i . .
<br /> . � ,
<br /> �' r .. . , .. „ .
<br /> ., . ._ . � �� • .... " .. .. .. ._`_'-'?!!l'tiRn�
<br /> .,�
<br /> . . .�._..._.. ....._..._.w..-... .n ,. �
<br /> �� ���� o�r��us� �9� �Q��4Q�9 �sse a
<br /> � 03ali1�19fi9
<br /> �ti �oea Plo l�08afi (Coe�4lnuoti) ..
<br /> .,.r .�---------
<br /> ^lo pericot pnd conUnus i.andafa r.CauAry Intorost In tho Rontu und Parson3t Propefil. In additton to roaordin8 thls Qostd ot Trusl In the roat
<br /> property rocotdfl,Londa may,at any Umo and without lu�lhot autAOrirntlon hom Ttustor,fi;o o�woutod eount:rparb,captc�s or reproafuctlons ot
<br /> INS Rued of Trual ao o Mancinp al3tomo�t. Trustor ahail rctmburso Londcr lot ali exponsoa mcurred In p�acttng or aontlnutnp lhtu seauriry ...
<br /> inlcrost. Upon dosuuiL Trustor flhull nsv�mblo tho Po�sonnl P►aporly in a mannur ond at u pisco rcasonabry convontont to Tnr�ta and Londa �
<br /> An0 mako It nvnllobto to Londor wlthl�Nuea(3)dnys niler reculpt of wdtton demnrtd hom Londor. ,,�4,
<br /> Addrottse3. Tho matnng nddrossc3 of Trustor(dobtor)and londor(soaurod prury),ham whtCh infotmntton concarning tho rocurity intOrest �,-.:
<br /> fi
<br /> Qrnnted by Ih�s Oood ol7rusi may 6u obtnlno0(Cach as roqulrod by tha Untform Comre�rcint Code),nre as statod on tfio tlmt pngo af thls QCOd
<br /> of Trust. �*�:='
<br /> e 0�4�
<br /> FURTHER ASStlAAqCES;AYTORHEY—lN�FkCY. Tho to�lowlnp provisions rol�tlng to turther nssurancos and attornoy-�Muot aro o part af this K•:•
<br /> � Oeod ot Tast. �
<br /> • "'""j"� FaRRer Aesutanc0a At any Ume,and hom timo to time,upon roquast ot Lendor,T�ustor wiU mske,exeaute and de4iver,a win oauso to be �°
<br /> " mndo,oxacutod or dnuvorod,to Lender a to L on da�'s do s►gnoo,an d w h o n�o q u o s t o d b y l o n d o r,e a u s e t o b o fl t o d,r e e o►d e d, ro f i k�d,o r
<br /> � roreeardsd,as tRO case maY be,flt such Umes and In suoh offkes and placos us Londar may doom aDpropdato,uny and aU Quch modsagas, �_�;,
<br /> dsaEa ot trust,cccur!!y d:�d�,tsxw�ly�rre3ments,tirandnp stntorrwnb,contlnunUOn stntemonts,instrument8 of fuAhor nssuranoa,oatlHcatos, ���
<br /> � un�:,thar documonb fla may,in tho sola opinion of I.ender,be noce�iY a doslmble In ader to eft�¢ctuato,complote,pertocl�conflnue,w =-_
<br /> preservo (a)tha oblt�atlor�s ot Tn�ta undor the Noto,thts Oeed o!Tnist,and the aefated Oooumo�,and (D)lho Uens artd eecuriiy interesb —__
<br /> � aoated by this Oued otTrust as ftrst and pdor tisns on the Proporry,wholher now ownpd or horeaftpr acqulrod by Truster. Untess pmhlblted by F�'`
<br /> , n Iaw or aflreod to the contrary by leador In wriGng,Truator Bhait rolmburso Lender for otl cosis ond oxponsos Incureo�in connoctlon wilh tha R�,_:
<br /> mattor,►retortod to in thb pansgraph. �'=�`
<br /> Attomayan-Faat. it TNStor fails xo�o nny ot the things roterted to In the preaeding pnregraph,Lmn�er may do so far and U the nume of e4?'��
<br /> Trustor end at Trusror's expense. �or each pn�poses.Tnista hareby irrevocabty appolnb Lender as Tnistor's attomey-IMact for the purpose
