<br /> n ,. .
<br /> - . ...wp�a.ia- �- .. . - _ ,. �� " 1 • �.. �
<br /> . u.,.n..... .. , ._... .. ' I r .
<br /> ; ,
<br /> {: ,.
<br /> � rr wer fn�i•• ��� pc�rinrrn t�n covtmanis c+nd nnroamont:� � �;�}:
<br /> ' �. Pr�tocQlAq o4 l.ondl�Na RlflNts In tho Propetty. u �o n ,.�,
<br /> I �';_.
<br /> cantofnoG tn lhls &ccu8ty Inctn�meM, or ths:ro i� n tc��a�p�ocou4ln��ho• m(1y elpnllir,nn�ly nfiCCt Lender's n{�ht. �n tno Prnpr.rty (such nn '
<br /> o pror.cudln� In bankruptCy.pfobuto,tor condomnrdton or IOAb�tUro Or tA Onip�c0 I.�v�3 or rn{]uUtionSi,Ihon I ondr.r may Ao nnA pay tar � -_
<br /> whptCVCr Is nCCes�nry to protaCt th0 vatuo ol tho ProporlY nnd LCndor's�bhis In tho Propt�nY t�ondf�r's ncUOns may mo�udo pny��g � --
<br /> any Gums Eocurod by a �W� whiCh hns prtcrity ovor thls 9cawily Inatnimont, appcarinp �n aourt, p�y�A roasonabin nitomoy'�ICas nnd
<br /> entortrtp on 1�9 PropCRy to mnko rcpnlro. ARh�uflh lcndcr mny t�ko nctlon undor thlq pnraflrnph 7. Lendnr doc+s not nnvn ta do �o. � _
<br /> Any nmounte dlsburGOd (oy 4or+dor un0or thl3 pnrpgraph 7 ohntl bCCOmo nddlt�onnl dobt of Borrowor �ocurod by Ihls Stsourily
<br /> Instrumont. Unt��o Bono�rsr and lcndor ogrca to othcr torma af paYmont, thoao nmounts ahan bon� mtero�t frqm tho dato ot
<br /> u p� n abls, with 4�ICwat,upon not4'o hom Lender ta Horta��or tOquostinp pny�nUnt � Y}�
<br /> disbursomont at the Noto rato an0 chn p y � � �
<br /> � 8.Mortgage tnsura�ce. It LOndOt fEtqutl8d mOrtQ6Q3 �f6urtinCB a8 t1 a0tldit�on ot makfng Ih0 IODn BBCU�Od by thts Sccurit� � (
<br /> Inatrument. Bor►ower shaU pny tho premluma roqulrod to ma�ntain tho mo�tgnpo Insurunco In eNeot. tf. for nny �oason,tho m�Apngo
<br /> �-' � insuranCe Coveraaa requlrBd by landar Ittpces or aoaBOS to bo tn etfoot,8ortowor ohall pay thn promiums roquaod to obtnin oworngo ��
<br /> ' ,,,, subsWnt41(ry e4uNalont to lho moRgnpo Intturance provtousty Mt efh�at, nt a coat aub8tnnllatry oquNnlent to tno cost ro BoROwer o1 tho
<br /> mortgngo insumnco proviouaty h atfect, from nr► attamnto mortgage �nauror approved by lo�dar. I�substanE4��1y equNa�nt moAgag� __
<br /> ingu�unco covarrigo b not nval'abb, BoROwer shaU psy to Lendar aaoh mnnth a smn equal to one-tv�eiRh of �he ycs►h moRpago __
<br /> I � hsumnco promlum bahg patd by Bortower when tha haurance covomgo tapsod or ceased to bo In offeot. Landor,nitl accepf,uso and
<br /> u retaN theso pnymenta ns a losa roservo N �iau of mortgage inaurance. �osa rose tl!hQ`m`nder�equaes)provlCc rebY�ne �ng�►�� I��
<br /> ° opt►on of l.endur, if mortgnga hsurnnco coverago (In Ma amount nnd lor the po 0
<br /> �• '� approved by Londer agah boc�mos uvuttabb nnd Is Obtnined. BoRO�rot bhell pny tho premiums �eRutrod to�r.�;.CtR�n moRgage �,_
<br /> 6 fu.
