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_'.� ' . „� R y .a: �i�}�RJ�t\��i4%���j. ... -. . - -- - �,.'- �`-_n_. <br /> �; I ,x �'.1�t1► <br /> �' - - - <br /> . � - <br /> . � - <br /> ". .�-�:��v4� "•�. <br /> �� � 93- �.�n�.�.�s <br /> caadamnwtion or ahe�takins of Any pwn oi Ihc PmpeAy.or for canveya�u�in liau of condemn�tion,aro he►eby wcl4ned pnd <br /> -- - �n�n�waa�p�.o�,a��. <br /> in the event of� totd laking of Iha PropeAy,the s ah�ll be appUal ta Ihe sums aecurcd by Ihi: Secu�ily <br /> - --�,--- <br /> lesuument.whellier or nd then fiu�,with any oacesa p�i to Borrower. In the event oi a p�rt1W W�inR of thc Property ia <br /> whkh tba falr mnrltet wluo af tho Pmporty immedie�kly befat the taking is equal ta or grcater than�he wmount of Ub aumr � <br /> secured by thig Secu�lty I�slrumeM immedirtely beforo the teking,unl�ss Barmwer and Lender otherwisu agree in w�ilin�, _ <br /> _ tho suma socured by�his Sacu�ily lnsaumeM shall be rcduced by the amount af�he praceeds multiplied by the followin� <br /> - frulton: la)ihe total�mount of the auma secural immediately befare tlie taking,divided by(b)the fair market vAluo of the �_.__ <br /> :-:�, �u�:rty immediatcly h�.i'as� ih�t�Rir�g. Any balanct sha!!t�pai� to Sorro�eer. la thc cvent af a partial taking oi thc �, , <br /> Property in which Iho fair market value of the Property immediuely boforo the taking i�kss�han Ihe amow�[of tho�umw _ <br />.,�`, , secuned immediplely befa�e the taking,uolass Borrower wul Lendcr otherwisc agrce in writing or unless applicAblo law <br />-__ _ otherwica providen,the pmceeds ehall be appli6d ta the sumc zecureA by Ihic Secudry Incwment whether or nut the ruma are �= <br /> tlKn dtw. �'Y <br />-° �— - If 1ha I'�apehy ie nbandaned by Borrowcr.or if.after notice by Lender to Hortower tt�at�hc ca�dem�or offe�s to mako —.- <br /> _� an awaM or settle u claim for damages,Bomower iails to re�pand to L.ende�within 3Q days afler che date�t�e notica is given, �'�__ <br /> = i.endcr le nulhorized�o collect and apply the praceeds,at its optfon,either�to restoratioa or rtpair at the Pt�operty or to thB �- <br /> " ____ — sum4 x�u�d by thia Security Instrument,whether or not Ihen due. <br /> ,�,,:_ Uniess Lendar and Borrower othenviso agree in wriling, any applicatian�•t.�ceeds to pra�cipaO shall rat extead or �_ <br />�"�.'-'" pcwtpone the due date of tho manthly paymenis rafened to in para�mphs I and 2 ar changr ihe nmaum atr'such payments. �_ <br /> .�"�.i,���,� U. Barrowe� Not Releasedi �arbeavance By Leader IVot a Wn3v�r. �att�nsion of �e time �or payme�u a � <br /> '��\��yqy���� moditication of umortiu►tion of�he sums secured by this 8ecurity Inauumepa grunted l�jr Lende�ta un}successor in mterest �. <br />'ID3�'Y.t�l�sll�� �_- <br /> ��� of Bamnwe�sholl not operate to release�he liabllity of�}ie ariginal Borrowtr ar Boxa�wer�successors iT iaueres�.Lender <br /> - ��� �=_� shall nuf be tequired to commence raceedfn s A uinst any suo�ssar in interc�t ar tefuse to externd ume for a ment o� <br /> :... <br /> -� <br /> �.� j dNorwise mod9fv amortiu►tion of�he sums secured Q��•t7�is Securitv Insttumenl by rceson nf Any de�ansl mude by the original <br /> a <br /> ��w�rr,1T A.vmar.rk aucc.ear,�rx in inte�est. Aav furbeurunce hy Lentler ln exenising any righi or remedy xhall nat be a � �� <br /> w: — -.�,d,� ,� - <br />:.