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<br /> - �� • � . g, Htu.acd or Peaperty Ittsurnnce• Rnrrowcr r,hnll kecp thc impmvemint�+ now exia�in� ar t�crenRcr etr:ctecl on thc =�
<br /> - "' Prc►perty insured u�uinst loss by fir�, hutc�rQw included within the tenn "exten�lr.� rovernge"nnd i�ny othen c�u.nrris, inciuding �__
<br /> . fluud�or tloading, far whtch Lcndcr rcyuirES insuranco. 7'hix insuri�ncc�:hnll hc i��aininincd inthc umaunts nnd fnr thc pcdads � �F_
<br /> . thut Lender requirea. The insurunce ci►rripr pruvidinB tha insurunce shuU b�c1�nN:n by Bnrro�ver sub�ect to Lendtii s upprovat � -
<br /> � which tihull nut be utircusonubly withheld. If 8otrowrsr ti�jlx ta nmintnin covGrn�e describesi abiwc, I.cnder mny, ut I.ender'K � ___
<br /> �ption.abtufn covcnsFc tu protesc I.cndcr'x nghta in thu Praperty in c�ccorduncts witlt porcigmph 7. _.
<br /> t All insurunce palidew And renewuts shail be uceeptnble t�� Lender nnsi ctnill include u 6iandard mortgnAs clriusa l.ender �
<br /> shall huvc d�a ri�ht to hold thc palicles und renewult�. tf I.,endcr requirus,flarrc�w��r shnll pro�nptly Bive to.I.endar nll receiptg af _
<br /> .,�,�,� puid prcmiums and renewut nutices.In the event of lo:�s,f3��iww�r tihul{wiva N►ti���ipt npiice tothe Insurance currir.r�md l.ender. � ���°
<br /> � i endcr muy mttkc pmof of lass!f not mudc promptly by�u�rower.
<br /> '� �� �� Unless L,crtdcr and Banower otherwiFC nfsrec in writing,insurunce pn�sar�ia r,htiill be npplicd to restorntio�or repair of the —
<br />- w.,,,a,'�,�.�� P roperty dmm��e d,l f t h c r e s t o m t i a n�r r c p u i r i N¢r o n c�m i c u l l y f e a s i b l c n n d l.e nslor'K security i6 not lessened.If tha mstorntion or
<br /> �* repair ia not econo:nlcnily feasible or I.endee's secarlty would be lessened,thu insumnce praxda shall be upplied to the sums
<br /> ::.� secured by thiR 5ecucity Instrument, whether or not than due. with any axcass paid ta Bormvorer. If Bormwar nbundnns the
<br /> � �i� g Property, or does not unswer wlthin 30 days a noticcs fi�m Lender thnt tha ins,ur.►nco cattle�has offered to settla i�cinim,thcn ,
<br /> � Lender may collect ehe insumnce proceeds. L+endur may use the pmoeedt t� repair or re�tore the Property ar to pny �ums
<br /> �. secured by this 3QCUrIty Instrument,whether or�tat thon due.The 30-dny p4rtod wiA be�in when the notice!n givsn.
<br /> Unless Lender and Harrower otherwiso aga:e in wridnII. nny nppltcati�n of proceecis co princtpal ahail not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paynients rafi3rned to!n paragraphs 1 and a or chungc the amount af the payments. If
<br /> h •• '''` under paragmph 21 the Property ie acquired by LvndUr,�orrower's right ta any insumnce pdMies und proceeda rcsulting from
<br /> .:. '- � ' dnmaQu ta the Pcoperty prior to tha ucqui�sidan sGelt p�►r�a ro Lender ta the oxtant of tt►a sums scc�sred by thia Security Insuument
<br /> " immediately prtor to the ncquisition.
