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• ,, <br /> �� <br /> 1 • TppETHEFi WITH e0 tho hnprovomontu now or hqroaftor arootod on tho proporty, und all nnsomCntu, uppurtorutncou,nnd <br /> ttuturos nor� ar harcaficr n gnR of tho propoRy. AII roplsccmontn nnd ndditlonu ohail aiao bo aovarod by thi3 Scourity inotrumont. � <br /> Atl of Iho farCgoNg 1�rakrrod to In thi3 firourity Inotrumcnt us tho "Proporty." " <br /> BOAAOWER COVCNA{�fTB thot Borro►+cr la IawtuiJy aolmd of Iho o3toto horoby oonvoyod and has tho rtght to grAnt nnd • •� <br /> oonvay tho Properiy and that thp PropaAy 13 uncnoumbon:d, oxacpt tot onaumDrnncoo of rcaord. Bonowct wnnanta nnd wlll <br /> � dofcr+d g�ncrcilh tNo tltto lo tho Proporty agnlnat nIi olaMU and dcmtu�da,subJcot to nny cnaumbrnneou of rc:cord. �• <br /> 7H1& BECURITY INS'TtAUMBNT oombinoa unitorm oovr.nnnto lor natlonnl uno nnd non-unitorm oova�anta r+ith I:mitod <br /> varlattons by Jurl36btios�lo oonptituto n unitotm oeourity Inatrurnant oovo►�ng ro�t propaRy. ' . , <br /> ., UNIFOAM CAVE�lANT3. Bortowcr nnd lcndm aovanant and apreo ao foitowa: <br /> ° - 9. ii��yr�e�4 0�' P�i�tol{�al aii� ii�BQVOS4; PYOpayt��oe�t netd L.tato Chcr�Qa.Barrowor shstl promptly pny whcn • • <br /> �uo t1�o prinolpal ot and Intorast an tho debt ovidnncod by tho Noto and any propnymont and tato ohnrges dco undor tho Noto. . „ , <br /> � �� Funda for�iTettes and inauranco.BubJaot to appiloubb taw or to n wrtttGn wakar by Londor,Rprtowar shn0 puy � , <br /> to Landor on tho dny �nout�ry pa ymunte nro du�undct tho Noto, untll tho(doto Ia puld In tup, a aum ('Funda")tor. (u) ycarry - <br /> • � taxoa and noQOSSmont3 r�hbh may attatr► priority ovor thb 8caurf�y Instrumont as a Iton on tho PropeRy; (b) yoary �euoohold � <br /> � "'" � paymanta or ground reante on tho Proporty, I} nny; (o)yeary hemrd or proparty inaurnnco prumiums; (tl) yaurty flood Ineuranco <br /> promlumc3,It nny; (o)ycary moRgngo inauronco promluma,if any;nnd(f)uny aums payubb by Borrowor to Lcndor tn ucoordanco <br /> wfth !ho provlsions of pemflraph 8, in Iinu of tho payment of mortgage Inaumnco promiums. These ttoms are oolbd 'Esarow � <br /> Itom3' Londor mny, al a�y timo, ooil�ot und ho►d Funds In an amount not to exeoud the maximum nmount n londor lor a � ,�, . ���� <br /> todarely �el�tod mortgnge Ioon may roquUO for 8orrowoPs esorow ecoount undor tho tedeml Roal Eatato�ott�mont Procodurou <br /> Aot of 1974 ua nm�ndod irom time to timo, 12 U.3.C.$2601 ot soq. ("RESPA•), unless unothor Iaw that appltos to tho Fundo � • <br /> sota n tosaer amount. II aa,Lcndar mpy,at ony ttme, aollact und hatd Funds In an rimount not to oxcaod tho bsser amount. . '� i�` <br /> � , Lcndar rt+oy ostlmato tho nreiount ot Funds duo on tho bnsls of ourtent data nnd roasonubf�estlmatos of ar.pondftures of tuture � � <br /> ` � Eacrow Itama or othorwbo En ncoordonco reltN upplbcibb law. _ <br /> The Funds shull bo hotd In an InstlNtton wfioso dupooits nro tneured by a foderel agonoy,instrum^,ntelity,or entky (inaluding . �'=., <br /> . . tend9r, if Lendet Ns 61�Ch en institutlon)or tn Any Fedeml Homo Lonn Bunk. Lendor sNatl apply the Funds to pay the Escrow � ,1�,:��,. <br /> Itoms.Lcsador may not chorgo Bortowor 1or hotding and �tpprying tha Funds, annualy anary:tng the oscrow acoount,or verflying ..