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.�A�w�w�.,�. � °: ..if!'� . . . .. ,_ <br /> .• . . �' ' ,.��,n - _ .'____',^�. .. <br /> I. . �. <br /> i' . <br /> ._.•-i:�. .� � J •...�... . - _-_- ___._... . .._ , <br /> �u-����i._�.. . � �.� <br /> _ _�.m._.��«�. �83-�.on�t.�� <br /> T006TNBR WITH�111he imqovrn�enu now or hereA4er eroctod an tho�xapehy.and�11 eaccme��s�s�ppuhcnaM.�cs. <br /> _... �nd QRtuna now or haroaftcr a p�tt ot Ihe p�ope�ty. All ropl�cemonto+�nd uddllions shdl alw be covmed by�his Seou�lty <br /> _�' ' - - fpwumant. AO of Ii�v fa��oln�ia tefertrd to irt�hf�Secutiry I�ttumeel as Ihe"Prr�+atY•" ._._ <br /> BORROWBR C�V6NAM'S�lw Barower is IawlLlly cei�ed of iho eu+ue heneby conveyed nnd lu�s�ho dgM to gr�nt <br /> - - �nd eonvey thepropm1y�nd thwt�he Propeny i�wbncumbered.except for ettcumbnnce�x of teca►d. Bomawe�watTeu�b and <br /> will def'e�d Qeneraliy the litb to the Propeny�ainat�II cldmo�nd dem�nds,subkct to any e�cumlx�ances oP rocord. <br /> __. T7113 SECI)RITY INS'[RUMQI�7' rnmbines unifomt cavcn�ntr tar muiau�l usc a�d nao-uniform cavwwntr with - <br /> -`'�—�=_-�° Iimit�d vui�daoc by juricdjc�i�n ta ca�stiww u unifam zecu�lty lnsuument cavcrin��ral property. �-�- <br /> .:�,r UNIPORM cOV6NANTS. Bam�wcr end Lende�coveiunt md agroe as follows: <br />_ l. P�yment ot Prtnclp�l apd Intensti Prep�Yment a�d Late Cbar� Eiomuwa shall pomptlY p�Y when due tho <br /> -- princi 1 af And imacst on the deM evlde�cod by the Nota und anY prepaYment md I�xc cbugea due undcr the Nae. <br /> - - � ��/�'��g��pp���Q, SIIUJCCI 10 A�IICAbIB IYW O�10 A WI�11CD Wt1IVQf by LC11�It�,Barrower shu��paY�o <br /> -- Lender an ihe dpy moath�y psyments aro due under tha oto,undl the 1Vote is pnid in full.a sum l"Fbnds"1 for.(a)yeurly <br /> - uxes and assessment�which may attain priority aver thi�Secudry Insuument ae u lien on tlio Propeny:lbl Ycarly leacehald R. <br /> paymenta or ground ients an 1he Pbaerty. If any: lcl yearly hiw�ud or pmpeny insrmrke prcmiums: ld1 ycurly flood <br /> insu�ance prcmium�. ii any;(e)year!y mo�tgoga insurance p�emiums, if any;und(��ny sums pnyable by Borrower to <br /> — Lender.ln accondance wlth ihe pmvisia�s of'paragraph B,in lieu of the puyment of matgaige�e premiums. These <br /> _ - ite�as�une csilled"Bscrow Items." l.eoder any lime.collect and hold FLnds in s#n�►oount not to eaceed�he maaimum ��y.. <br /> ,.�� amowu a knder for a ioderaily rclnted marlgagc loan may roquirc far Borrowerl�esc�ow aecount wider d�e federal Real �,,,, <br /> 1�. Estae Setllement Pmcedurcs Mt of 1974 as c�mmanded from time to Gme.12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.l'RESPA"1.unless�other - <br /> _ law Il�at Appllies to tbe Pund�sela a lesser amount. If so.Lender m� any time,cdlecl�nd hold FUnds in an aa►ount not to �,Yn <br /> = ,,� exceed ihe lesser wrwiw. Lender mny esdmete the anx►uat oi Funds due m ttt�ee ba+fs of cwrcnt data and reasonable ��_._ <br /> a-�.Tif�i cntinu�tew M exp�e�xlk��re�of future H.�crow Uems or dl�erwise in e�'�otdanc.