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<br /> 1' � .
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<br /> .I��� L ��R �(��l��� ao�aa6 03/O�a/1999
<br /> 9.Cott[E�nc�►stcn.The proceeds af any�wa�d ar c{�im fat dtuuaIIes,direct or con�ueutinl.in canttectton wlth any " �. �
<br /> � ' coadcnvindon or otker tnklaII of the Pm}+ertY. or pait thea�of, or for conveynuce in lieu of coudem�tndon, are keraby ,� .
<br /> 0
<br /> ussiBned aud sh�ll he paid ro Leader.sul�ect ta the temu af Ray mortguge,deed of uust or other s�cudry naece�tteat t��ith n ' ,
<br /> Ilen v�hteh hn�priorlty overthio Deed af Teust, ��
<br /> 10. IIa�otiv�r t�a3 Rel�+sxdi �orfi�e�a+� �y Q�c%+c➢�e' No3 a WNver. Hxtensian ag the dme far payntent ar
<br /> . , modlticadou of�uuortirudoa of the sum9 s�cured by this J�vd of Trust�ranted bq Lender to nay succes.wr in intereat of . , „
<br /> Barrower slwU aat opemte to retease.in nay m�anner.the Nabltity af tbe ariQinal Bc►rrawer aaad Borrower's�uccessor�in , .
<br /> interest. I.ender r��ll aot be required ta commence proceedinEs aga�ttst��ach successar or refLse to extend dma for payment
<br /> , or othenvlse madify oranrdmtlon af the sums secuted by tdis Deed af'�'^ust b�+c�ason uf w�y clen�ttif nui�la by tde a�iginnl ;
<br /> Boxrowcr aad Borr�wer's scccessorx in interest. Aay tafi�rnnce bY Lender 1n exeatctng aay d8ht ar remedy h�reunder. ( _
<br /> ' � or atherwls�e nffarded by nppltcabl@ lnw.sha11 ttat be u�vaive�r of or preclude the exercls�of nny such dght or reniedy. ..:
<br /> . , �- 11.Suoocssore and AsssEprs Bourvd;aotnt nnd 6meenl ldnbility; Co�l�te4's. Tke covenswis nnd ngceeraents derein ,f... ,",'" •,:
<br /> ^ conwi�ed s6ui1 hiad.und the dBhts hersunder shnll im�ra to.We respecNve successflrs and iissjIIng of Lender and Borrower. �. , ;.
<br /> subject to the provisions of paragmph 16 herec�f. AU covenants and agreeatents of Borrower slutl�be 3nint uad s�verol.
<br /> , ' My Borrower who co-slgng tttis Deed of Tru�t.hat does aat exesuto the Note�(a)ia co-signina t�iu Deed aS Tnast Anly w '� Y �
<br /> �ctsnt ond comey tbnt Borcower's interest in tho Pmperty cn Trustee uader the temia of thia Deed o8 Ttuss. (bD �s �ot _ ;�•
<br /> ' persoaally liuble on the Note or un�er this Deed of Tntst, ancl(c)sgrees tbnt I.ender and any other Bormwer bBreundar � , ;��;
<br /> � .'. muy agree w exteud.modlfy. forbeat.ar m�Ice any otber nsxr�mmodxdons v�ith regard to ths terms af thla Dexd of'Y'tuat ox .. ��:�.,
<br /> the Nate�with,oat thnt Boriower's cansent antl withoi►t mleusDn�thss Dorrowor or awdlfryina Wie Dee�of Tc�st as to dmt ' _
<br /> Borsower's intecest iu the Propeny =-
<br /> 12. 1Votlse. L�ac,�►t for nnny notiat r�qttisr:d uutic7 �Yicabt�s Eaw to be given in annth.er mtwner. (a)any �dCe co �.', '�
<br /> , � Bormwer provided for ia thls Deed af Tnist shn!! be�ar+rn by delivering it or by cn�iliad suc6 aodce by�e�tifi,�d mail
<br />_ . '': �g nddress�d to�onrower at the Property Addcuss ot at such.*2T�ar uddr�ss es Borrower may designnte by eiodce ao Leader as . „
<br /> .. ;�j provtded hereia.uad(b)any nadce to L.e�c�ez shnll be�iveu by cestif��d mai!to I.ender's addn°ss staced hereiu ar W such _-
<br /> a
<br /> � otltet address as Lender mey des3Baets by�ar�ce w Boxr.a�.vet as pmvIded hscetn.Any nodce prov�4'ed for ln t h ia D t e d o f - :':�,
<br /> - 'fn�st shnU ba dcemed to l�ave�+een IIiveu ta B�rmwei ar Lender when given ia the manner desigaxted henin.