`ix,,�;;��- <br /> ,. r. the Esarov, Itoms, untess lender pays @onowor Intorost on the Funda and appilusbb taw portnits Lender to make suoh a ,,.A��,y'.:` <br /> �.�,., <br /> � ahargo. Wowcvsr, Landor moy reyulre Borrowar to pay a ono-tlmo oharga for an Independent real cstate tex reporting servba '';r,�;• : <br /> �, ueEtd by Lsndor In aonnection with thls laan, unieae nppllutbl� law provides otherwtse. Unless an aflreemont Is msdo or . ,_ <br /> apptbable lan roquires Interast to bo pa1d, Lendor shatl not be requUed to pay BoROww any lnterost or enmings on tho Funds. '•,�_:�rr;�� <br /> Botrowar nnd Wndor m9y eprti9 N wrfting, howevor,thnt Inturest shall 6o pald on tha Funds. Londor ahall gNo to 8orrowur, � �:r•'� " <br /> {���l4 <br /> wfthout ehurge,nn annuol aecouMlnfl o}the Funds, aho�ving oredite and debqa to thp ��mda und the purposo lor whi�h eaoh �yt�;ti;;,;� <br /> ' �� , doblt to tho Fundu wtts rnt►de, Tho Funda aro pindged a�additiona�seoutity tor all sums seoured by the 3ecurfty Inslrumont. •�"�.���:: <br /> � ' tl the Funds held by Lendor excead the amounts pom�ftted to bo he�d by applbab�e taw,l.ender shall flcoount ro Borror�nr "����?r�' <br /> 1 � �.:5:.'_; <br /> , for tho oxcesa Funda in uaoordunco wttA the requlmments nf applbabW Inw. It tho amaunt of tho Funds�oW by LenNer at any ,�- ;•: <br /> • � ; tlme Is not suftbbnt to pay the Eacro�v Itema when duo,Landor mny so notiy BoROwor In wrking,end,tn suoh cace Borrowor ��;•' . <br /> ahnll pay to LandEU the ert+ount no¢essary to make up the detbienoy. BoROwer ahall mNco up the defbbnoy M no moro than `���'�� <br /> '}�f.��i.... <br /> �,:.: twoMo monthry pnymente,u4 Lcndora sob d�serelWn. a,���:' <br /> �'—' tlpon pnyment h dA af eD euma securep by tnp aacurity insmmsnt,Lendsr enai'i prori�piiy �nt�i�tu Scrrc:vsr an•Funr� "'�'"'- <br /> Y f� �_-:. <br /> hold by Londor. if,under pamgtnph 21,lendor ahaN aoquke or no�the PropeRy,Lendor,prto:to the uoqaisklon or srib of tho .�,'�;�'�:� <br /> � Pro�sorly. ohnll appy anr Funds hold by londar nt !ho time of aaqulsittan or eab os a o�odlt agatnst the oums sc�oured by thls ���-� <br /> . • ' SeourAy inatrumont. ��'� � <br /> �� 3. AppllBatlOPL Off P8ye1@ttiti. Unless appUOabla law providas otherwisa, all payments receMod by Londor undar <br /> �• pprc�gmphs t and 2 e�o9 be�pplled: tUSt, to any prepayment ahArgos due under thv Note;encond,to amounta payabl�undcr `�-- <br /> . pnrngmph 2;thhd,to tntcre�t duo;touRh,to prinalpai due;and tast,t0 any late ohergcs due undst tho Noto. '�� <br /> �� . 4. Chnrfl�o; �.I@I19. 