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, � .. , <br /> . . ....y "ti� . <br /> � ' - - .. � ' � �� �` � � � <br /> ' . �. . H .. '. ' . <br /> .. n .. ..r.J:i1M�11,'.F..�"t. �� . • �� •, •� � � . ft �'�1 . O .. •'� .:IMXik4'��'4 <br /> . . , + <br /> .. ... <br /> .. ..i � <br /> .� .- ...n�r4��l.�lL'Y..:_._L .i ' '.,._n._....' ' Sj '. _"....._...._ "...._ ........ _ <br />�.. .. ._,�.__.,_.....__ ..�....._..._._._ __�_.�... ........ ...._..._..___.._.._.._...__._.....r _""'_'�"_____.._._ ... ' '.. <br /> �.' .. � . <br /> � • � , 19.Tean.vfc��u?the PropPriy or a&�ncfictnl EnteresY in liurrncver.lf ull nr uny part c�f che Property ar i►ny intcrest in it �' <br />�` ° � ix sold ur trnnyfcrrsd(or if i�lseneticlul{ntere.rt iu Burr�»verr i:;nuW�►r tr,u�,fc��rai und Barrawcr i�;not u nnturu!pere,on)withrnu ��.-.- <br /> � l.�nacr'n prl�►r written cUment, l.ender may. nt its optiaa, rcyuirc innnedii�te pnyment in full of ull sums sccumd by this � ���.-- <br /> ° " Sccurity lnstrumcnt. Nnwevcr,thiK o�tinn shall nnt bc excrciticd by I.ritdcr if excrcitr iti prohibited by fcdcr.�l Inw ns of the clntc <br /> c�f thiti Sccuriry Iastrumcnt. :- <br /> If I,ender exersines thiK apttan, L.endcr shafi give 8�rr�iwer noticr of+rccelerution.The notice sNull provide n periad��f not � E�'_ <br /> ° Icss tin►t� 3U�i.�yx fr�im thc dutc the noticc ta dcllvcrcd or nuilal withfn which Eiorrowcr must pny all �;ums sca�rccl by this e <br /> Sccurtry Instrument. lf @urrower fuils to puy these sum.r prior ta the expiri�ti�m uf thih pericuf,l.ender moy invuk�nny rcmaliea �6 <br /> � perinittcd by thix Secudiy Instrument wtthaut fi�rther nattw ur demand on H��rnnvcr. �-�"^ <br />: ^ � 1�. Qurrnwcr'A Ett�ht t�► tielnstatc. If 8orn�war mcetR ccnuim m�ditiims, porn�wcr xhall hnva thc ri�ht to hirve <br /> . enfi�ecejue►u uf thin Sccurity instruuunt dihcuntinuul ut uny ticuc Nrlar ta thc earlicr uf: (a! S days (or such other periMi ny � �'- <br /> "'�`� upplisuble law mny spectfy far reinstatement) before xi�le oi thc Pmpcny purhuunt tn nny powcr vf h�de cantuined in this - <br /> -�_:J� Security Instrtiment;or(b)entry of u Jud�mcnt cnforcing�his 5ecurity Inslrument.Tho�e rnndttions urc thut Burrawer:(n)pays <br /> •�"��• L.ender all sums which then would be due under thia�ecuriry Instrument und the Nute as if n� uccelerntion had occurred; (b) _ <br />` '�'�"""� cures any defnult af uny other covenants or agrecmenty; (c1 puy9 uU expenses i�nurred in enforclnQ tMn Securiry Instrument, _ <br /> ' including.but not limite�to.reiuonabte utrome�ys' fees: and(d)tukes such itctton ns Lendor mAy rcusonably require tn assure __ <br /> ' that the iten of thfs Security Instrument, Lender s dg{us in thc Praperty and Horrower's��bligution to pay the sums secured by -- <br /> �.� this Securlry Instcument shalt continus unchung e d. Uw9n reinstntement by Horro�ver, dil� Securiry Instrument �nd thQ � <br />". :� ubligutions secured hereby shall remain fully effective us if no ucceterudon hud occurred. However,this right to reinstate shnll -�_ <br /> r not upply in the case of acceleratIon under parngraph 17. <br /> '�' 19. 3ule ot Note; Chaage of I.oun 3ervtccr. 'fhe Note or u purtiul lnterest in the Natc(toBethcr with thih Serudty - <br /> ' ' Instrument)muy be sold one or more times�vithout prior noticc to Bomower. A Fale may rcsult in n change 3n tho entity(known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note und this Security [nstrument.There ul�a mny be ane -- <br /> . or more chan�;es of the Loan Servjcer unralated to a sale of the Note.Jf therc js n chunge af tha Wan Servicer,Borrower wiU be <br /> . given wdtten notice of the change jn accordance wtth parAgraph 14 above und applfcabie luw.The nottce wlll stute tho name and _ <br /> address of the new Loan Servic�r and the address to whi�paymeuts :�1►ould be r�iads.Tho naticc wif!afso rnnG►in any other _ <br /> . informatton required by appli�bie Inw. <br /> '� � .' , �0. Haxurdotts Substunces. Borrower shall not cause or pecmtt the presencc, ut+c,diapa»al, stom�c,or rclense of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allow anyonc else ta do, unything affccting the �.-• <br /> , :y.