<br /> . °,
<br /> �
<br /> „ . . -
<br /> .. . .,�
<br /> ...,�4,s:axy,aM.,,�.:. 1i , .. • ' o: � . . . . . .. .. _ _----
<br /> „ 99��a����
<br /> ' My amounto d1�DurOfrd by Londcr undor thl� Puragmph ohCll becomo nrt uddltlonnl dobt ot Bonowor and ba� coourod by
<br /> , thl�S;ourity Inotrum^nt.Tho:,o nmounta oha►1 ba2r Intcroat hom t�o dato ot disburocmont at tho Noto rnto,nnd nt tha optlan of
<br /> Lender, ohall bo tmmud�tory duo nnd payabte.
<br /> „ " Bortowmt ohpll Rromptty dtsoharqo nny Ilon v�hk�h hnn pdorlry ovor this 3ocuriry Inabumont unlono Banowor: (u)nprooa i�
<br /> � wrltinp to lho pIIymcnt ot tho obll�tlon acsourod by tho Itun In a mannor nCCOptubb to Lontlor; (4) aontonts tn poocl tpllh tho Ilan .
<br /> by. ot defanda agalnst antotcemont ot tho Ibn In, bgal procoodingo whbh In tho Landar'a opinlo� opomto ta provant tho
<br /> cntorcamont of tho Ifen;or(o) atsouros from the holdor of tho ttan an agroomont eatlsMotory to Londor subordhptin�tho tian to �"
<br /> � • this 6ocurily insttunient.11 Lender daferminoa lhat any Rart ot tho Property 1,3ub}cct to� itsn whloh may anetn prFo�lty over thfs
<br /> . , ' Seourity Inatrumont,lender mny gMo Bortower a notiee Idontlrylnp tho Ibn. 8ortor�or sha11 4attpty tho uen a tako arre ar moro ot -_
<br /> tho aotlono sot foRh ebovo within 10 duya of tho gMing of nolico.
<br /> , _�:..-..;,'°,. 8. FEES.Wndor moy oolbot tpos and ohergos 4uthor�od by the Searotury.
<br /> , " ` 9. Grmu�d8 4or Accsterattan of Debt
<br /> • (a) QS�f�t11S.Lcu►dor may, oxcapt as IlmNod by reguiatbna Issued by the 3aorotary tn tho aaso of paymant dsteulta.
<br /> requlro immedlute payment in tuil of nIi suma secured by thb Soauriry instrumant ih
<br /> �'.
<br /> • � (I)Bonawor detautla by lailing to pay In tult any monthy payment required by thio Ssaudty Insuument prior to or on _
<br /> • tho due dato ot tho next monthty paymont,or �-,
<br /> � (II)8ortower dotauits by taflinfl,tor a pe�tod ot thkty days,to porfarm any ofher obAguNons contaMOd 1� thb 3oouriiy �
<br /> UaWmE3nt.
<br /> „ � •; � (b) Sele Withaut Credit Approval. Lender shnli,U pertnYtted by GppiiCabte !aw (inoludinp seotbn 341(d) ot the �
<br /> tiem.St (iermt�h Oegository Instftuttons Aot of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 17atj�3(d)) artd wfth the prlor approval pf the Secretary, �_
<br /> ,. ••� requlre tmmediato payment In tutl ot nit the sums socured by this Seeurtty Innhumant H: `_-
<br /> .� �_
<br /> (q Atl or part ot the Proparty, ot a benetbtai Ntmsst h a truat o�vninp aU or paR of the Proparty, Ia sotd or
<br /> otherwiso trenaPerred(othor then by devfse or descent), and
<br /> f�� (II)The PrAperiy Is not occupbd by the purohaser or grentee as hls or her prinotpal rosldenco, or thp purohaser or _�`•
<br /> '�;`°�� „ . grantee does Go occupy tho Property. but hb or het cradit has npt been epproved tr� acoordAnoe with the �
<br /> ' �'i. : roqukements ot the Secretnry. ��"-
<br /> (e) No Walve�. M airoumstances ocour that wouid permh Lander to roquiro Immedlato paymant in fu1L but Lendor :,:�
<br /> '• � �� does not r�qu�e suah paymente,Lender does not wnNo ks tights wfth rospeol to aubsequent eventa. �__
<br /> '` (d) Regut�UU�ros of HUD Secrotnry. �n many okoumstance9 rogulnt�ono issuad by tho seorou�ry wm iann
<br /> Lender's �hts, In the caso of payment detauka, to requlre hnmedtate payn�ent h fuli and brooloso it nat pa�d. Thts --
<br /> Security instrument doea not authorize acceleration ar toreolosuro tf nat pertniitee by rogulatlons ot the 800rotory.
