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.,�:. <br /> r;:�; <br /> ��;:: <br /> ��� . . <br /> . . . � - <br /> , . :. ,. ., .�*,�p�,,. .. <br /> .� �. - ..«.}�i�.,.. . . . '- . .. , . � . .. <br /> .,} . o�t-1399 �JE�D �F T�U6'� ��. �Qi���'� Pe�3 <br /> . � <br /> � toor�No SCOSOS QContlnued) � <br /> —.�-.____:_, <br /> . ._-.--a�----�-��:�.—...�:�.—�..�_. ..____ .. , <br /> iiipht Yo Canteat.�Trus�or maY wlthhotd pnymont of any tax.as3o�mont,or elolm�n connootton v�ith u Qnad ta�tfl dlspute aver th9 obltpbnon <br /> to tong us Londor�Intasoat►n the Prop�rty�s not laoDardfzod. If a Ilon carlsoa a t�f�o9 no a�asult ot nonpaymonl,Truator ahnil v�ilhln <br /> fiftaen(i8)deys aftor tho Iton nrisos or,if n tipn is ftod,wltnin Ntcon(tb)dnys nfterTruslor haa no9ce o!Iho tfling,noouro tho dlsoh�rga o�thfl <br /> �� omount�sot ofent 10 dischnrgo th�ilon ptuslanycosb d att moya'I�oas w o ar oh 9os fhat aould accrue aau�a ro utltof norec�osure a sate <br /> under the Iken. In nny contolt,Trustor shnli defend itselt and Londor and shaD salh�ty any ad�ureo Judgmont botoro onforcomenl a0a�ns1 the <br /> proporty.T►ustor ahaQ name I.c�ndor ss nn addittonal obligee undor ony aurcty bond tumbh�d In tho aoMest pr0000ding3• <br /> Evlde�ce of Poymant. Truslor�h�il upon demand furNsh to lender saHstactary evtdence of puyment o}tho tattes ar asse,smonts nnd ahall .�... <br /> aulhorire Ihe upproprtate govommontni oHiciat to daliver to Lendor at any tlmo a rrriden atetomont of lhe texns and assassrtr�nls a9ninat tho <br /> �-;;� Proporty. � <br /> �todCe ot Canstructtmn.Trustor shuil noUy Lendar nt least fiHc3n(t8)dnys botmre any wo�k Is commonasd,any seMces aro fumi�hsd.or any ; . <br /> mstoriats are auppIkod b tho Property,If ony msahanic'a It3n,mntertalmen's[taa cr othar Iloc►could bo nsse�tod on axount of Ihfl work. . <br /> seMeaa,o►mntorlais. TruStor wtil upon requost ot Lendor furnlsh to Londa�advr3noa assurnncss st►lfstactory to Londsr t?rat T►ustor can and wiit Y .,'. <br /> pay 17►e cos!ot such Improvement�. f�1��� <br /> . PRCSERTY DAMAGE IN�UAANCE. The PoP.owing provlsluns relating to Insurirtg tha Pro��1g+aro a part ot this Deed ot Trus� -- <br /> " QlaintenenCO ot Insuranco.7rustot shall procure on d ma ln t t�l n p o Y C�e s o t f U e��u r a r w e w l�h s t�►n d a r d e x t o n d o d c o v o m po ondcraamanb on u !T'�=- <br /> � ; �optacament basls tor the tuli Insurabie veluo cove�ing all lmprovements on the Rasl Property In an umount auftidont to avold applfaatb�ot any �;;r�; <br /> .y cdnsurenco ctuuse,and with a standard mortpugee ctauso In favor ot l.end�r,tegalher w�th s�seh othor haaard end liablAty insuranoo es 4ender . <br /> � may reaso�abty require. Pollctss ahail be wdtten In torm,amounts,aoverages end bests roasor��ty��p��o to Lender and F�sued by a ��:�r. <br /> ; company or compantes reseonably anceptabte to Lender. Tnistor,upon roquest d Lander,wllt detivttt to Lender hom dma to tlmo fhe pollcios <br /> • � � ar oertlAeatos ot Insurance In form snUs4aatory to Lender,inctuding�tlputatlons