' i � ,.
<br /> .. .
<br /> . , .,, .. , ,. .. . _.......___
<br /> , . , , . -
<br /> . . . . ��
<br /> ...._ .. ...-�----__._.._._...._...... .._ _ . .
<br /> � 1 ��� �tD���6 ..
<br /> , 10. Qar��r��7'o Rtigh4 to �alneteto. H 8ortov�ar mCOto oaRa oonditions, Borrov�of ahntl lavo tho rfght to hnvo ontorcemant of
<br /> this•9eourity Inotromcnt di3ocnttnuod nt nny thno prlor to tho onrli�r ot (a) G duya (or nuch pthor pcubd ne appllonbl� 4��v may opcoliy tot
<br /> rOtn4tUtC1flCn1) �CiOto 6ab of tho Property purouant to nny powcr of ont�aontulnad In thls 8:aurity uutr�mc�t; or (b) antry of n Judgmcnt
<br /> cnforaing thb&^CUrity Inutrumcnt.Thono oanditiono am that Bortowc�r: (n)paya Lendor atl aumo v�hbh Nar�would ba duo undor thls Scourlty '
<br /> Inuwmcnt nnd tho Nato hnd �o nacolsrotton oaauROd; (b) ouroa any d�fuul4 ot any othor oovcnar+t a nprcumonta: (c) pnyo all oxponno3 •
<br /> Inourtod in Cnfo�oh�0 thl9 &sou►Ily Inntrumcnt, InoNdtng, but not Ilmttod to, rcaaonnbto attomoyu'1CO�;ond(d) tnko� ouoh aotto� na Lond�r
<br /> • mny ruaoanabty rCqutro to noouro Mnt tho I�n ot thl;► S.^.ourity Inatrumcnt, l.anE�r'a rtghto In tho ProaRy nnd Hono►vcro obttpatton to pny , .,
<br /> tho ouma ooaurod by Ihts Eoourky Inntrumont uhnll oontinue unohnngad. Upon roinatatomont by Bortawcsr,thia Soourity inatrumant and tho
<br /> , obl!Q�tk�ne eocurod hcroby ehall rCmnin tuliy oH�otNO no If no accot�ration hnd ocourtod. Howovor, tMS .bnt ta ro�notnto shnn not apph t� •,
<br /> � tho aaoo of accoloratton undar pnmB�Ph 17. . •_
<br /> 1fl. 891@ 0� N0�0� Charfqo of Lofln &orvioor. Tho Noto or a pnRLni Ntoro3t In Mo Noto (togothor with this Seaudty �� v yM
<br /> � • inowmont)mny ba sold ono or moro tUnoB without prior notloo to Borrov�or. A enio may rGSUR tn a c hango In tho ontity (known as tho 4
<br /> " ��T 'LOM SflNICOT")thnt eoileot8 monthry pnyrnants duo undor tho Note and thb Seourfty Inatrumant. Thao aiso may bo ono or moro ohangos .
<br /> � at tho Loan Sonkor unrotatod to u anta of tho Note. tf tharo Is u ohango of the Loan 3oa�or,9oRawes wllt bo gM¢n writton not�o of the
<br /> � ohango In acaordnnco witi�parepmph 14 abovo and appibabb Inw. The notbe wlil etate tho nemo wd addrosa ot tho now Loan Snrv�ar .
<br /> � and tho addres8 to whbh peyments shoutd ba mndo. The notb9 wlil siso contuin ttny other Intom�etlGn rc�qulrad by applbnbla�w.
<br /> 20. F1E128�d0U8 StIbOWfiQQO. 8or►ower ahali not cauae er pertntt tho prosenae, uso,dlsposal, storape, or roleaso of any �
<br /> " Hamrdous fiubataneos on or tn tho Property. 8orrower ahflil�ot do,nor a!!ow anycn�c'se to do, ennF�tng BHeCtlnB the PropEAy th8t Is In ' ; ).
<br /> vtotatbn ot any Envtronmontal law. Tho procodtng two sentonees shnll not qpycy 4o 5:��l��senca, uae, or atarago on tho Property of amell `,;�.�,. ,,,�,
<br /> quant ft t os a t Hamr dou s Su b a t a n c e s t h a t ar o g enerel l y reco gnixed to be approyriaSa to •r.:meal residenttal usos and to ma�4enance of ihe ;!+.,;,r►•,: �,,f:
<br /> ���.
<br /> � ;� PropeAy. ',,. °:.'�_::_
<br /> ;,:i,•�,�'�,,;;�;;:� Bortower sheli prompty �ka Lender wrillen notice of any Investlgal(on, o�slm, demand,�wault or oS4�a actlon by uny govemmontel or ..`�,
<br /> .:u;i..f,.'`.;+:,.'