<br /> „ (e) Mongege Not Inaured. Borrowor agrees that B thls 8eourtty tnatrument and the Note a�a not tlaterminea to
<br /> be elipiblB for Inourance unde�tNe Natlonai Housinp Aat within 9�9 di3,ui4 finm the dat0 hamot, londor
<br /> may,at its optbn requke tmmediate payment In full of all suma seoumd by this 800udty InsWment. A�vr�tSon cWtemont
<br /> �� of eny authorimd agent ot tAe Saeretery dutod subsequeM to 80 dtltm irom tha dato has�flf, doolining
<br />- " � �f:� to Insuro this Seourfty Insbumont and the Note, shalt be deemsd aanotueNe proot ot suoh trta0gibipty. tJO1w11hstttndln0
<br /> tn
<br /> ' • ��• �'� the tore8oing,this optbn mey eot be e�mroised by Lender when the unavai6lblUty of Inuurnnr.�a b eobry dug to Lender's
<br />- „ • � fa0ure ta remk a mortgage heurence premlum to the Scnretery. -
<br />- _ ,. . �, 10. FIOIPISIBL@IIIQIIL BomOwet hfl8 8�Ight tq be rehstFiled tl l.ender hno mqultUd Unmadtate paym6)nt tn (u11 b�Ctluoo ot '
<br /> • - Bortowera failure to pay an ert�ount dae under the Note or thb Seourily Mntrument. This rtyht eppl3es svan pftot iprootoaure -
<br />_ � _,�,,�� proeaedirtgs are hatkut�d. To rehstat� tAo SoourRy tnatrument,Bortcwur sAall tandor h u k�mp eum ail �mounto roqutad to
<br /> ::�+�Lh�� bdng Bonav,ers acaount curtent holudhp, !o the extent they aro abl�atlnns ot Oortowor undnr thts Soourt2y Inotrument,
<br />-;'�,t�:����� foreotosure oosts and roasonabb and austomary attomey'a tees and meuenaas properly asaoelated wRh tha torootoaure
<br /> .�-•..=.-- .. proeoedhg.Upon roln�ts�9smont by Borrowor,tAb Seourityy Inatrument and tha obf�adana thnt ft sacurr�s ehatl romnb in ottoot ao
<br /> ``"'"=" � '�� tt Lender hed not requlr�sd Immadtato paymant 1n NU. However.lender ts not mquirod to permtt rolnaffitement tl: (p Londor haa
<br /> �;;i,.i�':15.'i' .
<br />�h;, �.;°. Y.� aocoptod relnstetement aRer the oommencemont of foreatosuro pmcsoedtnfla wrihin two yoars 9nmed7�toy prooedhp tha
<br />�,� • Qommonaemtnt of e aur►ent foreeloaure proceedhg, (Iq rehstatement wSp prttaludd lornalcouro an ditlaront grounds N the futuro,
<br /> �T,�i'""'�J. ' or(Ilq retnstatement wUl nd+roreoy alloot tho priority of ths Ilsn croatod by tNtu 3nou�ily tnshument. _
<br />=�='�'—�="���� ll. �ffOSJCi Fi�i '�'�C��i'.CG6i� FOP�i2EP8i�i�o �'y�:i�°: ..�°4 a 1PS�jt/E1� ('vt-..nslcte cf tlt�LMt� _M Aoymfnt �r
<br />��"'1 �� moetficntton Qf amoRiratfon of tho aums secured by thb Seau►Ry IaeUUment grantod by►enaer co any suc�nv� i�i�iao5i 4i �
<br /> '"���`i Bortowor shall not operate to relea8e tho Iiebl4ly ot tho o�ighal 8orrawsr or 8orro�vera ouoaosaor h intaest.Lvn�M sha3t nnt Ca
<br />_ -.,��.,,.; �:.
