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. , . <br /> t , <br /> . .,. . n - .. ,, - . . ...........i, <br /> .. - ,. , ........ � . . .. ...... . ... . .. _.. �. . � �` �i'. '.. <br /> • ..:.,. � : ..� . <br /> .. �. <br /> .. ..�.. ,.. ....._ .._... . ._ . � . <br /> � � 9�°������ ';j� �-°:, <br /> • Lcnd�r n�y. nt any ttm�,aoi'cQt ttnd hoid Fund3 In an umouat not to oxcc�d t�io maxtmum nmount n I�ndar tor n fod�rnlry rolntCo moR�ngo `• �� „�. . <br /> loam m�y toquiro tor�oaovrCr'a oacrot�nceount undct tho tadaml Rcat Eatnto €etttcrosnt P�ocaduro�Act ot t974 csa artt�nd�d horn tlmfi to ��'. ,,.��•, <br /> .;p, <br /> ttmo, 12 11.3.C.8�01 ot acq• ('�SPA'),unbsa nnothCr Iaw that ttDPib�to tAfl Fundo ooto o bsoet nmount. If oo, Landor may,nt t�ny ttmn, j;�. <br /> eotl�t and hotd Fundo 6� nn amount not to oxcced tho bsoct umount. lander may ostimnto tho ar,nount ot lunds duo on tho bna1:� ct l�;!�� <br /> ' eurtcnt dnto and roasonabi�outtmatos of uttpcndituros ot luturo Eaaro�y Itamo or othenniao N acocrdMCn wGh npp�laebta tztia .� ';.�i. <br /> Tho Fund�shnll ba hatd In nn inulllutton whouo dapoalt�nro Nourod by a todcral agonoy. Inntrurrt�ntallty,or cntlry (NOh+dNg L,cndar,If ; �R�, <br /> �4t. ...�l <br /> ' lcndar b auoh nn Inolitu4ton)ar tn nny FCderni Homo Loan Banh. Landcr ohnll appy tho Fundn to pay tho Hocrov� i:cma. Lcndcr mny nqt ���� <br /> in tho Funda, nnnunt anorystng tho 000row aCOOUnt, or varlryrlr►p tho Ecoror� ltema, unl�so l¢ndw 'r` s��',t' , <br /> ' oharpo Bc�o�YCr tor holding and uppty 0 b .�' � <br /> poyo Borrower intcro�t on tho Funds nnd appitCa6t�Is��pnrmite Londor lo mnko auoh n oharga MovrCVCr,Lcndor. mny roqutra gOrrov�or to �,, :.(, <br /> . pny a ono-ttrrw ohargo tor nn independont rosi ontnto tox�oAing oervko uood by Lcndor in oonnaotion wqh thl�lonn,uabsa applbabto Utvr '� �!�� <br /> .. � providos othcnvtso. Untaso an nproamont Is mado or uppLbnbV� ta�v roqulro3 Intoroat to bo pctid, Londar ohuii not bo raqutrad to pnY i, +�• �`". <br /> ,{� ,,�, <br /> . � • 8oaowor nny htCrost or onmingu on tho Funda.Bortowor nnd Londur may aproa in v+riting,howovar,that Nturost ohnll bo pst�on tho Fundu. .`r, i�.;•" <br /> • Londor shntl gbo to 8ortowor,wtthout ahArga,an annual acaounting of tho Funda,showing orodfte ond d¢bita to tho Fundo and tho purposo ,t,,, �{���` <br /> � tor whbh caaoh dobR ro tho Funds wnn mado. Tho Funda ure ptadgod no uddltionni soouriq+br nli sum3 aoaurod by thts Securlty Inawmont. •:,! :,`.