Ihnt coverages wtU naf bo canoeiled w dimtnisha�wllhout 81 ._ <br /> ' � � loast ten(10)days'pria w�itlen notk:e to Lender. Eaot�Insurance pol;cy also sfi+e!IncWde en endo�semont providl�that eov�ragc►In fava a! ;:� <br /> Lender valil not be impaked In any way by any act,omisslon a defsult of Tr�ta or eny other person. Shouid thv Raal ProyeAy al any Uma `',;:��•- <br /> become loeated In an area designated by the Dlreotor ot the Federai Emetgenay Mrnnegement Agenoy ea e specktl 11ood hemrd tuea�Trustor <br /> ,:.i��;:, : � agrees to obt�in and maintaln Fedora�Flood Insurance tor the fu�unpuld p�tnr�pat baiance af the lo8n,up to the mti�dmum p�ollcy iim�ls se1 �� <br /> ... :;j,i`�;,!�.: uMla�tIre Natlonsl Flood Insurance Program,or as otherwlse requlred by Lender,end to maininfn such insuranco fa ths torm of th�toan• �t.=; <br /> ..._ {�r�lfl�nA, . �' <br /> ' �'�"'' ;; Appticatlon of ProCtseds. Trustor shnM promptly notly Lender of eny loss a dameQa b tho Praperty l.t�ndet mey mnke prCOf ollass H Trustot �-, <br /> fe�s to do so wlthln flfteen(16)duys of iho casualty.Whather or not Londer'a sec�Aty b ImPNred�Lontlet may,nt Its oletitlon,raCafve ond rotaln <br /> ��"� the procecsds of any Insuranco und apply the ptoceeds to the reducHon ot Ihe Indcbtedness,payment of any lian afteeting tho Proyo ,or tho ��>-- <br /> restorauon and repntr ot the Properfy. it Lendor electa to apply Ihe procoeds to restoralion und repoir,Tnc�tcr ahal►ropa(r dltura.8pay or <br /> demaped or dostroyed�mprovomants�n a mannar satbfactory to Lender. Lendcr shell. upon tssatisfaotory D on�o�suoh expe <br /> relmbuRA Trustor hom the prxeeds tor the�easonable cost of repnir or restornion Y Trusbr Ia not In defauli under this Deed ot Tnut. Any _ <br /> _. ;%�',,� proceads whleh have not beon dlsbursed wlthin 18D days aiter lhek recetpt flnd rrhtch Lender has not commltted to tho reyatr a restoraUOn of <br /> �'�`�'"'`� tho Properly ehall be used firat to pAy any amount awing to t.on�or under thls Deed of Ttugt,ihen t�pay aocrusd Irnarest,and 1ho remalndar,lf <br /> J ''���� any,shatl be appAed to tho pdncipal balanee at the Indabtedness.It Lendor holds ac+y ptooeeds aNer Paymont tn tul►ot 1ho Indebtedness,such <br /> : �' proCeeds shaii bo pati tu Tt�t�:,�Tt�lCS's ft!l�ri9515 t+�y epnaer. --- <br /> ,,;.,^:' tMwxphEd Insurartee at 3aie. Any una��lred Insurence ahau inure to tho bonefil of,pnd pass to,the purchnser a4 tho PropeRy eovered Dy tnb <br /> Ooea ot Trost at any husttte's sait�ar attu:r st�ie held under tP�o ptovislort�ot thks Ooed ot Ttust,ot at eay foredasure sale ot suCh ProDttrlY• <br /> ` OIPFNDiVUAEB BY LENOBR. II Trustar 4N�r to eompry wlth any provision o!thls Oeed of T►usf,or if any eotlon or Prooaedle��8�that I.entder <br /> " woutd mrrtExlattY affoet lendor's ir�eresb in the Prope�ly.Landar on Trusto�8 behnit maY.Out cha►�aot be roqufred to, y <br /> � ' poems npproprieto. My amount that 4onda.