<br /> ';t`��-t inaurance tr► effect, or to provlde �t loss tosorve, until the �equiroment for mortgapo Ns�uance ends in ncoordancp wnh uny written �`
<br /> •t�'<;.. Lendar BheU give
<br /> ,':;;�.v�,.,� aqreement tratween Bortowor nnd Lender ar epplbabiB taw. '""'
<br /> ` �;t�,y;;$,;�.i 9,1l18p0CU0Q. Landar or fts ngont mey make �easonebb enVles upon and InapoCdons of tho Property �
<br /> '���'�` � BoROwor noSke nt the timo ot ot prlor to an tnapeotbn Gpctllyln8 re3son[+bl��°use for the Inspeatbn. E_M n_
<br /> � 10. Gondemroetlon. The pracoeds of tinY award or olaim for damnges� duect or consequentinl, in conno0tlon with nny i=_
<br /> ' condemnatton or othor Wkhg of any pnR of tha PropeRy,or tor oonvoyanc�In Ileu of eondemnatton,are hereby aeslgned and shalt bp �
<br /> ,. � pafd to Lendor. �
<br /> � °` In the event of a toWt tekhg of the Property,the prxeads shq[1 ba spplied to the sums eocured by ��whbh the�ter man�et
<br /> t1 - v�hether or not thon due,wtth cu�y exeess Datd to Borrower. I n f h o a v a n t o t a P e rt l a►t e kin 9 of tt�e Property
<br /> ''��, vatue of tho Propert�► Mmne�latety b�tore thfl takin8 is equat to or g;vAtar than the nmount of lhe sums secure0 by thls Securfty
<br /> Instrumsnt Immediataty betore 1he taking, unless BoROwer and Lendsr otherwise egma fn writing,tho suma e9cured by this Seour7ty
<br /> Instrument shail be rc:ducad by the amount ot the praceeds multipl3ed by the fottowin8 iraotion: (a) the total amount ot tho 6ums
<br /> seaurad imrt+ediatery batore the takinp, dNldod by (b)the tair market value o�twh�„he Ir markot aN�of t eePro�p�ty�imn+d�ata►Y
<br /> � Boaower. in the evont ot a purtla�caking ot the PropeftY Bortower and lsnder otherwise �
<br /> t:, ,r Bhall be pt�Id to
<br /> �f'�� botaro tho tnkh9 �s less tha^t�e amcunt of ths sums eeaurod Immedletery be�ore the takinp, un ss
<br /> . ;,a�{�;
<br />,,. .; • r'-`� ° egree n wtrtne o* �'�� ���� s'Y �t�°"��° °ravtdes, the proceQds shalt be app�fad to the sums se0ured by this SeCUr -
<br />`�;�• 1 •�- Inst�um0nt whother or na1'tne eums are thon due.
<br /> , ,,;: If the PropaRy�s NiDan�nad by Bortower,or N,ctRa►notice by Lendsr to Bortowmr that the eondemnor oHers to make an award or : -
<br /> ' ' ' �'''' satti�o caam for aema9eg. 8orcowar fatts to reopund to Lende�within 30 days after 1ne date the nottcv Is 9Nen�landar I9 authoriied
<br /> ' '' •.•' � p to collect d�nG appry the proeoeds,at tts optlon, efther to restomtton or repatr of the Property or to the sums secured by this &ecufdy � ', ��
<br /> � ' �' Inswmeni,wr.other or not then due. ��n of proceods to principsi shau not extertd or poa t Qone the ;
<br /> ..^ , Uniess Lnndcr end Borrower athe►who agree in w�in9��Y 8Pp
<br /> --��'''•.� •'•' ' due date of the monthry pnymeetn retoRed to in pam9mDha 1 and 2 or change the emount of suoh paymeete.
