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<br /> .. S. tieanrd ar Peoparty Insuronce. Boreawer ahnll ke�p the tmpravomanta no�v exIatfn�or her�n4ter�rected on '�
<br /> tho Yrapexty Insured�aBninat lass by firo,hozurds included withio tha torm "extended cavernae" und nny other hazards,
<br /> ' ` I includln�flandg a�r flaadi�g,Qar ahtah Iwnder requires inAUra�cd.ThiR insuroncv eh�ll bo mninwined in tha nmaunta ° ,:
<br /> 1 nnd for tha parIoda thnt I.onder requires. Tfia insurunr.e cnrriar praviding the inGU�anco shnll !so chason by Harra�ver
<br /> �i e,ubject to Lendor'a approvui which eball not ba unrensonnbly withhoid.If Horrow¢r failn to mnintain caveraBe descrtbed '
<br /> nbovo, l.end�r may,nt I,�nder's opttan, obtnin envorn�a to protect I.ender's rI�hts in tho Property in nccardonce with ' '
<br />_... , pArnIIroph 7.
<br /> �. All inauronce policiea und renownla ehnll ba ncceptnbla to Landdr und shull includa n swndard.mortBa�e clnuse. ,•..
<br /> .� � I.�udcr shaU hovo th�right to hald the policies and renr��vela. IP l.endc+r requIres,Aurrower cho11 promptly atve to ••
<br /> .. Lender ull receIptA afpa�d premtumo and renetivnl nntIces.In the ovent of loss,Horcower ahull give prompt notIca ta the ;:'�:'
<br /> _:.�.�� inRUrnnco currier and I.ender.Lender mn�r make proaf af lo�a if not mude promptly by Horro�ver. �
<br /> �,;;��..�� Unless I,onder und�arrawer otherwise agrea in�vritinB,inau�nnce proceeda shull be applted to restorntion or repnir
<br /> � ,,.•:�.�"�1lI of the Property dumuIIcd. it the r�toration or repair ia economically fe.nsible and I.ender's securlty iA not lessened.If the
<br /> ��'; restorntIon or repair is not ecanamicaliy feneibl�or I.endor's security would be lessened,tho insuranco�roCeede ehull b�
<br /> ;� upplied ta tho aume secured by this Security Instrumenc,�vliether or not then due, with any exces,g paid ta I3nrrower.I�
<br /> ' « ��, Aorrower abandona the Property,or does not anawer aithiv�30 dnya a notice from Lander that tha Inaurnnco cerrler haa :
<br /> .. . '� offored to settle a claim. thon I.endor mny coIlect th¢irts�iranco praceeds. L,end�r muy uso tho proceeda to repair ot :�t;;
<br /> '' restore tha Property or ta pay aums secured by thia SecurIty Instsument,whethcr or not thon due.1'he 30-d�sy period�vI11
<br /> � ,a, begIn cvhen the nottce is given. ,
<br /> .. ` Unless I.ender and Borco�ver otherwise agree in writiag,any applicntion of pror.eeds w grincipal shetl not emend or '
<br /> : � pastpona the dua dnto of the monthly pa,yme�nts re4�rred to in paragrupha 1 and 2 or chnnge t he amount o f t he payments. �-"'
<br /> Yf under paragraph 21 the Proparty ie acquired by I.ender. Borrower's rtght te any ineurance policies and proccxds
<br /> c+esulting from damage ta tha Property prlor to the acquIsition ahafl pase to Leadar to the extent af the sume secured by
<br /> .�� thie Security Ia�strnment immedtat�ly priar to the acquiaition.
<br /> b.Occupancy.Preservatioa. Maflnteaonce end Protection ot the Praperty;Borrower's Loen Applicatioa;
<br /> I.euseholde. Borrower shell occu�y�estnblish,and use the Property ua Bornswer's pr�ncIpal residence Nithiri sixty days
<br /> _ , � " after the axecutton of this Secunt Instrumsnt and shall continue to occu y the Property ea Horrower's prIncipal ���
<br /> . �,� rreaidence for at least one year after he date of occupancy,unles9 L"ender other vise egrees in wdtin�,which cansent ehall �.,i'
<br /> not be unregsonably withheld.or unless extonuatln�cicaumetenae�exist tvhich are beyond Bonowor's control.BorroNer --
<br /> " shall not destroy.damage or impaIr tha Property.altow the Prop�rty to dateriorate,or commit waste on the Fmperty. �•'•�=
<br /> �� -
<br /> Bormwer aha(1 be In default if any forP�iture actIon or proceeding,Nhethor civil or crtminol,is be�un thnt In Lender's ��_
<br /> � " ` �ood faith judgment could result in forfeIture oi the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien creat�.by thta f.'