8orroww shnil puy atl taxea, assossmonts, ohargos, ftnes And Impositlons nttribulnbto to tho �— <br /> � Property �vhbh mfly ntteh prbrity over th13 Soourity inatrument,and�oasohot0 paymnMa or ground rents,It uny. Borrowar shnll �'�. <br /> ., pny tho3o oblipattona M tho rtwnncr provtdod In pnrafl►aph 2, or M not patd h that mannor, Borto�ver ahaU pay thom on ttmo <br /> � dlrooty to thu person orvod paymont. Borrower ehnit promptry(umish to Lendor all not�ea o}umounts to be pald undor thb ��T�,, <br /> . .'� pnmpraph, If Bonowor m�lcos those pnymonta dirooty, 8onowor Bhuli promptry fumish to Londor rocutpts ovidonoYtg tho E"� -- <br /> " pnymonta. �,'_--�.,. <br /> � Borrower shall pranytry disohurgo any Iten whbh has prlority over this Socurity�nsWmcnt unt9ss BoRO�vor. (a) itgreos In _ �.�---- <br /> �: wrtttnfl to tho puymant ot tho obtl�otton seaured by the Iien h u mnnna aeceptabA�to Lender, (b)oontesta In good tuith tho "'��°�°� <br /> a Ibn by, a dohndo aga�st dnforcement ot 4ho Iien h, bpnl proceodh�a whbh in the Lendefs ophlon�porate to prevent tAa �''r•'"'��"• <br /> ' � '�� or►forcamont of 4ho Wrr,or (o)sCCUres from tho hotdor ot tho Ilan an agrec�ment eatksfaotory to Lendor subordlnatinp the lfon to �_-�"`°"� <br /> ' . ' ?f thls SeCUrRy tnshumant It 4ender dotannlnos that any pnrt ot tho Proparty Is aubJoOt to o I�n whbh may ottsin prtortly avar this _- °__ <br /> � SaeucUy insvument,L2ndor may�Ne 8orrower a notiCO tdontirying tho Ik�n.Borcowar ehnU snUsry tho llen or tnko ono or moro ot ��`-- <br /> ' � tho nottona sot tortA f�0ova wkhtn 10 dttye of the glvinfl o}notico. '�-'� <br /> �=;�__��_. <br /> , � * 6. Wc�rd o� Arop�riy Insuranco.Borrowor shnll kcop t�o Improvumonts now oxlsting or horc�aftor orootad an the �.:__..__.._. <br /> , � .� Propurty hsured epatnet losa by tlro, ha�rdo inotudsd wfthin tho torm 'oxtendod covomgo' and nny othot hazards. InoNding " - <br /> �'.'r-.':- <br /> iboda or tbodhp,tor ahlah Londcr raqulres inaurance. Thts Insuranco ehntl bo mahtnlnvd 1n tho amounts and tor tho portods �.�:,_: <br /> �j thpt lOndOr roQulros. Tho insuranCO catrier providinfl tho Inautance shali bo ahosen by Bor�owor subJoot to Wndore ttpprovnl - __ <br /> � which uhnN not bo unrosavnnhty wfthheld. If Borrower fnits to mu�tnh aovorege dosor�ed abovo, londor mny,mt Londors ;,;__^ <br /> � a OpttOn,o0tnm covomgalo proteot Lrandm a rights b� llie Fwye�ly b�accoukt�wo wRh par�lgrttph 7. .-.--. <br /> All tnsuretlCU poljobo und ronmernis shatl bo seceptabb to �onder nnd ohalt inotudo a atandnrd moRgngo otnuco. Londnr ��!�°"� <br /> ::a_�::�• - <br /> ahnU huw tho�ight to ho►d tho polbies nnd ronowals. If Londor roqulroa,fiorrownr shau promptry gke to Lvnd�r au recoiptu ot ��}.:�-_-. <br /> � pntd presmbms nnd rcss+awul noticos. In lhe went o}�oso,Borrowor shnll glvo prompt not�o to tho inauranao aarrinr nnd londw. �.