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, , � . ;ij-,; �%�� .� •f;_:.: . <br /> � .t �.��:. `�„ ' . . . . � <br /> , � � . � <br /> 11 ,. • ' � ,. . <br /> • , . „ .,,:,,..•,. • , � . ,. <br /> . a�tt�YAW��•. <br /> . � � „ '. ^ n.. � .. • . - . . „ .. " . .,� . ., ' v . • �° . <br /> .. ,� ' � 9�0�c����9 �... <br /> ��^ . �••� T0C�IETH�R WITH all the Improvomenta na�v ar hereafter erected an tho pro�rty� and nll eacdmenta, <br /> �� .... uppurter�ancea,and flxturc�no�v or hereafter o part o4 the property.All repincement�nnd udditionA ehull ulba ba caveted �•� <br /> by thi�Sccurity Iaetrument.All of the forcgoin�jsreferred ta�n thie SecurIty Inotrumont Qe the"Nroporty." �� <br /> . . " BURROW�R COVENANTS that Horrowc�rla low�ully seised of the�.stnw heroby canveyed tutd has tho riBht to =. <br /> � ; �;rdnt nnd canvey the Property and thnt the Proporty is uneneumbrred,exeept far eneumbruneea of record.Hcsreo�ver ''� " <br /> •� ° . warrante and wlll defend�eneraAy the title to the Property uguinet nll c;lnlms and demands,aubfeot w ony encumbrnncea �-••� <br /> of recard. ' <br /> �� o,. 7'HYS SECURITY INSTR[JMENT uumUinr_s uaaifurr�i covtlnanta for natinnel usd nnd n�n-uni�orm covenanta witii �,•,. <br /> � limised varfations by judsdiction to conatltutea uniform security instrum�nt cuaerin�reul praperty. , <br /> �"�� UNIFORM CUVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenent and agree us fotlawa: �t` <br /> .-�- l.Paymeat of Priacipal and Interest;Prepaymeat nnd Lete Char�ea. Banawer shall promptly pay when dua G��'� <br /> y. Y�_.. <br /> :;.;- <br /> � the principnl 04 and interest on the dabt a videnc�d by th e N at e an d any pr ep aymont a n d l a t e o h a rg e s d u a u n d e r t h e N o t a. �:�::. <br /> �'''" 2. Funds for Tnxos aad Iusuraace. Sub ect ta a licable law or to n wrtitan waiver b L.ender�Honower ah�ll <br /> � PP Y � p �e_-- <br /> � $y to I.ender on the day monthly psymenta aro due under the Nata,until tha Note is puid in Yull,a sum( Funds )for• -- <br /> ^ . � (a)yearly taxes und assessrrienta which may attain priarity over thia Sacudty Instrumont as a lien on the Propert�r;(b) '=- <br /> � yearly leasehold paymenta or around rents on tha Property,if any; (c)yearly hazard or property insurance prerrauma; �_=_ <br /> ., � (d)yearly tlaod insurancs promiume,it any;(e) yearly mortgaga insuranco premiume,if any;and(f)nny suma paynblo "� <br /> • � by Hottawer to L.ender,in accordance with tha provisians af parngraph 8,In lidu af the payment of mortga�a inaurance �;�� <br /> �� premiuma.These items are ct�lled"EscroN Iteme." Lender may,at any tima,collect and h�ld Funda in nn umaunt not �.-_ <br /> �` to exceed the mfucimum amount a lendor tor a tederally related mortgage loan may requira for I3orrower's escrow -- <br /> ' � „;f account under the tederal Real �state SeYtlament Procedures Act o4 1974 ae amtlnded from tima ta time, 12 U.S.C. -- <br /> � ' =; �' Sectton 2601 ef sa:r�. l"�YA"),unless snother law that applies to tha Funcla seta a less�:r amount,If so,Leader may, == <br /> _ „�� at any ttrna,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceEd the lesser amount.Lender may estimate the emount of "°" <br /> „ . Funds due on the basis of current data and reasoneble estimates of er.p�mditures of future Escrow Itema or o4horwisa in <br /> P� <br /> ' t accordance with appiicable la��. Ri,_ - <br /> ' �" The Funds ehall lse held in an inatitution whose dapoaite ora insured by a federal a�eacy.instrumentel�tq,or entity - <br /> � , � (incl uding Lei�der,ii Lendar is such an inetitution)or in any Federai�nme Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds tci �_ . <br /> pay tha Lscrow I4oms.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying tha Funds, ennually�nlyzln�tha <br /> • ��, " escraw account,or vetIfying tha Escrow Iterns, unles9 Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und upplioable lsw <br /> "' :i?'