�L,( <br /> a ;. <br /> I l.cndar shoii ucoount ta Bortowor far Nv •V•�„_; <br /> If tha Funb� hotd by Gendsr excoad tho nmounts pormittod to bo held by nFp bnbb Iaw, � <br /> ,i �,�i;i;>.:(-- <br /> excoss Funds h acoordanco�+ith the req���rementa of applleubla tuvi. If tho amount of the Funda hoid by Londnr nt nny timo ts not sutilaiont :,._ <br /> to pay tho Escrow Itcmn whnn duo, Lsndor mny so notly Borrowur in w�iting,and, in suoh oaso BoROVrer ahalt pny to Londor tho amount § <br /> ' necoaaary M mako up tho dofbbnoy. Bortower shntl mako up ths dufbisnoy In no moro than tv�oAro monthry puymonte,at londars ootu 'f,;�;`:�t�;;;,;; <br /> �1����>,.i�: _. <br /> dlsarEUan. �',.`:"��.''� <br /> Upan payment In tull of pll suma acs¢urad by this Secu�ity Instrument, Londc3r Rhall promptty rutund to Borrewet any Funda held by �� :•�__ <br /> Lcndor. If, under parc�grnph 21, Lendar ahnll nequire or seti the PropeRy,Lender,Prlor to the aoqulsitton or aale of the Propprty,ahall nppy --, <br /> any Funds hoid by LCndor nt tho ttrrro of ecquisitton or este as a credft ag�lnct tho�ums et�ured by this Securily Inswrtront. ��:��,y= <br /> �+. 3.A�pIIC8U0fl Ot P8yt11811t8. UnlesB app�k&bl9 18w provUlOB OShenvise,all payrtronts rocetved by Londer un0ar pstmgrephs 1 and ,:;�w� <br /> . 2 shaU bo appllad:fhst, to any prepayment charges dua under the Note; eecond, to amounts puyable undEr psrapmph 2; thtd to interest � '�'�,�,�;..,, <br /> -� duo; prtr►clpal dua;und Iast,to any Iate oharges due under tho Noto. C;;;�.;,u�_� <br /> :�. . }'. 1'`v-�. <br /> s, :��;:, 4. CPoitYJ@8;Ltene. Bonower shali pay ali toues,esaessmonb,oherpes,Mes and impoat2ions uttributabb to the PropeRy whbh mey <,,;, <br /> .�.�;;Fr*�,�., <br /> •�'�i"}��` attain prtorlty over thia &ecurity Instrumant, and basehold payments or eround rent�, �anY. Bortawor shall pay those obllgatlons in the „ ;,u,��;. <br /> ,.,;•.::l�' ;,.;:,,......., <br /> •,�,.� manner providod in pnrspreph E, or ft nat peld In that mannot, Borrower shnll pay them on tbne dkectly ro tho peraon owod payment. ,_s; -. <br /> ' ., � . Borro►ver ahaa promptly tumish to Lendor ali noticos of amounts to bo paid under thls paraBrePh. If 8orcower makes those payments (S� ��Rr� <br /> � '�-�;:� dheoty,Bonowsr shnll promply tumbh to lender reeelpis ov,danaing tho paymante. -''�'=-'°=:`` <br /> . ��'��;f`�'�} Borrowor ahall promptly disohet410 sny Ilen whbh he3 prfority ovet this Saourtty InaWmont uniess Borrowar. (u)agree3 In writing to the �:�^--_ <br /> e1 - <br /> � �T _ Qayment of the obtieutEon sooured by the ilen In a menner acceptabb to Londer,(b)aantests in flood fakh the 1len by,or d�nds t�gc+Y�st __ _ <br /> � ' ' � � antorcomont of tho flon In,fe(;sl proceedhps whbh M!hs londe�s opinbn opc�mnw to preveni ti�e antwoomar�i i,i ti'.s t�rs:cr t�3�� __ <br /> � M the ho►der of the Ilen an agroemor►t enUs!notory to lvnAar subordinnt�sg tho Ibn to YhN� 8ueu�ity inatrum¢nt If Ix�dat dZtermlrtOS that any _--_-- <br /> `• • part ot tho