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' .ki�"� . 1 . . . _ . .. . i, . „ ... �.. � ,.�,�i,-r�i <br /> fl�;$'� '4 " . � - .,. ,. fs7�..:� , <br /> �. . __ , '��r-�:'� . <br /> �i . q(�n . - .. - , 1.. .. <br /> , . "�X1�mr .r . . „ �.. . .. .� ,. '. , � ' - rii a.", <br /> . - ...:d:w.::'ewn.;.. .. „ .. .n - . . .. . .. .... ,� ...�...r.....vy'�.: -, w....w�::.w�.�wv - <br />. ' <i. 4. '�ifjJCU�.y. .. ... .....N-..,.._ A.a+ntb�e•.au��w+e,n�•'�..y>C_...=~�m,�-ti•°_..,_3.:.`.._..:.._-:._ >....'_"_'_"'__ -�__._._..___........_. <br /> . .`k �euael.:Mn�- -^.._.��_..__...__.._.._..,... ....---'--.-'.__ ... ... ..... .. . . �._ <br /> '~ G.; <br /> ° `� Iq.Te�attsPer of the Ptnp�riy orn Itcneftcic�i Intercyt In L�a��or�er.Cf ull or uny pa►t of the Property or any interc�st in lt _ <br /> � � ' is hald ar transfcrred(or if n bsnefici�l interest in Bonawcr iK sold ar trunsfermA nnd Bnrcowcr iF not u nmurui person)wlthout <br /> �� "k�• l.endcr's prlar written cansent.Lender mny,at itR apUon, require immedinte payment in fl�ll of all xun��►sccurod by th{R ;�_ <br /> "'��'� Seeurity Instrument.Ho�vever. thls optic�n shull uot bo oxercirr�.,c!by i.ender if exerclhe la prohibiteci by fe�er�l Inw a.g af the duto � , <br /> �� of this Secu�iry Instrument. � � <br /> ..{.;; lf I.onder exerciscw thie optlon.I�nder shnll pVe e$Arcv�WQr natice af ne�:elermlon.The notice ehall pravide n period�i nat _ <br /> , � lesa than 30 dayw from the dato the n�4ice is deli d or muiled within which Aorrower �nuFt pay nll Kun�s sec:ured tiy 1hiR � <br /> .;,7_;f,,.;.;,�.�• Securlty Inst�unent. lf Bottowerfosilsto pay these aums prior to the cxpimtiun of thts pcdod,i.cnder mny invoke uny remuiies � o,_ <br /> permitted by thiR Security Instrument�vithout further notice or demand on Horrower. w <br /> 8orrowcr shull huyc thc right to hava � <br /> li�. �orru�ver'y �dOr,ht Ro E�etns8ate. If Borrower mcetg ccrtai�i conditinns, r _ <br /> °�;+�.w`�" enfarcement of thiR �ecuriry Insuument dfscontin;ted nt c�ny time priur w the wdicr ut: (a)S days(or su�:h�tNer peri�ul i�s � <br /> --•�;�� � applicable luw mny specify far reinstntement) before sule of tl�e Property pursuwtt to uny power of sale containecl ia this <br /> ,:.Nt.�. b <br /> '�;3 . Secudry Instrument;or(b)entry of aJudgment enforcMQ d�is Sccurity Instrument.Thase conditic�ns ure thut D3an�wer: (o)payR <br /> I.ender ull sums which then would beduo i adT�fcniac(C)pu"A�alm�xpen es�incumed inienforctng�thigiSecurity instrum•ent� � <br /> _��=�•- cures uny defautt af any ather a►venants B <br />_, .,..,,^y�;� including. but not limtted to, reasonable attorneys' fees;nnd(d tnkes such actian as l.ender may reasonnbly rcquire ta ussure <br /> thut the lien of thia Scxurity Insuurnznt.Londer's rights in the Praparty und Borrower's obligatian ta pay tks sums securod by r <br /> s'''^"'i'a this Securlty Instniment ehnll contlnue unchanged• Upon reinstutement by Bosower, this Security lostmment nnd the <br /> �;.,�x;. <br /> ::::s�.