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<br /> „�_2't-' '.. ..:'.-rr. ' � .. � . . , ..
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<br /> ,; 8orrqw�r'o oOCrow aCCOUnt undCr th0 fOdoral Re�I �elnto SotUcmpnt ProCOduro9 Ac! nf 1974 no Amondod irom tlmo to ttmo, 12 U.S.C. i`
<br /> � 2601 ot cCq. ("�SPA"1,unbso nnothor u�v thot applas to tho Funds aota n tocnor nmuunt II co, Londar mny,nl nny timo,ooli�Ct nnd
<br /> � holq FundD 1n 11q tlmouni not t0 oxccod tho toocOr pm0unt. LoibG+ rntly ost6nnfo tho mm�unt oi funds dut� on tho bhs+s of Curront dnta �
<br /> nna rcasonnOU ost�mato:, o�oxn¢ndituros oi tuh�ro �6CrpW qCm9 Or Othpiwlso ln ticcord:lnCO r,qh nppt:cnbt�t�w. '�
<br /> . ° Th0 Funda BhnO bo hqid In nn inutitutlon�vhabfl dCponns ao mauruA tfy n �adomi npnncy, insin�montnldy, or ontly (lnc�udNp�
<br /> lCnd�r, it LendCr Is auCh pn Inetltutlon)or In any FCACraI NomO Lpcin pni�k. �LOndor ohnll npply tho Fund9 to pny Iho Eccrotiv Itoms. �
<br /> ` �� londUr muy not Cnnrgp 8orrpwer fOr h0�ding anA pppryfng iho Fund9,nnnuctlly annlyiing iho oscrow nccount, or vanlym�{tho Escrow �
<br /> ,
<br /> � ItOma,untoaA Londor pnys Borrowor Intorost on Ihn Fun�s nnd appltcnbi� 11w pc�rmita Londnr to moke such n chorpe. Hawovor,londo�
<br /> ^ � mttr roquao BOROwor to pay e ono•tnno cnargo Ior qn r.iC.ryandent rcal o�tnt0 tnx ropnrto�� oewwc�u:reJ by LenJa� u�ca�meet�un wdh
<br /> �� tMS taan,unless applioubb t3w providos olhonvlso. Unk�ae ttn oprc�i3ment !s mndo or npplknblo I�w roqutre9 Intorost to bo pnid.Lendor
<br /> I ehatl not bo raqutrod to pny 9orrowor eny Intarost or oamnpa on tho Fundo. Borrowct and Londor moy ngree In writing, ha�vovor, thnt
<br /> ..,...�.�..-�. �nterost ahan be patd on tho Funds. Landar aAr�tl pAra to Bonowor,without chprgo, an nnnual nccountinp oT the Funds, showmp
<br /> , �� I crodits nnd OoDita to tho Funds end tho purpose for whkA each dobit to tho Funds was mnde. Tho Funds arp pt^dpad ns adQitfonal
<br /> I socurity for nil cums sBCUred by lhl8 SeCUn'ty Inetrument.
<br /> � a ina Funas Ae�G tiy �nc�er exceed che nmo�aro�mRted�o bo netd by appt�cabte taw, �endsr chan account to eanowor for tho
<br /> ' � ezcess Funda 6�accordance wttn the roquh�ments of appucc?bta R1w. It tho amount ot the Funds held by Lsnder at ony Ilmo Is not
<br /> � suHicbnt to poy the Eeerow�tems wAen due, LonQor mcty ao nmity 8orcower N writing,ttnd, in such cuse Bertower sheli pay to Londel
<br /> . tho amount neCes3gry to m9ko up th0 dOfielener. Bortower Shfli rniiko up thp detblency in no more then hvalue mont�ly pAyments,ut
<br /> Lendor'8 Soie discraibn.