•exponda In so doing w10 baar tntotest at Iho nt�provtded fa In the Nota ho;�a�a t����� — <br /> , 0y Lender to tAe dato of ropiymenl by T►u3ta. AU such uxQonse9,at Lendars optlDn,�Il(a)be payable on demand, (b <br /> ' of tha Noto and be epportioaed nmonp und bo payabte wdh any Instelimont ptymenb to becom�due d�uinp alher Q)lAe term ot any�pplfcabte <br /> ' Ins�araneo poUCy or (tl)the romainirtg term of the Note,a (o)be treated as e balloon poyment whiah wlil be duo cnd psyuble d ttie Noi�'s mtturiy. <br /> " TAts poad at T�ust atso wlil securo payment ot these umounts.Th9 d�hb pravtded tar In thb parepreph ohaU bs in ndditlon to any o1hK dpht�a arry <br />?�� • �••» * remedlas to whteh Lender mny be enGUod on accou�t ot fho defautt. Any su¢b BCtion by Lender ahatl eot be eortsMied as eurinp th�6alautt eo as to <br /> ber tsnd�hom iny remedy that►t otherwfse wouid havo hnd. <br /> � y/AqpANTYi QEFENSH OD Tlf LE. Thv foUOwlnQ ptovlsi0n9 teitlllnp t0 OwrtBrsNp Ot 0�9 PrOpedY�te a pYR ot thls 088d Of TnAt. <br /> `_y.:,;�,,,,,,'��. TIUO. Tn�sta waRanb thak (n)Tncsta hotds 9ood and msAcetuDte flBe W�tora to ths Propalf+ln(as stmPb�Mm and e�of U Wns artd <br /> �,�.rr-,�',�d� encumbramos olhet than thos.o fat toAh in ihe Resl Prop6rty desoripttOn or k►�ny I[t1�k►sunnoo pabY.��nA��a R�I��Plydon issu�d in <br /> .� �:.,:,;,. Povm ol,und accepted by.Londor In connection w:tn lt�s Deed ot Trust,and (blTnrstor hns tho tuil dpht,powu.nnd Quthoriyto tascuts and <br />--..�•� ,r, �; Oalva thts OaeO ot Trust to Lendm. <br />_`�?�'�.';'7`''� DetEeWe o}T{tto. SubJect to the excopUon In the pa►apreph aDOVO,Tn�sta wartantsand wi�f Earovof detend the dtls to ths Ptop6Ayt$�esf IM <br />-,.�.,._;. , `'� tawful daims ot aft person9. In tl►e evont any uoUOn ar pra�edlnp fs cominenoe0 that quostlons Tnatofa Utlo a ttw inlMrs!ot Tnnt+�s a � <br />' �' Londa undar lhis Doed o!Trust,Trustor shall deYttnd tho ectlon at 7ntstore 9xpense•Tnuta maY be the rtominal p�fy In auch Praasdtn0•bN <br /> 0 0 b couraet uf tsndera own chobs.and <br />-t- ' •- Londa shs11 be entidod to partlelpuW tn tho proceodin und to bs roprosernted lr��he Orocoear�B Y — <br /> •• • Trusta wUt detivor,or cause to De dallverod,to LenCer such insb�umenis es lotider meY requost from time to dms to permit auch parUrJPallon. __ <br /> n�„4l.V J� '. <br />- ..« �. �.- ComPUanee Wlth I.�wa. Trustor warrants that iho PropeAY and Trwatm's use ot tiw Propah eompiles wilh ul e�dsllrg iPPNOabie Isws, <br />-,•.- �• ordlnenc�s�and rCgu�atlans of flovemmerdal aulhorltfes. �–- <br />� ' %...::�' <br /> r `" '� rAHpE11�NATlqti. Thp(oUowinp provfsto�s raLlUrtp to eondemnaUOn procoadlrgs are a psrt ot Ihts Qoed of Truat. <br /> -..:,;i y;.,..• <br /> -�T �a�1}\4�+�• . ap <br />,A. ''��r w., Apptiutton e�t tta!Pro�ee0m. It aii a any paA of She PropeAY Is condemrad Qy eminont domaln prooeedtngs or 0y arry �p a► <br />_ �-",,' ' piidebted t�s ot Iro repalt ot te�tora4�t tAO P D� ��u Prooeed�o!Ihe ward shatl mean the a�atta psymen 10 oN��eaaon�ta <br />" ' costs,oxpa�ses,end attomoys'teos irwwrted by Tn�atoo or�onda In conrtaeUon w[ih the condemnstbo. _ <br /> - � ��. ptpctedlnD9. It n�y proc�ed3ng in condemnalVan ia fib0.Trustar Bha1t promp�/RoGy Lender in wrpt�g.nrt�Trustw shtN pmrt�ly t�iw sueh ---_ <br /> .,,. <br /> '!