�c wilh Applers'M1e law. • - - ��!!SHJ <br /> s' ��i�"�� ,• The Fiiads sb�ll be held in�n instiwtion whose depusi�s are insured by a 1edl��wa Agency, insaumentaii�y.ur Cntity _-- <br />-:-;;�:: ,�,�. � . (iacluding[.en�4er,iE I,ender is such an ina�ita�ion)ar in any Fedeml Hv��e[.oan Baro1►. I.ender shall apply the Funds to paY <br />-%�_'�;. .�� �'i Lender ms�y oot charge Borrower ior holdin aer.d a 1 in ihe 1Fimds.annuall enal in �he escrow ��:- <br /> - �,,,�• Ihe Escrow Itemm;. B 6'Y Y � Y Y� B E-..: <br />--%M` ;,, Aa.�oun�or vrnlfying�he Escrow Items. unless l.ender pays Bamwar interest o�¢�b:P1mds and applicable law perntits -_ <br /> '+�; Leader to m�e such A charge. Nowever,I.ender may require 8orrower to pey u�w+�•�ime charge far an independent real <br /> �"` estate tax reporting servlce used by L.ender in connection with this ban,unless applira6le Is�w provides othenvise. Unless an �-' <br /> �:,. .�.:_ <br /> - agRement ia made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to{wy Bormwer uny interest or �ti,-, <br /> camings on�he FLnds. Borrower and Lender may aRree in wnting,however.lhet inter+esl shall be paid on tl�c Fun�ls. l.endar E::.,., <br /> ,,;;�'� , shall give to Bornower,widwut charge,a�annual accounting of 1he I�nds,showing credits and debits ro the FLnds and the �-�••- <br /> _ �;,:4.,�.;.; �•. , ' ' purpose for which each debit w the Funds was made. The FLnds are p�ed$ed as add'atiawl security for WI cums secw+ed by _ <br /> �{;�■�,� i"�� :;• � IO�is Sccurity Insaument. — <br /> - R � �%,- �. •�, a1'll1C Fullds ileid by �:�R1der elceeed iite umuuui�&�e�i11i2ed io b�. hCld b�•..a�-,�:::sble law. i.ender sha!! �c{wnt t� <br /> � 8vrrower ix�Q��KCass Funds in accorclancC wilh Ihc requirements af applicable it�w. If the amount of Ihe Funds held by -�:;- <br /> ' �r� ` •,�'i� Lendcr at t►ta�;► t iine is not sufficient to puy tl��Exerow items when due.�.endcr may so notify Borrmwer in writing,and,in �'?��� <br /> t <br /> ___� •; �y;' ; such case Borrower shall pay to Lender t?ae �unoanl neceRSOry to m;s�:ti up Ihe detarienay. Borrow•er shall meke up the �= <br />' _�s,�. � � I c1e#'�ciency in no mone than twelve monthlY paYmenta,�t E.ender�sole discretion. �°.-. <br /> =!� ' �'�'��f�, , Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thi�Security Inswment.l.ender F�aall promptly refund to Borrower any i`�„ <br /> , . �r ''—�' Fu�s heid by Lender. It.under paragraph 1 f.I.endet shall acyuii�ur aeli li�e Piup�:�ly.Lendec.pdar ta the acqaisition or <br /> - :� . <br /> � �': * sale of the Property.slwll apply any Funds held by l.ender ut �he time of acquisirion or sale as n credit against the sums �--g, <br />-��;, �ecured by ttifs Security Inswment. <br /> ' se <br />-- � 4•�� , 3. Applicatba ot PAyments. Unless applicablt Inw provides aherwise. all poyments received by Lender under �';;' <br /> �� j ''��.r. paragraphs 1 and 2 sMall be applied:first,to any prepu}rnent chsuges due under the Nnte;second,to amounts pnyable vnder =� <br /> ' � . ``"� <br /> �}� , , paragraph 2;Ihird,to interest due; principal dae;and lasb to uny late charges due under the Note. �':. <br /> j�{�i � eA._ <br />^�f���,� 4. C6�rges; Urns. Bottuwer shall pay all ta�es, :�ssesaments, charges, flnes and impositions attributa�lc �o the , <br /> 1;,,,�,. , Property which may attain priority over thia Security Inttrument,and leasehold paymen�s or ground rents,if any. Borrow�r �- <br /> I <br /> a�t,'�`a=�+` sfiall pay theac obligWionx in the mannev prti�vided in parngraph:.o�if nut paid in that munner.Borrowcr shall pay them ora �•:_.