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<br /> . �j' S. Hoznrd or �roperty Insurtince. Bormwer�hull kee�the impravements naw existin� or herenfter erected on the °
<br /> . ��� Prapeny insurcd aBninst lass by fire, huu�rda included within the term "ext@nded c�veruga" und nny ather hiva�ds, includina� �'-
<br /> �r flaoda�r tlaoding.far which l.ender requires insur�nce. This insurnrtce�hall be mnintainecf in the umaunta and far tho psriads� `
<br /> ° thut Lcndcr requires. The Insurnnce carricr prc►viding the in�urunce ahall bc chosen by l3orrawcr�ubjcct ta I.endcr's approvnl�
<br /> _ w h i c h s h all not b e unr u�so nubl y withheld. If 8orrc�wer falls to maintnin cuvero Qe descrihed ubave, [.ender mn y,iu Lender's�
<br /> " optiun.�btuln caveraBc to protect I.cndcr'�eiBhts!n d�e�'ropeny in uccurdnncc with pamgrnph 7. ---
<br /> ' ��' ., �, All insumnce palicies and renowuls Rhull ba ucceptuble to Lender and shall include n standard mortgago clause. I.ertder�
<br /> ��.° ._, shnll hnve the rieht to hold the palicie.9 ar�d reilewnls.If Lendcr requires.Bunower slinll prompdy g ivu to L en der ull receiptR of � �•
<br /> , .. pstid premiums und reaewut notices.In the evcnt of toss. Bonower shaii�lve prompt nottce to thc insurance currler and I.endar. � �
<br /> •:;-���:° • L.ender mny mnke proaf of lass if�tot nade promptly by�orra�ver. -
<br /> r.�`'"' � ' Uniess Lender und Horrower athen�+ise ugree ln wr�ting. insursnce proceeds shall be appl{ed to restorntlan or repair of tha
<br /> � � Ptoperty damagal,if the restorntion or tepair is ecanomicully feasible and Lender's securlry is not lessened.If thc restomtion ot
<br /> _,�•� .�` repair is not economicully feasible ar Lereder's secudty would be lessenod,the Insumnce proceeds shall be upplied to the sums
<br /> � • . :*y� securod by thta Security Instrurrtent. whether or not then due.wlth any excess p�td to Born�wer. ff Borcower ahru►dons t�e ---
<br /> , Property.or does not answer within 30 daye a notice from Lender that the insurartce ctuder has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> ..��•. �r L.ender may collect the insuranoe proceeds. L.ender mny use thc proccx�s to repuir or reston the Property or to gny sums
<br />�:�;�,,, secumd by this Security Instnimcnt,whrther or not then due.The 30Kiuy pertod will begin when the notIce is givcn.
<br /> �;�'��'��'�'� �•� Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwlse agree in wridn�. any application of proc�eds to prlrtcIpnl shnll �ot extend or
<br /> :�` ,.:i.: � pastpone the u�ti�dnte of the monthly payments referzcd to in pa���+hs 1 and 2 or chunge the umount of the payrr�enis. Ti
<br />'�"����,�;.�'` , Under aru ra h 21 the Pro e is uired b Lender. �orrawer's c3*'ht to an Insurance licles at�d �s resultin from
<br />;'��,•,.•�,..•,,� P E P P rtY �l Y � Y P� P �
<br /> ::;,;:? ..,r c'amage to the Property prios to the ucqulsidan sha!!Q•ss 3�lxnder to tha extent ef th2 sums secared by thls Sec�!rity incsrumeait .
<br />, ;:`�����"� Es mediate.'Prior t� thc acqti9si�=�n.
<br /> t�f%. ;�, 6.Occupnncy,Preservt�Non,MainCenance ared 6'�n'tecHnn of 8[5E 1Prope�fy;Bormwer's H��Agpllcation;I.enseholds.
<br />:'. A��� 'r��',' Borrower shall occupy.estc�blish.and use the Yroperty u4 IDorrawer's principul resIdenoe within sixt�j dsiys nRer the execution of ��
<br /> ����.� this Secueity Instcurttent an�t shull condnue to oaupy t,�e�Par�perty as Burrower's priacipal resldence for at least ane yepr ufter
<br /> -�,.--�
<br />;���� ;s,�,� the date of occupancy.unress fxnder othenvlse agr�ees i�m3tjng. which wnsent shull not be onreasonably withheld.or unless _
<br /> _�-��* extenuatin� circumstunces etist which are beyond Bc�ssawer's control. Bc�rrowet shnll rtot destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> .':r'�L1iC/_°:-1' ,
<br /> _:_�.�� Property.ullow the Prop�ssrty to detertorate,oz commit waste on the Prup2rty.Borrower shnll be in defuult if any forfeit�ere
<br />--�}r�`��'�;� action or praceeding, whether ctvil or criminal.!s begun that in Lender's good fnith judgment coutd result in forfettu�of thu
<br />_---°-� °� Property or othenviae n�aterially impair tha tien creatad by this Socurity Inshument or Lender's securlty interest.Bormwer may
<br /> --_ -�� cure such A defuult und rei:es:me.ns provtded in pamgrngh 18� by causing the acdon or p:+oceeding to bo dismis�ed with a culing
<br /> ++�� ••y�9Af, {n IrrciPr•a atintl fai:�h�e;rrminetiott; Qneciudes fF��fsIture of the Sorrower's tnierest Ia the Property or other muterial
<br /> _ :• impairment af tha Iten creuted by tl�ie Sc�curlty InsUUrneat ar Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also 6e in default if
<br /> -�°�� Borrower.during the lonn applicution process, gnve materlelly falsa ar inaxurate Infomuitton or statements to Lender(or faiQtd
<br /> - ''L'�' to pmvlde Lender wIth uny muterlal information)In connection with the loan evldenoad by the Note,including�but noi limited
<br /> --_ - - io,�t�epresentatiotts conceming Borrower's accupancy o���2►e Property as a principal residence.if thia Securiry Instrument is on u
<br />- = = �eflsehold, Sormwer shafl �arnpfy with a11 tlqe pmvisions of the leuse. If Horrawec� acqulres fee tIUe to t4�e Property, the
<br /> ��_= teaseh�ld amfl Yhe fee title shalt not mer�e unless l.ender ag�ees to the merger in writing.
<br /> ._____�,�;,,��, 7.Prot�c43on of Lender's Rights i�4hr.Property. If Borrower fnils to p�erForm the covenants and agm.ements oonwinad in
<br /> - _.;�� this Security Insuument.or there is a legnl pr�.zeding that may aignifcantly affece Lender's ri�hta tn tde Property(such aa a
<br /> --
<br />