�` stc�s ea may bo nocessary to detond tho aerian end obtatn tho award• Tru�o�maY��nominat party tn�vch ptoceedi��but Ls�idor shd <br /> �1 bo onWGd to pnAir.tDato U thv Dmtevdtnp nnd b bt�reP�M�M the ptoee9d1n0 bY����Ib own eholee,en0 Trustor+�i1 d6llu+er or <br /> A <br /> ca�o to bo doUvcrod to Londnr such iestrumants as maY bo roquostoE bY It trom t1rn9 to Ume to pam:t sucP►parlkipuUon. _ <br /> . � ' . � ItRPQ89�lON OF TAXEB�FF�8 M1D CHAR��B BY OOYFANfAFl�AL AUTNmAITIF9. Tho to�o�rinp protitston3 rotatlnp to pau�r�r�neritU taxes, –� <br /> `� to�s and chargos ruo u part of tNs Dood ot Trus�: <br /> " Curtent T�xs�,Fees u�d Chsrpes. Upoa roquast by Leredor.TNSta shal►oxaca?e eueh dxumonb tn s T 18�on�to�retmbwso lsnder tar aG ==- <br /> u <br /> --------- – whsceve,r otner aativa r��naurr�ted by lsad�s tc�p�t�t an4 eor�n���l�?n�'��en on tho Roat Properll�• �_-- <br /> .;� # faxas,as doscribud botow,together wilh NI e�qrenses tncuROd In rocaNng,p��e�nB��nttnutnp this Qeod ot TrusL t�tuGinp w+mout <br /> ' � emitntlon ell tnxes,tars,daumontnry stnmps,and olnor cha�8os ta rocordi^p a rc►p�e�"0 t���of Trust. �:' <br /> -------=----= taYns. Tlm Mllowtno shau comtltute taxes to wNch thb sadlon t�ppllos: (a)esp�dftc tax upon tha rype o!OoQd ot Tn�t a uAOn e�or nny ��-_ <br /> �t....w..�inf�Tnstu!s mnhm'L�!�O!t80Y��0�Uf71�f0it1 <br /> _ •.". , pnR W the Indebtodn�s socurotl by ints ocea o►irusi; ioi a sv�m•�••••.••••.•. ...--.- -- �-�, <br /> puYmont�on the Indabtadnoss socurod by lhis typo o!Oead of Trust; (e)a taxor�lhts typo ot Oasd ot Tru51 c4raryaabl9 asafmt lhe lertder or <br /> Iho hotdc3r ot tho Noto: and td)a spectAC t�x on a1t or omr poAton of the Indobtedn�s dr on paymoM�a4 prindput and Irto�t madb by ,, <br /> Trus�or. <br /> ' E�bse�ytcnt Texes. It any tsx to whteh tha secrion appik3s is onncted subsequanl to tho aato ot lhls Deod ot Tnisl.lMs ovee►t ehall ha�e 1ne <br /> • �•r • , nn a a0 of ib nvaltabSo ramadk�s ta an£weM ot Oatau:l os <br /> � . . �ottoct us an Evont ot O�rtnu�l(�Retined below),and Londor may exasdse Y d{g <br /> �;(r!;j' • rt <br /> - pr�wduO bclow untoss Tnistof efthe► (a)p�ys the iax betoro it bocomes Go11R�uent,a (b)contosb tl�fax as proNdod abavo tn tt�Y�ertd <br /> uans secUon An0 depos�b�vflh lendsr cash or a auHtdont rorpaato suroty�m'�d�olho�so�H��0ro 4n 4�"d°r• <br /> S�Cl�ltP At3Rr�9�TE��1T;FiNAMCINO STATEId�iT8. The touowinp prov�slon5 r�aUep to lhis ReoO ot Tnt�t as s security o�r�mAnt trs i R�t m _ <br /> = thz3 O�ed Of Tfust. <br /> .. 6�sudlyr A�ree�n4 ThMS fnstrument sh�ii consGtuto a socurity agmumant�lo`�t�1t�Unitorm Commcrdal�C•odo�es4amoRded h�om��t° <br /> _ � personal propeAy.and Londor shs�li Aavo all ot the rf8hts ot n secured parly <br /> „ tima. � <br /> . SCCUdty Interoat. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shan executo tinandn9 ste4�+ncnt3 and tako whatevcr oiher aettan Is rapue�tcd by Lendar <br /> �• �' ;u . . <br />