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<br /> a mante may no i�ms¢r tw reyuirc+i,at thc aption of Lender, if mort�age insurunce caverage(in the amount nnd for the periad �'_
<br /> p Y b l.ender u aIn bccome5 uvnil�blc and is obtnined. Borruwer shail puy � ��
<br /> titnt Lendur mquiresl pR�vida+ti bY+sn�nsurcr uppraved y 8 ���
<br /> ,; thfl prcrniuma rcquirecl to m�intnin mortBugc insurunce in effect,or ro providc n loss reservc,undl the rcquirement for mart�u�e � C�F
<br /> �
<br /> ineuranca ends in uccord?nex with nny wdtten ugreement bctwcen Hanawer and I.endcr or upplicnble luw. �".,'
<br /> � 9.iii�;�ectlon. I.encltr�r its ngent mny�r.ake reusonable entrles upon and inspections�f the Property. Lender shall give� ;�.'::
<br /> k3c►reawer ni�tice ut the timm nf or pt9or tu an inspection specifying reASOnnble cause far the inspectton. �;
<br /> � YQ,Condemnntlot9� '��p��proceeds uf uny award nr cluim for damnges, ditect or consequential, in connecttan with any
<br /> '`' canduntnulion ar nthr.r ro4:it�}; of any purt of the PropeRy,or for conveyunce in lieu of condemnntion, ure hereby assigncd und '�.,;
<br /> ' - :.hup bc paid to Lcn�ler. ��_�
<br /> �:�•.�.1t In the event c�f a totvl tn�Cing af the Property,the proceesis shnU be apptied to the sums securexi�Y Uris Sccuriqy Instrument, � ___
<br /> whathar or not then da�:. ���1tti uny exress paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial talcing of the Property in which tho fair ��_
<br /> . �'''"'"'�� matket vulue af the Atnp�:rty imma�tutcly before the taking is equnl ta ur gm.�►tcr than the amount of the s�ms ser.ured by this �i;�.:
<br /> "`"�''"'A�'� Sccuriry Inst�ument invmacliAtely bEfore the tnking, unless Borrower and I.ender atherwise agree In wdting.the sums secured by _-
<br /> • ",;..1 dtit� 3ecurity Instrumen! shntl ba rcducal by the amou�t of the proceeds muitiplfed by the following fraction: (n) the total -
<br /> � umousu af the sums sec�+rtd immediately before tr.e wking, divided by(b)the fnir market �alue of thc Property Immedlately
<br /> r k befnre tho tnking. Any t��lnneo shnll be paid to Sorrower. In the�vent of a partial takin� af the Property in which the fslr
<br /> mncket vnluc af tha Pca�:.»y imme�Ur�tely before the taking iL less than the amount of the sums cecured immediately before the
<br /> �� tu{:in�,unlcss 8onower�n�i l.endur otherwise ngrec In wrlting or unless applicable law othenvise pravidLS,the proceeds shall
<br /> � he upplicd to the sums sc�cttte+d by this Securiry Instrument whethes or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> c
<br /> � � ,A�; � If t.^.e Propeny is�4w;nda�ned by Honawer.or if,after notice by I.ender ta Borrower that tfie condemnor offers ta make un
<br /> ' ' � uward ar setde u cladm fnr dam�gas. Borrawer fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is glven,
<br /> ° " - I.andcsr is uuthoriuxl tu ac�44t�ct and apply the proce�ds,ut its�ption,either to restoration or repair of the Propersy or to the sums
<br /> ' ' �-, . secured by this Securily insUUment,whcthet or not then due.
<br /> ' Unless Lcnder nnd soero���er atherwise ug�ee In wrltjng. eny applicatlon of proceecls to principn! shall not extend or
<br /> • pastpocc the due data of tlu+monthl��pnymcnts ref�rtcd to In paragruphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. „z_„
<br /> ' �-.��R� Ill.�ncrower No2 R�l�et7;l prbcurtsnce�y Lender Not u Watver.Extension of the time far payment or modificntlon _
<br /> , . .,'.. � ` of umoni•uttton of th¢sums secur�l"ny this S2cudty Instrument grnneed by Lender to any successor i der s al t n t tr, uired�o
<br /> � �"., � nat opemte to relea:�a th�+lls:2�i l lty oS't he orig lnn]B o rc o w e r o r 9 o a o w e r s u u c c e s s o r s i n i n t e r e s t. L a n �I
<br /> • ' ,� . commience proccedings tt�ainst any.�uceessor in intercst or cefuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify emortiustion
<br /> " of the sums ::ecured by this S2Nirity Instcument by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Horrower ar Bornower's
<br /> �ucc.^.uors in interest. P.ny.forbearnnce by Lender in exercising any dght or reme�y shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> �<i."}�;r•`.n:y. , exercise af uny right oa re�r�dy
<br /> '^::,;,,#�;. ' IZ. ��,.���j� 4�g.,�,o,RQnn�l�Totnt aad Ceveral Ltabll[ty;Co-slgnera. The covenancs and agreemonta of thls
<br /> '���.,;,Jf;:w,, Security Instrument sh�ll bind �ind benefit the huccessors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower, subject to tiie provisiuus��
<br />- :% ��,; • p�i�t�raph 17. Bonorvor's cav�n:ntg and n�reements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securit7+
<br /> ���:�...,.: ,�
<br /> -���.-.r...
