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<br /> �� S. Q[usnrd or Qro�terty insurana2. Bortower shnll keep tha improv�ments now existing ur herenRer erectcd on the
<br /> , Propeny inaured u�alnat loss by flre,hnuirde included within the term "extended coveruge" nnd any other hnaards,Including
<br /> • flooda or tlooding, for�vttici�l.ender requjns incurnnt�.This insurunce shall be mnimulned in the Funounta und for the perlads
<br /> „ thnt Leuder reyuires.'fhe inswance�rrler pruvidin�thc lnsurance shNl 6e�hosen by Bono�ver subject to L,ender'a nppcovN ,-.
<br /> which shall noi be unrcnsonr�bly withhr]d. If Boerower fnlls to mnintatn wverage dcscribcd above, Lender mny. at Lendcr's �
<br /> . option,obtein coverAge tn prote�t Leatt�s's tights in the Pcoprrty in ncwrdance witli pnragraph?. ' �
<br /> • All lnsurance policies nnd renewzts shril he ucceptabte to Leader ancl shaU laclude a standard mortgage clause, I.ender '
<br /> „ •� sh�ll have the rf�ht to hold thc palicles and renc�w�ia.IP I.ender requirea, Borrower shall promptly givc to Lender all rxefpts of
<br /> _�,,_,}.� p�id premlums rand renewa!natices.lu th�event oF lase,Bonower shall�ive prompt notice to the iasurance canIer and L.ender.
<br /> ' ._ i.cnder muy mnke proof of lose!f nat ma�dc+prornptly by Baaa�ver.
<br /> . Ualess Lender and Horrowec athr.nviss agree ip writin6, lnsurance proceeda shall be applted to restoracton or repafr of the
<br />' ,. ". Propeny d�unnged, if the restoration or r�egRir is economicully fcasibto and Lender's secunty is not Icssened.If the restoratIoa or
<br /> . rept�r is not economic�lly feasible or Lender's securlty would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shuq be upplied to the stuns
<br /> �.,, • secvred by tWa Secwlty Instrument, whether or not then due, with aay eac�ss paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Pmperty.or does not swswer wlthin 30 days a notioa from Lender that the insurance carrler has offered to settle a clalm,then L;'
<br /> . l.ender muy oollect We(nsurnuce prntee�ls, Lrnder n�ay use tha procceds w repair or resrom tbc Property or to pay sums
<br /> sesured by�bis Securlty lnsuument,wht�h�r or not then due.T4e 30•day pedod wll!begin when the nodce is�Ivea. �
<br /> ' Ualess Lender aad Hornower ott�ecwise ugreP in wrlting, any applfcatiQa Qf proceeds to principal sh�ll not eztend ar -
<br /> , : � gastpoac thc due date of We nroutWy paymcnta mferred to in partigraphs 1 aatd 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If -
<br /> ar
<br /> , uecder parngrnph 21 We Property is acr�nired by Lender. Bomower's ri�tht to any insurauce policies aad procceds resultlag from -
<br /> G
<br /> dnniage to tk�property prtor to the acquisition shall poss to L.ender t.o tde exteat of the aums secured by this Sectulty Instrument °
<br /> ���� imraediutel riortothe
<br /> Y p acquisldon.
<br /> - ' 6.Uccupancy,Preservation, Melntenrutc�und P�rotectfoa of tQtc Pp+operty;Borrower's Loan AppllwUoa;Geoselaold.s. --
<br /> B�rrower shall occupy,establisd,and use the Property as Borrower's princIpal restd�nce w1t1�Ia sixty days aher the exaution of *'
<br /> „ tbis Security Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy We property as gorrower's pssncipal cesidence for at lenst one ytar after :;"-
<br /> We date of accupaacy,ualess Lender otherwIse agrees in writing�which consent sball not be uac+easonably�vit3�held,or wiless
<br /> '' extenuatln� cireumstauc.es exist wbich �.ce beyand Borrower's ec�ntrol. Borrower shaU not dssuoy, damage or impair the
<br /> ` I'roperty, allow the Property to deteriornte,or commit waste on the Propecty. Borrower shall b8 in defuult if auy forfeiture -
<br /> � ;:�-
<br /> astIon or prooeed�►g�whether civtl or criminel, is begun that in L,ender's good faith judgment could resWt 3n forfeiture�af the
<br /> - � ; PrQgem,r Qr oiher��i�s:�;.;ia!!�lmF�i:t,'��Ii�a ei�t«i Ly th;s Securiry Inscrument or Lender's security iaterest.Borrower may -
<br /> cure sucb a default end miastate,as pmE•aded in parae�raph 18,by causing the actioa or proceedIn�¢o be dlsmtssed wlth a�ruling
<br /> � that, in i.ender's good faith dcterminatIon. precludes forfeiture of tba Borrower's interest in zlhe �roperty or other mateda!