<br /> � Upon pnyment 1n fult ot oll sums sECUred by t�b 3ecurity Insrument, Londor ahall promptry refund to Borcower any Funds held by
<br />_ � '• Lender. If, undar parqgraph 21,londer sha�l acqu ire or seo tho P�op�rty. Lender,prior to tho aaqulsitbn ar sele of the Prqpatry, shnu
<br /> � � ° '` eppty any Funds hetd by Lender�1�ha time ot acqu�klo�a sala as a credR agAlnst the aums socurttd by th{s SscurRy inatrument.
<br /> ��, ' 3. ApplicAtton of Pa�ymer�ta Un9¢�5 c;ppdCabb Iaw provides othenvise,all payments receNed by lendor under pnrngropha
<br /> '� � 1 and 2 shell bo upplied: first, to nny prepnymtm chergas duo ur�der the Note; seCOnd,to amounts payaDts under pnrngrpph 2; thad
<br /> � ta�nterest due;fourth,to pdrtC�l due:and IaSt,to any l�te ehargos due under tho Noto.
<br /> �,•�J• d. Cf1Lrg�8;LICRS. �aarrawar aAail pay aU taxae, ossessments, charges, fines wd impositlons ettrtbutabb te the Property �
<br /> :'' „�� whic0 may BttaV� pdority o�grr 4hF3 SBCUrIty Insinsment, end teasehold peymente o� ground rent8, If any. Borcowor shpU pIIy thoso I,
<br /> , obl'�gatb»a in the mannsr provtdc�tl tn paragrqQh 2, ar H not pafd In thet mam�or, BoROwer shau pay thom on pmo dirocty to tho person
<br /> • owod payment. BoROnrer sAati prompty tum3sh to lencter eii not�os of amounts to be pald under this paragrepf�. If Borrowor mAkos
<br /> thes9 peymente d�PCtly,6orrower shaA p�omptly luanlsh to LBndar recelpts evidencinp tho peymante. �
<br /> 8ortowar shall promptry dischargd eny liun whioh hcis p�lorlry over th�s Seourlty instrument untess Borcowor.(a) agroos in wrIIing to
<br /> ,?" �� the pgyment ot the obUgatbn secured by tho I�en tn e mannc�ocaeptable to Londer,(b)Conto5t8 In good fafth lhe tk� by,oi detends
<br /> ; �_
<br />-;�;�`..•;�.-,.. isydiibi 5rii�rcmnani vi ina i'en i��ie9ai procaeomgs whicfi n ma��dm'S irNi�iui� "vjro�aY 28�iiS'ibAi L:so�ti C!2li8!'�f�rt(C!
<br />-��� � secures hom tt��tnDidot of tho Iien an agroerc�n! satlsfaCtory!o LendBr suAartfinating the Iien to this S�xuvfly InE3tturnent. It Lendor
<br /> � ' determY�es thsl any part o}tha Property ts svbWct ro a Wn wnbh mny nttaln pr►ar(ty ovar th�Securtty Inairument,londor may gMe
<br /> Y�Y.:' � 8orr�wer a�otfoe identiyhg the Uen. Borto�ver sAati satbry fn3 l�n a take o�A or more e1 t�o aottona sot farth nbov9 wk�h 10 dflys
<br /> .,;,,
<br /> 1',�:�dlrY �:.: rcr Of t�14 ehl�lt9 0}IIOt�f.'0. �
<br /> a�l���.��l.,�i ��:.:7
<br />��:�::''",`''- 6. Hazard mr Property Insuranca. BotrowEr BhIIC keep the o-n�r�vsmenta now e��sttne or hereafter eroCted on m•
<br />�;,a==;;;��'�•��; Properiy hsuretf agabst b9s by ite,hararQs Inckaded w4hh the term'oxt�edad coverage"and any oth2J Aamrde, hC4ding tbods or
<br />=f�-°?rii'•-'��<' Qoodhg, for whbh Lender tequUes hsurance. This insurenae shall be m9in4ained In the amounts and tor the perioda Nat lsnder
<br />_=�_-'-:�=-'�r re�uhes. The inouranco cartbr provlding tho InEUnt11C0 sla� ba cfiosen by Borrourer subjeet to lendefs eppreva{ wh�h aAnN not bo
<br /> ay!Wrf')vw i
<br />.•w�#s.;,,;,r,:� unroasonabry wtthhetd. If BoROwer fatls to mahtain coveia�� ctescrbed above, 4onder may,nt LenOer'8 optbn, obtnrn Covare�o to
<br /> -���=�"-� � prott;c!Lender8 tlghts In the Property h B.CaOrdence with par,Ft�:h 7.
