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<br /> �• � �'� p;iymentx may na longer be required,at the aptfon ai L.ender. 1t mortQage insurance cuveroga(in the amount nnd far the petiod 6-
<br /> � • � that I.cndcr rcquires)pravtdcA by nn insurcr apprav� by l.ender uIInin bccames uvuituble nnd is obtuincd. �orrawcr shull pay � =�-
<br /> tho premiumR rcquired to muintnim m�r4�aBe in�urunce in effect,or to provido u loss reurvc,until thc rcquirement fi�r nturt�u�e � ��
<br /> �� in+umnce endx in accordunce�vith any�vrittcn a�trc�ment brtwcen Bormwcr und Lendcr ar uppticuble Inw. ___.
<br /> � � -� 9..Ins�ection. L,�nder or its nBent may mnke reasonable entricK upon und inspectians of the Prcprrty. l..ender shatl Bive �
<br /> • Borrower noticc at thc time af ar pdor to un inspection specif ying rensonnble cauxe for the iaspcctiun. � ;
<br />.' ' �� 'a� 10. Candemnotion. �'he Procecds af any uwarA ar claim far dumugea. dircxt or cansequcntinl. !n connection wlth any �
<br /> ~ rn��demnmion or othdr tnkinp of nny part of the Fro�crty,or far c:onveyunce in lieu of condcmnution. ure hcreby ussigned imd � �.
<br /> :" , " - t�,� shail bc paid tu Lender. � �
<br /> �,�:,�; in the cvent of c�total tnkinII af the Praperty. thc procecclR ahall be upplied to the sums secured by this Security Instcument.
<br /> ,?,�-- whether or nnt then due. with uny excess pnid to Boreawer. in the event of a parttal taking of the Pmperty in which the fuir
<br /> .::;a�'!!�'r"'"s'� market vuluo of the Piaperty immodintcty before the tnking is eyual to ar g�eater thnn thc umount of thc sums secured by thia
<br />_,�; - . . Y. Security InEt�vment immaiiately befare the taking. unl�ss Barrawer nnd Lender otherwiso ngree in writing.the su►ns secured by
<br /> , �=� this Securlry Instrument sh�ll be reduced by the umaunt of thB pracezd.g multiplied by ths followinp tr�stton: (u) the total
<br /> � ; omaunt af the sums secured immediately before the tutcing. divided by lb) thc f�ir mnr&et vuluo of the Property immaliutely
<br />, � �. before the tnking. Any bulance sh�ll be paid to Botrower. In the event af c►purtial takinB of the Property i�whiah tha fuir
<br /> �,: murket vnlue af the Property immediatcly before the tuking 'ss Icss than the umount of flho suma secured immedistety bafore the
<br /> " ``'';'�' `�` takinII.unloss Borrowver nnd Lender othecwise a�ree in wdting or unless Apppcxible 1aw ouherwise provldes.the proceeds shall __
<br />:',,;;t;,',:;;��'"` ' 6e npplicd to the sums secured by th{s Secudty Instrument v+hether or not the sums are then dae.
<br />""ti'`"i* ,: If tho Pro n is a�andoned b 8orrower.or if, after notice by Lender to Borruwer that the coademnor offers to mnke nn
<br /> �.;,:;,�..;, Fe Y Y
<br /> _ .:+�r.: - �notiyer fe!!s 4a m::�und tn I.�nder wIthin 3Q days aRer the date the nottce ia 6iven,
<br /> 'ry;,�;;,�;:� atvard ar scttic u ctaim for damuges. �
<br />'�,_�>���r�: Leader is nuthorizcxl to oollect and nppiy the procecxis. ut its option.either to restomtion or repair of the Pruperty or to the suma
<br /> ' ="� ''• secured by thia Security Insuument.whether or not thea�due.
<br />�V,;;��.`•''� Unless Leuder und �orrower otherwise ugree in wrltjng, any agpli�tion of procecds to prlRClpa1 shall not eatend or
<br /> `- pustpone tha due date of the monthly paymenta referred to in pamgraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount of such paycrtents.