�`'_•::�`•'� <br /> " . Landa mny make proof ot toso B not mudo promptty by 6orrower. ' �`����_ <br /> Untesa Londcr and 8orrowcx otherwise e roA in wrllU► , Insura�ice roaoods ahall bo Uod to rostomtion or ropnt ot tAo "��'�y�° <br /> 9 9 P aRP ' ,�:i�,.-:i';•,: <br /> . Property damagod,M ihe rosto�tton or ropalr Is oconomiculty foasibb and landors socurity t�not bssonod.if tho rontomNon or ' •�•� <br /> ' repnlr f3 not 000nomicaoy tibssibb or Lendcro 000urity wauid bo Wssenod,tho Insuranco procood3 ohntl ba nQpibd to tho aums , , � , <br /> saaurod by thb Seo�erry Inatrumont, whothnr or not thon due, wkn nny oxcosa patd to Borrowor. It Borro�ror abnndons thu � _., <br /> � Property,ur doos not anawor within 30 dayu a notico hom landar thot thn in�umneo ourtior has oNarod to aottY�n ol�kn,thon '�� , <br /> Londor may colksot the hsurance procooc�s. Londor mey uso the procoodo to ropatr or roatoro tho �roporty or to pny aums � <br /> ac�surod by thl3 Sacurtry InttCUmont,whoH�er or not thon duo. Tho 3U�day pcxbd wIU beptr. whnn tho notfco i�givon. . . <br /> Unbss Londer cand �aRower othorwiso ugroa In wrkNg, nny uppllcntbn of procesd3 to prinol�al ohall not oxtcnd or <br /> pootpono tho duo da4o o� tne monthy paymonts roforr•ed to in pttrugmphs t nnd 2 or chango tho umount of tho paymrnts. 1f <br /> undor pmeprciAh 21 t1�o Propmty M�ucqutred by Lendor, Bortowars rlght to any Insuranco poib�es and procoada m�utUng trom „ , <br />_______ ___ ___': domngo to tho Propc3�y prtor to tho acquf�ttton nhou paso to Lnndor to tHO mcMnt of tho uums by thls Socurity Instrum�nt •� „ <br /> ' - � Mmodlatoy pnor to th¢naqursaton, ,. <br /> { 8. Occupnncy, P��acrvatlon, Mcintonunac ond E�roto�tion of tho Proporty; Bcr�oc��r'a Lm�n , ° ., <br /> ' � I A�pp1iCIIUOQ; Leaaoholde. 8ortawor ohutl ocoupy, astnblh�h. nnd uoo tho Proporty an Borrowor'o princlpAt raaldanoo vJ[!hh . <br /> sbRy dnya nRar tho 4woutbn of this Socurtty Inubunscnt and shatl contlnuo to xcupy tho Proporty no Borrorrors p►hclpAl <br /> � � rostdoneo tor at t�aet ono yoar nRor tho dnto ot occupnnay,unbsa Lendor othonvl3o agrooa in writing,whbh aonsant 6hai1 not <br /> � � ba unreaaonnbq wphhold, or unbso oxtonuating ctr�cumswncoa oxbt wAich are boyond Borro�v�'s cantrot. Borrowcr ahnit not . <br /> �111� daatroy. dartwpo a trnpnU tho Properiy,allow tho Proporty to datc�rlor�to,or commtt wauto on tho Proporty. Borto�+cr shnli bo In • <br /> 1 dofauft if any torfoUuro aotlan nr procctading, whothor o1vW or criminui, ts bo8un thttt In Lendor'e good itttth Judgmant eoutd ro3u►t <br /> ; h tortolturo of tho proporty or othdrwiso matorlalry Unpulr the Ifon creatod by thls Socurity InsMurtsont or Lcndor'o socurtty Intoro3t. <br /> �� ... F1�tQlMO(t/Of) Pape?el 6 ���e�„y� .. . .. <br /> I .. , <br /> � OD670 ; <br /> ! y <br /> � . .._. .._. ._- -•----_.._._.._.--�--.....-- ___.. .- --_....._�.._.�___--__�-�—�----_--_--- <br /> --_. _�..---- - --- - <br /> , .. .._.. _ .. - �-..._--....��- <br /> .._ _ _____�_�._. .._____......��...�rr.�unwer t . �..---,_____— <br />