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:.�1. '� �� �S'i <br /> . �ii�i _ �(`��r:i:.;.'S <br /> ,`+ � . <br /> . + <br /> .. ,° ... <br /> .. . .. ., . • .. . ... . .......�atl�,-.. - <br /> a8. �o�r9w@�'o Rlght to Rotno�ute. it earower meets certatn conen�ons. Bortower ehull hEivo the right to huvo � , <br /> !& <br /> • onforCOmont of thi3 Scaurity Instrumsnt discontinued at any time prlor to the earller ot(a)5 daye lor such othor portod as t+pP�tcnbl� � <br /> iaw may BpeoNy tor rolnstatomontl botore sa19 of the Ptoperty purauant to tu►y power ot seia Contolned In ihis SBCUrity Inatrumont;or <br /> (b) ontry of a Judpment ontorCtng this Socu►ity Inotrumont. Those condittona are that Borrower: (a) peys l.ender aG sums wh�ch then � <br /> would be due under t�ls �ecurfty Inetrument and the Note ea if no acceieratlon hed ocaurced; (b) cures uny detaup of uny other � <br /> covonont or ngrcomanls: (c)puys nll oxpensea Incurrod tn enlorcing thls Seaurtty Insuument, inctuding, but not ilmitod to. roasonabis � <br /> � � cfttornoys'leea; and (d)tnkos such uotlon a8 Lender mt►y roaconably requUO to aseure that the ifen of thls Seaurity InsWment,lcndotn �q <br /> tiphts In the Property und 6orrower's oblfgetton to pey tho sums seaured by thls Security Instrument ahel►continue unohangod. Upon �� <br /> � relnetatement by BorfOwer, t�la SecurRy Instrument end the obligatlons securod horoby shell romn�� ��y ettectNe as if no acCelaretlon � <br /> hud occuned. However,thb rtght to relnstete shell not appN �the aase of accobrAllon under paragreph 17. <br /> 18. �81Q O} NOLB; Chan�ye of Loen�ervicer. The Note or u pflRfal htetest 1n lhe Note (togelhor wRh thls Seourity ��` <br /> Inatrument)may be soid one or more timea wRhout prlor notice to Qortower.A sala maY result �n a change In the entity(known as tho <br /> ' � . "LOan Serv�er") that coibcte monthty paymonts due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one ot moro <br /> �� � chanpea of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sab ot lhe Note. If there Is a change al the Loan Servlcer,Bonower will he gken wrinen <br /> notke ot tho ehanga In aecordance wlth paregreph 14 above and applfcabie taw. The notiee wiil stete the name and address of the <br /> . new Loan Sotvber ctnd the address to whbh peymenta should be made. The notice wtlt also oontain any other infortnntion raquired by <br /> appl�abie law. . .v:: <br /> .. Hem doua Su�batan es o�or�tnt hpCProperty.rt8orrowes'shall not doonareallow anyoneeelse�toSdotlnnythnlg atHea8ingthe Proporty th t '.�'�`, <br /> r'-:; <br /> � • Is In vlot�t►on ot any Envaonmantt�i Law. The praceding two sentences shaA not appN !o tha presence, use, or etornpe on the �:•�4�t <br /> ��. Property of small quantitba oi Harardous 5ubslan�es thet are generalty reoognl�ed to be appmprtate to nortnal rosMantlal uses nnd to ���t��� <br /> malntenanee of the Property. <br /> � � Borrower shali promptiy glva Lendar written noiee of any Invest(gation,claM, domand,Lawsuit vr�ther aatlon by aeY govemmsntal <br /> �; or re(lulatOry Elgenoy ot prN4to perty InvoNing the Propetty and any HBZa►dous SubBteooe or EnvYonmontal Law ot whloh Borrowet hus . _ <br /> • aetuai knawtadge. If Bortower leams, or Is notMled by any govemmenta{or regulatory authortty,that any removal or ather remedlatlon <br /> � � 01 any Herardous Subatence eHectl�g the Propeny is necessary, Bortowor shall promptly take all nacessary remediai aotEOns 1n _ <br /> �� accordance whh Env�onmentsi Law. _ <br /> A8 uaed in thb p8regraph 20, "Harardous Substunces" are those substances delined as toxb or hasardous aubstanCes by ";-' <br /> � EnvUOnmentat Law end tho following substancea: gesollne,keroseno,other Itammable or tozb peVOteum produots,toxb pestbldes and _I;_� <br /> �.� <br /> herbbides,volatib sokente,materiats aontaining esbe�tos or formaidehyde, and radioactive materfats. As used In thb paragreph 20, •..,1:,: <br /> • 'Environmentai law' means tederal Inws and laws Of the jurlsdlGtlon whete the Property Is bcated that relnto to heatth, oatety or -j��;, <br /> � ,. � environmentai protontbn. ��" <br /> NON•UNiFORM COVBNANTS. 8orrower and Lendar lurthar covenant anW ayree as toDOws: Nx�- <br />- . ,� 21. Aaeeteratton; Remediea. Lenaler shall Sive notice to �orrower prior to accetera4fon toltowing <br /> . ;- � norrower'o ��aaa:� at azy caver.sni 4s' B��Ae!'