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'f,a�i��c�',rj!'�i!) 't �• :�. , •,r,p':r. .. i <br /> � t�fjFih7 �;�.'. r'� ' . � .. <br /> . . r����''. . `t•. . . <br /> I . . . • ' . . ,� :� ,. <br /> � ., . .._ -. - , - - . A.M��:r <br /> . . . � � <br /> �.... .._.. .. . ..��r. . .. . . . .. . .n . ... � . . . . . . .1. <br /> . . o .. . - .. . <br /> .., <br /> • � .- . " � . . .. ... .... . . - <br /> � � . ' .. . . _... ...._....................:. .._�d�.... .... _""' <br /> .• <br /> .� ... . ._.._._.` .....�...._.,. _— <br /> . .. ._....__. '--'-..... .�l <br /> , ____.__..________.___.. ��0�g����� <br /> ut eho optlyn o4 I.ander, if mortBn o innurnncv cavorngo (in the umount ond far the period that I.ender rcqulcea) _- <br /> provided by nn incuror apprpved by�.vnder�goin b�come�nvnllnble und Is abtuined.Borrower shall ptsy th�premiuma . <br /> � requtred to mnintain martIIoIIe insurunce in �o provide n loss reserve, until tha requirement?or mortgngo <br /> in�urnnce enda in nccordance aith uny�vrttten agreemane bot�ween Hotto�vor nnd I.ender ar opplicnble luw. <br /> � ' 9.Ianpectlon.[.endor or i�ta agent mny mnkv reasn�eble ontrlee upon nnd inepectlone of the Prop�rty.l.onder shnll - <br /> ° givo�orrower natica nt the time of or prior to nn inepection apeci4yin�reus�nuble cnusa 4or the Inspecttan. <br /> � 10.Condomaotlon.The procee�s oY 4ny��vard ar daim Por damage�,direct or cannectinn wtth <br /> �• . nny condemnation or othar takinQ o4 nny pnrt oi the P�operty,ar for conveyanca in lteu oY condemnutian,nra horeby <br /> , essigrted en3 shall be puid ta I.ender. . <br /> ��� In tho event af a total tulctn�of the Praperty, tha proceeds ehnll ba appli�ed to the eums secured by this S�curIty �r, <br /> r� "�� lnstrument��vhethar ar not then due,with any excesa pai d to Bonower.In tha avent of a parti�l taktn�at the Aropa�ty in <br /> >�,,�:,� ,, <br /> •,.•�' ahici►the fair mnsket value of tha Property tmmedietel y before tho wlcing ia equal to or greater than the amount of the <br /> � �•�'� sums secured by thio Securtty Inatrument imtnedtntely before the talcing,unless Horrawer nnd Y.ender otherwice o�ee <br /> • tn wci4'sna,4he sums se�ured by thi4 Seccr�ty InetrumemZ shntl Lw reduced by the antount o�the praceeda multiplied by . <br /> the followim�Q fraction:(a)tha wtal amount af the aum�ecGUred imm�diately liefrore th�s tatrin�,divided by(b)the Puir �_ <br /> � '"�''��'' maritet valud oP ths Propert3�ir.rsmediately befmre the t�ki�Q.P.ii,Y bal:�nco ahnll be paid to Borrower.In the avont oY a _. <br /> � ,'."�, partia!taltic�B of the Proparty ia wluch the fai�msrl�et vatca oP the Property�mmediately beYure tho taking ie less than _, <br /> �� {. thcs umount oi the sume secured immediaGsly kei�are tlie taltina,unlees Bocrower and Lender otl�.rtcwise ngree in writin� <br /> or unless applicable law otherwiee provideA, the pcoteec3s eIw11 Ue applied to the sums secured by thia Security __ <br /> ' � Insirument whathor or not the a►ctr.s ate then due. <br /> ,;.5�,�+f�� ,'ti� If tha Proparty ie aban@anad by Barrower.or if,a�Pt�c notica by Lender to Borrower that the condamnor ofiers w ' <br /> "�x�:��•��,- •w' mal:e an award ur sattle a clatm for dumuges, Barrower eaile to r��nd tc>L.ender withln 30 days aftsr the date the _ <br /> , � :. � • noitco ia given,I.ender ie authorized to collect and opply tha proceeds, at its option,either to restaratton or repair ot tha <br /> �,- Property or w tho sums securecl by thte Secudty Instrurr�ent,whather or not then due. <br /> .��,;�': Unless Lender and Borrower othernlse a�rea in writing,any uppl�catIon of proceeds to principal ehall not eutend or `F,� <br />,.T,,;��IY;;,.;� po�tppne the dua date of the monthly puyments raYesrred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the umaunt of such �- <br /> �.h,,, ,,� payment�. �. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbaaruace By I.eader Not a �'Voiver.Extarision of tho tima for payment or <br />_ ,� I modi}tcation o4 amortIzntion of tha eums secured by this Security Inetrument granted by Lender to any succe.�or in _ <br /> � interESt of Borrower shell aot operatr to release the liability ot the or�glnal Borrower ot Borrower's successore tn = <br /> •'�•�. • •� interest.Lender shall not be tequired to commenca proceedings egainet eny succe,ssor in intemst or refuse to extend __ <br /> ��'���. :�« time for payment or otherwise modify amortlzatlon of the eums secured by this Security Instrumont by raason of any :_ <br />';r�:;s"�,� •• �. demand made by the nriginal Dorrower or$orcoaer's succeasors tn intetest. Ar►y for6eart►nce by L.ender in exetcising <br /> - ar�y right or rentedy ehnIl not bo e wei�c=oi�r�recludc ske exer�3x Qf say rl�ht or ram��: _ <br /> `,� '' 12.St�ceosaors and Asaigas Houad;Joiat and Severe! Llabillty;Co-signers.'