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<br /> � 16.Horrowee's Cupq. Hanawet ahol!ba aiven one conPormed capy�f the �e und af this Security Inatrument.
<br /> �� !7. 'I'rnnator oT the PQOp�tt or a Beneticinl Interest in�areo�ver. If nil or uny purt of tha Property or eny
<br /> interest in tt ia sold or transferred or lf fl beneftctal interevt tn Horrower is sold or transferred nnd Borrower i�not a � �
<br /> , naturnl peeson)wlthout I.elder's pr oe writteri consent,l.ender may.at tts optton,requiro immedinte payment In full oY
<br /> ' , all nume secured by this 3ecurity Instrument. tiowaver, this optian shnll not ba axercised by Lender If exercise ia
<br /> . prahibite�by Yodoral Inzv ns of tho dnte of thle Security Inatrurnent. "'�
<br /> I4 I.ender oxaceises this opttan,Yxnder aholl aive Barro�ver nottce of nccelerntion.The notice ehnl!provide a period
<br /> - of nat less thnn 30 duys trom the date tho natIao is dellvered or muiJed aithin whlch Borrawer must pay all auass secured '��`
<br /> ° r; . by�this Security Instrument,tf Horro��er fni1Q to pay th�e sums prlor to the expirati�n�f thes peric�d,I.ender may involce
<br /> . any rsmedies�rmitted by thie Security Inetrument wlthuut turther nattce or damand on Borrower. -
<br /> 18. Barrawer's Rlght to L@elastete.If Borro�ver meete certnin conditione,Borrotver ehall have�the rtght to hnva „ :
<br /> - �����. enfarcars►ent af this Security Inetrument discontinued at any time priar to the e.�►rlier of:(a)S dQys(or auch other pariod
<br /> • ^'� "''� � ea a pliceblo lnw mo a
<br /> .�, p y pecify tar reineustement)beYore sala oi the Property pursuant to anypoaer of sale contoined in
<br /> � � this Securit Inetrutnant;or (b) entry af a !'ud�ment enforcin�thie Secunty Inatrumer►t.'Those conditions ere that ,
<br /> , Horroaer. �a) paya Lendnr ull sums wh�ch then would be dve under thia Security Inetrument an d t he Note tis i f no
<br /> acceleration had accurred;(b�cures any doYault of any ather covenonus at aareements; (c)gays all expenaes incurred in ::�
<br /> • � onfarcinA this Security Inatrumene,including.but not limited to,res�sonable atwrnepa'fees;und�d)takes such action ea '�.;
<br /> Lender mny reasonably requira to eesure that the lien oY this Sccurity Iastrument.Lender's rights in the Property and _
<br /> , Borrower's obti�ution to pa the smns secured by this Security Inatrument ehnll continue unchunged.Upon reInstatement �
<br /> by Horrower.tlus Security�natrumontand the obliaatione secured hereby shell remsin fully effective as iP no acceleratton ,,�;�;'
<br /> �' .. � had occurcerl.However.this right to reinstate ahall not apply in the case of acceleration undar patagraph 17. !,:
<br /> , ,:'� 19.Sale of Nota; Chaage of Loea Sorvicer.The Note or a partiel interest in the Note(to�ether wIth thi�SecurIty
<br /> Insuument)may be sold oae or rnore timea without prIor notice to Borrnwer.A sale may result in a change in the entity '�
<br /> � - � � (known as tho"I.oan Scrvicor")thet cotlects manthty payment�due ander the Note and tltts Secudiy Inetsumant.'I'hero
<br /> als�may be one or more chan�es of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to n eule of tha Note.If thera is a chan�e of the T.,oan __
<br /> ,� Servicer,Bonoaer will ba given Nd ttan notice of thd chan e in accordance with paragraph� 14 above aad appltcuble law.
<br /> Tha notice will state the name nnd address of tho new I.oan�ervicar and the address to which peymen4s ahoutd be mude.
<br /> The notice wilt als�o contatn any mther iniormation requlred by applicable law. �,;^�
<br /> t 20. Huzardoue Substances,Br�noaer ahall not causa orpeernIt the presence,use,disposal,storege,or release of --
<br /> •� .#� eny Heznrdoua Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do�anything aftecting �,;:
<br /> " the Property that ie in vtolation ot any Envtrc�nsnental Law.Tha preceding two sentences shall nat apply to the presence, —_
<br /> - �, use� or storage on the Property o� sm�ll qoantities of Hazardous Substences that are generully recognlzed to be �}`-
<br /> �: eppropriete to normal residential uses end to maintanance of the Property.
<br /> �. Borrower ehall promptly�ive Lendesr written notice o�any investigatlon,claim,demand,lawauit or othdr aetIon by -�_'-'`
<br /> .
