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<br /> - 7Y3L3RTHt?Ft WITH nil the improvementx now or herenRer ercctcd on ehfl pm�►et�y,und aU cnscmente,uppurtcnanr,es.nnd �
<br /> Elxtures now on c�re�aftcr a p.�rt of tho pro�s;rty. All �laccincnt9 tutd addition�l ehull also he covcrcd by thiR Sccurity �
<br /> � �-• i��eaument.All af tho forc�oinQ iR r�fcrrcct tp in this Secu�ity Instrument nv thc"PPOpc�9y." Y
<br /> � BOE3ldiy�,VBEd COVBIHAN'TS thut lior�a�vet ic�Ic�wful�y xciacd�P tho estmc hcrcby canvcycd iuid hus�hr ri�ht m pmnt and
<br /> , ° canvoy tho Penper�y nnd that thc Wraperry Ix un��zcumhered, except foe encwnbrnnces aP�e�urd, i3orrawcr wc�rrnntK and wlp =--
<br /> dofend genemlly tha titie ta the Prapeny ii�jaf�ist nll cic►ims and deme�ndx.r;ubject t�nny encumhrcinces of recc�rd. �1`
<br /> � �' 'fHIS S�CURITY INSTRUMBNT cnmbtrtcs uniPam�c�vcnnntR f�r nutiannl uso and nnn-unifam�rovenn�ux with limited
<br /> varlatiun:�by Juelcdictfo�to constiwtc u unifarm sccurity instmment coverin�renl pro�scrty. � !�-
<br /> ' UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Barro�ver urtd I.rnder covenunt und aBre�aq fallmvs:
<br /> ` ,' �� 1. Rnyment of Princip�l und IIntcrest; �cr{myment und I.nte Charg�v. Horrawer Fhull pmmpily pay when due the �
<br /> . �.- -
<br /> ._ �= � princips+l of end interest on the debt evidena�.d by the Note and any pcepayment ortd IntQ chnrgc�due under the Note.
<br /> �a�.- 2. I��nds fmr Tuxes a�nd In.urancc. Subject to applicnblc law or t�u wdttcn wniver by Lender. Horrower sh�ll pay to
<br /> � �. •� Le�der on the day monthly paymente ure due under the Nate.until th¢Noto is paid in full,A sum("Fundg")for:(a)ycurly taxes �--
<br /> � • nnd nasessmentn which nu�y attein priorlry over this Security Insuument ns a Ilen on die Property;(b)yeurly leasehold pAymente _
<br /> �t, or ground rents on the Progeity, if any;(c)yearly hnwrd or property insurnnce premiums;(d)yearty flood insurance premiums. `"
<br /> . " =�: if uny; (e)yearly mortgago insurance premiums, lf any;und(�any suma puyable by Borrower to Lender, in uccardance with
<br /> �z' the provisions of paza�raph 8,in tieu of the puyment of mortIIug�insurance premiums.These items are called "Escrow Items."
<br />.,� • ' �.
<br /> � . .� Lender m.1y. at uny time, coliect cind hold Funds in un umaunt aat ro eaceed the ma�cimum amount A lender for�federally
<br /> ��.•;� ;� related rreortgage loan msy mquire for Horrower's escrow ucxount under tha federnl Real Estate S�tdement Procedures Act�f =
<br /> ., 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq.("RBSPA"),unless another law thnt applies w the Funds
<br /> . � . sets a lesser tunount. Ef so, I.ender may. at u�ry ti�ue, coilect and hotd Funds fn an amaunt rtat to eacee�the lesr�r amount. •
<br /> �`�-��••��' �f L.ender m.1y estimate tRe amount of Tunds due un the busls of current datn and reasonublc esWnstes of es�senditures of future
<br /> ,,�,�. ',.:..,,:
<br /> • • • . , Bscrow aCems or otherwlse in nccoc+dnnoe with applicuble law.
<br /> � �'`'' Ti«Fhnds shadl be held in un instItution whosc d�posis �re lnsured by n federal agency. instnunentnlity. or entity �"
<br />-'"`�'��'.� (includ3ng Lender.if G ender is such an insiitution)or in any Federal Home 9.QUtt BAnk.Lender shall upply the FunAs to pay the
<br /> ' •����•" Es�row Items.Lender may not charge Borcower far�alding and applyin�the d�l�nds.annnully cinnlyzir�thz cscrow account�or __.
<br /> .;i:�...,�:
<br /> - '•""'' r ver�fyin�the Escrow Items.unles.4 Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicabte!aw permits l.ender to mnke such
<br /> - u char�e.Howaver,L,ender may �equit�e Borroaer to puy a one-enme charge for an independent reul estate ta�c�+eporting�ervice
<br />--- ;:«••;r, used by Lender in oonnectlon with this loan, unless appli�tble law pt+ovides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> �, �'\::�
<br /> '�� ���'� applicable luw requires interest to b�pa�d.l.ender shall aut be required to pay Borrow+cr uny interest ar easninBs on the Funds.
