •:� j;u�'`.�„�� �Es�`�l�i�l'��'� . , . � --- - . �' ., , �... <br /> � ' ` ��" � � :�'��� �-`��°'`� �':��,. -_;::,tr:���� . ,: y�. � � <br /> ' , :� 4.,,�,. <br /> ;�'v' . �,. '. „•'• �:' ,�1 f s�".'- ' � . • , <br /> ., , - �� ,ya�... ." _ ; .. . •�ni�.}ier���,��r� ';�t' ?,. , , . . .. ,�i � ' � • ' � � <br /> f °. .� ''' ':•;;. ,,• y .. '� '•�:;i��+;�i:`;::;�5r�i?j'ti:f:�'. ' • . <br /> '.!�rh � ``�'f!'�,%v,� r A�'' -�`� "t(�� , r1it't��- Et�,�\r - . <br /> ��� :. � r�n�.:. l ;t� �jt� j+1t���j°J �r`�����t�k},.��`�`t)�f6�'�_tnr� ' , <br /> �c�� . .,5���'':;� �.�,'y' K.� �1 . �� �� e �. 1 , . <br /> •:i� Z'�i'1'��F�s t.f,.!�{v.F'�r:� a�i�,Iy �� 4�; ,;t:i:k'ajf��l,� ... .i�l .� -. .''• � , ' <br />' ,P ' ..7: '.`'� ' ' ' y tAi . 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