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. ., , <br /> ; . <br /> ! . <br /> , „ �� ; . , , , .. . �, <br /> .., <br /> : . . . <br /> ,. „,..,,,.»t.... . . „ , .. ..:� � ., ... n . _ _. ...--�-----�— <br /> . . <br /> ....... <br /> .�Jl.�....... ............. ...._........�...._.._. ... _ . ' .. � -' , <br /> . . � .f: ... ������F�� � <br /> � ,. � ` 7� PrAtection Af Lender'e Ri�h4e in tho Proporty. If Donowa talis ro palorer►thq cov�nanta and ogrcom�nta cantaMod tn • <br /> � � � thi� Sxurity InnGurrt�nt, or thcro 13 a Irgnl procC�dlnp thnt mey OIAnlli�nnty nitaot LcndCrs rlghta M Iho PropeRy (3uoh no a prOCGIItJinp tn <br /> • bnnkruptay,probato, Qor cond�mnntlon or toAofiuro or to cnforco I�v�a ar rcpulatlono),thun lcnd�r may do nnd pny for v�hntovcr ia noconoary <br /> to protcat tno vnlua of tho PropoRy nnd Lcndcfo righto In Iho Ptoperty. Lnndcru nottona mny Inoludo puying nny ouma eccurad by n IMn <br /> • vihloh hna prto�Vty ovar th13 8�cudty Inotrumcnt,apponring In oouR, payinp rcaoonnbW nttamoy'o tcas and antarinp on tho Ptopariy to matcq � <br /> '�., �cpntm. Atihouph Lcndor mny tnko notion und.r this parnpmph 7,lend�r doan not hnvo to do uo. „ <br /> � ., My amounta dlsbureod by Lond^.r undcr thla pnrngrnph 7 ohati bcoomo uddftlonnl da6t of Bonowor occurod by thts&caurity Inatrumcnt. : <br /> ' Unt�ss Bortov�or und Lendar u(�rco to othor tcrtns of paymcnt, tho3o nmounto ohail bo�r Ntaroat hom tho dnto of dlsburnomcnt nt Iho Noto <br /> mto nnd ohn11 bo pnynbto, with h�tarosl,upon notiae hom Lsndcr ro Bono+rCr rcquo�ttng paymcnt. ' <br /> 0. M�tg�ge Insurnnce. If Londor raquk�s4 mort8a90 �guranco a8 a aonditlon of mnlcNg tho toan 000urad by this S�ourity , 'w:�:. <br /> _ Insuumont,Borcownr ahall pny tho promtuma roqufrod to malntnin tho mortgaga Ineuranco In oftaat. If,for any rasnon,tho mortgsg�Inaurnnco � <br /> -� �' • aovarago requlrad by Lond�r tnpsea or ceflsoa to bo In offc►ct, BoROwor shnll pay tho pramiumo rpquirttd to obtnN oovotugo oubatnntlully <br /> ,� � oquWeiont to the moRQ,�gri Insurnnco provbuoty in off3at,at n aost subsWntlairy oqutvek►nt b the oost to Borton�or of tho mortqago Nournnco , <br /> � proviouely In etteat, trom an uttemnto moRgago tnsurer approvad by Londor. If subatuntlaly oquNnlont mortgugo Insura�eo covemp0 t�not <br /> nvailabb, eorrowor shull pny to Lendar eaoh month a aum cqunl to one�twelRh ot tho yecvly martgngo Inaumnco promium botng pnid by ��^ <br /> � Borror+or e�hon tho 4�sumnce oovorego l�psod or conaed to bo M ottecG Lendor vittl accopt, uso nnd rotnin theso paymenta ns a �osa �1:• <br /> roservo in Ibu at mortgage Insuranco. Losa roservo paymonts may no long.r ba rcqulrad, at the option ot Londer, It moRgaga Insumnce - <br /> ooverego(tn tho umount nnd tor the padod that Lend�r requires)providod by an Insurer approved by Londer ugstn bcoomos avali�bb and is �`i' <br /> '� ., obtalnad. BoROwor shell pny tho p�emlum3 requtred to mntntatn mortgago tnauranco In el4eot, or to provld3 0 lasa roserve, until tho �; <br /> requUement tor mortgapo Insurence ends in acoardenao with any w�itten agreement between 8orcower and Lender or applkubEo Inw. , '� <br /> 9. 