<br /> ��"'"� 11.Borrower Not!t¢1ens�ci;Y�orbeurtusce By I.cndr:r AIoY a WuivEr.Extension of the tlme for payment ar modificutton
<br /> �;ti:;•,��.,
<br />-'"':"` of amartirution of the sums se�tarad by this Secudty Instnunent granted by Lender to any suxessor in interest of Borrower shull
<br />_ -�.,''�,j��,i �,
<br /> - not operata to mlease the liability of the originul 6omnwer or Boaower's successors in lnterest. Lender shall rtot be requinzd to
<br /> .:,�::a-
<br /> -19-��^���t� cammence proceerlings a�ainst uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymEnt or otherwise modtfy umortizuHon
<br /> �,.�:�_��� of the sums se�:ured by this 3ecuriry Instn�ment by m,ason of any demnnd mado by the origtnal Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> -;y�j• su�cessors in interest. Any forirearance by Lender in exeralsing uny right or remedy shnll not be a waiver of or preclude tho
<br /> :'�.,�'��� c�erc:se af su;r�;hi or r�me�ly_ .
<br /> -"`�"Y"�'� 12. Suece�sars and Asslgns Boun�Jolnt und Several Ltabiltty; Co-sign�.The oovenants ond a�reements of this
<br /> .���`��'� Securiry Insnvr�t�t shall bind and benefit the suooessors and assigns of Lender enrl Borrower. subj�xt to the provislons of
<br /> ---= pnmgraph 17. 18ozrawer's covennnta and egrcements shall be joint and several. Any 8orrower who casigns this Securiry
<br /> ::;��� IaM,rument but does not execuie tho Note: (a) is casigning this Security Instn�ment oniv w mortgugc,grnnt and oonvey thut
<br /> '�-�:��`�;� BorrDwer's interest in tlie Frc��rty under the terms of this Security Inatcumenr.(b)is not personnlly obligated t�pay the sums
<br /> -=--_-____ se�ured by this Securiry Insnument;und(c)aIIree.s that Lend�r tu►d nny other Borrower m�►y ugcee to extend.�nodtffy,forbear or
<br /> - �� :�; muke any aocommodatlons wlth regurd to the terms of th(s Securtty Inserument or the Note wlthout thut Borrower's consent.
<br />=--��.�il��:.r�?s��i 18.I.fla�Churge.v. If the loan secured by this Sccurity Insmiment is subject to a law which setA mnximum loan charges.
<br />-"�--` --="" �d thut !uw ie finulty fntcrpreted so that dio interat or ott�er loan charges collected or to be oollected in wnnection with the
<br /> -:s';"� IoAn r,xcee�i the permitted limi��,then: (u)nny such IaAn cQnarge shall be reduced by tho amount necessnry to reduce the chnrge
<br /> tt�i���rmitted limit;and(b)any sums al�rsdy collected�mm Borrower which exceeded permitted limits�vill bs retLnded tn
<br /> Borrower. I.encDer mny choose to make thia tefund by reductn�the pdncipul owed urtder the Note or by makIng n direst
<br /> pay�ont to &��ro�>>�r. If n refund reducas prineipul, the reduction wiU be treAtc�d as s pa:dal prepayment without eiry
<br /> _-_ prr,Qnyment chf►igc under the Note.
<br /> -<;�,�`� lb.Nottces.Any ttotice ta�omnwer provIded for in RQ�is Securicy Inshument sh�ll be given by delivering it or by nuiiling
<br /> ��`'�----- !c by flrst class mzit unless applicable law requir�e.v use of u�other med�od. The nottce shat!be dtrected to the�roperty Address
<br /> ---�- or aay other eddress Borrowcr desl�nates by nodoe to I.ender. Any notIce to Lender sh�ll be�iven by first cless mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herela or uny other nddress Lender desigwtes by notice to Barrower. Any notice provided for in trils ,
<br /> _ __ __, ,� Securiry Inst�untent sliult be dc>�med tq hnva bcen gfven to Barrower or Lender when given as provided In this parngraph.
<br /> IS.Governtng Luw; Severu�ility. Thia 5ecurity Anstrument shatl be governed by fecterul taw Und the {uw of ttio `
<br /> W._�,,,_,� ,�i�risdlction in which the Property is located.In the event that any pmviaton or clause of this Security Insnvment or the Nate
<br /> oonflicts with applicuble low,such contlict shnll ttot uffat other pravisiops of thls Ss�cudty Instcument or the Note which can be
<br /> .___.___„__W__ given effect�vithout the conflict�ng pmvisian. To�his end the provis�ons of this Secvrity Ynsuu�nent nnd the Note ate daclan.°C
<br /> _ __ to 6e sevemble.
<br /> �,�,,���� 1G.Borm�ver's Copy.Sorrower shall be�iven one conformed copy of the Noi�t�nd ot this Secudry Instniment. , _
<br /> _, Fcrm 3028 OJflO ,
<br /> ;:�rma.:ia'� -
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