:i ,�_
<br /> 1
<br /> ! � • Bonowcr mnY ouro ouoh n dof¢uU and roNotnto,an provldad In pnraprnph t8, by cnuoing tho aat�on or procaodtnp to ba
<br /> � dl9mi�ood vaith o Nl;np Ihot,In Lcr.dc�a good toqh dotcrminaflon, prccludon fortoRuro of th� Bonowor'e intcrost�n tho Property or
<br /> � othet mutotlnt ImpcltrmRnt of tho Ii�n arC�tod by thl9 3caurlty InBtrumCnt or 4cndcro accurlty Intcro�t. Bonowcr ahall otso bo In
<br /> dotautt U Bm�YJCr,durinp tho lonn oppllootlan procoso,pavo m�tcrlalry fniso or Inuccurato Intormatbn or stntamanto to �cnd�r(or
<br /> fui!sd to Drovlda Lcndar wlth any matCr6�1 Intormatlon)N aonnoatlon rAth tho tonn ov►dancod by tho Noto, Inotuding,but not
<br /> � Ifmitod to, rcprascntntlono Qonceming Bortowafn acoupnnoy of tho PropcAy as n prinatpal rosldonco. If th�3 Scaur4y
<br /> inutrumant is on a�anohoid, Borrowar oha►t compy wllh nll tha pravls�ona ot tho taaoo. If Elortowcr naqutras fco t11i�to Iho
<br /> •. Property,tho baoohold end tho too iitb nhaU not mergu unb�o Landar agreo�to the morgQ�In wrAlnO• °
<br /> �.PPOtoatloe� oi �ondee'a R�gfi4o Ir� ti�o ProParty.It Barcowor tn�ls to pcAartn tho aovcnnnto nnd agrcnmonto
<br /> aontnAtod tn thi3 &�ourity Inatrumont, Or hQro Is a►�Sat Proccodfng thnt mcsy algnllionntly aitac9 Wnd;.�G rlghi� In tho PropCrty � . .
<br /> (ouoh ns a proecodinp N bnnts�uptay,pro�afo,for oondamnetton or foAolturo or to nniorce lawn or roputattons),thoq LenQur may
<br /> do and pay 1or whntovar Is ncooasary to protcot tho vnNo ot tho Proparty nnd Londo�s rlghto !n tho Proporty. Lcndo�s aatlonu ,
<br /> may inoludo puylnp any auma aoourod by n Ibn whiah Mos prtorlty ovcr this 5oourlty InsWment appcaring 1n oourt,puymg
<br /> ' rQaBOnnbb aUOmoyB' tco3 nnd ontadnp on tho Propoity to mnko repalrs. Although Landar mny tnko notlon undot this pmngraph �
<br /> 7,Landa dooa�ot hovo to do oo. �
<br /> My nmounta disbursod by Londer undar pamgmph 7 aha}I b000ma addittonal dabt of Bortowar a¢curod by thts£,�ourity �
<br /> Inatrumnnt. Unlasa Borro�aer and Londar agrc3o to othcr tcrms of puyment, thoso nmounta shul►boru tiiterest from tho duto o!
<br /> r �
<br /> disbursomcnt at tho Noto�ato and eholl bo payabW,w[th insorast. upon not�o trom Landor to Bortowcr roquostinp pnymont. •,
<br /> a. N�Ottqtig� (tIS1l�8/iQO. it Lcnd�r �oquaed meRflapo inaumnco as a oondftlon of maktng tho tonn aecurod by thls � • �
<br /> Security InBWmont,Bortovrcr ahan pay tAO promlums�qutrod to maintnln tho mortgago Insumnco In oftect. If,for nny roason,tho ��
<br /> mortgngo tn8umneo CoVempo roqulrod by LandOr l�psos ar cessos to bo Et of(oot, Bortowcr shan pay tho promiums�aqulrod to ��r+
<br /> obtaM eovempo subata►ttafy oqukalent io the mortpugo insumrtca proviousry in ettect, at n oo8t substunt4�ity equMnfCnt to tho •
<br /> cost tu Bortowor ot !he moKgego InsumnCO provlou�ty 1n ofleot,hom an c�itomato mortQ,�ge Insurer epproved by Londar. It �a ;;,;;..
