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, , � 97. Tranotar oP 4ho P�oporty oe a eor�oticlal Intoram le��orr��ver. If n�l or pny part of fho Propctty or „ <br /> nny Intcronl In II la ootd or trnnotcrrod(or It o bonottat�t Intcroat In Honuv,cr 4� 6ob or tronalonod und Bortowor la nat n nanral •� <br /> pCroon)wlthout Lcnd�r'o prior wtittcn oonoont LCndcr r�ny,at Ita optlon,ros�uro tmmodl�to pnymcnt ln tult of qlt aum� occurod by � <br /> � ' thls S�aurliy lnotrum�nt. Hov��var,this optton ahnU not bo oxcrolsod by Landcr I4 oxCrolso Is pronibltod by fCdcrn�I�w na of Ihv ' <br /> dato of tht�8ccurlty Inntrumcnt. � <br /> If Londor oxCrolsoa thls optl�n, Londor ohoil gko Bonowot not�o of ncCOl3mtlon. Tho notko ahpll prpvido t►parlod ot not ^ „ <br /> bso tAan 30 d�ya hom tho d�to tho notico Is dolNCrad or mail9d vAthln v�hlah 8ortowcr muot poy nil aumo acourod by Inl:, „ . <br /> Scourlty Inotrumont. If Bortowor fallo to pay thouo eumo prtor to tho o�Vatlan ot this padod, Londor mny Invoko nny remodb;, � � <br /> � po+mitted by fhis Sccurlty Inotrumcnt wlthout furthcr nottco or domnnd on Borror+er. <br /> 1a. BorPOwer'n Ftight to iiolnsfate. If Bortowqr moo18 coRain oondittona, BorrOwOr 6hu11 hUVO th0 tight to hcvo �� , � <br /> onfarcoment ot t�is Scaurlry Instrumont dlsaonttnuotl ut nny timo prtor to tho o�rllt;t of: (a) B dclyo (or ou0h othor purlod aG '� <br /> • ' appliCnbl�I�w may npaolty to�roUOtntomunq botoro salo ot tho Propnfty purounnt to uny powor qf sab contnlnud In thls Securit�� �, <br /> Instrumont;or (b)entry of n Judgmnnt antoroNe thls Scourity Inatrumont.TP�oae condftlono nro that 8orrowor. (a)payo Londa np <br /> � oumfl whioh than would bo duo undot this Soourity Instrumont nnd tho Noto oa N no accolorutton hnd oacurcod; (b)curoa an� ; , <br /> � doinult ot any othor oovenunt or uproomonts; (o)pays uA oxponsos tncurr�d N cnloraing this Sflaurfty Instrumont, tnoNding,but � � � . <br /> not itmltod to, reasonabb attomays' toes; nnd(d)tnicea suofl notlon es Lqnder mey roaaonaby roquUo to nsauro thnt tAe iisn of � . _ , � <br /> this Soouriiy Inatrumenl, lendRrs ►Ights tn tho Propurty nnd Bor►owefs obl�atlon to pny the sums saaured by thls 3acurlty �� <br /> Inatrumunt ahaN oontlnue unohanp¢d. Upon roinstatament by 8onowcr, th�s �cauriq inatrumont and tho obllguttone socurod f� ,•,; <br /> horoby ahaN remoin luly oNEwtMo no It no accalamtlon hnd occurrod. Howavor. this tlgh4 to roinetuto ehnti not uQpty In tho caao � ' „r�.;��,i., <br /> of nceo�retbn undor purugmph 17. y�,h�--� <br /> ._�- .. <br /> ' 18. SA18 Of NOEe� Change of Loen Seevi�er. Tho Nole or a a pnRl�l intorost In tho Note (togother wtth Iht� -- <br /> � Secudty inatnime�t)may 6o so�d ono or more dmos without prlor not�e to BoROwar.A sab may roauft In a ohange tn tho eMlty � ° '� <br /> � (hnown es the"Lotu�Serv�er'y that coibcts monthly paymcnto due under the NOIe and thls Stxsuriry Instrumont. There elso moy : ``�'-«_- <br /> bo one or moro �Hangea ot tha Loan SorvlCOt unreiated to a sale af the Nota. If there Is 8 change of the Loen Sarvker, ' <br /> ' 8onem+r wllt bo gNon wrmen not�e ot the ohanpe In acoordanee with pare�rsph t4 above and epplbnbb t�w. Tho nottee wtlt <br /> stac�cnv nome and uddrosa ot tho new Loan 8�rvber and the addross to whbh puymonts snoutd bo mude. Tho notico wlll ns.: <br /> ' • con4ain any othor tntormatton roquirod by t►pplbabte t�ve. <br /> Z0. Hez�rdoua Substancaa. Bortowor anall not anuse or permk tho prosonco,use,disposul, storpgu, or reitasao ot ���, <br /> � any Homrdous&ubstoneos on or tn tho PrepeAy. 