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<br /> � . ,, pnymente may np l�naer be required,nt the aptlon of I.a:ndec,if murtaaBe insurnnce coveru�e(in thu amaunt nnd fnr the psdad
<br /> . thnt[.ender mquires)provided by nn lnsurer approved by I..ender aaain becames nv�ilnblc nnd is abtained.8artower�shnll pny �•
<br /> the prc�mtuma required to maintnin maRgnBe lnsurunce tn efl'ect.or ta provide n loss rE�serve,until tlte mquirwment for mortnn�e ,
<br /> insurnnce enda in accordaace with nny written agrcement betv+een Borrawer nnd I..ender or appllcable law. .,'
<br /> , 9.Ius�tion.I.endcr or !ts���cnt uk�y a»�lcc rcasonablc enuics upoa and inspcctions of chc P'roperty. Lcndcr shalt glvc
<br /> Borrower motice ut tho time of or pd�r to an inspectlan specifyJag reasonnble cuuse for the inspc�ction.
<br /> ` ^ '' 10. COIlQCri1ri11fIQA. The procceds of any award or ct�lm for dmm�IIes, direct or consc�quenti�l,im connection wlth any •,
<br /> ' „-:��r�'� condemnation or other takina of any purt af the Property,or for waveyunce in lieu of condemnntion,ure hereby asslBned and
<br /> ,�' shall be p�ld to l.ender. .
<br /> � In the event of a total taking of Wc Propeny.tha proceeds shnll be applied to the sums secured by tbis Secuciry Instrumen3,
<br /> � ° `" whetber or aot then duc, with any excess paid to Horrotver. !n the event of a partial taking of We Property �n whlch the fo.ir
<br /> `'( market value o4 the Property immediately befom the takinf1 is equnl to or�reater than tha amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Securlty Instrument Immediately before the teking. unless Bonower and Lender otherwise ugree in wrftin�.the sums secured by -
<br /> this Secucity Inctrument ahell be reduced by the amount of We proceeds multiplied by the followU�g fractiop: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by fb) the fu{r market value of the Progeny lmmediately �'
<br /> � before the taking. My balaace shull be paid to Borrower. In the event of u partial taking of the Property ia whtch tke lnir
<br /> -• .. � mazket value of the Property immediately before tho takin�is less thaa the amount of the surps secured immediately before the ,
<br /> `:� taking, upless Bonower aad Lender otherwlse agree!n writing or uniess appiicabie luw otherwise provfdc�, the pivcec�is sha�i �, ,
<br /> • � be npplted to the sums secured by this 5ecurtry Instniment whether or not the sums are then due. .
<br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lender w Borrower that the condernnor offcrs to makc� ,
<br /> ' award or setde a cinim for damages. Borrowcr faila to respond to Ixnder witbin 30 days atter the dute the aotice ia given.
<br /> � � Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procec�da,at its option,either to restorntion or mpair of the Property or to the suRrs
<br /> �:��;;., ' � secured by this Security Instrumenc,whether or not eben due.
<br /> �'���"`' , Unless L.ender aad Borrower otherwise aBree In writing, any npplication of procr�ds to princlpal shali¢ot extend or
<br /> ° postpone the due date of the monthly payircents referred to Ia pnra�raphs I and 2 or change the amouat of such payc�r�ats. -
<br /> 11.Borrower Not IdelzasPd;ForbeArArc�e By L�nder Not u�Vntver.Extension of thc time for payment or modificad�n
<br /> aP Arrcortization of thc sums secuc�d by this Security Instniment granted by L�ender to any successor in iaterest of Borrower ahall �.
<br /> „ ; t� not operate to releaae the liabilet,l of the adgL�al Bonower or Bonower's successors ia intemst.Lender shall not l�•r e�quired eo �''
<br /> - .. � ° wmmence praceedings ugainsc Any successor in intcccst o� .eFasc t3 e;.ten�iimc far Yay�m..�nt ar ottit�ra9sc ax�;���rtL^.adan �_:-
<br /> r' of the sums Eecuu�d by this Security Instrument by reason of any dencennd made by the odginal Borsower or Borrower's �Si:
<br /> � ' auccessora in inten+.st. Any forbearaace by IEnder in exercieiag uny r�ghz or remedy shall not be a waIver of or preclude the _.-L
<br /> :. � eaercise of any dght or reinedy. -
<br /> � ' ' 12. Succxssors and Assl�s Boundi JoSnt und Severn! Liubilltyi Caslgaers. 'Ihe covenants and agreerttt�nta of thie %_
<br /> Sc���tty Insm�m.ent shall bintl anct benefit the successors and assigns of Lcnder and Borrower, sabJect to Yhe�paovistons of '�'
<br /> ,;;, „ � �m
<br /> �;�,.,t,,, _..