<br /> ' subsWntlatty cqulvnl�t mortgage Insu�anco coverape fs not availubis, Bortower ahall pay to Lendor each month a aum equn�to
<br /> ,,:�r::
<br /> �� Cnatweitth of tho yanrly mortgage insutttneo promium being paid by BoROwer whon tho insumnce coverape tapsud or oeased to ;-':
<br /> be In ettoet. 1-endor w��� nccapt,use and rotatn those Oaymenta as a t+�ss rosenro in ik�u of matgnge Insurance. Loss rosenro .A
<br /> , ' pnymonts mny no longor ba raqutred,ut the optton o4 lsndor,M mortgage In8ur8nco Co»rage (N the amount and for tns parlod ����`
<br /> �;+,,
<br /> � ° � thnt Landc�r roqulros) provlded by un tnsurer epproved Dy londer ngain becomes availlbls and Is obtallod. Borrorra7 shnU pny ,'•;
<br /> d
<br /> tho prom►uma roquirod to mafnWin mortgape Inaurance m ofifiaat, or to PTovtde a to�s��e� unGl tho requiremont For mpRgnQo +',_;�=!=
<br /> �IS...:.
<br /> ' tnaurnnco onds in acoordnnco wfth any��rRtan ag.reement bohmen Borroi»ar and Londer or applicablo�aw. . �::.....
<br /> .�� � ' 9.insae�tlon.lendot ot its agant may mnke reaoon8bia e�itrios�+9on and InspCCttons of tho Property. Lendot ShuU gk0 :r�Y�:
<br /> , ,. ., r,
<br /> 8orrowor notko nt tho tlrRe of or pnar to An inapoction spoolrylrt8 rouaoren�l�ctwae tor ihe Inspootton. �t:fr,
<br /> S 10. Condemne�ao�e. Tha proceeda a}any av�ard ar ctalm for demagas,dirert or aonoequantinl, In eonnecttmn wfth nny ;f'�r �;;
<br /> . h i ;j��
<br /> ��� , condomnation or other taktnp of any paR o4 the Propfuty, or tor aonvoynnce In Ibu �r candnmwtton,are heroby naslpnnd cnd `�'j.;,,_,
<br /> . �`' `�, ohaQ be pnid to Londa. "�•''r;:.
<br /> In tho ovant of II tObll tQkU19 OT YfiD PropeRy. the procuoda ehuq be npplied to tho aums aeaumd by th�s &eoadty ,�,�
<br /> T, � tnatrument.rmt�hor or oot i�ia��uo.an a;�b�= 6=�!Q�fl�`-'�. �n tho ovant ot�partinl takine of thv P►operty h whbh �",�,
<br /> tho fat msukot vnlue ot tho Property hnmzdlmoly boforo the taktng ts oqun�to or grc�ter thnn tho amount of the auma noour�d �.�,.
<br /> by thls Sacurit�l Instrumont Immedlutoy befars the tnking, untosa Bonower end Lendor othornlse agree in w►Ring. tho sums ��;,
<br /> aecamd by this Security Inshument ahali be reduced by the amount of tho proceods multiplbA by the toilowinp frsctlan: (a)tho
<br /> total amount of the eums 6oCured Gnmodintoty beforo 1ha tAlclnd, dNidad by (b)the fak mn�ket valuo o}tho Propo� inmedletety �__
<br /> �� bsfore tho talchg.My boktnco ehuil tro pNrl ta 8acrowor.In th0 evon4 07 a paRiu�tnkinp ot tho Properly in whbh!Aa 18t tnatk04
<br /> ' volue ot tne P►oparty Immodt�toy botoro 4:�o tAktnq is bss thnn tho nmauret of tho eums eecumd Imma03utoly boforo tho tak6t�, ,�.�,w;
<br /> ;, unicsa Bortowor and Londcr othorwiso epr�o in wrilt+g or untess app�foabb Inw otht�rwiso provtdoa, tho proeeods shnb bo ��
<br /> , uppt�d to tho aums aooumd by this Soaurity msuum�nt w�ethor or not tt�e suma ere thon duo. ���..