<br /> -:�,,,,�;,;,;.),�,� , iust�.+aient but d�.s na'.exr!`�+tk,�hr Note: (a)is casiBning this Securlty tnstrument anly to mortgage, �rant and canvey at
<br />.�r,.�,�ij.;��'` Harrowor's inteaest in tt►�1'�top�rtv under the terma of this Secudty Insuument;(b)is nat personallY obiigated to pay the sums
<br />'- :w�;.�!�,µ�.: socurod by this Securi4y lr►�•tcumsa�t;unJ(e)ugcees that Lender end su►y other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or
<br /> —-�:-�,,�:f,��
<br />_��;:;�,,�,;v;,;� � mnkeany accorn:nt��r:lia�flg L��lth nagard ta the terms of this Secudry InsUvment or the Noto wlthaut that a�rmwer s cansen.
<br /> ,.�„•�.:,�a 13. Loun C�ar��.lf��h�tiiun secured by this Sesurity Instrument is aub}ect ta a luw which sets maximum loan charges�
<br /> und tl�i ln�v is finally imntps�:tr.�so thut the {nterest or other loan charges collected az to be collected In connect�Qn whh d►e
<br /> T '�� laun exec.'ed the permllt�d limits,then: (u)uny such lonn chur�e shell tse reduced by the emount necessary�W rednce t1►e cherge
<br /> "N A�4(�
<br /> . �i1�
<br /> --':i:'�._,: to the permitted�im�i:ear.l(b)uny sums ulmudy collexted from Borrower which exceeded petmitted Iimlts wili be refunded to
<br /> -�'"��"�'� �orrower. Lender ma�y d��oso ta muke ihis refund by rec1ucing the princlpal owed under the Note or by making a dlrect
<br /> - �=:��:�.�4z•sn� . ppyrnent ta Eono�ver. !f a reiund reduces principal. the reduction wiil be treated as a partial P�P$Yment without any
<br /> .�-,`'��-�. pr��yment charBe ua��th4 I��t�.
<br /> -=j��� 14. NoHc.es. Anq r+�aiQO tc�laorrower provtded for ln thia Secudty Instnune�►t shall be given by delivedng it or by Amaili�
<br /> ••r.�:iu�/:JO[�
<br /> --� tt by tirst class r"a��itnitas aPp��irable law re�uires use of unother r�eethod.The notice shatl be directed w the Propert5'
<br /> �.�._�-;�,w� or uny other uduasss k3onower desi�nates �y nodce to LencLer. Any notica to I.�nder shall be gaven by first dass m�i� to
<br />_;;:�,� Lender's address st�tui i�se1�,«r nny other uddress Lender designates by ndtice to Borrower. Any noTlce providad for in this
<br /> ""�"o.�?''w'�� Securiry Instcument hPaU b¢�d4�acned to hnve been glven to Borrower or Lender when given as provtded In this paragraph.
<br /> —• � ����� IS.Governlna 1.a�Y; 3�v�rabtltty. This Secur�ty Instrument shall be govern�Q by federal law und thc law of the
<br /> �^�:,;=,rn;�; Ju►iShcction in tvhi�h Me Pre�+erty i�Ineateci. in the event thnt eny provision or cluuse of this Secutity Inshuanent or the Note
<br /> —="='_�°� canfitcts with nppl'rcn�te I�w,such conflict shnll not affect otiier provisions of this Security Insuument or the Note which�r►b:.
<br /> ""'�`�'� giden effect without tZe mnOiCting provision.Tu Uiis end the provistons of this Security Instrument and the Note ure declnred •
<br />'-%•��(fA�tLNt�
<br /> =:�r-"��T� 4o��'f:6CV�[QbIB.
<br />_,,^i;,
<br />�,;,F-�=""'.;:-_ 1�.Borro�ver'�s Co�y.Ba��rower shull iso�iven one conformed copy of the Note nnd of this Securicy trument.
<br /> r, h;;�,�,` Fom,3�se a��Ja
<br />_ _ .`iar'y`•".'f `�`. vaooao�o -
<br /> ' �S.�M" .'1.
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