8ortowor shall not do,nor nliow nnyane etso to do, enything ntfootatg tho •. <br /> ' PropeRy thnt Is In vbtatlon ot any Env�onmentat lnw. The procadtng lwo sctntonces shaC not eppy to the pr�senco, uso,o� <br /> �'r" stomge on tho Propnrty of srtwll quentfties of Hamrdous Subotences that are genemly recognlzad to bo approprlate to �amal <br /> �•�:;�y}�r residonlbi uses and to melntenaneo ot the Propeny. <br /> � BoRqwer ahntl promptry givo Lendor wrttten notke of any Invasllgatfon, ohim, demand, laweult or othor aotfon by eny <br /> flovsmmentwt or r3gulatory agenoy or prNate party tnvoNing the P►operty an0 any Hamrdous SubsWnco or Environmentei !nw ot �, j'' <br /> -- - wnian 8��ivwo���i,s a�tuai wtiGC1�S. 12$C.r`x'� �"�!!9. 4! !� nQtN�! hv onv opvemmnntal or regulatorV euthority.tlf01811V -- <br /> � romoval or othor recnedintlon ot any Herardous SuDstance aHeoting Property � nocessnry, Borrower ahall prompty take all ',""' <br /> � ' na�cassary remedl�t flottona In accordance wilh Emironmentai Law. i.:.•.� <br /> ac <br /> �',,.i As usod in this paregraph 20, "Harardous Substanaos" are those substances deflned as taxl� or hnmrdoua subsWncos by ;� <br /> , .. - � �.�;i,.�.,,' EnvUonmental law and tho foilowing substae�ces: gasotino, i<erosene. other ttammable or toxb potrobum produoto. toxta r,`.� <br /> •� .�,'�����;;�`f;�„��;± ' pe3tbldos atnd Aerblcldes,vot�tib soArents,materi�ls oontnining asbestoa or femisldehyde,and radfoaotivo m�tertsis. As uood En <br /> '� paragreph 20, 'E�vtronmUntul Luw" means tederat tawa and laws of tho Jur�A�ctbn where the Property ts tacnted that rotate to '� <br /> :4� i�'.•.'' Tr� _ <br /> " ' � ,�;�,,•.;�. � heallh,aafety or envYonmentul protootkn. --- <br /> " ,���"��'�Q NON•UNIFOAM COVENANTS.Bortower and Lendor fuRhor oovenant end agroe ae totlowa: -. <br /> �°. �. 2'1. Aecoleration; Remediea Lendor shall �itve noUce to Barrower prior to aaoele�atlos� :��--,;. <br /> tollowMg Bor�ower's breaah of ony covenant or agreoment in thto 3eeurity Instnsme�t (but not ��:'.; '�•��=� <br /> �, pNor to aece9eratton under paragrap�h 17 unlesa applleebio taw provideo other�ris�). Thu e9ott�� �'��-- <br /> �2�„a,_ <br /> � � ehell �peoify: (e) the deMult; (b)the aation requtred to eure tf�e d�feult; (c) e deto, not losa than �r��-i` <br /> ' � '� 3� daya trom the date th� no4lee ts give,�n to Borrower� by whiah the deMutt must be eure�;and �"'�g., <br /> � . �� (t9) that tuiture to eu�e the detaul! on or betore the dste apoaifled in the notiee mny res�+lt im �"�-�-_ <br /> , � aceeiereUon of tP�e aumo seoured by ti910 Security instramortn8 end eale of the Prop�srty.The noU¢e �;��;: <br /> .: ,. ehstl iuether intorm Borrower o4 the right to retnstete a9i�r eceeieeation end tho right to bring a ;_� <br /> , .