<br /> 13.Governt�ng I,awt��a,r,rability.Tbe smto und f:�cul Daws applicable to this Deed of Tcust shali be the I�ws of tke ;.,;..�
<br /> judsdlcdon in whtch the Praperty IR loratafl. '1'he fnrc�fliag senteuce sbatl not Itmit the applicabiUty of Fedeial law w t4is „ '..:t;;
<br /> licable law. `�
<br /> �►,,�• Deed of Tiv�t. In the eveut thut aay pmvkion or cinuse of thls Dee�i of Ttust or the Nate confllcts with npp - ; �
<br /> such confl�ct shnll aot affect oiher pmvidons of this D+:ed of Truse ar the Note wbich cnn be Sivea effect wIthout the '., ,'�_=
<br /> ;` �• coufllcdng provislon.nad to this eud the prnvi�ions af this Deed of Tn►st and the Note nre datared to be severable.P,s ,,�., .°-�_.
<br /> .�.�' ._._'` � �.ced henin, "costs". "eape�s�s" and "attomeys' fc�s" ;�c3ude aU sums to the extent not prol�blted by appticnble luw or ;',�'±�
<br /> , �<<�_.•-__, ,,,_
<br /> '�, limlted herein.
<br /> :'�'. 14.Haarovr�er's Copy. Borrower s�ll be fiunidied a conform�d copy of the Note and of tbis Deed of'ftust at tlte ��,,:
<br /> • � �°� dme of execudon or after tecordation bemnf �"'
<br /> �.+. � ls. Rd�1��E�tton L�n A.S�raent. Saoro�vzr shall fulfill all of Homower's obugations under aay home ��.
<br /> � ,�;�:� �
<br /> ' �: �rr9�abiliaittom.improvement,repair ar ather Duua ugsee:cneut wldch Bormwer enteis ietto vultL I.ender. L�ender.nt I.cnder's z;;
<br /> S�ti:.: —
<br /> ••, ,� opdon. maY raluire &�rrowEr w exatute uad detivrr en l..ender. In a fora�ecceptn6�lg ro L�ender�un ar•ctgnment of any ,,r';
<br /> dghte.clnims or defens,es wb�ch Boce�o�vtr may have a�inst partiea who supply lahor• 01AtCf�8I8 Of SEtiVIC��11 COIIllOC�IOA :
<br /> .� � wIW improvouacn�wa�eto the Pc�opezty. ��:r
<br /> �w. 16.Tramf�of tE�e i�rmrerty or a�4da1 h�Yerest in Bor�ower. If all ar nny p�ut of the Pmpeny or any inurest E'�'�: �;
<br /> e
<br /> in it ts sold or teaasfezmA (nr if a beneflciN imvice�c i::�Bormwer is sold or uan9ferred sezd Horrower la QoY u aanual =�^^���-=-
<br /> : �.. . _�._._.
<br /> •�:;:s`'r�; ,. �� ,� pe�son)wit6�out I.ender's pdor�vriuon can�ent.Ltsnder�ay,ut tts opdon. trilui�i�uneiliute paymen4 ia fuA of alt sums �:
<br /> � , �r;;:;�:�: securod by this Dced of Tc�t. Hnwtver.thlo apdan�hull not b�exerctsed by Lender if euenlse Is pmhibited by fodetal ��
<br /> .:�s:.,.� �etiarY
<br /> , K�;��;:; law as of tIte date of tLia Qeed of TtusR.
<br /> , If Txnder exerclses ilois opdon� l.ender s�t[�ivs 8orrower notice of ncceleradon.Tlie notice shall provlde a pesiod �,�i.
<br /> ce
<br /> � 7 of aai less than 30 day�ftvra the d�te tGe uatioe irf dv73vered or mailed v.�thin vAiich Borrower muet pay a11 sums socured �.�=
<br /> ,. �":;, �-="_�
<br /> �s,
<br /> ' . �i��'- by thts Deed of Tnrst. If�orro�v�r fuiln to pAy chose sumv prtor to ttee expicadon of thls period. Lender may iavoke any _ _
<br /> +� xr;<;t': remcdfes pemiitted by t61s Doed of Tru�t without fwther nodce or dema�ou Bomower. �-�-�-� -
<br /> '� NoN-UNiT�oRM COV�NAN7�. 8osmv�t and Leuder fucther coveaant su�agree as follows: .--.�-_6�
<br /> . , ,�'� Y7. Aooeferatlon;Remedicc3. �tcaept as pmvlded in pmeagr.bp� 16 ha+esf, upon Borrov�cs'e brcaclr of aa� ��-
<br /> _:u;;,°;'i, �� onvean�or a��o?�ae�o�vaT ia¢G�Doed af Trust► i�edudtug Iie�mer's hiDuro to pay�b9 the end dt 10 --, �
<br /> �l�t�4.r�i�p�AR�r tE�ey �me due�&Inq s�mm sac�by thLs DEed ot T[��II/en�q'PYiot to YOCE1eei�tlon 6hAl1 H1ve �` ?�`--
<br /> th
<br /> . _ ' '}," natto0 to Bo�tnwtr as p�vtded iu ptienSt+�Ah 12 l�er�f spedfyln8t (lp the breachi(�)ti�e wc#ia��nir�'i to r�.� e"�.,:`--=_ --
<br /> s..�+ _.,_...