<br />-+!?"��'^�-•�•� re4ulred 4a camrrwnco qroc9odhga egatnet any succoasor h htQrost o�rotuoo to axtand time t�r payment or othanvt�o modNy
<br />�,�'.n�'"'�''
<br /> �,;,,..;, �. , . amoRimibn of the sums socured by thb Socurky Instrumant by reason of any damand mado by tho origl�ui Borrowor or
<br /> ��' � •� � BoROwers auecossto�F in Intoro3t. My torbciarance by Lender h exeraising any �tght or romndy ahaA not ba a�raMar o! or
<br /> aran
<br /> _ .. ,' :Is��."; pteelude the exeroise Of any dght ot rcmody. -
<br /> � � -'�!f'�� ::
<br /> . ,;;��'�'; 12. :vaceesara and Assif�uas Bound; dotnt an� SQVerat 41aBtl�Ly; C�mtgreero. 1f►a oovannnl8 nnd �.
<br /> ; +,�,,;,
<br /> • apreoments ot thls SocurMy►nstrumoM srnli bMd und 6�neiR the succosaom r�nd nsotgno of landar and Borrowar,subJ�t to tho F_
<br /> Y
<br /> ",•,%� ' F provl�lon� ot Pampreiph 9(�� 8orrow�s oovennnts and agreortrents ehali be Jcf�t end soverat. My Bartower w�o oaaignu tht� _
<br />- . `I,•�: 3ecurfty tnsbument but doas not exeoute the Note: (A)Is oo-3lgning thb&eaurUy inehum�t onry to mortsuga,prcutl nnd aanvay -
<br /> -�------ that Borroww� i}tc�rost � tAo Property unde�the terma of thb Sscurity Inotrumant; (b)1� not parsonaUy ohp8atod to pay Mo _
<br /> uums sosurod by this Sc�curity I�s4rumanM, end (o) cgroes that Londer onQ nny other Borrowar mny ogroo to oaWnd, m�dfy,
<br /> .��,f to�bear or malco any accommodatlons wMh regard 4o the tertn ot thlc 8ncurfty inotniment or tho Noto wkhou� that Borrowor's
<br /> ��,' ' ; � O011sent.
<br /> „�L--�
<br /> � ��''�, ° 13. NOt1C@8.My not�o to Barowor providad for In thb Soaudiy Instrumvnt shnll 0o gN�Dy douvamp tt or by mutan8 tt
<br /> , ;i•i•;%;,..
<br /> "' '��;�;` by first c4�sa mai!unless applicabb Iaw requlres usa of enmhor method.fin noNce ahaU Do dBootad to tho Proptuty Addmsa or
<br /> • ����� ' ony other address Bortower dosi�natos by notice to Lunda. PnY �otke to l�nd�r ahalt Do gAAn by 1Met ctasa mtUt to Londm's
<br /> _ " addro3a sWtad hnreln ot any ctddrosa Lendor dosien&tos by �otice to Borroivnr. My notteo providad tor M tfifs Saeurf�r
<br /> �� � instrumant ehntl bo dcemod to havo bam gtvon to Burtowor or lenda vyhen gtren nn provtdcd!n tht3 pnragroph. -;
<br /> 14. tioverning L.nw; SoverabUtty. Thts 3eaurity Instrumant shaU bo go��omo� by Podc;mt taw nnd tha nw ot tha
<br /> Judsdbtton h rrhiah fho PropoRy Is locntod.In tho ovont thnt nny provMton or ctause of thtu Saourtry InsWrt►a�t or lha Noto
<br /> ' � .. ' F6a1�.LM0(2/iY) Vap��et 6
<br /> - 400Q1 '
<br />