<br /> -. ' . 6.Oocupnnsy,Preservndon,Muintenance and i�+utctcUon of tho Pmp��4y;13orrower's Y onn AppllcaNau;I.epseholds�
<br /> ' ` tc
<br /> B o n 4 w e r s h a ll a c ca p y,eswblish.and use the Froparay ns 8�rrower's principal rasidonce wjthin sixry dnys after the execuUun of
<br /> �;='.���r` this Securlh;Instniment nnd ehatl eontinue to o[eupy the Pcoperty as Borm�vpr's principul midenc$for ut lear�t ane year u t ler
<br /> - :':*, the date of aocupnncy.unless Lender othenvlt�eBnees in wdting,whieh consont shnll not be unreuxanubly withheld,or unless
<br /> "���:;���s eatenuating cirsumstances exist which utie boyond Borrower's contro�. Barmwor ah�ll na destroy. damn�a or Impair the
<br /> ��• �..' Pcoperty. �Ilow the Pcoperty to detedornto, ar commIt wuste on thE Pmpruty Ba�rowor sh911 be in defnult if ony forfeiture
<br /> ry.,ri r.'. action or proceeding, whether c[vii or criminal, ie hagun thnt in Lender'R gacxl fnith judgtnent could re.gult in forfeiture of the
<br /> -'-''�';�''� �'Sr Froperty orotherwise mnterially impuir thelf�n cneuted by thia Secur�ty Instrumant or Lender's security inte�st.�orrower mny
<br />�`-.��'•_, cure such u default and reinstatcs.as provldcd in paraIIraPh 18,by causing tho Actian ar proccodinB ta be diemiesed widi�niling
<br />�--'�'_S��••�
<br /> ----- that, in Lender's�ood feith determination, precludess forfeiture of tho BonawAr's interest in the Property or othes maten
<br />---��'��`���� tmpairment of the lien created by thls Secu�ity L�stKUmont or unurr's security inia�si. ����waz si aiZ a1r� t�:�n defs�3t �f
<br /> `""` `�4��" �t�rrower.during the loan applicatton pmcess.gava mated�lly fcilse or innccumto informutionor atatements to L,e�der(or fuited
<br /> �.,�...�_
<br /> �:;:�s:�'�
<br />-'''=�-�"°� ta prnvide Lercder with ony nmt6dal information)In connectIon with tho loan evidcna:vl by the Note, includin�.G�ut rtot Iimited
<br /> "��'�''"�'� to�repmsentat�ons conceming Bonower's oceupancy of the Property us a pdn�ipal res6�ence•if chie�►;urity I►�aa�a�n�stt io 811 Q
<br />;:�;".;,�� leasehold. Horrower shall compiy wlth ail•thn provjeions of the lense. If Borrawer ucquire.s fce tide to the Property. the
<br />_�___�1_� leasehold and tfi�o fee title shal�rtot merga�mlUSS I.cndor agree.s to thP mar�er ln�vriting.
<br /> ��,p,�_;.�:�.� 7.prutecdon of I.endet a Righta In flta Pmperty.If Borrower fuila to p�rfnmt tho covennntx iind a�recments c�ontnined ln
<br /> _ _... ,�,.,,� t3i�g�ur�ry Insuument,or there is a le�al pracecdlna that may signiGcantly sdfoct Lendor's riBhts in the Pmp�,�1y(such�s n
<br /> -� ���;;,�„a� pmceeding fn banlauptcy. probate,for condamnation or forfeiture or to cnforao luwa or rt:BulnUons),then LESndt;r may do nnd
<br /> � "°'�'�� pay for whatever Is necessary to pmtect tltu vnlue of tha Property und I.endar's rightA in the Proparty. i.ender's uctionn muy
<br /> =�=6"' inc(ude paying eny sums securod by a 1(an �vhiah hae pdorlry over thja Secudty Instrv��nt, nppcurinII in court� p.�►ying
<br /> masonable attaneys' fees und ent�rtng antha Propony to make rep:iirs• Althouqh I.endcr rn�y take acdon under d�ia psimgraph
<br /> _____�;;-ti�� 7,Ixnder does not have to do�sa.
<br /> ---_----- Any amoants disbursed by Landar undnr thte par,�mph 7 shnll bacoma addi6aonsil debt of Hornowcr w:cu�d by thts
<br /> ---_���� Securtry Instrument. Unless Horrowor And Land�r u�ce to other torms of psym°nt,t�eso amounts shali beAr interest frora the
<br />___� ~ _....';iwl dnte of disbursement at the Note rats und ahnll be puyuble. with int;rest� upan not�ce f*nm Lertder to Bo�rower rCqucsti2q
<br /> --_.�.�e_::::<�: puyment.
<br /> '='°�`"�`� S.Mo�fgugQ Ie�urnnce.If Lendcr rnquired martIIagcs tnsurance us u condition of ms�:ing tho lonn stxut+ed by this 5�curiry
<br /> -
<br />