<br /> �-`��� . 1i. B�rroever Not Re��ssed:Forbearanee ey Lender Not e Waiver. �ensron or tne �m� �or payment or
<br /> �+ modif�ntion of amortf�tbn ot the sums secured by this Securtqr Insuumont prantod by Lendor to any suceesao►h tntere�t ot BoROww
<br /> .i�.��v^ , '� shali no! oporate to robnso 4ho Ik�biGty ot the oripk�n�Borrow�sr or 0orrowers succossora In Inturess. Lender shd� not bo roqutsd to
<br />_'=:°ti�::: •Y� commertco p ro c e a d i n g s a g a t n s t a n y sueeessor ln hterest or retusu to eutend Nma for payment or olhernisa mod'Ey omoRiration of the '
<br /> •-•-=?=='=�I sums seeu�ad by th[� �.r�urNY Inatrumant by raason ot any demand made by the orig ha t Bo►row o r o r 8 o r r o w 2 f s s u e c e s sora fn
<br />.�._�"'L•�rh7!'+.:�� ' '-
<br />_,„ ,:_;_„� htRrest. MY to�bo��tnCO bY��dot Lt uxerol3hg any r�fit or temedy sheU not be a w8ber ot Ot prt;alude the exotciso ot arty t t or ,,,'..
<br /> i:'r,_'_�;_.�t..��.''t�,� fiXBlidY-
<br /> _ �,.
<br /> �M-�h �''�
<br /> - � "`�- ��. �acceasore end�sai�ns Bound; Jo in t an d 5�v e r e l LlnbUt t y; Co-sign��rs. Tho covonnn s
<br />_��4°="`�`C33'S�` r InaWment ehatt bad and bonefit the suocossors and asstpn6 of Lender and Borrowm, subject ta tho
<br /> __;�.�;.�y� ctgraems�n�., ot thb SocuTity �shaU bo Joht end several. Any Borrower who easi�ns thfs t�ec�irRY
<br />--- °� ,� provlsiona ot paregrnph 17. 8orrowf.�r'o eovonants nnd egreemEn+ nt, ond eorney th�t
<br />�--�.:�,,,;�,°,.-::—�� tnstiument but doss not executo tho Noto: (n) Is co-slgnln8 this Se�urihr InaWment onry to mortgage, gr0
<br /> Borco�cers hterest In the Property under tho torms of this&scurtty Insdument; (b)is not peraonaly obilgatcjd to pay Ihe sums r�cured
<br /> -`y��.
<br />;,,;,,�.1,_ ._., by th� �+ri�Y lnaVumenC a+d (a) t►9rees that La++dor end enY other Bortower may aproe to extend, modt4�r,tolbesr or make any
<br /> =`'` accommodattons wkl��ud to terma of this Seourity Instrumt3at or 1nQ��i Is BubJ�oOt to tt law wAbh setto m9xinu►n*�oe� Chfltqe9,
<br />_._;n��'a�=
<br /> 13. Wan Chargea It the Ioan se�urod by t�is Sttcurfty
<br /> ��,`�•�••:^• ' and thnt Iaw I3 Mn.."y ini9�proted so that tho hterost or othar loun chatgo3 eoib2cted or to b�totltsoted h cont�4tbn w��o
<br /> ir���'�. � y
<br /> •'��r� excesd tho portnittod JYnits•than� (ol�y suoh ban chatges shali bo'redue80 Dy 4h6 emount noCe88ary to�odatta ih9 Oha�qe So tho
<br /> . �`��'�`;;;,"::��• pe�,,,;cc�,�rmn;nnd(b)any sums atQady eouected from Bortowor whkh exeaeded pennitted Iknits wttl bo rofundetl Q�Bortowor. Lender
<br /> '-•�`•��i':- '.r mpy c?�9osa to make thb rotund by reduehg tt�o pnc�ipal owed undst tho Noto or by m&kin0 u dimet payment t0 8ottowet. tf n
<br /> � "�•'�' ' �otuntl r�rOucss pnc�ipa4�+e�ducttor+wnt bo uoatod as u parti��Pra�aYmont uvtthout eny propuyrtn+nt oharge undor lho Noto.