�� �ti:;f,�}, waiver of or prccl�e the eaercisc of any right or re•r�edy. <br /> "iA �';<4' "�.'�i 1�. Suocesso�es nnd Assigns Bound;,I0�01 Afl�SEYC�AO LIA�II�1y;Co-signers. 77ie covens►nis nnd agreements of Ihis - <br />�-' .,� ' .'Security Inswment yhall bind end beneflt the suctessors unc]ussigns of Lender and Bomower,subJeci to the provisions of <br /> -- � �;.F,'•�v,;, � puagraph 17. Borrower:s covenan�c and�greeme��s shul] be joi�i and severnl. Any Borrower who casigns this 5ecurity e= <br /> -- *+.g;���.,. <br /> _ � 7�:��.� lnsuument but doea not executc the Note: (a)is casi�ing this Securiry lnstrumcnt only to mottgs►ge.grant and convey�hat �_� <br /> p, � Bomower�interest in the Property undcr thc lerms of thia 5ecurity Insln�ment; (b)is not personnlly obligated to pay the sums <br /> -- ���,, .. secuned by thin Securily lnstrument;und(c)agnees ti�at Lender nnd any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbeAr ,,r,! <br /> .-- � or make wn acrnmmodauone with re urd to the terms of this Secunty Insuument or the Note without that Borrowerk �?''' <br /> „�._ :• { Y B <br />� i,..�. lr�� <br /> �� �� �`��� c�la. [,apn Cdary�es. If the loar� secured by this Securaly Instrumem is subject to u luw which sets rnaximum loan �^�- <br />:;:3� `�S:,r;b .a.F <br /> -�-� .�,. cl�arges,nnd that law!s ftne!!y inter#+r�cted v�IhRt fh�'interept nr nthe�loan charges eollected or to be collected in connCClion _, <br />- '�� wi�h the laan exceec�the permitted Umits,tfien: (a)any such laan charge shall be reduceA by the amount necessary to rcduce � <br /> ,,.a It:� <br /> ,'!��A `'� the charge ta the p�rn�itted limit;and(b)uny sums ulready collected from Barrower which excecded permlared limits will be _ <br /> . . �ti�;� : <br /> .�;,.;�� nefunded to Borrower. Lencbr may choose to malce this mfund hy reducing the principel owed under the tiote or by making a <br /> dircct payment to Hanawer. If a refi+�d reduces principal,the reduc�ion wlll be treated as a partial prepuym�nt withaut any �'-� <br /> r � • prepuyment charge urtder the Nota �'"'_ <br /> 11A. NMMea. Any rnwi�r In Rnrmwer pmvided fnr in rhis tiecuri�y Inxtrument shell lx @iven by delivering it or by <br /> s�:.�, �'"�• •��.�`:•"'tr•_ `` mailing it by Prst class muil unless applicuble luw reyuires use of nnother method.'il�e nwice shnll be directed to the Property ";` <br /> _ ±��'�� a�'• Address or any other�ddress Burrower designnte� by notice to Lender. Any notice to 4ender shall be given by first class -`-'_. <br /> 4':���f .,,, •� mail to Lcnder's addrexs stated herein ornny othcr address Lender designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �` <br /> e <br />_ `<<;� ,t in U�is Security lor�trument +hall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this `°�: <br /> �'r' �J . -� <br /> _ � rr n':.' •:�,, ParuBruph• `..,..►, <br />-.��;sty; Y f� '.j �'��y r 1S. Governing LAw; SeverabilNy. This Security Instrument shnll bc govemed by federal law and �he law of the �• <br /> _=�°,x� �� � �;s � juriRdiclion in which the Propeny is locuted. In the event thnt any provision or clause of this Securiry ins�rument or the Note , <br /> '•-� conflicts with appNcable law,such conflkt shnll not affect other provisionc of[his Securiry lnstrument or the�1ote which can <br /> ��i' %'��:� �"��'�' Ue given effect without che wnflicting provision. Tu thi.end the provisions of this Security Instrument and ihe Note are _ <br />�. <br /> ��•�. ,,,,;,..:;;,;f ,; •' � doclured to be sevc�able. :'"-°� <br /> -�. .