����� obligutions secured hQreby shull rem�i� tully effective ag if no ncceleration hud accurre�. Howuver. this riBht ro reinFtate shall <br />;_w;�,,,,�:,. not apply in the cuse of acceleration urts�er parugreph l7. _ <br /> �'L��_m 19. �1e oY Nate; Cht►nge ot i.aan Servicer. Tho Note or u partial ineerest in the Natc (toBeWer with ihis Securiry <br />'���`��::" � Insuument)mny be sold one or moretimes wlthaut pdor notice to Borcower.A ssila mny result in n rhnn�te Ic;�tho endty(known <br /> as the Loan ServIcer")that collects monthly payments due urtder the Note und tteis SECUrity Instiurttent.Th�3A..also may be one <br /> '-'�i� or more c}�anges of the Lnan Servlcerunrelnted to n sale of the Nois.If there is n chunQa of the Laan Servicec.Boa�ower will be <br /> .:.J.T-.L _ <br /> •=:1�: givei�written notice of the change in necordance w9ih Paru��Ph 14 nbove and npplicubla luw.The�todce wi1C state tho nartte artd <br />-����:����,�� addt+ess af the ncw L,oan Scr�+lcer und the address to whtch paym�ncs should be made.The uotice will also cantain any othcr <br />_r;,���;��� informadon requlred by applicable la�v. <br /> , f,.�,� Z0. I�aZardous gub�amces. gorrower sh����caushall n t da nor ullaw uny nedelse o�do, anething uffecting tlie <br /> `"�""°"�� Haza�+dous Substances on or in the Property. <br /> �--� �•,�� �; . Pmperty that ls In violntion of any Bnvironmental L�w• The Pmccdin�tui+°sentences shull no2 epply to te presenc�,use.or <br /> -�'k4�?;� ston�e on the Prop�ety of sm3all quantitles of Hazardous Substane�s that ure genecally recognized to Ise uppmpriate to nomwl <br /> m <br /> -�;;;;x,� residendal uae�and ta maintennnca of the Pmperty y - <br /> Borrawer shnfl promptiy giv�I.ender wdtt�n notir.e of nny invesuga��n�ny Hezardau 5 b tance or g?nvi�rontmentsil Lnw <br />��"`� govcrnmentol or re�t►latory agency or private party involving the Progerty <br /> _ __.�� of wh;ch Porrower has actus�A kno�viecfge. If Honawer leams.or is nodfierl by a�ry Sovemmental ar regulatory authority,thnt <br /> uny removnl or other remediatian otany Hazardous Substance siffecting the Property is necessnry.Borrower shall promptly take <br /> --_ ull n�essnry remedial uctions in acwrdanco wtth Environmental E..�+w. _ <br /> _ -_-- Rn us�!'sa ihi�pars;rssg!►2�.'Hnuirdous Substances" are xmose substnnces defined as toxic or hazardous subs'tnncca by <br /> °--_��_ Envlronmental l.nw and the follaw venta mntedals conutining osbe.g os or formaldeh decand radioAC dvc tma cr�als.A�rd in <br /> pe.sucides and herbicides.voladle sol . <br /> thls pamgraph 20. "Snvironmental Law" meAns federc�l Inws und laws af the jurlsd ctIon where the Pro�etty is locutai thnt <br /> � relnte to heulth.sufety or environmcntal protectton. <br /> �_,,;,;��;� (V��1-UNYFORkI COVP_NANT,S.Borrower and Lender fuRhPS covenant and egree as follows: <br /> - �'� �fl. �cceLerntton;Remedies.Lendcr shull gtve nottce tm�3arrovrer prior W acceterutian fnliow[n� Bomuwer's brcuch <br /> "=•W�`.ai�'�� of any���avuwnt or agc�ement in Ri�is Sccurity Instr+�me�4 Qibpt not prlor to ucoelesatlon under �rnqrs;pt� 17 aaiess <br /> upplicnble luw prca�9dm otherwise). The nottce shull speclfyi (m)the default�(bD 4t+r a3ciattn req�tved am cure the defaulE; <br /> (c)o date,not less 4�ham 30 tiuys iroan the ds�te the nonce is gtvcn to B�rrowcr,by whtch t!