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.e��• .,' ,� 'f�rA �������� i I ��I�f I ����t -ii�.., , . .`'�r�,'�� `��t�x: <br /> , . ' �� ` � � y i _ <br /> ,�� � Mi,i•u� I �.h �f . <br /> ' 3 1'+ 's ,., .'1:t� ;i_.t_ <br /> ' -- — —d.;:.__, <br /> � ,i. +'^�' . __— '—"'SZf__—. <br /> .._ _ .... ��..r�•��" --:� '�+ — _. <br /> _ ' �.0����� ��... <br /> -- applicabla law may cpecify far rcinstatemenq befa+c sale of�ho Pn�penY punwwu to wny p�wer ��Y�wW r�+mained in�hia �%'�� <br /> �,:��: <br /> — -- � , Sec+aicy inauumeM;or l�)entry of p judgmenl enforcin�Ihix Securily Inr��uncnl, 77K�ccKwli�umr nre Ilw�Hurrowrr: (u) ___ <br /> p�ys I.endar�II sumo which It�en would he due wid� �hi�Security In�uwnenl und 11� N�qo a� if no wccrlcratlan hud __ <br /> _�:t j a�urred;(b)eures uny dafaull ot'any uthrr wvetuutis ai aycc�n�at.:tc1 pay.WI eRrentie�incuR:d In rnfcml���hla 9eeu�ity =-- <br /> __ In:aument. including, bu� not limited to. rossonable oaomcys'facx; wxi ldl�ukcN y�n:h uctl�m a� I.cndcr mwy rcu�nnahly __. <br /> 'f� i requlro�o aesu�thnt�ho licn af�his 3ecu�ity Instrument.l.enderh righir in�hc 1'mpehy und I�urtuwerM��hllµalinn lu puy Ihe -=_- <br /> ��� � sams securod by thie Secu�iq► Inctroment shell conUnue unchanRcd. U�n �inM►uun�anl hy H��m�wor, ihiti 3ecurily --_- <br /> _ " ' Instmment and the obUQalions cccured hereby ahall rcmain iully cUrctive aA if�n uccalen��f�u�bMl�Krurt�d. Howavvr,thie� _ <br /> _. ��� � right to reinstate 9hnll not apply in ihe case of acceleratian under parn�trxph 17. ": <br /> 19. Sple ot Nate;Chpaqa ot l.awn Servker. '17ie Nae or a puAlal intaneM i�tha Notc Il��grlhcr wUh IhiK 3ecu�i�y ��� <br /> _ ' Instrumcnt)may ba sold ona or moro times withuu�p�iar naicc�u pcxmwcr. A suW nu�y n�rul� in u changc In �ho cotity �"'; <br /> ,..,.�,. <br />�4��1�``� (known as the"Loan Sarvicer")�hnt collects manthly puymeo�s duc under ti►e NMC und ihiw 3rcurity Intilrnmam. 't'hcrc ul�a ��-,� <br />'��":�s`s_ m�y bo one or more changes of the Laan Service�unrelaied to u�ale of the Nnta. If�h@ro ih u chungc��f the l.�wn Srrvirrr. <br /> __�:;:r���;���,��1 Bomawer wfll be given writteo na�ice of�he clwnge in uccardance wilh puru�mph 14 a1M►va und upplicuhle low. The notice �`^� <br /> �����i��4;,',' ' will swte the name and uddrcss of�he new Lann Servicer And Ih@ adMess to which paymems�huuld 6u m+ak�. The n�wice will <br /> -- .�,�,�.. � "�.�'.' '� also contuin eny other informaiion required by applicable law. ,r;"� <br /> ��� J 20. 11�rdan¢Substances. sorrower�hall not cuuse or pemiit�he prrsvnce,una,di����al,,t�KUgr,or n�leawe ul'any e,�_. <br /> -- ��'''�'° Huzardous Subsisnccs on or in the Propeny. Borrower shull nat do.nor ullow unyonu vl�c u�do,unylhing uffi.wling thc <br /> �.--;r --�-�, v Property that is in violutian af any�nviromnenlal Law. The precedfng twa sent�ncax shul)nrn!ipply Io 1he prokncc.u�c.or <br /> .;, ,, � storage on thc Property of small quantitics of Hw.Ardous 5ubstaixes that are ganarnlly rcca4aiud w Ix uppa��iale w n�xmul r„ <br /> +.