Property i� aubja�t to a tien whfah mt�y otteb prbrtty over tbis Sonurity InaWment,Landnr may fl�+8onower a eot�o Identltph8 <br /> � tho Iien. Borrower eht�Ii satisty tho Ilon or tako one or moro ot tho aotlona oet/oRh a�sova wkhh 10 dsya of the gb6�p of notbe. <br /> • " 8. weurd c� Prope�ty Inaueen�e. Bonowar ahntl keep the Improvemento now tusisthp or heroafter eroot9d on !he P►opoRy -=_ <br /> inau�d agaMet bs8 by firo,hererds Inotuded within tho term 'oxtendsd covert�e'ana any othw he:ards. MobdNp floods or tioodfnp,tOr ��� <br /> whbh Landar►aqulros insurance. Tht�Inaurenco ohali bo mnintahed h the amounto 4nd tor tho puioda that La�der reQulros. The hsurence t.r=- <br /> cnRbr providhg tho Innuranco ohntl bo ohoaon by BoROwm aubJeot to Lendere es►provoi whbh ehan not bs enreaoon4bry wtihheld. If b�" <br /> • ooROwer ta�s to matntah ooveraQo doscrbad nbovo, Landor may,at Lendere optbn, obteM oovsrtpo to protiat l.�ndw� rlpht4 b tho F-"_-- <br /> .� ° �' PropaRy in aeaordanCO wkh pem�h 7. __-- <br /> All insurnnco potbias and�enowais ahnli be accopfnbb to Lender and sAell Inolude n standard mortpsQe oi�uae. Lendsr ahall have the __._ <br /> �` `' �� • ripht to hoid the potfele9 Md ux►ewuls. It Lender requYOS,8ortower shatl promptry gUO to Londor ail raofpts of p�ld Premiums end ronewal -_ <br /> � ' � notkoa. In tho wont of toss. Borrower nhnli givo ptore�it notico to the hsurenao oarrbt[us9 IAndor• Landor mnY t�tco Proot of loao U�ot __-_ <br /> ..��, , �n . <br /> «. : mndo prompty by Borrower. _ <br /> ' ��• Unb�s Lender and Borrowar otAsr►v►se agreo N wMthf�, inauranco procooda aheU bo epptied to resWratbr+ or rcpair ot the Prcpt�rly R_` <br /> h <br /> � �}`} , dam3god. H tho rostoratian or repatr Is economlaniy hiaablo and Londo�s aecurity is not bsstmt3d. if the restoratbn or rcopaY Is not �_ <br /> '�{�',�:' __ -�,., <br /> • eeonomieeily fenslbb or 4endets tteou8ly wnuld bo bsQUnod,the tneuianCe proc�ds Ghall bo c►ppii�d to tho nums t3ocurod by thls SeCUrlty �_ ^ � <br /> ' ''; Inotrumont,whothor or not then due,r�kh any oxcos3 pnM to Bonowar. I}Boaowor abnndona tho Propc�M�or does not unawut wt4hh 30 �;_�= <br /> �' days a notxe hom Landar thnt tho bssurena+certier haa oNered to ooitb a oL1Mn,then l.ondor mny colbot tho Insu►anco procoeAs. Lendar '°r""' <br /> :•,.;;i. °` ��-. <br /> �_,,;;:�,,,,�•..:,• nay u�o tho procesda to mpa6 or reatore tho Properhr or to pay suma socurod by this Socurtty insWmont,whothet a not thon due.Tho Y,_ <br /> �_ -_ . <br /> '- .