�1pnt in thls 8eouritf� Instrument (but not prlor Ro <br /> � at��teration under paragraph S7 unlesa appticable law providea othorwlse). The notiae shaii�aeei�: — <br /> (e) the default; (b) the aation requtred ta eure tha deteutt; (c) a date, r�ot tesa than 30 dey�4ram 4he __ <br /> date the notice is given to Borrawer. by which the delautt must be cured; end (d) ttrat Yeilu�e to cure <br /> � the detault or� or before the date specitled in the �aUae may resutt in acceleraUon of the auma <br /> " �� secured by this Securiry Instrument and sale of the i�roperty. The notiee ehall turther infarm <br /> Barrower of tho right to retnstate after aoeotaration and the right to bring a court action to aesort the �;; <br /> non•existenae ot a del�utZ or eny other defense of 8o�rower to aceoler�Uoo end sate. If thd default is �c_�. <br /> �� not cured o� or before the dete speeified in the notiee� �ender r�t Its o�tlon may require immediate <br /> �.t peymant In fWll ot atl sums ceaurod! by thio Seaur(ty Inr�trument without tur4her demand end may <br /> � � tnvoke th� power of sele end any other remedies permitted by eppitcebte lew. I.ende* eha�� be _ <br /> � en!ltted to coltect all expenses incurred! In pursuing the remedies provided tn thta paragraph 21� <br /> In�E�din�g, but not Iimitec� 80, reasonable attorneys' teeu end coMe of tttie evidenae. <br /> � � •� t4 tha powe� of aste Is tnvoked, Trustee ehali reaord a noUce of detault In each count� on whleh <br />�� - :. any part of th� Property ia tocated and ehail meii copiee ot suoh noUce iit�,�m'�er Aft���e Ume <br /> ��'° � � .. �r, applicabte t�w to Bor�ower and to the other peraona prm��ibed by epp <br /> requlred by a�plteeble lew�Trustee shatl give pubitc noU�m �1 eate ta tt�a persons end in the munner <br /> , :.t � presoribed by applicabie (ew. Truetee, without demand on Bvrrower� shatt �elt th� Property at publlo <br /> • aucUon to the highest b]�9der et Rhe tim� and plee� and ander tho terma deaignated i onee�ni�ot afi <br />_.., eiale in one or more pereets and In any order Trustoe date�mines. T�uatee mey postp __ _ <br /> � �: or nny parcal of the Property by public aonouncement et the qm� and place of any previousty - <br /> � acNe�uted sad�. Laa�9er er its designee mAy purehase tha Property at any �ate. <br /> ��-�•,,.;�-- • .• � �� Upon reemipt of payment ot the priee btd, Truetee shail deliver to the pureE��r Trus4ee'a doed , _ <br /> �,:.`; '• ,�5. ca�veying tho Proporty. The recitats tn the Trustee's�eed ace�eds of the sale�in the tollav�l e orde� <br /> ot the statements made Q�hereln. Trustee shali appty, p <br /> . � (a) to ell costs end expenses ot execaistng the pawer of sale, end the eale� ineiuding the payment ot = <br /> b �,: <br /> ; �;;.; the T�ustee's f�es ectua!!y incurred, hot to exceed � 46 0!the princl�n! ammunt ot the note � <br /> ' � �:, �t tho tlana o4 4he deota�aUon of dofautt, nnd reasonnble t�rtdflrney'�fees as perec�7�4od by�aw;(b)to ait <br /> � 5 � auma soeured by th0� �oaurity inetrument; and (c) aro� excess to tho person ar persono lognity `- <br /> •�:��,,.: . entlUed to IL ��;` <br /> -�.;. :' � <br /> 22.R�conveyance. Uyon payment ot au sums secured by this Sscurlty Insbuman�,Lender ahstl request Tros¢eo to meon y <br /> tha Propcuty anm shatt sum3nder this SecurUy inauument and oli notes evlctonoUsfl dobt necurad by thfs Sscurity Inswment to Truotoo. �Y��; <br /> • � Trustes BhaU raaanvoy the Property wfthout wnnanly flnd wfthout eharge to the per6on or par8on&tognlh entit�ed to ri. Such perno�or �:� <br /> __ � � porsons ahaU pny anY recordatlon eosb. �! <br /> !!�`= <br />-_.._ .. '-� _'n�� 1.,; <br /> � •�� 23.Substitute Trustee. t.endcx,nt tts opUon. may Nom ttmo to tNnv romovo T�ustee and appoht a succossor tructeo W �;�'; <br /> ' � �,... <br /> ----------� =---- ..... r....�m ��nccd nurmndur bv nn insWmer►t recorded in the caunty in whbh thl� &�saurity Mstrument is ro�sordttd. Wlthout <br /> ----------- - .�.i ..���_ -.._ .. <br /> _ r_....� w.,nr. nnw nv �'-�`. <br /> • � ConvOyanCO of the PfOpettp.SucCOSSOt truste9 sheQ SuCCeed to nll th9 tKie,powOt at1C outies wnierruu iitr�m �•�ww •�--• --- -• - <br /> � qpptiCabb lav+. <br /> � 24. Requcat br NoUces. Bo►rorrcu roQuosts that coples of the noticos ot dotnuh nnd sab be sent to Borrowafa addross <br /> which Is tho Property Addross• <br /> • 28, Rldera to thts Security insUumen� It one or moro tfators nro exocuted by Bortower ttnd reaordvd togtsthor with <br /> t�ts Socurtly Instrumont,tt�o eovennnts and ogreements ot each such ridor sha[i be tncorporntod Into tu►E shaU emend and aupplement <br /> tho eovonnnta nnd agroemante ot t�ls Socurity t�atrumont as H tho ridur(s)waro o D�of this Securihr Inatrumont. , <br />_ , form 3o7e ol00 ' <br /> � ` � 1�p.wlMOl+iY01 P1po t ot S <br /> � �00� <br />