- <br /> �°•'`• c� , 4 time direcdy td�he person owed payme�az. 8flrrower shal7 promptly furnish to Lender all notkes of umounts to be paW under 6�,� <br />-m�'`��. <br />_':`�; '�;'� ° � this paragraph. lf Barower makes Ihesc.puyme.ntR diraclly.9orrower�hall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �_- <br /> � �i�: '��` tise payments. <br /> �� <br /> -;;; ,.,,, ' "• , Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriiy over this Security Insuument unless Borrower.(a)agrees �'`4° <br />� . ;`, :?'-����'.�, � in writing to the payment of the obligatipn cecured by the lien in m m�nner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith�he <br /> ���_ <br />= a.`. , •ia"�;tx�'�;;�• 1 lien by.or defends ngainst enforcement,�f t�he lien in,legal pracecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ,. <br /> - •�=' �enforcement of ihe lien;or(c)secures fcmm the holder oi the lien nn agreement sutisfactory to Lender subo�dinaiing the lien �� <br />- ���-- �a co ihis Security Inslrument. If Lcnder determines tha��ny part of the Property is subjea to u lien which may attaan priority ;;,; <br />�._� �.�.� . <br /> :�,�� - m•er this Security Instrument.Lendcr may give Borrouer a notiCe identifying the Hen. Borrower shull satisfy�he tita or take �A�-- <br /> , ���� <br /> �, one or more of tt�e actbns set forth above within�0 days of�he giving of notice. r��� <br />-x±���'kt�� ,_ n. c;;.F;;3�� 5. Har�rd or Property iasurance. �nrrower slwll keep the img�ravements now existing or heres►Aer erected on�r _�- <br />:.i:�`�!! ,• <br /> • � °� �� Property insured Against loss by fire.hazarc9s inclu�ied within the leraaa"extended coverage"and Any other hazards,i�cludin� <br /> _ �;.�� :,, � Y �: <br /> ,;.. A, J Boods or floading, for which Lender requis�.,insurance. 'Ihi�insvrance shnll be maint:►ined in the amounts and fw.lhe <br /> r�_ :il�,, �' <br />--��`_'- y,�i`i�'` I laa�=+';hNRr�► � <br /> "' � ' � ,�i��� � 4arm J82B 91'!I f <br /> _ ' ,,f` ��1..:�-r.;'� 1 � ,'^t.�> � l,Y <br /> '•;�� '�'�� �i���.,� �, ` :+ <br /> ` +r�{`'�t��r}, y�"��-1.. 1 <br /> 1 yS ' '- "G��`.-,�r�r �..- <br /> y � j� }'1 . <br /> . F '' �i��„ v� , �. <br /> : t - 'S lt . , , 4����:�da�...�ii.•.i. .�rr7!i.,.,::,-. .•,w [�-�TC , : : Y!�t�'C''� . '�� ��.� <br /> �•, � ,", � y; ,. . „ . � .ti' ,.' _,.:.• . li � ►1 ,L I ��i5; <br /> �/�� 1,'��' ``i,:.� t _ � '� ... . •�. . . ' . - . . • .a�=C�T1..._.. . ! fl'`�, }11�\1-`.I�F�t?_ �M1•�i� <br /> f.'�'?�'— f T ' ��'SrLI'L�il.'.ur' . " � � •• . �' : . ��.!1}}{ y'S� �::` <br /> — .Yttr�c^'retL�S�t�:��9_��,•1l :�• .,� :w J4,�'�� _,t� �_e�4t'�ir� .� <br /> :�... _ _ _ '_' _ ' ' _ _ - <br />._— . �� •t i . - ,.` . . .� ..._ _,�_ _""._.... .. . ._ .. . . ' ' ` '_...._.-"'_" . .. - -=•�" .. <br /> , t;'Si` . •� ..'.�. 1 •� ,.' .. 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