<br /> ;.,Nl�.r;�,. '_, reguifltory agency or prMate party tnvoiving the Praporiy and any Fiaaardaus 3ubstoneo or Envirnnmenw� lew of wh�h Bortower has aolual ;•.i;�::t"�;:
<br /> , ,. �, ; knowisdpo. If 8orrowet leams,or Is noilibd by any povammentnt or reguiatory authority, thet any removal or other remedlatlon o1 eny i��,i,'� `+::
<br /> �.' f! �,x;;
<br /> � `<� '� • Hnmrdous Substance aHecling the Property Is necossary, Borrower shall prompty tako atl nocessary r�medtai actions tr► accordnnco wfth `�`, "
<br /> , � . ;�;r��, �'`•�,,'y�.�t''
<br /> , .:�;.;:,, EnvUonmental Law.
<br /> ��`!,�Y'iu h 20, "Htuardoua Subatances' are those substances deftnad ma tuxb or harardous substencas by � �•`.i=:.
<br /> .�,i•�<.� As used h thb pareg�P '�,
<br /> " 'Y��' Enviranmentul Law and tha faLOwing substances: gosollne, korosene, other tlnmmable u toxb petroleum produote, tOxb pOStbides end •� ���.
<br /> herbbldea, volatib sokents, mute�iats oontaln6�g asbestoe or fortnatdohyde, and �adtoaotive matar�is_ As usad in this paragraph 2a, _-�L�
<br /> •Environmontr3l lar�" momns tederel Iav�B and lar+s of the jurisdbtlon whoro tho Property is tocatc3d that rolato to hcwith, safety or �;:;�--
<br /> ,j� onvUonmonta� protootbn. ''.;""�:
<br /> �k NQNdJNIFORM C�VENANTB. Bortowor nnd Londor Nrthor oovonnnt ond ngroo uo tallowa: �;.s'_'n�?-'.
<br /> � � . �� �t. AceeternUon; Remedios. Lender ahotl gl�e notloe to 8orrower prbr to aoceleratlon tollowing �'_.--:.��_.
<br /> �'.� Borrower'� b►eaeh af eny covenent or egreement i�o this 8aeur(ry IneRrument (�a�t not priar to --
<br /> � eccelareUon under paregreph 17 unteas epptta��te iew provide0 oiFiCilfrlmj. ��+e :�a�zs �.! �!l�;- ��j ��i
<br /> the deteusl;(b)the actlon requtred to oure the deteutt; (o) � dete� eot les� 4hen 30 dey�+trom the deto tha �r
<br /> „ • �p, rtoUce te�Iven to Borrower�by whloh the defautt must be Qurad; and (d)thattallure to oare the defeult on ---—
<br /> � or betore the date epeoftled In the noUee mey roautt in Aeceteration ot tha eurne seaured by thts Seeu�ity
<br /> � �'' Instrnment end eete o!the PropOrty. The notiee ahati turther Intorm Bor�ower of the right to retnetete atter _
<br /> � � acaeteratimn and thti ripht to bring e court eotion to e�ac�rt the non-exietonae o4 e detault or any othor =
<br /> �� detenas aY Bmrrower+to eacetaroqon nnd eete. If the default is not eured on ar bofore the dete apoeifled in ��;
<br /> � ttte neUee,Lo�+der et tte ap4lon mwy �oqulra Immedt�t�+ poymont In tuil ot aA0 womo c+courad by 4hfo So�urity �
<br /> • . � Inatrumont wethout further demand and may invoke �o� povlQr of eale en� ony other romedi�a p�rnnitted ��r-
<br /> �;; by applieabio law. Lendor el�nil be ontitled to ooliect �11 expen�aa incurre� in pursuing tt�e Pemodlos __
<br /> m� provlded In thte pare�reph 21, Ineluding, but not Ilmlted to� reaaoneta�le a�torr�eya' t�eo nnd coato 04 Utlo _W,�
<br /> .A evidenae. _�
<br /> �' It tho �owor ot oalo is Inv�ok�sd� Truotee ahal! rcc�ird e notioo of detauNt In each county In wJ�Scl� any -�T-�--
<br /> ���I"� � �� G..-.
<br /> : .,:t,;';;��� part of the Praperty Ia loce+ted and shett mail coples o! aueh rtotla� tn tl�e�a�ner preseNbed b e a��abta �^
<br /> �;;,,,, � taw to Borrower end to the nthe� pereono pre�cribee by ep�tseabl� tA�. After the time re�ulted by
<br /> ;.