111E��C410f1. Lendor or ks agent may meke reasonable er.tries upon and Inspsotlons ot tho Proporty. Lendar shal Iive Bortowet <br /> '�'�'' not�e at tho tim�of or prtor to an Inspootion spocHying reasonable causa for the Inspection. '�"�' <br /> .,',i���;, • 10. Condemnntian. The praceeds ot any award or olelm tor damages, dUeat or oonsequenlGtt, In oannectton with any <br /> '���`';;�"���� , condemnation or other taking of Any part o}the Properly, or tor aonveyanCe In Ilou of oondemnetbn,ure heraby assigned Etnd 3fiaq bo patd '-� <br /> '.:�'r,J,�!,. to 4snder. ;�� <br /> �:�:..,.,�. ,:� <br /> ''•:"j�•' In tho overt of a totai takinp of the Property,the procoods ohoit bo applied to thA sums secured by thls Secur�y Inst►umen4.whether or <br /> � � not then due,wflh any excesa paid to Bortower. In tho evont of a ptullai Wkinp ot the PropaRy In whbh the fair marka�t vaiue of tho Propori�� �"' <br /> � t <br /> ��;,.,, <br /> � knmedfatey batore!he taking ts equul to or preater thun the amount of the sumo seourod by this Seourlty Inatrument tmmedlate9y bofore the �n�_- <br /> � tehing,unbso 8ortower end Lendor othonvise ndreo In writU�g,the sums securod by dhts SeaurNy Inshument ahali bo reduced by Iho emovnt �'i,•"�; <br /> �� �, of the proaeeds muftiplled by the folloriing tmotlon:(a)the total amount tho of suma seaured Immedlatay bofore the teking,dHlded by @)the S:;: <br /> taU mndcet value of the Proporty Unrtrodlntety be}oro tho tekin8• MY b�►tancv shap be pald to Borrowor.In tho wont ot a paRlal tuktng ot the �.=- <br /> �;,' <br /> '•( PropeAy h whbh tho faa ma+ket value ot tho Proporty Imrrtodl�toy batoro tho tnking Is 1e3s than tho amount of tho auma aeaurod inrt�adl�tety �::; <br /> ;�:. be}ore tho telcing,untoss Boaower und lsndor othdnnlao agroe In w�ting or unbsa appikablo Isw otherwiso providas, tho proeoeds ahali bo _,_�_ <br /> �����g g���y l��n lgcn,ney inatamnnt�hnthor or not tho suma oro thon duo. - <br /> , �. If th�Proporty is nbandonod by Borrowar,or if,after notko by Lender to BoROwot thnt tho oonEomnot oHera to mnke an ewerd o►eettl9 <br /> � s ataYn tor demaQes,BoROwor t¢Its 4o rospond to Landor wfthM 30 dey8 aftor tho dato tho notbo Is BkQn,Lendor Is a��thorira►d to colteot und _ <br /> , aQpy the procoeda,at tts option,eRhor to ►estoratlon or ropaY of the Properiy or to the ouma aeIIUred by this Seourtty Instrument, whethar _ <br /> or�ot then due. <br /> ' �• Unkae lsnder and 8orrowa otherwlae apree h wrkinp, anr apDOOttbn of proceeda to prinoip4l ehall not extend or poetpone th�dua <br /> " date ot th�mo►rihty p�ments rotarted to In para9rtiphu 1 end 2 or ohenpo the flmount of euoh payments. __. <br /> � . 11. BorPOwer�ipt Relensed: Farbeerenae By�ender Not e Wetvar.FaRension ot tho time tor paymsnt or mo�dttbttlon - <br /> � Of amoRtratlon ot tho tuma eeoured by thls Seourky Instrument prented by LenOet to ony eaccosoor�� Intorost of BonowO►ehal!not opett�to � <br /> � � to rolnaee tbo tabllNy o}tho adphal Bortuwar or Bonowers succesaoro k►lnteroat. Lendor ehaU not be required to eammanco procaedhps �-°�° <br /> aQnlnnt any auccosoor tn Hta6s!or rofuaa to mRand tirro for paymont or otherwlse modHy emortiratlon of the euma seound br !hb 8�curky f �"�7` <br /> . , V [:���.- <br /> InaWmont by renson o! any damand mndo by tho ortgtr►al 8orrower or Boaowo�tt ouccosoore U► Ntc3mst. My foTboarcinco by land�r In <br /> ' ' exsr�efninp eny ti�h3 ot tanody ahatl nOt bo A waMcr of or prooludo tho excrotse of any right or ronsody. � - <br /> ��-° <br /> td. Suoees�oro and AsNges 8ound; Jotnt and 3ovoraf Liabittty; Co-algnora. rn3 covonanca and aQroomenca ot _ �. <br /> � ' tAEa 8sourtly Inatrumont shntl bind and ban�fit tho sucaos3ore and usai�ns o}tAndor and Bortower,subjoot to the provlsiana at pt�rspraph ---- <br /> � � "`' ' 17. Borrowofe covonento and ngr�nont3 ohali bo joht and a8vmul. My Borrower who co-signe thi9 Seourily Inatrumenl bul does not �-- <br /> " � mu�cuto the Note:(a)Is caaipnMg thla Socurity Inatrumont ony to mortgago,flrent,and convey that 8ortawe�s Nterest in ths P�operty under �"-` <br /> ' . �:.