<br /> � • It tho Proporty is nbandonod by Bonowur,or R. after not�o by lendor to Borrowsr that ths aondomnor oHas 'to maka t�n ti.,s,,.
<br /> • -.�.• nwerd or aallla a ctatn tor domngo3, Bo►rowor falls to r¢spond to Londnr wkhln 9� days aftar the daQe the n�t2ce Is glvon� �;,
<br /> Wnda is nuthorhad to eolfoot and uppry tha procoeda,nt Ita optton, ofthor to rostoratlon or roputr of tho Propaty or to the �____
<br /> • a ---
<br /> � `� suma securod by this Sucurity Inatrument,whothor or not than duo. ---
<br /> ��'�, Unless Lendor and 8orrower othonvlao agree In w�itln0. �Y aPP��tton of proceeda to prinalpnl sRgll not mRend or _
<br /> ���+�Y "�� postpone tho duo dato ot tho monthry pnymunta rotarred to N pumgraphs 1 cuid�o�tfianflo the nmount ot suc1+paymenta. _ _
<br /> ' S'e
<br /> 1�w;:��: 11. �orrower Not Fielensed; Forb�arance By dend�r Not�VIY�'��er.Extonston of tho timo PoP pnyment or
<br /> u}f x��� � modHfeatEon of amortimtton of the eums soaurod by thb Socurriy Inshum9nt pmntod by Londor to any succosoor Ua htur�est ot _
<br /> �,ii 80ROlYB1 ShQll t10t OpOfatO t0 f01Bf188 lh8 IfliDIlRy 0�thfl Oli8Y16� BOt�Cv19t Qf BOROWOrB SUCCti380fLS 1f1 b1t8�9g�. �.8fid81'8h8d�Ol =
<br /> t �.
<br /> � ,� bo caqulrad to commance proceedings ngnhst any euccossor In tn4oraat or retuse to wtond time lor payment ot othnrelso ___
<br /> � ;�•ts� modfy cmortlrntion ot tho sums socured by lhis Security InsWmont by reason ot any damand mado by tho origlnnt Bortowa or �;wR,
<br /> ; •�.�� Bonowors successors In Intorost. My torbcainnco by Lctndor h exeroishg any right ot romedy ehati not bo C vn4Mor ot o� �_,_'^;
<br /> " prooludo tho mcerohae ot nny right or remeQy. ��-��.
<br /> � •� �, 12. Sucaessors and Aosdgna Qound; Jotnt and Se�v�ra! I.lel�it(ty; Co�signcro.rno covennn�o and �-_
<br /> , �a agroomonts ot tAb SecuHty InoWmant ehaV bad and bonofit tho auccossore and nast�na of londo►snd Borrowar,GubJeat to tho �;:;r�
<br /> ,� provh�lo�a ol yn�og�eph 1T. u�irov.cr's cavcnnn� u:�d ngcc.ttt�nts snntl be johtt and r.rnrom! My Borrower who co-aiana fhb C -_
<br /> • �° Socurity inswmont but doos not exeout�a the Noto: (n)I�ao-signhfl this SocurUy instrurri9nt any to mortaage,9ront and convoy �:_,
<br /> ' � that Borrowera Intorost In�iho PropaAy undsr tho tortns ot thk�Socurily tnsWmsn� (b)Is not pasonely obligah�d M RaY tho ":�:-_
<br /> suma cooumd by this Sacurlty inskumont; nnd(e)agreea that Lander c►nd nny othor Borrewar msy c+groe to oxta�0, modtty, r,,`;"
<br /> �;�fi torbear or mnlco any nccommoduttons wtth regard to fho tcm►s ot this Soaurity In3Uumont or tho Noto wU�out that Burrowcrs
<br /> :� ' Con¢Ot1t.