<br /> -���� � A11 hsuranoe poticies rmd�enewals shaU ba acceptabb ta lender ond s�uV inctu�te n sttu�dar0 mMfyA�a olnust�. lendor sht!havo
<br /> ��"�'`�''��� the HpAt to hotd Me policies end�ewats. It Lender roQu�ras,Bo�rorrer etaa9 promptry gNa to Lentler ,a�r�celpts ol paW pranlums
<br />�`�L���h''""-�'�''"�""� and ranewat noticos. In tne event ot ass, Bortower shad gs�e pfompt noiko to the insur&inca cartfer and Lende►. lender may make
<br /> . ;�+==-�»�
<br />-°";,;;;,.y, proo►of bss k nat made prompty by Borrower.
<br />�u�?' R. Untess Lnnder and Bortowar otherniso uQree in writlnp,insuranco proeeods shali be applled to rostora�tbn ot repalr ot tho Prop6it�r
<br /> -`'"�''`��• dart�aped R the testoratbn or ropnM is economlca[fy tea3bie end Londera sacur8y is not bsu9nod. U the restotetion or repaY Is �ot
<br /> :�:'_�';"_ '
<br /> -_-=:,v5:'� aconomtcaly toas3bl� or i�nnders securdy would bo bs:senod.tho Insurenco procaods shatl bo upptbQ to tho aums sosurad Oy thls
<br />���!�*�!�d �cur�y InstrumonL +rt►ethar or�ot thon dua,witt�any aaoe�a p a t d ro Bortower. 1f 8orrower nbsindone the Pro p o R y, or does not
<br /> -,��r'`�»�� onswsr wtthA� 30 dnya e not�e hom t.ondor Mat Iho Insurtints Cattbr hos ottored to soltb e Ctsim, Men LenQer mny coftaat tiie `
<br /> _ -- — �sur�2nco procesds. lAndar may use tAa procoods to ropaY or rostoro Sfio P�operty ot to pny eums seCUrttd by lhis Securily
<br /> ,?���,� � InSMument,whe:hOr��ot then duo.Tho 30�CSay pErbd wU bt�gh wheo tho�vtice is gban.