<br /> tuipairment of the lien created by t4is Security Instnlment or Lender's secudty intereat. Borrower shatl also be in default ig
<br /> , ., ' Borrower.durIng the loan application process,�ave matarIally f�lse or iaaccurate information or statements to I.Pndes(or faIled �;'-'.
<br /> tm provldc L.ender wIth nny matedtil informadoa)ln connoction wtth tha loaa cvidenced by the Note,includin�, but not limited �''"-—
<br /> to,repmsentations coneeming Borrower's occupancy of ehe Pmperty as a priucipal residence. U this Securlty Instnu�tentls on u �•`•``�'.
<br /> . , leasehold. Sorrower ahaU coa�ply with all tbe provisions of tha lease. If Borrower acquir� 8ee tItle to the Propecty the �::�-�"
<br /> �::..:,
<br /> � leasehold aad the fee title ehall not merge unlexs Leader agc�ees w the merger ln writing. � ���"
<br /> ��r�.�`;� ' 7.Pe+nloctton of I.ender's Rig6ts in ti�o Property.If @orcower fails to perfomn the covenants And agrecmente coatelaed in
<br /> .•��•. 8
<br /> .. tt�is Secar[ty Instrument,or thcsre i�a legal proceeding Wat may sigaificantly affect Leader's dghts in t4e Progerty (such as a
<br /> y;;w�.,,; ':,:,, , pruoeeding in baNwptcy,probate� for condeuuGadoa or forfeiture or to enforce iaws or regulattona), then Lender may do nnd ���-,
<br />- •'��';,'�t3�!� . , pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's d�hw in We Property. Lcader's actioas may �---
<br /> _T .',,''�;'1'L,; "' , include payis�$ any sua�s secured by a lien which flns pr[ority over this Security lustrument. aPpearin� in eourt,payln� �--
<br /> °_`-;}':",`�� ' ..,.
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fces und entering oa the Pnoperty to make repaics.Atthou�Sxnder muy take ection uader tLls paregraph �
<br />,-;�;�• . . ' 7.Leuder does uot have to do so. �-':�
<br />.'-'`. � �' Any amounts disbiuse�i by Lender uader this paragragh 7 shall become additionN debt of Borro�vrr secuc+ed by this �i�,�`�__.
<br /> _-- -•�y, , Secudty Instn3ment. UNess Borrower;�nd Leader agrec to other terms of payatent, theae amounts shali br�u interest from the E�.-
<br /> ""' � date oP diebursement at the Note rate and sha11 be payable, with inter�t. upon notIce froni I,e:uder to Borrower requesdag �"""'
<br /> ` :�': ' puyment. � ==_-
<br /> _ ;��� , 8.Mortgage Insw�anca.if Leader required mortgaIIe insurance asi a condition of inekiag the losin socumd�y this Security '°' -_
<br /> ��w�°' instn�ment, Borrower shall pay �he pmmiums c�quired to maIntain the�rtortgage lnsurauce in effect. If, for aay reasoa. the ���=--
<br /> �,.,. ,.:,:. ,
<br /> -.r:�ti�,�.�... mortgege insurance coverage required�►3�Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower sh�ll pay We prelaiums required to
<br /> obtain cove �.�'�`�:�
<br /> - ••�:�•�• • rage substantialty equivalent to the cnortBage insuruncc previously in effect.at a cost substantially equlvNent to the �`-,;�.":.
<br /> . ; cx►st to Bonower of We mortIIuge insurance previously ta et1'ect, from azi aitemate tnort6age insurer approved by L�nder. If -
<br /> , � substaatielly equivalent mongage insurance coverage ia aot av�ilable,Bor.Mwer shalt pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> � one•twelfth of the yearly rr.oasgage insurance premium bein�gaid by&>rnower when the ins�raace coveri+ge Iapsed or u�ued to
<br /> . be in effect.Lender wi!!acrept, use and retain these payments as a lass mserve in lieu of �or�a�e insurauce. Loss resc�ve
<br /> � ;,;�; • �1 ....,�
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