�r,, a���:�,q. Ib. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confo�ned capy of the Note and of thix Security lnstrument. ,�* <br /> �;. „ wt�.,�.;� ���j,N 17. 71�nsie�uf the Properly or a Beneiicia!laterest i��3uirrowar. !f all ar any pazt of thc Property nr any interes�in �: <br /> it is sold or transferred lor if o beneficlal intercst in Borrower is sold or transierred w�d Bortower is not a naturul person) <br />'�.`,� . �."_'.�"���'�� wilhout Lender's prior wri�ten con+ent,Lender muy,at its option, reyuire immediate p•ryment in full of A11 sums secured by : <br />_.;�ri`• � - "' ';;��'�'; [his Secur�ty Instniment. Hawever,Ihis aption�hall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited b} Federa)luw as of =--- <br /> ' fJ1:i-. <br />�.ti� '. . .Y . � tl�e dute of this Securi�y Instrument. r.:: <br />--�S� ��� �::,r If I.ender exe�ises�his option,l.endcr shull give Borrauer notice of acceleru�ion. The naice shall provide a{�riod ai � <br /> �''l� . �''`�r. , - <br />...:,�.Y,;i;. -?�; � �� nw less th:m 30 duyx from�he dute the notice is delivercd or mai Icd within which Borrawer musl puy nll xums secured by�his <br />�'�{`'�"'` ' �"�' � Securi�y le�s�rument. 1°Borrower fuils to pay these xumz prlm �o the cxpiration of this pedod, Lender may invoke any <br /> .�_:•, , <br />:ri':';; . ;t•_. '�:'- � �"� ' remedies pertnilted by this Securiry Instmment wi�hout f'unher naice or dcmand on Borrower. • <br /> ` � { .":-„ ��ti lg, Borrower's�Right to Reinstate. If' Bo�rower mertx cenuin conJitiuns, Borrower xhu!! huve the righ� to have <br />;��'�;ti. YI' ;�, : �. <br /> . '• ` ,�,� enforcement of thfs Security Instrument disconUnued at uny umr prior to Ihe carlier of: �a� 5 Jayti(ar�uch uther perial s�s <br />=_.. ':.�...�.„ - <br />== '�,,'., ' �, SInQI�Frmily••Yonnk MadFteddlQ 111ac l rlt'URM INti"I'RliM1:NT••Uniform Cnvena�ta 9�90 �I�R�'a,�fe�,uRe,� . <br />��ti:t� .„ � �;�,{ <br />_s„s;a f ..y�/.>>,.R ����(�, <br /> l[1��� �R "`rt_-�� Y•�R L <br /> f r t. , .Yb� <br /> :Y � ..�vsFlt.:,p. ,�� ;;'��`'' <br /> �' �t 1)r•�� r� �: <br /> ia� � r � iS;�h.�:'� <br /> -�.��"` �' S �f;�,;�i' :r.7. c �5 '.. t 1'r � `. a `i'�'.."•v; h, s,:t •;i� <br /> �y, �1�! <br /> --4 _ , �t f. �u . �l4'71�- 't����t1 � '�fi i:f�•.L..111 � �, f. S• . Su +� 1R�� { i <br /> Y�_ � �1.. .� - . � . ' .' . . � '�i ( .iln �� i ' ,�t+, 1sir;,, f. N . 1� l`� ��� � i f -j- <br /> ������+y � � � �rit����,., ��,; s,�..�t,��;�•� ,,,J,,� ��;r���,1�4`��, �?�:.., �.�t-,;� , tiY;�:;��,:���:�` ��q�t�,,,, ,,:s:r. <br /> , - .._� �..i. . . _ . . .., �,;�,1-�ii.,>l`,�P , �1.. :, , � ._ �� �1 �1 ,,t,, y, #�,r't�'���;n -r��,r�. <br /> .��1'. , . . _; • �,, � f , l";•:, <br /> ti il v -v�. .+ � , . � . 1 . }� (..�r; •(�' 1` � � �•, 'a�t�)r (\(�(� �t �,.��94 '�������•t i��`�r{'y�. <br /> •S'1ti: + .i;' ��t.;�!• /�:w'1��"� t }e+ � J...t ,t �` ,y�. <br />- -_ :L � .\n .1��. ..11�i�43`_:i'dl. -.1.._ i.��-.l.�ti. d <br /> • ,...�. . .., � <br /> . �,- _- -,..°� - ---- .--•. - . -i. — ^ . -°--'---—_' - -•. . _ .r. ... . , . � . . ., �,j .�sq.'-,-, *h^��p - � f'�YtiT- ?'—'�� <br /> � ��I; . `i�. �r.�,;� -��i, , ,t"i'y`:"' <br /> . . ��. . .c .. . . : � ��i� � r,�l. 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