►c de[ac7'1 rmi�t be cured;nnd <br /> T.u. (d) thnt Qailurc to cure the defnalt an or beYore the dvte spestfic�l in the nottce cnay r�ule t�e aocelernNon of the sums <br /> secured by this Securtty Instna�a►t nnd sale o4 the Property. The notice shall ti�rther iue8ocm Bon'o�ver of the right to <br /> re1a.�1e utter ucceleradon and!he dgh4 to br[ng a court nction to cessert tlte non�xi,tence o!n default or nny o4hcr <br /> defe�n ai}brrower to aoeeleradon snd sule.It th ent tn futl of uli swns secvredfby t is Secudty�I�nstru�mPnt wid out <br /> d.ender, ut its optton, may ralmire immediate paym <br /> tbrthcr dcmnnd and may invoke tixepov�er of sate aud any otlzer cemedles pern�itted by r�pplic�ble Imw,Lender shnU be <br /> � entEt►xd to coltect all expenses incura�ed in pursutng the remedles provided M thts pAmgrnph 21,�rteiu�d3ng,but not Iimtted <br /> to,u�ensonubl�e attorneys'[ees a�d costs of t[tle evtdence. <br /> _ ,�� gp r�1�epower of sale is ia�aked,Trustc�e shull recor�l n notice of defuult in each rnunty in wh�r1►nny pi►rt of the <br /> -�_ pnIDp�rt3� is iocu2ed and sht;ll mail sopiea af such nntlac tn ahe niuntter pr�cribed by�pplicn6le luw 4o Borroiv�r and to <br /> - the oWcr{�ersons presTdhed by app l lca b le tu�v.A f ter the time required by appltcuble law,Tiraist¢c shsill6tve p�b1f¢noNce <br /> �—F� of sule to ttte persons nnd in the m�nner prescribed by oppitcnbte Iaw.Tnistee,witl�out dwnand on Iiorrower,shull s�ll <br /> ---_-� �1�e p�v►�rry at publtc nur_tlon�o titie hiAhest btdder nt the Nme nnd pIace and under tl�r t�rms designutal in the naHce o! <br /> .;a� sule[n�ne or more puroeis und in nnq order Truslee dei.e.-���1�►es.��sehe�d 1�dts�nle. Lender or Its dcstgnee 6ns�tY <br /> ..;;.�� Pro�erty by publte unnouna�a�nt at the tEme an�d pincc as.any p Y <br /> _"'�`� pur+chas�ttie�+operty at c�ny sfale. • <br /> -- Form SO�i 8l80 <br /> .�.... -- Popo 8 010 <br /> -r�;.i�.•se�� - <br />._._- -_'�� <br /> -._:.'.?,'.:,}i� <br /> � r -^ . <br /> 7 . t <br /> C/dl� t::;� .. . . .. - . . _._ <br /> �:'. � . . _ __ _ _ _— __ -_ <br /> kl��: • � _ _ �_ � . . :��.��.4yiC���. <br /> - �a�u=x�n:,a . _ _ <br /> ,�._,..�..._�__��_���- — .,—r«-+ _ <br /> .. <br /> _, <br /> , . . ., ,. <br /> w.. <br /> f - �1'� 1F1�� �1}� <br /> , <br /> ._ . . <br /> .' <br /> 1��: �SI�..�.. . - __ .. . . ,•+•--.� t:r+ -,L�...��a '- ,.Iti�'�Sd�_z, -_ - — <br /> . . av��. <br /> -Mi.hY��t N . .. ...� - _.. . —_ .__ _ .. �..---�. ..�-�'�x,�.�..-1 . •�a�,yiwrny-v.•c . _ <br /> � ..-:-: :_ -. <br /> N,t�..�r"���', . .. • . - - ��ep�r►iy,»r.6+1'Rh'tuvi0�rvw��y�+ro+tir+w✓.�v �F �nc -� r- _ .,.� _ <br /> w . �� .. .i ��) � . . . ��. .�_ �(._1d�ii•t� 1 �� ..���.1X=f.�i �.r- s - ! �!S ��+�4�]kF"�- _ <br /> t !; ° �. , •, , , . s� .:� + . a �„ . �G� •x�,���.. <br /> Y{ .`y �, . . ,+ ' + . . 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