�'ha caven�nts and a�reements — <br /> '��f��"':'v� o f t h i s Seauri t y Inatcunnent ehal! bind and banaf�t the successors and essigne oY L,ender aad Borrower. subjeat to the <br />��:;;��;��`�?�. ptnvieions oi para�raph 17.Horrower's covenants an d agreements a h a l l b e jo in t an d s e ve r a l.A n y B o r ro�v q s w h e�c o's i g n e <br />�_-�i;;;,r���'yfN <br />-,::.,•.. -�. ,, this Seaurity Inetrument but ddes not execute the Nots:(a)is co'signiug this 5ecurity Iastrument o p to mo�tgage, <br />_,z,ti;���,��A, �rant and wavay that Banowar's interest in tho Property under the terms of th�s Sacurity Instrumenr, (b) is not <br /> _ _w, �y, �. personolly obli�ated to psiY the sums secured by this Security Iaetrument;and (c) agrees that Le,•nder nnd nny other <br /> -�� Borwwer may ugrec+to extond,modify,torbear or make any aacommodutions�vith regerd to tha termd of thie Securlty <br /> M�'�"'`""" Instrument or tha Note�vithaut thnt Borrower's cansent. <br /> - _="�i`�� 13. Loan Chnr�os. If the loan secured by thie Security Instrument is subject to a law ahich sets maximum lonn _ <br />�;;:�.�=,� <br />_-=�_.Y,L�,"� chnrges, ond thot Inw is finelly interproted so thet the interest ot ather loan aherges collected or to ba collected in <br /> ----- conn�ctton�vith th@ loan axceed the permitted limits.thon:(a)any auoh loan charge sha11 ba reduced by the amount <br /> _.____,._,,,�_ n�ry �reduca the cherge to the permitted lImit; and (b) any sums already coUeeted irom Bonower whlch <br />-,T�_�"��� exceeded permitted limits wi31 be retunded to BorroNer. Lender rnay cha4se to make thie reiund by reducins the <br /> �_--- " princ�pxl owed under the Nate or by making a direct payment to Borrower.IA a reiund reducea principal.the reduction <br /> =:=�:��-�---A ment chur�e under tho Note. _._ <br /> __...�.� viill t�e treated as a parttal ps'ePnyment wtthout eny prepay <br /> -----"— 14. lOToticea.Any nottce to Borrotiver provIded Por in this Security Instrument sh�11 be given by deiiv�ving it or by <br />-��=<�'� mailtnq it by tirst class mnil unless applicebla luw cequires use of naiother method.The notice ehalt he directed to the <br />- —�l�� Properey Address or any other addres�Borrower dosig,nntes by notice to I.ender.Auy aotice to Lender eh�ll be p,Iven by _ <br />�:�-�.� firat clns.9 mail to Lender's asldres�stated herein or c�ny other address L.cnde.r designatea by noitce tn Bnrrower. Any <br /> _ '_-"� noticc provided for in th�a Sprnr#ty TnAtrument shell Ue deemed to havo 1�een�iven io Borrower or Leader when�ven <br /> ,,,�.,,�� as provided in thts paragraph. � <br />--�'__-__- — 15. C3o�o�isrg p.a�v;Severability.Thie Security Instrument shell bo governed by 4odernl law und the low of tho <br /> -�-°w�`� jurisdictiun in ryhich tha Property ia locuted.In the event that any pr¢�vleion or cluuse o4 this Securtty Inatcunent or the <br />;;R�'�;�� l�ote conflicts with npplicnble law.such cot►ilict ahdl aiot aifec:t other provlsIona ot this Secwity Instrument c�r tho Note <br />'_'�����`�:�= �vAiah can be gtven efiect�vithout tha conilictin�prodieion.To this end the provisious of ehis Seaurity Instrumeat nad - <br /> `_.+ti���'�.5 f�'::" , the Nota nrtl deolured to lw sevorable. __ <br /> .�e.:,•...,��.:. <br />',',u. F.��t. . _ <br /> � t <br />,,,.�.,;�'�' s , Fam 902d 9/BO <br />:--�'�'x;.. , .� !�-6HWEJcaoa�ot na��or o Inlu�te��/ � <br /> :,•a , -- <br />-,i�i7�'s�`�� ., <br />..._. .p .. . �J, -. <br />�'.. ... . . _._. <br />.,.. � .i �} . . . . . . - <br /> � ___ '—�_� _ -_ _-- — _ <br /> '"--���-„��,� _ ' '_'_ .___ _— . . . _ _ _ _ <br /> ... -,�..- .w . . . . . . ._ ... _ . '.�.' LS"_':_ . <br /> �:�' � • ' ' ��� - ' , � {� <br /> .r . <br /> 1` _ l, t�s i � y.� . - �� tfj..'.�XA��: <br /> F,�. ..l'- � r � . <br /> . .- .. . � .�. � .:. . . .. _ <br />_'• . .-._ . _r.i _.- _-"_'_ . _-.__ ._-___ __ --_. _ -_,__.__ _ _.'__ _--___ .-----—_ —_-�:—_'"____ : ° _ <br /> ' I� _ , _ . ' l� .. ' _ , n , , .. - If . . . .. � ,L <br /> .. � .. ' ' � u .. L' • . ... � .. ' ��1S�a• <br /> .i ` .. .. . . .. . . . , a .. � '�` .• . .. 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