-�:�� residentiul uses and to malmenAnce of the Property. <br /> �•��' ' Borrower shall promptly sive Lender w�tten notice oP any investlsution,cluim�domund.luwruii ur ullxr urtion by uny ��., <br /> '.�.'LL •, govcrnmcntal or regulatory agency or privAte purty involving the Pm�rty und uny Hw.urduuK Sut�+�wuc or�nvjn►nmental '�� <br /> -� .��i.� Law oi which Hoaawer !r� aclual knuwkdge. If Burruwer learnti, ar I� natlQ��l by any gavetnmcnlal nr rogulutary <br /> --- ���� nuthoriry.that rtny 1�emc�vA1�r,'Mher mmecliatiaf of eny Hn�arrM�nu Cnh��nnco�ff�rting �ho Pn�rny ic nM�n�w�ry. Hmm�war -_ <br /> —.o-' �.- ,. �,y' et�aii pruwptiy wke a�p aecessary remediol uctians in ucca►duace with Envfronmental Luw. -: <br /> o _ . As used in this pt►�ugraph 2t1,"Hazardou�Subslunces"ure Ihuse+ubtiluncea defl�ed u+tuxic ur h�anlou�w►bxlonces hy <br /> ••�' � . ��,Y Envlronmental Law and�ht fallowing subsWnces: gusoline,kero�ene,other flummable ar���xk pc�mlcum pmduc�ti,toxic '+± <br /> ,�`� i�:�.,:' : ,x.,�, pesticides And herbicides,volatile solvents,mote�lalx contuining asbe�tas or formaldehyde, unJ rvdi��uclivr mu�erialh. A� ' _ <br /> � ',�:yl�;:�': used in tiiis patagtaPh 20,^lEnviranmental Law"meuns federal laws and luws uf tl►c ju�l�ulicliwt whun th�:Prupcny ir lueut�l �� , <br /> ? ., p,' �' that relatc to health,snfety ur enviranmental protection. � ' <br />__ . ,�',���"•..t`��; NON-UNIFORM COV�NAN'fS. Borrower and L.ender furthcr covanant und uQ►cc ux Ii�Unw,: � _ <br /> ��, a, �• ��1":f._:.�' • 21. Acceleratlon; Renae�A3es. 'l.epder shnN glve nodce to Borrower prlor to acceler�tlnn fdlowing Hurrawer's _ <br /> :., - • �' breach oP anq covenant or ngrePmeeit in tqls Security Instrumeot lbut not prlor tu acceterWion unde�paroR�Nph l7 ��� <br /> �•, unles�n Ilcable Iww rova�des olQierwJsel. The notice aball s requlred lo cure Ihe '�r' <br /> pp p peclty: IA)lhe defqullt lbl the�clbn <br /> p <br /> - '�j ' default;(c)a date,not less t�han 3�t�avs i1�qm the ds�te the iwtke ie glven to Borrower�by whkh fhe defpult muxl be ��-�� <br />-� �y'� ���g5*r"`��'���� cured;Aad(dl tlwt tAilqre to cure the del'nul7 0�or beiare the daf�specifled In the noUce may re9ult In ncceieradon o� --- <br />- + �i x•"°"';�%,' 's the sums secared by Ihis Securily➢astrument an�sule of the Property. The notke shpll fuMhe�inform Hurruwer o� -=- <br /> ,R.r..,,�. n •''L�; , .u <br /> -- �,�,r t1,,, r,,_a._. the right to reinsta�R At�t�r accekrwYion nnQ��he�ight tu bring n courl aclMm to As�ert the non•exixtenco of a defuuU�M ��• <br /> . :�i.° Any olher defense o9'Borrower t�accelrrAUd�n And sale. IP Ihe deiAUlt fa not cured on��r befnre thQ dWte speclfled In <br /> • '�`.; . the aotice�l.ender At iis opllon mu,r•requtre immPd'aate payment in full of oll sums secu�ed by this Secu�ily Insfrumeol g_�. <br /> -- __ ;� �• � wilhout further demAnd nnd may in��ake t�e power of 9ale and uny Mher remedies pr.:mitted by uppltrable It�w: Q._. <br /> - -"�- --r` • Lender sludl be enQ'tled co collect a�l expenscw lncurred in pursuinR the rea�edies provWed In thiA pprnRroph 21. �, <br />�,;�,:' • incladiag�but not UmftPd to.remsona�le atbrneys'fees�nd cusl.c oP title evideace. =-_ <br /> u <br /> 1�;ut °��_���k.. �. � If the power of aule Is invokecl.'Trustee shull record u nuU��e uP defAUlt io eych cuualy in wbicb uny ps�rl of the � � <br />;;��., �� ,,, . , -� Property is locs�ted And sha�l maa0 cn�jcs ol'such nutice M the mwnner prescribed by upplkAble Iww to sorruwe�uod tu �' '� <br /> ?