<br /> :�:�.� r
<br /> =-;;��� Borrower and I.ender cnny ngree in vrridng.ho�ve�•rT,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender sh�]��ive to Horrower.
<br /> _-,,�f.�
<br /> _ at"== - }tp•�,}n �!!!s ssld�Iis iti ihi Ft!i� ?n�� t�►n eutr�nnae:for wh
<br /> ::-:°;'+�I�f� vritiioui�irur�c� uii iuu�uui aW:r,uati�g of it��us;.is, a g �-•r .� ,
<br /> �-;��°r��.i��.<<f. debit t�ahs�Funds wus made.T'ha�inds are pledged as additionn9 security for all sums secun��J by this Securlty Instiviment.
<br /> - �'���'`�4''' If the Fnnds held by Lender excred the amounts permitteci ta be hcld by applicable la�v.'Lender shall account to�urruwer
<br /> v:.il�!['t�Q'%�;v
<br />��;x;A" ,� for the oxcasa Funds an accordance wlth the reqairements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L,ender at any
<br />_ -_-_-__— dme is not sufticiem�o pay the Fscrow[tems when due,Lender may so notify�urrower in wrldn�,nnd.in such aue 8orrower
<br /> 1�?'-'� shall pay to L,ender the nmount necessury to make up the deficlency. Borrower sh�ll muke up the dcficicncy in no mnra than
<br /> _._'_-,�� twelve monthly payments.at Lendcr's sole discretlon.
<br /> `"�s p�F•�ri� L]�an payment in full of all sums securc� by this Sec�;rity Instrument. Lender shall prompiiy reft�nd to Borrower nny
<br /> -'-��=`=�="""�'� Funds held by Lendcr.If. under paragraph 21.I.ender shall ecquir+e or sell the Pcoperty,L.ender,pdar to the acquisItion or eale
<br /> ---,«n-„�,:�
<br /> - T,,,,.�.. of the Prnperty.sh�ll apply nny Funds held by I.ender at the time of ucquisidon or sale as n credit pg�inst the sums secar y
<br /> --_� thEs Security Insuu�ttent.
<br /> --�r� ` 3..�,11�ppUet�tion of Puyments.Unless applicable law provtdes otharwlse.�II payarenta received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> --_�':`.��; 1 cu►d� shn99 be applied: t3rat, to�ny prepayment churges due a�nder the Note;second,to amounta p�ayahle under pu�r�rAph 2;
<br />�=''"--"�� third.tu'Jntetest due;ffo�tth,to principal due;and lust,to any lat�;char�es due under the Note. •
<br /> ------°-� 4.Charges�I.9�ng. Bomuwer siu�11 pay all taxes.ussessments,churges, finea and imposittons uuributable to the Property
<br /> which mny uttain priority over this Secudty Yr.s:riiment. nnd leasehold payinents or ground rents. if nny. Borrower shall pay
<br /> --_-;�_-- these obligntlons in the manner providod in pura�raph 2.or if not puid ia dyat nwnner.Barnower shull pny Qiem on time directly
<br /> - -= to the person owed p�yment.Borrovver shull pmmptly furnish to[xnder nll notices of amounts to be paid under this pnrugcaph. _
<br /> -_=-� - If Borrower nwk�these payments directly,Bunower shall promptly furniah to Lendsr receipts evtdencing the paym�nts.
<br /> - -_- - . Bwcu�vcr sS�at!pramptly dischardc any li��s�vhich hav priority over�hia Secnrity tnstrument unles:i&�rrower:�a)a�rees in .
<br /> - wddn�to the payment of tl�e obligution secuard by the lien in a manner aa:eptnble to Lender;(b)contests ia good faith 13ie Iten
<br /> '"�'�"`-`� by. or ciefends mgninst enforcement of the lien in. tegc►1 procealings which in the Lender's opinion opemte to gr�eoent the
<br /> -':�'�: enfenzPment of the tien;or(c)secnures from the holder of thc licn an a�raement sntisfact�ry�o Lender subo�dinatlnII the 1�en to ";
<br /> ,•m«F•..,i-
<br /> �._:.�+��� this Sect�riry Instrument. If Leceder determines that uny purt of the Pmperty is subjeci to a lien wh{ch may nttnin prlority over
<br /> �q��c�a��ti this 5ecarity Instnunent, I.ender cnay give Borrower u notice identifyin�ttie lien.Borrow�r shnll sadsfy the lien or cnke one or
<br /> -`•`"''�_"'���� rttore of tha ncdons set fo:�thabovc wlthin 10 duys of the giving of notice. .
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