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<br /> ���r,snv t� cr�s�tt ��m �Q�i���� aoaaa6 0�/o5/i�9s
<br /> � . lfl. �2as�m�ver'9 EEIgi�2 to �iclic.��to. Nori��lthstnudintS I.endax's ucceletatlon of tt�e sums secured by tdts Bee�af ;a
<br /> � ' �T4ust,�ten to t3flYraw�r's br�ch.Borro�ver Ehnil hnve the eight to have uay proceedin�is he8un by Leudea to eraForce thbs
<br /> .� . � D�eA of Tcust dlssondrtued at any t�ma p�tor ro �he eArlier to occur af(i)the tifth day�efore the s�la of th�Peapczr¢y
<br /> , cc
<br /> ,. �� �ru�unut to tke po�ver of�ule cntttatit�d in thls De�d of Teust ar(iq entry of n Jud�rnent ei�fo�cin�tbls Dezd oi Te�t i�(a)
<br /> , f�nrrowee paya Lender a11 aums ahtcd would kr� then Que untle:cWa Deed of T�ust Anct tho Note hnd an ercetepudon
<br /> occurced; (b) �arrower cures all br�zches of aay otitec eovenants or nIIreeuaEUts of aotrawer sontattted(n tWs Q�ed a�f
<br /> Truas; (c) Borrawer pays all reasox�able axpeusea inst�rrea by Lender and Teustee in enforcing the oovenants amd •,��;_.
<br /> agy��z;�;,atu of Gorc�nrr�r cont�te?Pd in thle D�d of Tn�t nc�in enforeta�l.euder's oud Tcuatee'R cemedlies ns provl8ed lu ..w
<br /> . Rsuagtxph 19 ht�of. lueludtnlg. but c�t Wnited to� nresanable nttomeys' fees: nnd(d) IIomo�ver tn�ces sucb acdoa as _�-
<br /> Lender aay �eas4nably requl� eo assure thac tho Ueu af tiWs Deed of T�ust� Leuder'�lutcrest in tke Pmpertg► and , ,.
<br /> .. ,r:�;-
<br /> �a,�,-�-~�`' Ii�Drtovrsr'a obllp�sion to pay tke sunas secumd by dds Dged of Tcust shail conduue unimpalred.Upoa such payment nnd ,�};`..
<br /> ��"` cure by Borrow�r. thts D2zd of Tcust and tbe obUQatFons sesuted Lsrcby shuU remain in fl�U force and c�tct o. if uo
<br /> asceleiudon hcd oocuvred. �•:�:;_-
<br /> r 19. Ar,�lgRment o8 l�emie3 Ap�lMment of 1�eoetvcrt Lender in Ib��ston. Aa uddidonal s�uriry hereund¢r, ;-�..
<br /> �� �
<br /> �. Boieouxr hereby asslpas w Lernter the reats of the PcapErty.pmvldofl that Barnower shnU. Prior to t�ccelemtion under .�iY:-
<br /> �' !� paragraph 17 hei+eaf or nbmtdonment of the Pmperty.have the rigiu w colloct aud retain sueh conts as thoY hacome dae s�d ��4�
<br /> .. . ?;;;,•.:; PaJ►ablo,
<br /> � ' � h 17 hereof or ubz�ndonmen4 of the Pmperty. 1.eader. in person�by n8ent ar by r����-M-T
<br /> j UpOA IICO�IfYii4I0i1 UAQCY patOS�D .�y:—
<br /> � judlcla!!y nppuinted receivet sbnli be endtled ro entee upon,talce possesston of oad mana8e the P�apereg+tuid w collect the .,,.`�-
<br /> ,::..���:� renta�?ihe Praperty includiug t�ase P�st due. All mnts coDosted by I�ender or the c�ceiver shalt �e nppAed Rest to �.,".
<br /> .. �;�`:" payme�t of the costa of manngemrut of the Pm�nY and coUextion oP rente.tnslL�in�.��u3 ant Umited to.[eceiver•s fees� ���=Y-
<br /> . ' '�� pzcmiwoas on roceiver's bauds and�easonable attor�ys' fees� and thea to the sua�s secure+�by this Decd of Ttust. E.cnder � a'_--=-
<br /> and ttce receiver shal!be liable to sccount only for those rente actually rerxive4l.