° � Property that Is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not npply to the presence.use.or - <br /> ��� , storage on the Property of smnll quantities of Haznrdous Substunces that nru genemlly recognized to be approprlute to normni <br />,,�,�;'';••. • , ' res[dential uses and to malntenFU►ce of the�roperty. � <br />',"i�;i;j,;'• .'' Borrower shall promprtly give Lender wdtten notice of uny investigatinn,claim, demund. lawsuit or other actfon bq any <br />': �'�'{�4;' govemmsntal or rcgulatory agency or prlvate party involving the Praperty atd uny Hn�.ardoue Substance or Envimnmental Law -- <br />�`•;�`;%���;`)'v�;;.;;;} of which Bonower has actaai knowledge. If Barrn�ver lenrna,or is notified by any governmontsil or regulatory�t <br /> . ' • " �"' any removel or other remediattnn of any Huuirdous Substence affixting the Property is necessnry,Bonower shnll prompt ly take __ <br /> r all rter.essary remadial acdons in uccordance with�nvironmental L.uw. - <br />'�';�!�^• ' '" As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substunoes" ura those substences defined as toxic or hazardous substances�y _ <br /> -* � ` �»vironmentai Law and the foiiowing subsiances: gasoline, kerc�sanc, uti,cr ttu;iuiiablc ur i:,.:lt �."iralcur k:..,ducis. iozic _ <br />:`'i�� "��•� pestictdes end herbicides,valatile solvents.materisls containing asbestas or formaldehyde,and radioacNve matcranls.As used in <br />-��'`'n`��"'•�'� '���� this ua ra 4� 20, "Envtronmental i.nw" meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wh�m the Property is located that <br />;•:,;:,.k�x%s.4:;:, P• S P <br />---=�-�a, relate to health,safety or envtronmental pratectian. <br />"'�-'T-"�-� NON-UIVIEORM COVENANTS.Banower a�id I.ender further covenant and ngree us folluwv. <br /> ,e� ���. <br />-�p� r�. 2].Accelerntton;Remedies.Lender shall giv�nodce to Bormwer p�tor to a►ccclerntto�followln�Borrower's bmacb � <br /> af eny covenant or a�retment in this Securlty instrument (but not prlor ta ucceler�tiotn under pnt�a�rnph 17 aniess <br />?��"�.`.�"�+� appltcable luw provtdes ot�enyise).The notioe shu11 spectt�+: (a)the doGnult= (b)�the actloiz requtred to ca�a+e the defnult; �,;° <br />. '_'T;;*::� (c)u date,not less than 30 dnya from the date the no�ioe is given to Bur�rower,by whtch tl��default must be cured;nnd - <br /> -��,L�"_""�'� (d) thut failum to cure the de8uult on or befom the da4�specitYeai in the notice mny r�,uDO in nccelsration of the sums _ <br />:�����+ socured by thia Secnrity Instrt�ment and snle of the Ptnpzrrty.The noitr¢shull fuMher inBmrm Borrower ot the riqhS to <br /> � rrinstate after aceelerntton and the ri�;ht to bdng n cuur4 nMton to nssert tho�ton-exiate»ce oP u defnuit or nny other m„� <br /> �-="'"'�' d�fensc of Borrower to uocclerution and sale. It the defuult is na!cut�:d on or befoi•e th�Aate speciftesl ln the nottce, �. <br /> Isndea, at its option, mnyre�ulm imraediute payment in full of all suma secured by thGa Secnriry InsQrament w[thout �;�. <br /> -=-ry---� 6nrtt►er demand und moy tnvoke thepower of sale and any other remoaDic.w germitted by sag��ltcable iuw. If.endcr shall be _- <br /> ---�--- entitled to col0ect wil expense.s iRCUrred in pursaiing the remedles prov(ded in this pamQrrnph 21,including,but not Itmitetl <br /> - ���� to.reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidettce. _,�, <br />_--------- If thepo wer of snle is invoked, Trustee shnEl recoed u nottce oP ale?nult in euch co�nty ia�which any purt of the �; <br /> ---- Property ia l�cnted and shu11 muil copies of sus[�notice In the matuteo pra�crlbra 6y c��SpEacuble luw to IDorrower ond to at�'` <br /> °:"r"°4"� the other persons prescr[bed by nppllcable luw.Adter the time required by oppllcAble tuw,Tr�istce s�hall g3vs publtc nottce = <br /> = — of s�le to the persons und in thc manner prescribed by applicY►ble law.Trustcr�witl�oai detna�id on Bort�wer,shull sell <br /> -"""`°"' the Property ut publtc t�uction w the highest bidder at thc time and pl�and under thc texms dcstAnated 1n thc rtolice of <br /> ���Y�' sale tn one or more parcels und in uny order Trustee deter��.�ey. Trustcsr may postpocie s�ie of all or any purcel of the <br />:=��:o.i Properi�by publie nnnouncement at the time und�Isee oi'any previ�usiy sched�ited aute.Le:ider ur Its dcsignee may t_ <br /> _____-�= purchnse the P�vperty nt any sule. • _ <br /> .__=m-�,�k;r�s�� = <br /> --::;-:�;:=.i��! <br />�,:,r:,,���� <br /> —- � Form 3028 9l80 <br /> �x�; <br /> ..;r.. Pq�o 6 016 <br /> . _i � i '- <br /> ;�;•r.� _.. <br /> ..�.... I u <br /> _ .S ..•' ,1�' � ��� <br /> � . .-, ' +flft� <br /> , <br /> -{I' : �Y,�V` �. . 1�Y � )�5��...T-.- �J,......- C . '��. <br /> . <br /> . �. <br /> �4�" . '`� •. . . . . _ . (�(,.J� �t. . .i�G- .1 �. . . �L _ -�� l <br /> , y� � <br /> . <br /> .i�f.^. °.� -' s�`����t� �.� . . _� .,...-,�_ ' _ _ `3 L .. <br /> . <br /> �' 3� <br /> . <br /> . .. . . ,�� �:. ,..: r.��_ � ,-` <br /> N.•z.. . �• .. .. ____ ti�•r- ____ . -__ __ ____ :�• • _ _ V. ' <br /> ._____ .' 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