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r �";�` �- <br /> ti , `�. ' . . ,. <br /> .,�: . .",; <br /> • ':s�'i . _ . _ ___ . <br /> '��i' �� � �4 ___ <br /> . : -- - -_ - -�--- — <br /> �-' . .__�.._�� , —�— _ _ __ -- <br /> � 93- �o�.�.?� <br /> paiads Ih�t L.ender roquir�. 'il�e inxumnoe c�rrier pravlding�he insurancc xhall be ch�►xcn by Barn►wer xubject�a i.ende�k <br /> � �pproval whkh du►11 nat bo unro+icon�bly wlthheld. Ii Qarc�wer fAils to maintain cave�age de�c�ibed aMwe,Lender may.A� <br /> La��derk apbn.abt�in caverage w pratect I.enda�k dpht�in the P�apCrty in wlih P�S��• --- <br /> __,---.-_-. ---- - All iasurencc polfcics and rnawal►cdwll be ua.�aPtAble �o I.��Hirr w►J shall im;lu�ie u a�undpod man�ago clauca. Lender °- <br /> _ _ _ ___ • ah�ll h+rve ihe�ight to hald tho pollcica nnd ronewulp. If I.ender requias,Bo�rawer shull promptly give lo l.ender nll rccaipis <br /> of paid prcmiums and�newAl noticas. In Ihe evenl of lasa. Borrower ghull give prompt noticc to the iosurw�ce cardcr and = <br /> l.a�Aer. Lende�muy make proaf of loss if not m�de pramptly by Borrower. <br /> _ ___ Unless l.ender and Barrower dherwise+�Yroe in wridng,iasu►ancc procecdR shall be applied ro resto�tion or repair of <br /> .r�-�-- — — the Properry dameged, if�he restora�ion or repair i4 economicully feasihle and I.andcrk security is not lessened. If the r�-- <br /> =�( restorntian or apwir is nat ecatomically feasible or l.ender's sccuriry would be Iccrened,Ihe i:�surance proceeds shall be <br /> -,'':`�'� applied to the sume securcd by ihis Secudty Instrument,whe�her or nat �hen due. wi�h nny axcess poid to Barower. If <br />= Aan+wer wbaadona the daes ncst unswer wi�hin 3Q days u notice fmm I.ender thpt �he i�sumnce currler huic �t�; <br />- - ofTened to settle A claim.then Lender may collect the inaurur�ce proceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds ro t�pair or reslore -- <br /> --— _ thc N+npeny or w pay wms secw+ed by�his Secwrity Inatruaicnt,whether or na�hen due. The 30-daiy period will begin whan = <br /> — u'►o noticc is given. F�'� <br /> °=T Unless Lender wxf Botrower wherwise c►gree in writ�rtg,uny upplicalfon uf proceeds to principal shall na extend or �_ <br /> `6' ,�s� pos�pone tl�e due date of the ma�ihly paymentx referred tv em�c►ragrophs 1 und 2 or change the umounl oi'�he payments. If —_. <br /> - '��� uncler 2l the Pro ir ac uired b L.ender,B�,rr.�ati�er�s �i ht to un mwra�ece licies and �" <br /> "� tJk3 �� pef4Y�• 9 Y � Y � P� P►oceeds resulting <br /> i <br />�'��'� I 9�,'^' fiam dunna t�die tt c�r ta the ac uisition shall cs Qo Lender to the extent o��he xums secwed b this Securit �;;' <br /> : ,x:� I� � �►P e Y P� q � Y Y <br /> ��.�.;�W �' I�Ar�amcn�t inaa�rediaac8y prior to 1hc acquisitbn. . �'.4 <br /> ��,,:. �'` $. Qlcr�pu�:w, Preservation, Mntatenpnce And Prntectbn at Ihe Proper�; 6��arrower's Loa�n Applkatioa; , �;;. <br /> ��.��; . I.e s i.�e l w k i a Surrnwcr a A a l l cecupy.esta b lis h,an d usc t hc P r�peRy�.c Bomnwer k p�m�Cipnl reAidence within sixty days after <br />