<br /> ��:� � of making,exeeutln8.delivedng,fiting,recording,and daing all alher things as may be nocessary Ar desimble,in Leaders sdo opinlon,to �+�?.�
<br /> �' ; accompilsh the mattors refeRetl to tn tne preceding pamgraph. ���-
<br /> �� � :;�,� PI�.L AERFO�iMANCE. If Trustor pays eC the Indebtedness when due,termtnnte�the Iine of credll,and otherwiso perPcums a►t tho oblipaUons li���
<br /> " !�•���!:. �mposed upon Trustor untler this Oend af Trust,Lender shall exeCUte and deUver lo Trustee u requosl for ful►teconveyanoa end 8heY oxecute and ��,,,
<br /> ,��r';�.'i �� doliver to 7ruslor suitable slntemonts of terminetlon ot any 8nancing Bt�Y�mOn1 on filo eNdencing LondDr's Soourlty inte+�st In ttts�Ronb and tho
<br /> � K.-�:.
<br /> • '•';;,•i:r'�,. petsanal Prcpeity. Any�econvayonco tee requlred by Iaw ahall be patd by T¢uslor,If permltted by appifcnbia law• a:��
<br /> , t,'�� CEFAUI.T. Each of tha followirtg,nt the opdon of t�ndor,sheil consfltute An evont of detauR(Event ot Oo4aulY�undor th�s Oosd of Tnuk --
<br /> . �• � Oefault on it�dobiL�t(a�ena FaUure of Tnestor to make any paymont when due on tho indebtodnos9. -
<br /> "��� �� �� Oeteuti an OtAet Paymeate. FaUUre o�Trustor within tho tima required by 1NS Oeed ai Tntst to make any poyment fm texes or insumnce,or �..-ti.
<br /> '����� any other payment neaa�snnl to preven�Aling ot or to etteet dischargo 01 eny Ilen. "-'`
<br /> .. �.,_,,�, --
<br /> . ;,��..
<br /> � ;�Z�::;, Compti�nce Oetautt. Faituro ot Trus�or 90 comply With any otnar torm,obNgadon,covenant or conditlon conta�ned in this Coed rus, e
<br /> ':-:��� Note or!n any ot tha Retated Daumenb. _.
<br /> ._.;�; falaa$tatCmente. Any warrany,representation or s1�:ament mndo or tumbhar!to t�n�er by a on behai!o!T�ior mnder this Oeed ot Trust, �:
<br /> . .K-y'�. �ho Note Or th9 RWateG O�CUmenis ts tet58 or misieaomg in any mnioriai ii+syii.'i.rn�t now os&t ltsa!!mS s�LM'b��.""�-g!�!• -_ `
<br /> Defeative ColtaterdireQan. 7hi�Oaed of Trust or any ot the Retatod Dooumonts�s to bo In full foree end eNeet(inctudinp taliure o!nny
<br /> co1latoral documents to create a vatld end porfeoted security Intetest or Iton)ut uny Urne nnd for any roason.
<br /> DeatA or Insotveney. The aeeth ot Trusta.Ihe InsoNenay of Trustor,the appdntrtrent ot a rooeiver for eny psA W Tnator'e ptopertf►,eny
<br /> �� assipnmeM for the beneflt of creditore, any type of creditor workout,or the commenoement of any proceedin0 under any bankruptoY or
<br /> InsoNetwy 18wa Dy or egalnst Ttustor.
<br /> Foralown�FoRelture,etc. Commoncement of to�qosure or forfelture procaedfnas,whYther by 1���P��D������
<br /> � ., or any othK rtathod.by any credita of Tnnta or by any aovarnrMnhtt aporay�p�Ins14o1►of lhe PropadY. Kovwv��thls�uhslctlan�tW eof
<br /> ,. � .. a�=aiuro p�d ny,Djo d d that Trusto�plves I�nda wdlteo notl e ort ouch ctalm n d t m�Whrose v�o aiursty bo f t�a tM�M.Um
<br />..�.l.�.M.� �i
<br /> � • sl�ttstactory to IAndor.