__. <br /> " �'��,��� ` tho torms of thts Saaudty Uotrumont;(bI ts not pasonaUy oblfgatud to pay tho aums secvred by thls&�cudty Inawmonh a�d(a)aprees thst -`_ <br /> �`� LonQ�r und uny other Bortowor may aflrao to oxtond, modly.torb�ar or mnko an acoommodnttona wlth rogard to terma of thls Secur4 <br /> Y �Y �•:'. <br /> ' InsWmtint or tho Noto w(tAout thnt Borrowors conaonA r;x", <br /> - �• 13. L08P1 Chtt�g@B. If the ban seaured by this Socurfly instncmQnt b eubJoot to n �Sw whbh ttota mAxlmum losn ohnqgas,and that ___ - <br /> �� •-- tsw Is thatry intorpreted so tAat tho ht�mst or oth�r ban ohargos coibeted or tn bo cotbou�d In connactlon wkh tho loan eocc�+ea the '�°' <br /> -.:-�.-.� � <br /> � •. �` pprtnktod Iimite�then;(o)nny tluoh bnn Ohatgo3 ohail 48 roduced by tho amoant aCCO38ery to reduco tAe CAarge to th0 pormtltud limth nnd __ <br /> �� (b)nny Cums ntoudy collaot�d hom 8orrowor whbh uxcondod permitted Iimfta wtll bo reNndad to BoROwor. Landor mny ahoose to m�ico <br /> ;` 1hE3 rotund by roduoinp the prinolpol owctd undcr tho Noto at by mekhg et diroat payment to Bortowor. If a rofund roducos pAnalpat, tho <br /> �deoUon arlli bn FrenMd ao n pnrtlat propayment witheut any prcpaymont ohnr�undor tho Note. �:., <br /> - 14. N6UC��. Any nottao to Bo�rower providod for N thts Sacudry InaUumant shnll ba BNen by dafNming k or by mntllnp it by 9trst �-' <br /> ..` atnes mnil unto3o npplicnbb taw rttqulros usv ot anothcr mothod. Tho not�o shnli bo dirootad ro tho PropoAy Addroso or any othcr nddro3u = <br /> ' • 8onower dnalpnatos by not�o to l�ndor. My notlao to londor shnll bo gNun by Mut alnos matl to Lendora u�dress atatad herotn or any <br /> ' , othor nddre38 Londcr dos�gnato3 by notbo to Bortowor. My noNco providod for In thi�&oourtty Innwmont shait tro doom�d to hnvo boan <br /> gkon to 8orrowcr or lcndar rnc�n aNan cie provtdod In this paraamph. y" <br /> , � 16. Qoverning l.ew; Ssverability. Th13 Soourity Instrumont uhnll bo govEUnod by tedarat law and tho Inw of tho Jurisdbtbn h <br /> � „ whlaA 4ho Proporty t��OCet�d. In the want lhat any provlsion or olauao ot thio 8aaurity InsWment or tho Noto contltots wtth cipplbabb l�w, <br /> " auoh eonilbt ahall not attoot othor provls�ona ot th� �oou�ity InaWment or tho Noto whbN oan be pMen ettoot without the aonflbttng <br /> provl�ien. To thia end tho prov�31�n8 ot this Saaurlty Inotrurtcont nnd tho Noto uro dactarod to be aoverebte. ;� <br /> `-- -- 98. �OpP6WQi'8 COWY• 8orrc/w0l BhnN L6 y�i O�w uOilfOrtfm3 40py 6i i18 H10i8 8Rd 0�lhl�S r`Utky 1�9WfR�l1l. <br /> '� 17.Yrar+aPa�r of tNe Praperty or n ��na�flclal Int�resst in �orrower.If all or any part ot th�Proporty or any�ntoroat rn <br /> it f�Gold or trannfortcd (or tt n bonofbl4l Iniorost In Bortowar Is sotd or M�nobr►ed and Borro�ror Is not a nntum�pomon)wtihout Londrn'u <br /> prtor vir(ttcn eonacnt,landor may, et tte optlon,requlro Immodl�to pnymont in tuli of nll suma soeurod by thia&eourity InaWrttant. Hov�ovw, <br /> •� thln option ahatl not ba u��isad by Londor If oxcircl�o is prohbited by foderai taw as of tho dufo of this Scaourfly Inatrumrsnt. <br /> ���� �; It Londor oxerolses thla option, londor shnll flMo Borrowor not�o of acceteratlon.Tho nottce shati provldo a pertad of not �sa thnn 30 <br /> �!�� ��;;;� dayo from tho dato tho not�o Is dolivarod or mnibd v,ithln whbh tho Borrov�.� muat poy ali euma securad by thla Soeur�y Ina4rumnnt. 1f <br /> ;'�;�i;,t, <br /> •�•,:y`.`, ! Borrowor tali3 to pay tht�so ocme pdor to tho expiration ot thts perlod,Londor mey lnvoke any remodbs pormtltod by this StscuNry Instrumant . <br /> ;;.;�:, <br /> `'`'``•;': wNhout furthor notbe ot domunA nn BoROwor. "'°�' <br /> ' ;:., . . o"•.;'.': <br /> :�,,�., i:{J: <br /> .. ,.. . � Farm 90xE 91Po �.r::.� <br /> '.�`�'} 0 <br /> . .. ..;%i� Fao00.LMA(t0(98) Pa o 9 ot 6 <br /> ,,y. . <br /> t„ <br /> eeoo, .;�'� <br />` I - _ � <br />