„ •��� <br /> � = couri nction to naser� the non-exDatence of a detault or a�y other detonao ot Borrower tcro _,:''�;�;;;.� <br /> ,r. -- <br /> ` ao�elera4lon and eate. I4 the d�4autt ts not eured on or be,toro the da�e spoelttod In the �oGc�, �j��^�;<::= <br /> - ...l�r;�i• S a .'vk'ir'r.i- _ _ <br /> �- �� �_ Londe� at Its opUon may r�equtee immediato paymont In tutl of alt aums seeured by thto Security _,,i ___.__ <br /> � " Inatrument writhout further demand anc9 may invoke th� powe� ot sate and any olhcr re�ttodiee �-__ ----- <br /> . . : .,: ��•�_:;.�-_= <br /> ,,,; permilted by a�plicP[�le lew. l.entier ehnll b� ontitletl t� ceUO�ot �II expensea Inet�v��d In pursulrog <br />. , ; the rs�madlos provldod tn this paragraph 21� Uctuding, bw� not timited to, rcnso�able at4�rneya' � �.��;.� �.�►.:, <br /> ::;;�f; .; t��a a�nd cos�ts oY UU� evidonco. ::'"�+�."'.--_;. <br /> , �,;. < ' "� � <br /> _,. If tho power oi aate Do invokoai, Truatee ehnit record a notico 04 dotuutt in Qaeh coaaoty �n :;:<�i;�,;<<,y'- <br /> � whiah any �mrt of the Property is tocated end shAli Raell coplua of uuoh notico in the nlanner ,� ;;�_i�..., _ <br /> - � p�eaeribod(b�l appliaablo tovu to Borrower and to tho o4Aer �erson�pr�seribot! tay appticn6i�Iaw, ';�, :;" <br /> . . AHor tfio time requirc�d by applicablo tnw, Y�uotoe 8hai1 give pubilc noUce of tu�l� to tho pePCOna ' : '�� . ' <br /> _ . � t' and in tho monnar prescHbed by upplieabte la�v. '�rust�v,withou4 d�rreenai on �orrovler. ateaei s�il ' <br /> ' ;4;;�';:i. •. . <br /> � tta� Peoperty► at pubUc ouction to thQ highest D�t�J�r at th� tirne end �Encn and uneJe� t0�� 4erroaa �.:?�����,. <br /> ,t,:�r..,. <br /> : dsslgnal�d ta� thc �otico 04 eate in one or more �►araels �nd tn any mrder T�usY�e d1�8mr�inea <br /> Trustee �nay� Q�antpone aota of oll ar eny parc�l ot tP�� R�w�perty by pubilo ance��oa���rna�nt at tF�o .. <br /> y time anc8 p8�ace ot any previouoty ooQ�r�dulod oale. Le���r or ite designeo eeomy p�arohaso tho • ., �� . <br />- " . ��ropvrty ct any salo. <br /> __ .,-,- - U�on recetnt o4 aevmont of tho pNoe btd� Truetoe sPtatl el�liver to Utc purchasor Tra��'tee'o � �� � <br /> . . _ _ ---- - <br /> dQed cocove�n� thQ Pr�perty. Tho recitnls in th� Truoteo'a dood ohnil bo prima facie cv�qonco ot <br /> � � tho tru4Qn of tNo c3ttatomento madn thera�in. Yruatoo shull tapply tho procceeda ot th� taaio in tho .. , .. <br /> a . <br /> - follov�rtng ord�r: (8) to att couts ond oxponaoa of oxercieln� the pawer of ualo, und tho sn�o, �� <br /> " � Includtng tho paymont ot No Truatoo'o foca actualty Incuned, �ot 30 oxaood thrmc� <br /> , S�ot tf►e pNncipal amount ot tiAo - , <br /> ' rtoto t�t tQ�e Umo ot tho doelaratlon ot dofnult� and r�a¢annbto otto�noy'o toas ns pvrmitted lby Iavtt; <br />- - (b)to all aumo csoau�od by thle Soeurity inoUumQnt; and(c)any oxcecu�to tko pur�on or poraone ' �'. <br /> logatly ontlUod to IL , <br /> . � - <br /> - F19t6.1M0(t/Of) P�p�a e1 6 _. , <br /> , 00396 i , <br /> ! <br /> � <br /> . .. _ ... . . ...._ ..-- '.._._...... --- --"-----'- -"'-_ - .. <br /> .- ..� .� _ _.� <br />