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<br /> � ° r U�n rcrelpi of �aynient of iito price bta�,Tea�,Qce 5ha11 dellver to the purehnsse Tcustee's deed conveylnB Ihe ._ �y...
<br /> �. ' � Prnperty.'1 hc recitals In the�'ru�tec•o deed sliall hs�ar1mU tuctc evlde�ce u?the tvuth of ehc�t�tement�mflde thtrein. �..
<br /> ' . Trust¢�ehnll opgly fhc prarctds aY tko�riec in t�C�foliuvyin� ordee�s(U1 to nll�vnt�a�d ex�Pns�of excretsing thc{�ower� _
<br /> � � 6ttle,pnd the��le,l�tcludlnII ti��p:syn�e�it ot the Trustee's fe�actuoley Ittsurred,not to excex� S.00 ___
<br /> .. , of tha�rliitignl a�o�Atnt of iQar�plthfs Securlte Instr�inent; und (c)any eu'tc�s to the sperson rt P�p:�snm��.�i Y R s�tle�to � --
<br /> „ �'4� b y I n t i;(b)t o a l l s u m s s e c u t r�l b y Y
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<br /> a2. �ieconveynrtce. Upan paymtmt uf all Sums aczurec! hy thls Secarity Inatrumcnt. I.ender shull requ�ht Trustce to � r��::
<br /> � �j�'�� cecanvay the Pmperry w4d shnll surrender this 3rcurlry Instiument nrtd all not�w evidencinp ciebt secured by thfs Securiry �
<br /> ���fr Instaintant to 1'rustee.Trustee shuU reconvey the Property without vrarrunry and without charge tu the pemon or persong leg�lly � —
<br /> .�. entitted to it.Such person or parson3 shuli pay unY recordatlon oosts.
<br />=:,, ?,3.Suls�Kitute Trustee. l.endar.at its option,may from time ro dme remove Trustee und appoint u suucessor truatea ta
<br /> uny Tni.gtee upFointed hereunder by an instniment reoosded in the county 1n which thta fiecurity Instrument i�reroi'ded• Without �
<br /> „ �' canvoyance of the PrapeMy,the successor trustee shall suoca�d to all the title,powzr und duti�w confened upon Truetee hercin
<br /> oca
<br /> ., '�%� nnd by anplicuble law. '
<br /> {� ; 2d.Requess Por Notto�s. Borrower rcquescs thnt capies of ehe rtotices of default and sale be sent ta Bormu�er's uddtess
<br /> �p which is tho Progerty Addtess.
<br /> �5,tild2rs to this Securl¢y�cr��rwne�nt.If one or more r�dars are ex�cuted by�a�rrower and rernrded wa�ti�er wlth this
<br /> 'i,. � Secur�ty Tnsuument.th:covenunts�n�agreements af euch such rider shnll he Incorpornsa�d Into nnd shnll t;mend tutd st+pplemenY _
<br /> ���;,�:,:^ the covonnnts and agc�mznts of this Securlty Instrument as if the rtder(s)wer�u part of this Security Inscrument.
<br /> _ :��'.y=�. (Chectc arplicable box(es)I
<br />:�r_��:;;�'�..'r 1-4 FumUy Rlder .
<br /> ' "'"�� ' ` Adjusu�ble ltute Rider U Condominidm t2ider
<br />-"'"�:i�!a?, []plam►ed Unit Develo ment R3der Blweekly Payment Teidor
<br /> -•>.r.•,..,.., (iraduated Paymr.nt Rider p
<br /> �' Balloon Rider Q Rate Improvement Rider S000nd Hom�r Rider �
<br /> :��,�r�r��` V.A.Rider G�mtherts)f spec►f:'l
<br />'_},i+�f.?.M1.,�,
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<br /> :::}��,�,
<br />�',�1.�.�+�'.+i�•'ti
<br /> - ,- }31l SIt3N1Na BBLOW.Borrower accepts and a8cee.g to the terms and covennnta contained in this��ty Instrument arzsf --
<br /> ' �%���� in nny�ider(s)exccut�l by Borrn�ver und recorded with it.
<br /> -a N���, _ _ _ wi�,-�ces: ; � p ����tt�--� ,
<br />:,.,r•r�`�:r�!''�'�rj. � - -.�
<br />_._�wt�.l,;;4;� UARIN W JA OB EN AKA QAR�N J JACO .Qnrrowcr _
<br /> .�;��M7o�:'EiCd�
<br /> �-- p�p p' _��.�.� (Stel)
<br /> �,�.r�f� ONNI S JNCQ4��1'1
<br />__ .::n�:.,)�� •$OftOWGt
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<br />__•:±�'�i�,;��.;zs� _��� ($C�)
<br /> �_;;:•�m�� .Bottowcr
<br /> .Barrowcr
<br /> __°'��
<br />__---=_-_— SFe�T�OF NEBREl3KA, Covnty es: HAI.I.
<br /> --- The foregoing insuument was ncknowledged before me this 2N0 duy of I'RARC�{ 9.8�9 .
<br /> =-
<br />