�. parnnits Lender to maka euch u cherge. Howaver. Lender may-requtre Borcower to pny u one'ttme ahnrga for an <br /> `�"" � � indepandant real estate tax raparttn�sarvice used by Lendar in connrxtion with thia loan�unle�applicable lsw provldes <br />-� , otherwise.Unless an agreament ie made or appllcabxe law requires interest w be paid,Lender aball not be requtred to <br /> pny Borrower wny iatorest or earninga on the Funds. Bonawer and�der may s�ree in writing,however� thst interest <br />: , -„ shall be paid on the Funds.Lendor shaiI�ive w Horrower,without oharge,an annuai accouniin�of ih�runrl�,ehowing = <br /> ' cred3ts and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Punda wae mede.The Funds are pledged at; ---- <br /> ' addttionel securtty for all sume secured by this Security Instrument. _ <br /> . ' It tha Funds held by I.ender excsed tha nmaunts permitted to b�held by Applicable law,L.e3nder ehali account to <br /> � ' Barrower for tha excess Funds in accordanca with the requiremtlnta of npplicnble law.If the smount of the Puttda held <br /> `' ' • lsy Leader at any time ie not suYtIcient to pay tho Lrscrow Iteme when due,I.ender may so nodfy Borrawsr!n writing, <br /> -� � ''� and. in such uisa Borra�ver shall pay to L.ender tha ati�aunt necessary to make up the deficIency. Boreower sha�l maka <br />-�-" - ' " up tRe deftciency in no more thnn twelve monthly paym�nu,nt Lender's sola discretion. <br /> - � `�3. , Upon payment in full of ull sume securcd by this 3eaurity Inetrument,Lendor shall promptly refund to Borrower - <br /> T`'�""""' a��y Funda held by I.ender. If, under purugrnph 21. Lender eha11 acquire or sell the Pmperty, Lender, prlor to the � <br />��;%��� ��'�����. acquistti�n or eale of the Property,shall apply any Punds held by Lender at the ttme of acquieition or salo as e credit <br /> �='-::���`�� � ngninet thesunss secured by thie Security Instrument. <br /> �"�'�-;",: 3. Appltcution of Paymonts. Unles�applicable law provides othatwisa,all payments r�eived by L,�nder undar <br />�T�`=��'-=--.� paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be nny pre�yment char�es due under the Note;second�to umounts payuble <br /> "'���''�'`l�"T� under pnragraph 2; Intereat d�ie;fourth,topnncipal due;and lest,to any lute charges dne under the Note. <br /> . . ....4.^� <br />�,�:�,1 4. Charges; Lieas. Borrower shall pay uli taxes,nssessments,charge�,fines and imposltioas nttributabIcs to tho <br />�=,��!t<�: Proporty ahich rm�y attn�n priority over thie Security Instrument,tind leasehold paymenta or ground rante� if any. <br />°�`"`""`' Boreawer aholl p�y theso obligattons in tha marmer pr4v;ded in paragraph 2,or if not puid ia thnt monner,Borrocver <br /> '`—''--' �- shalt ay them on time directly to 4he rson owed -- <br />_ p pe paym�nt.&�nower shall pramptly£urciish to Lender all notIce�of � <br /> ���1`����, ' amuunte to be paiJ under this paruaraph. If Horroaer mnk�es thesa paymente dIrectly.Borrocver shall promptly furnieh =` <br /> to i.emder rer,csipts ovidencing the t►aYmente. �_ ._ <br /> �--���-'r`��� Borrowor ehall promptly discharge aay lian which hes priortty over thie Security Instrumeni unless Borro�ver.(n) <br />,�;��'��v:,;,iaw�e� <br /> -..,. .K�_•-; agrees in NritIn to the payment of tho obligntion secured by tho lion in n monner accepwble to Lettder(b)contea�ts in <br />-�._;..:��,��,"- '�,�. �ood feith tho I�en by�or defends ag�inst enforcement u�the lien in,Iegal proceedings which in the Lenalar's opinion =__.. <br />�;.,;N�t,,;` __, � op�ruta to provent tho entorcei�ient of the lien; or{c)aecures iroan the holder of the lien nn ng�eament sa�is?actory to __- <br />_ I.enziEr subordinating the lien to this Securtty Insuuar�ern�.If Londer dtitermines that any part of the Property{a sub t �" <br />- � ��. �+�`"�` to a lien which mny attain priorIty ovor this Security Insirument,Lsnder may �ivo Borrower n notice identifyFnII tha �X.- <br />_- � • �..t�� ��, lien. Borrower shall sntisfy tha Iten or tal�e one or rnare ot the actians sat forth above within RO dsys ot the giviag aY ��; <br />- .. ,� notice. ':..: <br />- , ���:.- <br /> ,t.: <br /> � • {�—BNifYq�o�oa�o� v.o.�o�a ktm 80 9/fl0 ,',.� <br /> ;°� IMttela����',h' I F-•�� <br /> *_� ' ��,�. <br /> �t�". <br /> �R::� <br /> —-� <br />