<br /> � . ,s t appflcable lew,Trua4oe oha!! givo publio �oUce ot aate to tbe ��rsona ar�m Irs tho menner preaartbed by ��_�-�T--�_
<br /> � r" ``,�� eppll�bfe Iaw. Truetme, wi�tiout demend on �arro�ver� ehell aeil !he Pr�Perty a4 publia auetton to th� ��
<br /> �, htghest�S f d der a t t he t tmo en t� �,t a a e a n d u n d e r 4 h e 4�a m a d e a l g n a t e d I n t h e n o U c e o 4 s a t e I n e n o o r m�te
<br /> �. `''�'��'�� p�toola ond M any order Truetee determtnea Trusiee may postpone r�ele of eil or eny pareel of the �"`-�``°�
<br /> _... .,_ �rA��ny �y p�k�tf� rnnouneement a�t the Qlme eotd pleeo of eny prev loue iy ao f teduleB �le. �.endar or its �:._
<br /> - --� dcolgnee aney purehesv the Property et¢�n�/�ale. ------
<br /> � Upon raaolpt ot payment of t19e prbe bld, Trustee ehall dellver to th� purot�aaer 7�uafeo'a deed =�N .
<br /> .a. convo y in g th� Pro po r t y. The �ecltnts in the Trusteo's deed ehetl bo prima ta�eie ovidenae ot the truth of —�~ - _
<br /> � tt�e statemonte mado thorotn. Trustee shall apply the proeeeeds of the tsate In the fblto�sring or d�r. (a) t o a!1 �;�:
<br />� ' costo and oxponaea of oxoreising the powor of e�t�, t�nd tho aalo. inaludl�p ihe paymen4 ot tho Truetee'o
<br /> t000 aotually Inourrod,not to oxeQad throo g6 ot tho priwctpvl am�unt ot tho e�o4o at tho timo 04 -,:`.,�.
<br /> tho daolnraUon of dotaWt� anc9 roa�nabio attorney'm��oa �e pQrmitt�d by la��; (b) 4o att mtmo Qecurod by �;,-;:,;.
<br /> . this�ocu�ity enetrument; ond (c)any oxcet3s to iPoo pQreAn or poraona log��lyentittod to t� "�
<br /> • � �Z. Reconvoyonae�.Upon paymont of nll surns oeaurod by this Seaurity In4Wmcnt,Lertdx 8ha�� tc34uo�t Ttuutoo to reoonvey tho -
<br /> PropaAy ond ehnll nurrondor thls Seourity Inutrumont nnd ail notea svidenoinp dobt uoaurod by this Soaurity inntrumant ro Truatoo. T�uatoa _
<br /> •� ohall r000nvoy tho PropoAy wAhout wnrtanty and without ohnrgs to tho pcsreon or p¢reons ksgnly �l�ed to tt.Suoh poreon or purnono ahu0 _,-
<br /> pny nny rc�cordntlon 000te. _,
<br /> - -- - T.➢ '�:--' ..
<br /> 23. SubstltutEt TruatOV. �sndar, ot fto optton, mny irom time to timo romovo Trustao N4 a0polnt a succosQOr truotca to uny ;- -..-
<br /> Trustoo appOhilGC1 hfireundar by an InsWmoM roaordad In tho county in whfah thNS Securtty Inst�vau3r�t b recordad. Whhout conwyanco of •_,.;__
<br /> tho Pro{xirty,euCCOSaor truiitCO shull BuoCOOd to atl tho tftb,powor and dutbs confortod upon Tnrstae horoin end by npp�bubb 1ar�. , ,
<br /> :e, {x
<br /> , 24. �oqucat for Noticeo. Borrowor roquosta that cop�aa of t�o not�os ot dofautt ond eel� bo aunt to 8ortowor's�t�dross whioh
<br /> .i:
<br /> Is the Proporty Addross.
<br /> • 26. RidQO�o to thir�Seourity Inc;UumeoL �t one� or more ridsrs are ox�cuted by Borrower ctnd rmcordod together with tn's
<br /> � `����j���• Securriy InsMimont, tho aovonnnts end agroomonri► of onch aucR rider shnU be Incorporated Mb and shall amond and suppbment tne •
<br /> •:!,°�'�� ' covsnenla and agroomonta of this Socurlry�naWmc�nt as N tho r:tlar(s)were n peut ot this Socur@y httrument. •.
<br /> ,1;,.. �;� fo�m 30Y8 oJ90
<br /> ' .,-s�,`;'(, . `
<br /> ;�1;; .
<br />� - .. � F400B.LM0(10190) Pape 4 0l 6 „
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