� "��� �- �•. the otber persons prescrlbed by upp]1�uMe law. Ai�er the time required by ppplkable I�w,Twstee rih�ll Rive publir �' <br /> �j'+;+�� t""'-�•�.. � notice of sale to the persans nnrl ln the manner prescribed by applicoble I�o; T�ustee.wUhout demand on Burr��wer. - <br />�' �-`" � "'- ' '� shWl sell the Pro n �t ubljc auction to the hi hest bidder al tUae time and lace and under the terms desi nuted in <br /> '.;$ ,. r.?:xa.�,".'�. Pe Y P R p c R <br /> 7!,•' r� the nMice otsale in one or mare pArcel�and in Any order'IYn�tee aleie�mines. Trustee mav postpnne sale of all ur uny .�='' <br />� �� :r _� ��•�� �� parcel of the Pro p ert y b y publJc announcement at the lime ah�7 p�1ACe of any p revlausly scheduled�wle. lxnder or its ��" <br />�;�' . � � •,r� ' desi�nee mAypurchase fhe Propert�•:�4 anv wde. `�'--�-' <br /> ►w,.-•" a•' y <br /> '"� � `" • • �`�� Upon receipt of pAymeni oY�t�he price hid.'15�u�tee shall deiiser ro the purchaser Trustee's deed cnnveyin�the <br /> � '; •�� °a:�, . Pro;perly. The recitalg 1n the Truslee's deed shull be prlma Pucie evidence uf the truth oi'the stalemeats made Ihereln. <br /> A� ����,aI.�•� ,,,�+ 7YaxRer sfiull apply Ihe proceeds uP 1he sale M t�e fbllowing arder: (al tu all custs and ezpen�es oiexercixinQ the puwer <br />..�i'li C�+^�M�7C� a� n4, — <br /> .�; , f � <br />�`'xT� �� �� � —_ <br /> 1X�i,�,., M1� S , <br />:��� .�� �-.. <br /> �•�. - . , � .... �a' <br /> �KI•'.' a.A.M � - <br /> ,} ,.hR1.. <br /> � " '.6 <br />'ar:� <br />�<n� . � <br /> ��',. „ �Y <br />',,.9;!� �-�.o Foro WL{ 9�YY �p,�¢r�u/n�w�ar.� � <br />�� ..J �_ V—• _'�eZ..:. � <br />.S: . . .�. ' .o. - C='..: <br /> .� . • ° V e. ���: <br /> . .., � �. � ^'rt*S'n�p'SiSll;�"'Sr� �!t�57n . ���}� r � . �. <br /> o .. _ I .. 1 i '* . ' ' �ljf, ��',r•�- . . . . - . .- � ,� I. ', " . �-_� <br /> - � � �,� . . -' 1� - ;�� . ' . t �- �� . . . . . 7' . .�: 1" ,y - <br /> .�i� � ' I�'J ' . . ,� .. ���t � � i 1 i1.��; ���i::�,1�1��, .��� ��'pS�..,�li�,�', �) r � _ . ... . . . ,��r.t �� <br /> .,� _ I;.` •.I , �' ._ <br /> 1�� �< <1 .�1� � - :Ir� . - . , . . ._ .. �?- �Y <br /> ., <br /> . �':.r`. `.5'l,l,. 1 <br /> ' _ . <br /> .. _.` -___."�.. __'_. ' <br /> ` �• 1�'�� '.1�• , . � ' ' ' ' ' . . _- <br /> . ; .. . „ . �... „ •�.. � <br /> , . , � ��; �,r. , . , ., . <br /> i • 'i, . . . <br /> , �.. , J °. J ' . . .` ,:,`•�•;:. _�,:, :;�,. • • �. , . <br /> ,,- ,ir r' <br /> � .,a . ., : ��'`�: >��� .. � ' . ' <br /> - .• , . . ��;�:'' �:�;, <br /> , �, .. �, . �� , „ , . . „ ;,,�„ <br /> ;�� , ,'� . � , , <, � ',:`.,,� ' . __V,,,.,.,. , . <br /> "�'�' , . , ',.' �,,, <br /> ::-. <br /> 1� �. .. � . �A+�i�� � �1 , �5, . . . 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