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<br /> . •��� � �,�� ��1°������ aoaaa6 03/05/1999
<br /> ,, ", UNIG�oRM COVeNAN7�3. S�rrawee mt�l.en�er cavenlnt and nprsu ns fi►DuvJS:
<br /> . � l. P�ynzrr4 0? �9nciR11 an� Qa2c�.i. Qarro�vcr fihail promplly pay rrh�n �l�c th� pdrtsipsl and int�rest .
<br /> iRdebiedrz�s.9 evldsASed by th�N�te nR�lnte ctmr�ei►ns pravided In the N�►te.
<br /> � �.L�t�tti�fa�'�a�tq nrtd i�ueaa.�a. 5ub�e�:t tn apptic�f�lo Inw�r a v�tltten wulvcv by d.c�vt�:r.Rarmurar c�tl pay to
<br /> Lendbr on titc dny munthty paynv�nu►nf{�riiufpsl a��d Intcrest are plynble u�t�ter ihe Naie,until tiee N�zte iu pald in ti�li.a
<br /> � sum(hereia'Funds')eq�u�to�me•twrlflh of th�yelYty tnx��x n�ut a�.se�smentx(includh�c�indnn�fiiluQn atd pin�me�unfe ,,,
<br /> d�velaDntant ns.;er,�ni�nts, it any) ���hlci�mny nttnin printity uvee thla QFed�f Tntst�c�nd Bround rent� an�teo Pcap�rty.i[ .
<br /> anp.pl��s one•twelflh of yeurly prendam inSwUn�cnsx fur i�nr��d i�L�ueu►tce,p1w au:-nr�lftd i+f yenpiy premic9m inctolln�enta
<br /> for aw�tgnge iasurauce. if nny. nll as e�ason�bly esdmated initiully sad fsam date ta dme by I.ei�der an the busia of , _
<br /> �: . nssessments and bllla nttd masonnble�estsucAeteaf. �t�'°the holder ai priar�imu goge o deed off aus�f such kolud r
<br /> ta Lender to tks excent that Borrawer A Y�
<br /> „ ia ua iassieudunal iender.
<br /> If Bornowrer pays Rwtds to Lender. the Funds shat�be he�d in an ipsdtudon the deposlts or ucca�t�of�vWch nre
<br /> it�vt+ed o:gunt�ateed by n Fcderal or stute�geucy(lncluding l.ender if Lendee is such an institution)- leader shnli apply
<br /> the�u�s to pay suid mxes�ms��ss�nent��i�rence preraivau and grw�nd rent�. i,end�r nu►y noi charge Wr so holdiug cad p n:;
<br /> aPP�Y�� t�e Fevids� a�ly�trQ �id uccaunt or verifytug aad cauq�il�.r�snid oss�nte and bills. unless Len�er pays
<br /> Surrowea i�erest oa eAs F�nds und applicnble law pern�its Lend�r to nudce such n chnrge.�orrow�r+u�lrender�y�
<br /> un
<br /> in writi�at the dme uf execudon of tGis Deed af Trust that inte�t oa dce Funds s6aU he paid to�ottower.
<br /> such ogr�e�e�t is�de or applicable Isw requtres such intere5t eo be�p.�Id.Lender shull not be requtred�°Pof the Fuad.s '
<br /> re.
<br /> �ti any 1it�ccst ar etscat�s on thc Funds. i.cuder shnll Qive ro�����debit t�o tRe F�����F�� �
<br /> ,t showiva cted�its and d�bits to tke Funds und the purpos
<br /> y pledged as a►�didonal securlty for thQ su�secured by th[s Dt�ed of Tn�st. 1�1e tior to
<br /> ' If t�z umount of t�e Funds held by Lender.togetker wit�t�.Q�aue mottt61Y ius�m��s oi Funda paya R
<br /> � s the due d�tea of te�ees.a�nts. iasurance premivau And grovad r�nts.s�n1Y exc.eed the aatount req�nired to pay said
<br /> ta�ces. a�sess�nus, i�rance Preadum4 und grau►sd rents as the,y fnll due. s�ach excess shall be,at Baamuv�er's a�adQn. , '.