<br /> �', ' ?A3. Iaeconveyance. Upon pnyment of aU sums secured by thia Do� af Tn�t. Lender shuil e+equea4 Teust� w � `,--
<br /> 1, � „��` nnd sbal!suea+euder tWa Deed of Tn�st and all�tBS evidenciag indebtedness sacured by this Dced at --
<br /> �0���$��� withwt watr�uaty Rnd without ctuuIIe to tke pei'son or petsons legaily
<br /> , �1+'i�!' , n i� _
<br /> ��, T[�SSE QD TNSte6.�I�tI1StC6 6�II11[�EOIDYDVCy IIIC PIOpCItY -�'�;-
<br /> ;,x t s -.. ��•ad there.to.Sucb pe�son ar parsans s h a U pay n i l w s t a a f�c o r d u d o n.i f n n y. -
<br /> �4A� iAt s s�ccessat ---
<br /> � 21. Su�atitute Tr�stee. Lender�ut Lender's apdon.u�y fcem 8me w dms nmove Tcustee uud aPPo --
<br /> - � uustee to any Tcustee aAPuinud hereunder by �tte�sicc�cessor a�usK��s�l�su�tojail�thoc d��pawer e�d d dies
<br /> :,..�,,,;•;,��, reaordad. Wlthout comeyance of the Pcaperty.
<br /> .�4 rs. . confar¢ed upon t@e Teussee heneln amd by upp l t c a b le law.
<br /> . 2�. Reque� [or NaUoes.Hor[a�uer reque,sta tiu�t copies of ik� iii�ii� uf d�: and s�3ce r[�tr+ � rs�u ;o . -
<br /> .. • Bomnwer's address wh�eh is the PrupertY Addcess,
<br /> '� 23.Haurdo�S'�n�saee,Botrower shull not cause or permit the Fresence.use�dlaposni.stotage.or nela�se of any
<br /> . , ,:,,,.;,;},�' Bomower shull not do.aor ailow nnyo�else to do.eaYthinB a�'c�n� the
<br />-. _ ..,,.,�.>��4 Har�r�loua Substa�s on or in the PropertY• 1 to the pnsemt.t�se�
<br /> �:'�:r�>�` pr�=,ty tb�at!s in violadon of any �uvirormoeatal Law. 'IhB p�ecedin8 nvo sente�oea s�Nl�cat aPp Y
<br /> , ..�..:? �AtB to
<br /> � '��`��' or storqge on the Prnperty of smalY quantldea of Hatardous�bsmnoe.s that are Sene�y recogaizod to be a�D�1
<br /> . . nomoal t�ldeMial uses and to m�insemnce of the Psoperty. —
<br /> � `'� �asowtr s6all prnmptly gtve Lender wriusn untice of any investiga�un�cltdm.dem�nd.lawsale ar otitsr usdon by -
<br />- • _•..,`:` ' aqy gmemmcntal or reg�tstary agency or �dvate �tp iuvolving t�e Propertl► a�d a�Y Ha�+rcloup Subs�oe or
<br />_ ... ,,;,r,�. g vemnar�ntal or
<br /> . �;,;,.�;;,, BaviroimQenmi Law of which Borrs►wer W�s acnutl Icaowled e. If Horn►�vcr leu�ns�or is aod8ed by anY 8�
<br />``;;"�sK;; .�:, cegt�latory authoritY. tbai any t�emovat or otEier cemadiation af a�ry Haratdous Subsrance effecdn8 tt�c prope�tY is
<br /> 3,;�-�r,• ., n�satq�B�:rower sb�ll Prompt�Y take aii uoc€ssacy remodiN acdons in accordanca wlth Emrironmentsl Law.
<br />=4�►:�"`"° As nsed In thls pumgrapb 23. "Npmrdous Substuues" are tt�o�e subs�inces de8�d a�tox�c or hasrdaus snbst�u�xs
<br /> ;�;::rs"t.r, by Bm�ironmental I.nw ancl the fallowing substances: gasolL�e�kemsene. other flumn�able ar to�ic p�u+oleum producas.
<br />'`;;:"`F��is'�; r toxis pESSdcldea srd hecMctdes�volaQte solveats.aoaterEuts rnrnalaio8 asirestas or formz4�ebyde.and t�dtoxdvo m�terLis.
<br />��:.����i.r;'.'�; As used In this paeagraph 23. 'B�avironmenml Luw•means€edoral taws aad laws of the,�urisdicdon whece ths ProperiY is
<br /> `--'-�-�.� . lacate�that celate w he:tith.safery ar emrlronraantal pmtecdon.
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