<br /> ••! �, �� , 14. NOt1�C8. AnY notice to Borrower Provtdcd for h this Security Inswmant shall be gNOn by dolkartng it or bY matllnp N by
<br />- �; �ira��tasaa maii unbsa nppifcub'o �aw requtres use of anoiher method. Tho notico ohall be dimcted to tho Proporty Address or any
<br /> � ' otha address Borrower desipnt+a Londer Gosfgnn es bY a,tie�t 9ono ora�Any�otlee9provided tfort inkthb Security i aWmon►de N►
<br /> 'J``' ••Y. ,..
<br /> ,_.L,. ,•�. stntM t�flroh or any olhoi addro
<br /> -�-- --- bo Oeerrwd�o huw�ioa.z $:'� !a 9csrow�•nr Lender whan 9tv�n�s provldecl In this pcvagraph. �
<br /> ' . � � 15.Governla0 Lew; 5overnbility. rnis Sueurity tnSWm�t shuU be povamnd by t�aaat �W �na tnA r�+Y o� me
<br /> a '
<br /> „ � i iurLsdictbn In whlch t�v PropattY Is bct►tod. tw tho want tAnt ony provtslon or ctxuse of this Seeu�lty In�Wm_nl or tho Noto aonfliets
<br /> , .11• . ,, � w,�, �p�,�p{� L�w. suCh co�ictT h h�^aie t�tw npovist ns of{th� ScacurilySnstrum��nt and tho Note nre dectarod to bo sevcsrabb eftpct
<br /> �._.�...
<br /> �- • v�anoui dro cv�u�:ro r�r-�^�-•• •- --- - • of tha NotA nno oi i�'s�vi.y�:�i��•=�w.^�...
<br /> ' 1C7.�orrower's Copy Bottoruer 6haU bo gkctn ono contortnad coAy �
<br /> � 17.Trenmfer ot tho Properly or a Benefictei intereat In Bar�owoP. If aU or any purt of the PtopE3r1Y or nny
<br /> �
<br /> lntores! � R I�sotd Or trnn5tc3rted(or N n benelkiat intorost �n 8orrower IC sol� or trenslerred and Borco�ver�s not a naturnt porson) �
<br /> , noWment dHow�mre►.h�3t Ot�On 6hnQ nOt Do oxorci�cA by L.ender H axerclse Is ptrohibkod by teda'ra f law ns I lhouda o of thl�S curity :
<br /> i
<br /> , •. InSWmCnL �
<br /> �} ��nQet exerchses thb oAUOn, LcndCr ahup gN0 8orto�vor notko of ttccolnraGon. Yhe noitcct shnll provldo a parlod ol not �ass i
<br /> ' thnn �p daya hoa+ tho dato cho notko ts dflllvered or mallcd within whlch tha Bonov�er must DaY ���sums sesurod by thls Security I
<br /> • lnSWmEnt. tt OCrro»M t(iC5 t0 U3Y thOSO numa p�i0r lo tho o��ntton ot thfs parsad.Londor may lnvoko csny �emodles parm�ttmd.b o ohvo
<br /> �` _ Srxurity In:,UUmant v,�hao►1urih�r nottco or dCmand on Bonovrer.
<br /> va�.�o�s
<br /> . c,o.uu•o t��oal
<br /> ' i.
<br /> ,,
<br /> s ., .,
<br /> • �I,GJ
<br />