<br /> e
<br /> • either promptly Kpaid to BorrowPr oT cre�lted to Borrower on monthly i a s t a pnxents o f F u a d s. I f t h e a m a.�r.t o�th$Funds ':�A
<br /> .. v�� held by Lcnder shaU noi be sufflcient to pay tuxes. nssess��s. �nsurance pm�1��8�'°��°s�y�d�e,
<br /> me es Lendcr unuy ��,y'�,
<br /> � � gurmw�r s1�a11 pay to I.ender uny umount aecessary to make u�the deHciency in orn or raore payme .;: ..:
<br /> r�qulre. ��=�
<br /> , .� , Upon paymeas in full of nll sums secured by tZils I[D�ed of Tcust.I.e�er shell prnmptly cetlutd to Bo�tt+awer any Fuuds ��
<br /> hclu�Le�'. If ur.�r psr°-o"zs�t !?l�r�►f the Pneperty is sold or the PcopenY Is atheiwise acquired by�rendet.Lendcr s,,:.
<br /> �:t�,';r�,, shnll a�ly� ao l�ter than ima�odiatety p�or to the sale of thE PmpertY or!ts acquisidon by Lender.wy�unds uetd'oy R��•
<br /> .r';�;;;n`:,;. Leader at the 8we of uppllendon as u credit against the sums sec�zed by this Deed af Teust.
<br /> ., . ,"�S� 3. Appliauton of P�ymaua. Clnless apPitcable law pmvides other�rjse.all pay�ue�2s rec�lved by Lender undsr a�re --
<br /> hs 9 und 2 hereof shail be applled by Lender Rrst in payms�t of nnmunts pnytt�le eo Lender by Borrow�r :-
<br /> ' � Notc w�d paragrap ��:-
<br /> ` uader pa�tsgrap h 2 hereof.thea to iaterest pa y a ble an the Note,nnd tleen to tre ptiucipal of t@e Note. ;,,:_°
<br /> �
<br /> ,.. „ . 4. 8a�or iVdoetS�Ses and Deeds o!Tevs3i Cha�i E1tns. �evower ahall perfomn a11 of Borrowcr•s oblfgatio�ng ��_
<br /> � �v�Sth a IIen whtcD h�s prio�lty aver t6t�Dc�oS'ika�st. -
<br /> ,,... ,� uuder a�rs�mnttgage. dced of aust or otleer securlty a!)ceemea �:.-�
<br /> � ioclndi9yg Borrawex's coven�ttts w m�ice payments ovhes�due.Borrower shall pay or c�se to be pald all texes.essessments
<br /> ffi F.:..
<br /> .� �'; and other chnrges� ti�es nad tatpOSidons amtbutable to the PcopertY whieh may attsiu n prloiity over this Deed of Tcust� _
<br /> � �. ' and teastho'.d paYRrenn3 uI Brovnd rents.if any.
<br /> '; � �. �It�anet9 Ima�srtueoe. Bucrower sh�ll k�ep the ImPmvetmeuts now extstin�g or hereaRer e� on ths PYOpertY
<br /> ���:,:'�
<br /> . �:�<;::��.�.'�,',^ i�s�gnL�nst luss by fite.ha�cds included wIthin the teran'extended coveia8e'.aud such other hnueds as Le er a�►y
<br /> • :,r;•:';en�.:�
<br /> ; • �•,:;�:;1:,�, teyutee ar�d in such acnouats aad for such pedods as Leader may req re.
<br /> The insuttanoe c�v.d�er prodiding the iasutance shali be chosen by Bornuwes sub}ect to approvat by Lender:Pmvlded. --_
<br /> that susb approval r�n71 not ise urueasonably v�lshheld All iaWUUnue PoliciPS nnd renewela thereot shall be In a foim
<br /> � � asoeptab]E to Lender aad si�il iaclude a staadarcl n>>ongage clause[n favor of und in m form acaptahle w[.e�er. 4�der --
<br /> shali h;+ve the r�ght to hold th�polictes aad reaQwals the�e+eof.subject to ttee tarms of nny mort�age. doed of wss or other —
<br /> � �` secu�cy ap�aement wlth a Ilen wLich has prlorlty over Wis Deed of Tiust. —
<br /> .: In ihe event of loss.�onower shnll glve prampt notice to the insurnnoe carcier and Lender.l�ender mny muke prno� �
<br /> ' � � of toss if aot m�de pmmptly by Borrowet.