<br /> • 8rs�eh o!Other A�ament. Any bre¢ch by Trostor und�r lM terms ot aey oth�r asreement betwaen Tnrsta art�UndK that b noi nrtNdbd
<br /> - .; .}.;� wtthin any praco P�rtod provlde0 thareln,lnctudinp wlthoul umttaUOn any a9reoment concanirva any t►►dobtadnoss or otMr obJipttlon of Tnrsta
<br />-- =r����� lo Lenda,wAOiMr exlstirr➢now or laur.
<br /> �=�-'=�`� Evento Aflecflnp Gueranto►. Any ot the preceding events occurs w�lA te3peat to eny(iueretRor ot any o!tho Indobtodne3s or tny Quntnntor
<br /> ',A;��;�r � dles ot becomvs tncompele�t,or rovot�es or disputes the vaidtty ot,or Itnbi:iry undsr.uny Qumm�ry o!ttq Indobtedness. Lertdor,et its opUon,
<br /> may,but ehati not t�e requUOd to. pormu tho Quarnntors estnto to assume ur�conditicnally the obli�aUo�arfsinp under tho yuareMy In a
<br />�:-:k:'"='� �?e mannor caUsfactory to lertder,and.In Catng so,cure the Evenl ot Detaul6
<br /> �` . Ineecurlt�. Lende►ln pood taith doems i�elt im�.,oauro. __
<br /> . ..�.
<br /> J" �` Rl�i►t to Cufe. If such a taituro Is eurabls nnd M Tn�stor h3s not Eeen piven a ooUCe W a breaoh ot the anmo provl3tOn of tht9 Daod of Tntst
<br /> �`>:�� • wftAL�tho preoeding Avetvo p2)ntonihs,u may be cured(and rto Hv�nt at DateWt wfil have oocurrod)lf 7fustor.after LenOars�nds wAlien =-
<br /> :,;,.'-'�=:=:. norioe domandinp cwe o!sueh ta[:uro: (e)cure3 tho faiiure withfn fiReen(16)days:ar (b)U the cure roqulns morQ lhan fiA�en(1�dqs,
<br /> - unmeet�ntety INUaWs ateps su►fldent k cure the IaGure and theroarta conflnu�s end complates e9 reesonabb Rred n�o�swy sleps sWUOlsnt tp
<br /> - produce eompua�wc�as soon aa roasanaby pmcticN. `
<br />`"���n. RtQiffB AND RF.�tEDIEB ON OEFAULT.tlpan the oocwrenco of any Evar�t of Oe4autt and at arry tlma 1h�rNAYt.TrusT�o or I.�nda.at Us opllon.