<br /> ' ,,� Seourity Instrument or Lender's securlty inierest. $orrovrer may cure euch a default und re�nstate, us provFded in
<br />�. puragraph I8, by causin� the acdon or proceedIn� to be dismIefsed wIth a culiag that, in I.endex's goad faith ���,
<br /> ti = doiarminaaon,pr�cludes forfeituta oi iha Borrowsr e intetesi in iha Froporiy or v'shor m8iciiril iinFiaicinallt vt ihc Iicu "�
<br /> � •''�?�� . creuted by thia Secor�ty Inatrumeat or Lendor's security intereAt.Borrower shell nlso ba i�t da4ault if BorroNer.during �;;;_:`
<br /> -''`��� ' �;;��i r'' the� laan appliaatiun proce,ss, �ave materially felsa or inaccurate informatton or etetomenta to Leitder (or feiled to �..
<br />" "��� 1��"}�� �' provtde I.ender with eny rstntorial in4ormutIon)ln cannectlon wlth the loan evidenced by tha Note�inaludtng,but not y�„__
<br />������• ,��•• ' limited to,re resentatIons coacernin Horrower's occu�anc o4 the Pro na a dttct resIdencs, xf tttis SecurI r`��__
<br /> •1�, . . P � Y P�3' P P� tY N__.
<br /> '"� .,"'r,:� �:. Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shell comply wleh ell the prov�sions of the lease.If Borrower acquires feo title w �-
<br /> ""'• �' ��^'' Yhe Ptd Tt -_.
<br /> ,'.,.3�;,,,, ,� pe y.tha leasehold and the 4ea tttle shail not marga unless I.ender e�rees to the metger in wrlting. � _.
<br /> ��.:•r• � �l'' 7. Proteat�aa af Lendor's Righta in thu Property. It Botrower fails to perform tha covenants and sgreements
<br /> =d�<..-._..�1 4� cun t a{n e d in t h Is S e c u r tty Inetrumant,or t here ie a 1e,�a 1 pro c e e din�t hat may s lgni t I�t ly a f fec t L an der's d�h 4 i ia t he f��'
<br /> ,� . � -,,.
<br />�+`•-^ •�'�° s� - Property (auch as a prorxeding in bankruptcy. probate� for coadamnution or forPeiture or to ertforca laws or E�:
<br /> ."" '":`°,'""" regulations).then Lander may do snd pay for whatever io necessnry to protect the value of the I'roperty aad Lc+nder's �_:
<br /> 1�°.:". .,`t,{ rIghte in the Pro Y' P Y � Y Y P � tY
<br />��,,,�.,:L,,..,..;� .,�. pc=rty.Lvnder's actIons ma cnclude a fn an aume secured b a lien which hos rtori over 4hie =
<br />-" �;rt;�q Secnrity Instrument.appearin�in court,paying re,usonnble nttorneys'fees ond entertng on the Pmperty to make repaira. _
<br />-~� �=•:,�y�� ' , Aithough Lender mey take nction under thie parugraph 7�Lender doev aot have to da so. ---
<br />�=�=�=�="'=� ,: My amounts diAbur�d by LendQr under this paragrapb 7 shall b�come additionnl debt of Borro�ver s2�ured by this —�
<br />_--°��=����'� Security Instruenent.Unl�Aorrower nnd Lender agc+ee to other terme of payment,these amounts ahnil bear interest �
<br />�5�`���4�.'�:.:= ' s frorr�tha dnts of disbursement nt the Note rnte and shnll ba payable,with interest,upon aottce from Lender to Borrowor
<br />��'�"�:• requc�tin payment. --
<br /> '-���.:�=:,t: ', 8. I1�ort�oge Ineorance. If Lendor r�uired more�ago inaurance as e condidon of mutcing the lonn secured by thia ---
<br /> i-� "'T`` '.Y Security Iastrument,Borrower shall a the remtum� uired w ma'satnin the mort insurnnce in eftect.Yf�for =
<br /> • �F„�:n;,;.:, P Y P �l Ba� �W
<br /> :��:'`:,�,.:.,�...,,. . rmason, the mort�age insuranca coverage requIred by I.nnder lapses or ceases to ba in effect, 13orrawer shall pay tha —
<br /> re.miume r u9red to obtain covera e substantial! r
<br />;.���� ".f p eq g y equivalent to tha mort�egd lnsurance previously ia aifect�ut a cost =
<br /> ��t A substonti�lly equivalent to the cost to Borrower oi the mortg�►�e insurance previously in afiect, 4rom nn olternnte -
<br /> 4 t' mqrtgago insuner approved by Lrmder. If eubstsntially equivnlant mortaage �nsuranc� aovernge ie not uvoilable, ,,.,._:.
<br /> Lm
<br /> _ ,.�tl���',. ` Borrower ahall pay to Le�tder each month a sum equut to one-twelfth�P t�o yearly mortgoge lasurance premivm being �::-
<br />_'- `" "h`�S '�' paid by Borroaer whea the Insurence wvernge lapsed or ceased to be in eifoct.I.endar will accept,uso aad rettdn thesa �-''
<br />_-"�"�'g'� �xYment� as a loss roserve in lieu of murtgsgd insurnnce. Loss reserve paymente moy no los�gat bo requirod, �".".�_
<br /> - ...�. '. � ^P-
<br /> _ .�� �
<br /> -' � � i;�1� , r Form 30Y 9/80 � �.;
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