-: ': � 3p.doy padod vuUi bo0h when tho notbo is gMan. ___�_ <br /> Unbss LEnder and Borrovror othawlsa agreo in wrnhfl,nny opplieatien o}proceoda to princpat ahati not oxtend or pootpano tho duo _ <br /> ;; date of tho manthy pmyments rotorrud to h�pera9raphs 1 and 2 or ohnn8o th0 cunount ot tho payments. If undor pu�gra�►h 21 tho Proporty :i�^,:. <br /> �,•,'.,,,, ; b aaqutrod by lendor,Bortowotu right to ony inaurqnce polbias und groceoda rosuiting trom dtimaga to tfio Proporty prbr to tho nequiskbn r :, <br /> ' lt.ti;•i;,;:r shnll pn�s to Lendor to tho wdent of tho suma seeured by this Seeudty Instrumant Immcdintory prtur to tho acqutsltion. _ <br /> " � 8. Oeaupanay, P�c�ervaUon� MniM�naneo and Proteetlon of 4rie �roperty; Boaravaer'a Loan Appfi�etton; _ <br /> L@II8Ch01d8- Borrowor ehntl ocoupy,ostabilsh,nnd use tho Pmporty as Bonowefr�prlrtotpal rosidonc�wkhln cDQy dnys att¢r tho oxooutton <br /> � ot thl� Socudty Inatrumont nnd shnli oontinuo to ocaupy the Proporty aa Bortowofc pnhatpat rouldonco tor nt bust ono year aTtcir thv dato ot <br /> occupanoy,unb3a Londer othorwiao��M�8�whbh eor.sant BhnO not be unron3onnbty�+Ithhetd,or unin3a oxtonuutHg atrcumatnrtcos •-, <br /> oxtst whbh nro boyond BoROwera eontrol. 8orrowor ahnU not dostroy,dnmaSo nr Impak tho Propmty,ntlow tho PropnAy to dotertorato, or � *�. � <br /> oammit wnato on tho Proparty. Bosrowm ehnit bo in dotauR tT any tortoituro netion or proeoodMg,whothor oArtl or eHmhat,I�bogun that In <br /> " Lando�o good tntth judgmant onuld rosuft h torfaiturc� of tho Proporty or otharwiso mntorl�lry Impo7 tho Ibn aroari�d by thb 8ocurtty <br /> � ln9Vtlm2rt nr Landnro¢eCUHty Intoro3t. Borrower may eure auah a dofnuR and minatato,na pravidod N pnraSraph 18,by cauairtg tho natton .�_ <br /> ---=--:.-- - <br /> ------� ___.�_ �.._ .�._.,.�w...�.w e ..�unn��n► h �onenrn eeed tnHh dntarminaUon. arc�eNder�tortofturo of tRO 8ortowaro htonrsf Y� lh9 � • <br /> ----------------�- Of P�ocr�oany w w wo....000.. ......_ .__.o _.^ - -- -- - <br /> • prpperq+ ar othor matCrlul impt►Mrtont of tAo Itm+crcatnd by thk� Soouriry IneWmont or Lcndofo aveuriqr Intorost. Bortower ohnU a�aa bu In . <br /> ° dotnult i1 Borrowcr, during tho loc�n app��tlon procosa. gavo matalnity futso or Innccuroto Intom�atton or otat�manta to Wndor (or taued to , <br />, provido l.eedor wilh any naturiat Information)h connoatton�vtth thu�oan avldcneEd 0y tho Note,incNding,but not Itmriod to,repre3untattona <br /> " concerning Borror�uPa occupanoy ot tho PropaRy ea a prtnoipnl rostdonco. It 9hL Sacur(ly Inatrumont Qs m* n toaeoholC, Bor►owor ahntl <br /> ''��'�,t�,� . campiy wah alt thu provi�tonu of the toase. If Bonower aoqutrcs teo tllto to tha 4�rop�rty, tho banohold und 9hn foo tttlo ehaU not morga <br /> = • �;•'.�',::�:�;• <br /> ,_;;;,,/�,;•..�; unlesa Lendsr aqreea to tho morger in wriling. . <br />_ . ' ' � � <br />• • �orm aoso oloo <br /> -- .. F4009.LM0(t0/OA) P�O����6 <br />. . � 00001 � . <br /> � <br />