<br /> _ � .• paraganph 17. Barrower's covenants aad agreementa shail be jotnt and several. Any Bonower who co•siBns ¢fiis Secudty �;,•_-
<br /> , . " . Instrument but dlaes not execute the Note: (a) is co-sl�ning thIs Secudty Instrumeat only to mort�age, �rxat end c�nvey that F::_=
<br /> . . ..�.h- ��: Horrower's lnterest in the Progerty uader the terms of thia Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obli�ated to g�y the sums C�--.
<br /> ,. � secui.d by this Seciulty Instniment:aad(c)agree�that Leader and any other Borrower may aBree to extend,mod:�y�.forbear or �-
<br /> � �.._.
<br /> � mnlce any eccommodatloas witte rsgard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's canseat. a=
<br /> �`�I'��_', '' 13.Lonn Charges.If the loan secured by this 5ecurity Instrument is aubject to a It�w which seta maximvm losu�charges, __
<br /> ' ^""'"-'--��� �'� and Wat law is fl�nily lnterprcted so that the interest or other loan ahnrg�:s collected or to be collected in connoction with the =_
<br /> ,��;•�-_ ,_:- ��:
<br /> r �---�:�-=�::� loun exceed the pern�itted limits,theu:(a)tmny such loan churge shall be reduced by th¢amount necesanry ro reduce the charse �_.-
<br /> �`'`�'`�,'::,;�:�. .'i to the perm[tted limit; and(b)any sums airendy collected from Borro�ver which eaceeded pern�ittect limits wili be refwndod to ���
<br /> �i.l�:yl ' 4...':
<br /> �,;.s;���;,'� Borrower. Lender may choose to make Wia refund by �educing the principal owecl under the Note or by rou�cing a direst
<br />-:=n; . ,,q'��,: r payment to 8ormwer. If a r�e'Fuad reduces principal. che reduction wjlt be treated as a partiel prepayrnent without any =_
<br /> -__�""`'"���:�'j prepayment charge under the Noto. _
<br /> .,;�.'�-.a�,`.« j 14.Nottces.Any nottce to Bonowc�provlded for in this SccurIry Iastrument shal!be givea by delivedng tt or by matliag -�_--
<br /> �•�'��_+:::,'.}��.'�� it�+y t7rat class msil unte.cs applieable law requires use ef aaother►nethod. The nosice shall be dIrected to the Property Addresa r.:
<br /> •�•ti��4�;.;^�. � - oa aUy other addresa Borrower deaiBnates by nottce to Lender. Any nottce to Lender shnll bc given by first alnss maU to __
<br />-�.,; -
<br /> --�-,.:i: . LeAder's ttddress�tated hercin or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bonower. Any notice providec�for ln this —_
<br /> -.;.:_,_,,.^;; .� • =__
<br /> -- • • Security Instcu�ent ahail be deemed to have becn given to Bonower or Lender when giv�as pz�ovided in this paragraph, s. _
<br /> .. .''•' � 1�.Gover�p9ng Law; Se�erebqity. This Security Instnunent shall be governed by federul !aw and tha law of ttnc �•-_
<br /> • ' jurisdictioa in which the Pmperty is IocntKd. In the event tbat any provision or clanse of Nis Se�:urity Instrument or the No�e
<br />- � � oonflicts wiW uppllcable law,�uch confltct shell not affic�xt other provisions of this Security Instrument or thc IVote wh(ch can be -_
<br />- .' � given effect wlthout thtt con�+�:iainB�rovislon.To this end the pmvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note.�re declerect ''���'
<br /> ` co bc scvetable.
<br />= �'� ' 16.Bosts�sr�a's Copy.Borrower shall ba given one conformed copy of the Note attd of this Security Ipstnunent. �
<br /> � , Form 30 91 �q / ,
<br /> i A./ i ....�
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