<br /> ::�,. � � I�¢l�e ProptrtY is abandoned by Borrower.or if Horrower fails to�7�ond�o Le�xt�r wit�in 30 days fraiu th�t�F,t� T-
<br /> ��';;�' nodre is m�ailod by Lender ro Boraower thut the insvra�e cacrlei otTers so settle a cintm far insvrume be�Hts.Ix�deT 3s �,
<br /> „ ;;�,.s�-,� ---
<br /> �.�J�;,' authoriuA to�ollsct and apply the lnquranoe p�s ut Le�er's opiion etdeer to restorntion oi repatc of the P�rop.�9'Dr �;.,
<br /> � ' � to the svms sac�ued by tWs Deed of Tmst. �`�`
<br /> , � ldg �uminfums; Ranncd 3Jalt Devdo��. "`''
<br /> 6. pY�crta4�an and Meirtena►�oe of �rope�4yt � i �.�,.
<br /> � �` � �mros�rer sriall ko�p tRe Propetty in gmocl mpatr and shnll not oommit waste a�r pe�mtt tmpaicment or deteriaradon of t�e -,
<br /> • . �� ' Pmpe�¢y aud s1�tl oomAiy wtth the provislans of any lease if tlus Deed of Trust is on a densehotd. itthis Ueed oS'I�st is
<br /> Y o�a unit In o condominium or u pinnne�t unit dcvelopmeut.Bonowec shatl perfomi a1J of Borrower's obligtttlons u�fl�r¢he
<br /> . d�tatadon or oove�+nts ereadn8 or 8ovecuing tkc co�dowinfum or p1n�d unit deveiopntent. thc bytaws uad reg^►�Srn�s
<br /> �� � of dtse ooudomioium er planned uait devetopmvat�nad cansdtueat dacumeress. �aontalrt�d in thla �.
<br /> � 7. Atilc�tEon aS i�''s S�cudty. If Bomower gnila to Rerfotm the oaven�uts artd e8ree
<br /> , ;f Daod of Tcust.or If eny scdon or pmceeding ia commec�d which manrially affects Lender'd3sbtnst antt atms. i�lttding
<br /> .. Lender. a3 Le�r's opt�an. upon nodoe ts Borrower. may make such appeamnoes. ��,
<br /> _ --
<br /> --��.r_.........�...�:a��n�rn nrw.ecc Lcnder's i�tetpst. If Le�fer erquit�od rnortga8e
<br /> _ _- - — ceasorm�ie accarneys' ' --
<br /> . m� �,,a.,..�:�„„...,.,,,.._____�. �pncmtums neqtired co
<br /> (�c�upe na u eondit�oa of�ukiag the laan s�uc�by thta Deed of'fnist� Borrow+.~r sh�it P$Y
<br /> ffialrsniu such insuranoe in et�xt uniil such dms as thc requiremzm for sucb lmurana tc�mins�us in co�ondanoe wlth
<br /> 6�rra�ver's end Lemda's wrtaen a�ec�n�or upplirable law. '�
<br /> �1ny s�uats 6tsbutsed by Leuder putsvnni to tWs paru�raPh 7.wlth intetest thc�eoa.at ths Note rate.sUnll hscome
<br /> . addirionat indebted�ss of Snmuwee b�ued b n�i�a�e�feom Le�e U o Borrowex reque�ti�t3 PaS►��t��f. Nolhin8
<br /> . F�Y�t. s v c L a�t o u n t s s h�U b e Q a Y a P s
<br /> ., coma9aed In this par�ph 7 shall mqutt�e Gender to incur any enpense ar t u kE any es don h e t eu»d e r. ��
<br /> m
<br /> .. ' � �3, L►spadto�. Ixnder mny m�ke or cnuse to be nt�de �asoaable�emries �n�n4bl�cxuse thf��r celatdd to
<br /> . �mviekd�at Le�War shnll�tve Bomower nodce prtnr co any sach iasQecd spectfy��3
<br /> II.ender's i�e�t nm t�e Property
<br /> tvz�na�,xasre-a t�va o��g$anl(Etmaorded) ca7g5r tnsanaAl Copy�Cueeomes) vuso Z ors
<br />