<br /> . %.�`;` sudi brenchi t3)u date,n�tu►�tdnn ZO dnys from the date tta��tice ts nulled to Borrm�rer•by wihlcbi st�bremch ,:�:���::�
<br /> . t�. �
<br /> . <<:��:�':� m�t Qa�i+�(4)tNmt Pullut+t W cure such breach aa or b�tore the thte sped�c�Gn 41�e rtottoe mt+9 rtattlt�m ,:���Q,"...
<br /> . �ooder�tlon of the Suma �tna�by thls Doed¢t�i Yust�d salC Of t6e Pcopety.TlMe notloe sfiall f1�ttDa'tnfaa�t .,u, � '.
<br /> . , � � �y�," �'r2 `=' :
<br /> • �Eaprowcr ott�to rl�M to r�IntRato mfter eoceiea�U�n a�nd the rigict Ra bring a wwi4 sdton to tissnR t�e�st�egae ot . ..-:� . ``
<br /> �:�:;": t►ddaust er�athsx dt�e:a�e a?�o�w�to aooelP�tton aad sale.3f tlnie br�nch 1�u,et au+ed un or bs�are tb�date ';i...._
<br /> y::��'.;:: &��ecifitd Eo the notto�,I.endm�•ttt Lenfler's opNon.mny decla�e all oY the&mns 58ptr�d Dy t�tt►�2¢d of Tt9rst to�ts .
<br /> m
<br /> . tmm�latW7 due ent9 poy�blt:wEtho�Qauther damiued an�anng� Invoke the power of sale s�ad uu,y�n . ;
<br /> . �n� �Y opPHt�ble �uw. Lwtder �haU be tat�tled to cofted itU reasort�bie� t�d � ,
<br /> , gonn�dag the ranodloo p�vtdod in thts parep'a�h 17,ImcladD�sII�b�t nat tir�i8�to.roes�nabte ettarc�y�'PQCS. :; ,; . ,L:
<br /> It t6e pui�a'ot saiu!n Wvotted•'Tnn4ee siwtl reoord n notloe of detautt In e�cb aoa�ty ln wl�dc6 labl�w to " •
<br /> saue Part theremf!�Eoca�ted 8a�d slmll msll copies of such e�iloe tn the�anner ps+escrtbed by app!
<br /> ,. . �oiruv�ez'attd to!tio oth��nv Prescribed by applknble law. Afk�'the I�pse ef such Nm$es m�y be ntqt�lsr��Y
<br /> --•-'-..y �...�t�el,o.t,�..-r ea�_alh:�@4 ��l��Q � -,..
<br /> --- - . ..
<br /> --
<br /> appucahtc law. 7Yur��ot�nit fpve Pu�iic aou�c a. e�.�....��•��..---.-- •----- - -- - -- -_
<br /> . Or�a.'Ititr�oe,�tdout damund on Borirowrr,shaq sell the P►+op�rty at publis aus�an to 41x�Didd¢r et t�u tlme :
<br /> . ' art�p�aco�d undta tho ta�ns de�l�nated ln tt�c nattoe af snte in one or more aaec�is and In such Qr�er r.�Tnr.Zes ,:
<br /> .. ��dete�mtne.Transtae�u►y Pos�aiae sale of atl or any pamcl a�tln�Fropaty by publtc armouneana�t at t�o tEuco �
<br />_ ea�i�fa�af t4ny pt�slo�lq sehzdu9sx�l s�la L�dcr or Lmflc�°s�ke�rtee�naY p�'R��'Q�'��'��' .� ..
<br /> U�n n�dpt ot puyraicat oi the prtoe bid,'�ee e�hali dcilver to ttuP�ase�'Truste2's dar�e¢nvQyi�tg Eh� ,
<br /> . �+�e�ty&otd.The cndinln tn the 1'nutee's�¢7 s?�eli bc p�facQe evEd�oe of tDe tnrth QP Qh�sutianerds ma�e .
<br /> tltcraln.'II1�sioa st�afll apPly tlie pt+�oee�s ot tt►c sa1P En tlte t��3mvt�g ordec:(s)W aU reasen�Dte cos�a and aspa�s et
<br /> s afl
<br /> tlro cn[e.C�xflas�ln8.but uo2 Watted tm.7'n�stee's f�s adt�a27y ITxuered of nat aeore t�aa S 96 af ttie��e Prtce,
<br /> �aern4D7$arttoraeys'fes�end oasts a!tttle evt� (b) Qm nYi e�secured by tYra IDe�d oi Tn�s�t an� (c) t�s
<br /> , � . pso�z,z�s,iP enq.to the p�n or pa�soas le�elly a�t[tied thet+eto. „
<br />- ' Nebmnta?A876�4 1N8 orig�anl�ttocordod) Capy(er�.c$) Copy(Cuot�ul �e s ots � �
<br />