<br /> ;r y;::
<br />- ° 1�. �n Chargem. If the lonn socurod by this SccuAty Instrumnnt Is subjcct to n l�w �vhbh sota maximum b�n �,,:
<br /> charQos, antl that Inw Is tMalty intorprotod so that the Intoroat or other toan oharges colbetod or to bo cotbotod in eon�oCtton
<br /> wiih 1he lann o�xood tP��6zermittc►d Ilmtla.then� (a) any suCh lonn oharge ahali be reduccd by the emount noecssa�to rtduco
<br /> • ,:,;.;;�; tnt,ehnBo to tho pmmittaE IMIh and (b)anY sums ntrcndy coltsctad irom Borrower wh�A mcccadod parmitted 'llm2s wW bo ,.
<br /> `'�+�`��'i' rafundESd to 0ortowor. Lendar may ohooso to mako thls roNnd by reduchg tho prMolpnl oarod undor tho Noto or my mnking o
<br /> ' ' ��`.i�;, dUoct BaYmant to Borro�ver. if a retund roducos prhalpal,thv rcrtucNon vdU be tronted as n pottta� pmPaYmont wRhout any
<br /> : ti:;�',f� propnyrttrmt chargo undor tho Note.
<br /> '" 14• NOtIC@S.My fl9tIC0 t0 BOtf01Y8f(ifOYIQEIE�Of tn lhb Sccmtiy Instturt�ent ahnll bo gNOn pN�6olNahg tt or by mIIPJng R
<br />_: . • by tfrst elasu mail uniess appl�abb tnw raqukos uso a'�othor maihod. Tho rte�ica shan bo diroatod to tho�ee�CMy Addro�
<br /> - ----°-_--__--_--= •.° -.L_ .� .�.�.......e w,. �,.�t,.o r,. ►�enr. nnv nntica to lu��ahntl ba 9Nan by (y34��C�oB m3U to �;
<br /> .._._----------�= m Hrry vma awnoao w......a ..�v�.�.-- -+ •-^- '- --
<br /> • lendors address atntod heroin or any othnr nddrcess londer dosl�natos by nottco 4a Bortowa. My notico¢mr�d(or N tNt3 -
<br /> Securily InsWmcnt shntl bo daomced to havo bcon gNon to Bortov�or or londor whon gNOn us provkfod in thts parnSraph.
<br /> = 1r's, aovorMng Law; �@V@fQblllty.TAis Socurfty Instrumunt sAall bo govamad by 4c�derat Iuw and tht�law o}tho
<br /> • „ �urisdbtton h whioh tho Propody is locatod. In the svont that c+ny provbton or claueo of thb Socurtty Instrumont o�tho Nato
<br /> conNats �v@h clppliCnbto law, ouCh con(flct shali not aftoet olher provfsions ot tMia Sc.eurity InBW�nant or tho Noto whbfi can bo
<br /> � �� glvan uftoot wNhout tho confibtlng provisbn.To this ond tho provlstons of thls SeCUrity Inatrumant and tho Nuto nro dtsclarod to :
<br /> bo aorombb. °
<br /> � • ' 1�. 6ov�ower'a Copy. Bortower shn0 bo gNan ons contortnQd copy ot tRo Noto and of thls SccurilyY Instrumunt.
<br /> ,r �
<br /> � • Pape�ot 6 -
<br /> .. � . Ft�t0.lM0 t+/Ol) ,
<br /> 1`' . OII3S0 (
<br /> .1. . _—.....�-----....._,_..__.__,-�_� - .
<br />