<br /> any governmentel or reguluwry agency or private party involving the Propei�ty and any Hazardnus Suhstanca or -:-
<br /> Envira�nmental Laa of whIch Honower hae actuel knowledga.If Horrower loarns,or ie notIfied by any governmentel or -�
<br /> '. �f segulatary autharity, Lhst�n, s�c,sovs! or aiher remediation oP sn; Haxerdue� SuL+stsnee sffe!��Ing rhA pr±��±�y ;a -
<br /> ' •�,�'� necessary,Bonower ehall promptl�talce all necessary remedtal aetions in aecordanco Ntth Fs�vironmentel Laiw, �r:�
<br /> .,�: ' �'� As used in thia paragcaph 20, Hazardaus Substances"are tho'se substances defined ea tox�c or hazardoua aubstances �
<br /> � ��"�• ������ by Environmental Law end tha fdloaing substances:gasoline,kerosena.other ilammable or toxic petroleum praduate, _.
<br /> ' ����''�� ` �1.� toxlc pesttoides und herbicide.s, volatila solvente, matetials containing aebeato�or formaldehyde� and radioactive
<br />-. r,,;•:..;;r;,�,;: ., f _:
<br /> : '�����:�,.'-%�:'� ` materlale.Aa used in thisparugraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal lawe and lawe of the jur�sdtction where tha __
<br /> . ' Property te located that relate to heatth,safety or environmental grotecdan. _.
<br /> . � NON�UIVIFORM COV BNANT'S.Horrower and Lender 4urther covsnant and agree us follows: �'-_
<br /> " � • � 21. Acceleratioa; Remedies. Lender uhell �ive natice to HorroNer prior 4o accelerat{oa followIag � .
<br />-` �'' �� �' Bonower's breach of aay covennat or agreement ia this Security Iaetrument(but not prlor ta acceleration `._,
<br /> �••�'• �� " uader paragreph 17 uulese eppllcable taw provides otherwiso�.The nottca ahell specity:(e)the defanit;(b)the
<br /> ' acttoa required ta ouro the detevlt; (c) a dato. aot lese thaa 30 daya from the dato tho not{co ie IIdvea to `-
<br /> $onowar�by whicb the defeult muat ba curod; end(dj thet'fallure to cura the detault on or boiore the dettl _-
<br />-���:��r. ' specified ia the notice may result in accelerntioa of the aums secured by thisSecurity Iastrument�ad eale oY
<br />'a'"'�'-°���, the Praperty.The aotice ahnll further ia4orm Borrovrer of tho right to reineteto after acceleration and the _
<br />_;u.`�:�'� right to briag a court actioa to aesert the aaa-e�xistencm of a default or eny othor defoase oi Borrower ta �-
<br /> ;,•;;., accelesation and sele.II the d�ieult is ao!cured on or beforo the dete specitIad tn the notica�Leader,at its �,:.
<br /> ''""��iF`;;?`.X� opt�on, rat�y requira immodiato payment in full uf aIl eums seeured by tbls Security Instruenent w34dtout _-
<br /> . further demand and may lnvoke tho powar ot aele at►d eay other remediea permitted by eppltcablo law. __
<br />- ' Leader shall ba ar�titled to collect nll expanses incurred 3n pursutnB the remedies provided ia thie parogreph =
<br />-�"�",,°.� 21�including�but aot linaitod to,reaeonable attornays'iees and costs of titlo evideace. _ _
<br />�,,,,.;;,s�-._ Yf the po�or of smle is iavaked,Truatee aholl record o aoti6e�f default ia each caun:y ia rrh{ch eny part oi �.:
<br /> _ :_�Y c�-•.- : the Pro p ert y is located a�ad shall mnil co piea oi suclh notic� ia tho nnanaer prescribed b y a p pl�cable lew to � -
<br /> •��t�,r+±d t Honower end to tha oth8rge rsone prescribed by appticabla tow. After thetima requlred by appliceble lew� ��
<br />'�`�i=��•'"= ' Troseee eball giv�publ�c not i coof au l e to theperaoae�ad in tha monner prescdbed by apptioab le l aw.Truatee. �=
<br /> "X'���, ;' �+ �v�thou�demand on Horrowe�,eha11 sell the Property at pu�lic euctton to the highost biddex at the time aa6 -
<br />,. -.,:.
<br /> 3L`: `, " . place arud vnder the torms deaignoted�a the aotica of sale in one or more parcols and in any order Truateo _
<br /> � � deteresrua,�xs. Trustee mey postpane sele oi all or any parcel of the Property by pu6lic ennouncemen3 et tho
<br />� ����'° . � time 8�d piace oi aay previwa�ely scheduled sale. Leader or its deaIgnee muy purc6ose the Propeny at any
<br /> � , eale. -
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