<br /> ." ,.�.":..:':yr
<br />•`?�_„�,,.:�,:. ' may ox6rdse any one or mae af th�►ttytawin9 rlphts and remedies.ln addiUqn to eny othor dphb or rema8►�s provt0ed by taw:
<br /> • :�`• ':":�:��•• Ac�eteraUon upon Oetwt�AOAltionat Ren�edlea. It any event ot Eatault oocur8 as por tho torms ot tho NoSo secured he�eby.L�endtu may
<br /> , ����''��)��.�. dedare utl lndebtedness secured by IAIs Ocod of Trust to ba due and payabts and trig same shatl lhereupon become due and payabte wtthout
<br /> � '',::.:. � pny ptesentmant,demand,Ptotait ar no�ioo o}nny klnd. 1'hereaRer.Londcx may: --
<br /> �•`r% Y' (a► EitNer In pa�son ot by ngeM.witA nt wilhout bdnQtng ttny neUOn or Q�racFmdirq,or by u�eoeiver appotntad by Y court and wlthout --
<br /> ',�,�J;;, y regyd to tho etd�quucy ot f's s¢surtty,e�tor upon and tako pa�....tsston at the Propaty,or any pM tt�ereol,tn Its ati►n nsrM or In Ihe�Amo _
<br /> ��•: o?Tnaateo,and do nny nets whl•h it domns n000ssary or d�str�.g]e to preserve tho vatu�.merketab�it�►a�ontt�t�►of ths Prof�Y.a P� —
<br /> � t���', .'{• ' of the P�aQeAy ar interest In tT�o Fropdty:lr�croaso tho Incomo hom tho Propaly or protecf Iho seewlty of lhe Aope�ty:an�,�Y►tA ar wlthout _-_
<br /> ' takinp po�c.�.,ton o!tho P►o�aryl,suo ta or othawJse coQect the renh,�an0 pro5b of th9 P►o�orty.Indudie0 ltws�Pss!due and
<br /> � , '��: unpatd.and apPry tno sams.less eosts end�o�es of o�wraLbn and co�ectlon,tndudin8 nttaneys fee�.to anY Irtdrhbd^�ss s�cir�d -
<br /> • ...� . � by thla Qeed o!Ttust,aU In such orda as LondEx msy dete►mtne. Yhe ontoAnp upon nrYd tetctnfl posse�ion of tfie Propeib�QHe co�e�Cn _-
<br /> x
<br /> ------•-� ot sucn�nts.�ssues and profii�,ar.d ih�applt�Uaa lfi.�ea!�s..d nat st7e^_r w?�+x_+n�y�fa�t er nng�e at dedeUt under tNs Q�ed o!Tnn1 ���
<br /> '• � or invaUdaW zny aM Cons In respanse to sueh dotauR a puiauant to BucA rtotice of detaul�and.eota�ndirq th�eonBnuanoe�n �,::
<br /> . �.,_
<br /> , ° por�lon of tAe P�opedy er Ihe collactton,recdpt end appGCalloa ot re�s.Bsues a pro5b�Trustw a Lender ehU bs��i4Nd o . _-
<br /> , x exerdso evay rtght proNdod for In tho Notn ar the Relnted Oaeumants a by Iaw upon tAe aocu+renoe of anr ova�+t ot dufaUl,tnaludinp the r�
<br /> .L..��..�w...ico�nn nmva.e!ca�o� L•_".
<br />. r. --- ..a....��....�.-��"'- ' -. _..
<br /> , ';� (b) Commenoe en aeUOn to toreciosa this Ouod ot Trust as n mortgnge.aa�.atnt n rocetver m sPadflcnlN or�forco nny of Iho cavenan"3 �`;-_
<br /> ''. •. hsreoh,und -
<br /> � • • (c) Oauvar to Trustcm a�+ni:..�n dc�ctaration ot dofautt end domnrtd tor sa!s�ontl a wNtten notbo of datautl and alocUOn to Casass Trustorb :
<br />- :�'.:+� fnteros!in tha PropCrty to 4A sot�. whtch notfoo Trustco�sR311�cnuso to Do duty tLbd for raord tn tho approp�tAto oN�e9 d!ho Courd�r tn ,`�;
<br /> �•�..S
<br /> . .:,., • whkh lho PrOperly ts IOCatatl:and
<br />- . (t�b wtaka UrtffamtCom�irtbtetty�l Codut tho Persontil ProaE�rty.Lartder shaa hav�a0 tfw efghffi and rame4�s ot m soeuret!psrfy under ths ;t'
<br />_ g��re w�ilh Tnutetee this QEUd ot Trust a d iho�artd such roa9p�b a d��noo�ee�nd�Mes mado a d socwc�d by thls Qeed of `r�"
<br /> ., Trosf as Ttusto0 tn�y rogulro. r1-�
<br /> � nod IVo�tta�of��Satef tas 11ren neq�nod by l�w andby�th Oc�cd of Tnast Trustcwd spht►ii,wHho�l domartd o tYw^tct.nftor sucDh�Umo��Y
<br /> ° s
<br /> _. . � : .
<br />