<br /> - =_=��t Unte�a Le:aur und DoROwar otherwlso proceeds to prtrtclpal ehnt!not extend w postpa�v tAe
<br /> :-R�, c�rao �n r�itinp, c�ny c►AP�Catlon�j
<br /> _.::;r��_�t;� dua date o}tfie monihy pay�ts �etorrc;d to h paragnnyhs t ared �or change the�emnunt ot the payrttonta. if undw parayrtDh 41
<br /> ''''`�•:-'�� tfto Pro
<br /> _<<;.�.....,..; ' porty is ttcqutod by L,��ar,eorrowor's�i ht to uny hswartco pollcbs and prex-�da��esuftlnp irom demegB to tho PropeAy Btbr
<br /> ,.;:, . x � 'r�. to tho ecquistlbn shatl pass to londor to tho cxtant ot tho 6ums r�urod by lhis Securisy �n�Wment immaetlatory ptbr ro ttw F`
<br /> �, acqulsRbr�. '
<br /> _ !3. Occu�eauecy. Pr�aervatEon� il�ainten�nc� and Prat2ctlon of the Pe�p�rrty; Barrower•a I.oan -
<br /> - App1t1�1t011; LC�hOIds. Dorrowar shoG eccupy,esu;b�st+.and uso tho Proporty aa 8onorrer's Qnc�lpal reslda�oe wk�h sAey _
<br />— � Q8Y5 nR9�thU maDCtltiOn Ot Nts SOCUtity ln3trurt�i Ond ahn11 contlnue to oCCUpy the Proptlrty oo BorrowA�e prhCbBi r�SfdptCO fOr�t _
<br /> -"•,
<br /> _ �33t oftm Y�ar sitf► dte dit9 oi occ�PaRaY. u�i�a i.�nda uU�c�wise 6�roc3 .� w�nu�y� ai�::ii ccn�bb�.i ohetl noi be unr.::c.�L',
<br />- ' wiMhald,ot untiss�.Rm�uati+e circum,tancos exi�t wAICh ore beyend 8orcowePa conUal. BoROwor shntl�ot destroy,dnmty�or Ynpatr _
<br /> � the Pro�riy,aROw lha Pro�ty to d�terbrate.a comrt►s wnsie on trto Property. Bortowcr ahutl bo In da7auR if any(oAORuro acUan a _
<br />-- :,u:.i-,_. Procecsdhg,wnothor eivit or crimina4 Is 4eQun [nat in lonGOf� eood fn4h judpment could rosuf!in torteRuro of tho Proparty or oNer�atsa
<br /> -•�K��.`';"° — mlteri2Ry irttpIIlr th0 fiLn Ctf8to0 Oy thi3 SflCU�Ay InSVS�mFnt Or L.L�Tidc"�B 6CCUt�Ty UItQf03t. 80t(OYtOt tt�3y CUtO StlCII e Cetaus ano �
<br /> >�',', _
<br /> - . ' refnstnte,ns O�ovidod in ptuagraph t8,by cuusng tno nction a p�ocoeding to bo disml�sad with e rotng that.h Lende�b�ood taCh
<br /> , " tlelCrmin3tion, pteGiudes totfeituro pt tA0 Bonmrt�-'S Int�rosl in th0 PropaRy or otQer mater131 impairmEnt ot lh0 tk;n Cre�tob by tnb _
<br /> Setur@y ln,Wr�nt ar Lendert� eeCUriry lnterest Borruuur �A10 ot3o bo in dofsuN tl Bor�ovlor, durinp cho loan nDptiCaUDn ptoees9,
<br /> gsve rtuittx�a(y tatc,o ar �n8ccur�te �ntormatan or ntat�a-�ts to Lc.r►�cr (or taf'�d to provtC� �citd�r �,nn cs�y macQ,�1i �►�armat�n�n -
<br /> evnneetipn wiiA Me loan 8vide�tC¢0 b�tfto I�IOIe,artt4�d'e�y,bat nol L•m!tod to,retpre;entutlona concemYip Ootto►vBPe oCCUAan�r o! the i
<br /> _ , Property fls a prltecpal tesldartee. �f thl3 6eau�dy InBt�mCnt b on U Icasehotd, Bonorrar ttho��Comply Wnn eu�RO o�o,�s�ar+s ot 1ne E
<br /> y ° Icaso. Sf BomDw�r GCquiros too 1t10�to tho Proposty,tRp IC15ChOt0 and tho tc0 litb chnll not mCrap un�s9 lhD LBndtr �graes to lA0 (
<br /> merger h avr8ing. Fo�m s�ro c,roo !
<br /> .. � � F�CiD-lN0(VQY) i�a�o F�I 6 �
<br /> , '
<br /> Y �(
<br /> _ tCOS �
<br /> p ..._'_"_ '_._. ..... .�.._._....._.. . ..._ . _-- .. . .__-- ...__-_... .— __ _—_.
<br />