,, . � .,. • . . . ,� ..
<br /> • ' ,,:-,+�r.a»��.,. , .._.. . . . , - -�,�._ . . _ _ . _ ._._.__�._
<br /> gg- ������s �
<br /> • ' lend�r may,at nny timo,aalxot and Aotd nmounts for Eaorow Itoms tn nn agprognto ei►iount not to oxcctod thp muximum
<br /> nmount that may bo raquUe6 tor 8orroe+or's osorow aceauM und;:r Iho R�I Estuto Sottk:mont Pracoduros Aot ot 1974, t2 U.9.C.
<br /> � � 2n01 �nna,and knpkxrtonting m8ut�ttona, 24 CFFi PaR 3500,as thoy m3r bo amcndod hom Ilrree to tlme ('RESPA°),oxoept �.
<br /> tAnt tho auahton or reanroo Rcumitted by �£SPA for unnntbiputod dl�bumomonto or dlaburocrrt�nto batoro t9+o Borrov�aro
<br /> paymanta nro avnllable h tho acaount may not be bnaod on umounto due for tho mortgnga Inaumnco promlum. •�
<br /> �f tha amounto hafd by Londor tor Enerow Itcm3 oxcood tho nmounto permittod to bo hold by RE&PA,LcndCr nhnll acaount
<br /> to 8or►owar for 1ho o�ccosa lunds na requirod by RESPA.If tho nmounto of tunda hatd by LenQor al eny tkne nre not ouriobnt to � '•
<br /> • pny!ho Eccroe�ttcros e�hcn duo,Lcnd�r mny notlty tho 8orrov�er end requlre Bortaarar to mako up tho ahortn�o ou pormlttcd by
<br /> ` RFSPA. `�y
<br /> The Eacrow Funds aro p►sdged na nddittonnt soourity for ail sums soaurod by this SocuRty Inauumont. If 8orrowor tondcro � .
<br /> ' to Londer tho tuU pnyment ot a[I suoh suma, Bortowors aeoount shn�l bo eroditod with tho ba�Weo romuNtng tot pll inatnixrwnt , :��:`
<br /> � �' itoms (a), (b), and (o)and any martgago insuronco prcmium Instnlhnont that Londot has not bocomo obtlgoted tn pay to tho �'_'��
<br /> f�jA� fit3crettuy,and Lendor ahatt promply retund uny axcosa funds to Borrowar.immodlutoy pHOr to n larootouuro otsb of fho PropoRy �.
<br /> � or ks ao utgtllon b Lendor,HorroM�e�s account shnll bo eredRed w@h any batanco rcmnining for o� Instai�nor+ts tor ftems(n),(b), �r_#:
<br /> Q Y
<br /> � and(c). �,�:__
<br /> • � 3.AppQQ&t10�1 Ot P8yQ118Q1t9. Atl payments unde�Par�grapha 1 and 2 ahali bo appiied by Lendor as toltowe: W°_
<br /> ° Fl�at,to the mortgege tnaurance promlum to bo pald by Lendar to the Seorotary or to tho monthy ohnrg3 by tho Secrotery s;,�
<br /> , '' , Instead of the monthty mortgage Insumnce premium; �"
<br /> � S@CORd, to any taxes, spectai aasos�menta, leaseho�d paym�nts or ground �nt8, and fYe, fiood Gna oth�r hamrd �_
<br />_ `��� insurance premiums,�requted: =--"
<br /> ��`:t'•��� Thtrd.to inwrest due unda th+e Nete; i-r,a,�.
<br /> ��`�''' �OUn1f,to umb�h8tton of Iho p�inoipel ot the NMs;8nd --
<br /> • ,. �;,,�:,�• � -=--
<br /> � �• Ftith,to lato oherges due under tho Noto. "'�
<br /> ''� y ��;1};_:
<br /> 4. F!P@� Flaoe! and Other Nasard Insuranee. Bortower shalt insure alt Mprovements on the Property. whether
<br /> ,�;.�,L • now In extstonce or aubsequonfy ereoted, ugahet any harards, easuattles, and oonthgencbs,haludhg tMo, for whiah Lander I_
<br /> • •��� requirea hsurence.Thb ineurance shail ba mnhtatned N the amvunts and for the perlods thet lsnder requires. BortoNSt shalt ``_�
<br /> 4 Q:,.
<br /> d�.4� . atso Insure a0 Mprov�nenta on thg Property.whethor now in�cistence or subsaquently eroated,egalnst loas by ttooda to the �'_-•
<br /> oxtent required by th�&ocrotary.All insumnco shall be ourtlad with oompanies approved by Lendtsr.fi¢�inauranco polbias snd [_---
<br /> ,� ,W any renewats ahali bo hotd by Lender and ahail lnelude Ioas payabie o�auooa h favor of,and in a form aeeopinbi0 to,Lendar. _
<br /> � ''��'% � in the evont of loas. Borvower ahali gbe Lende� Immedinto notioe Dy malL Lender may meke proot of bss N not mnde
<br /> a�1�:
<br /> .- �i;,zr�tii by 8ortc�zsr.�s�� ::su:ar:aa com�sny cQnc�ne!! !9 h_w!�+Y authorlmd and direotad to meke paymont tor such bs8
<br /> • � dYeatty to Lender. inst�ad of to Bonower and to tsnder Jolntiy. All ar uny paR ot tho inaure�nCO proceeds mnY be qppibd by
<br /> • Londer,at ks option.e�hGr(e)to the reduotion of the hdebtednesa undnr tho Noto and thts 8eourity Instrument,flrst to etny ---
<br /> ° • delinquont amounts appd9�h the order In Paragraph 3,and thon to prepnyment ot prhe►pal,or(b) to the restoratbn or repat of
<br /> ' � ;r;' tho damaQod Proporty. My epDGOatbn ot tho proaeeda to the prinoipat shnti not extend cr postpone the due date ot the .__
<br /> ��_ ::`i+�l, mon�?ory paymonta whbA are releRed to M Peragraph 2, or e4�anflo tAo amount ot suoh payneenta. My eoccssa tr►suranae
<br /> - �•�/� prac��Qs over an amount requtrod to pay aIi outstundfn�hdnb4edrwas under the Nota and this 8ecurky Instrumont ohall ba pafd
<br /> �„i.,��4
<br /> to tho entiiy tegatry endiled therero.
<br /> ln the event of tordobsure of thts &eeurlty InsWmem! or othor transter of tttle to the P�aperty that e�dhgutshes Md
<br /> . • • indebtednoss,eil rtyht,tkle and IMere�t ot 8ortowor h and to IneurenCe poibbs Y►forco shep pnsa to the purohaser.
<br /> - ' ...` +' 8. Ocaup�ncy, Preservatlon� Matntenance and Proteatton ot the Properiy; 8onower'm Lo�n
<br />�;�;,yh� AppllcaUon; LCdaOhOlda.9orrower ehNl occupy,estublbh.and use the PropeAy ae Borrowers p►hoipal rosldence wkhh
<br />�:•i��=��.t:� sbdy days after tha oxeoutbn of thb Security Instrument(or v►dhin sbcty days of a tater aeb or Yensfar ot thu Property)end shsU
<br />�-"`���r="" condnue to ocaupy 4ne Properi�j as Bonower's prbnotpal residsnce Por at bsat ono yoar aRer tho date of cccupunay, untess
<br /> Y';;:;;�;"_y� : Lsndor detenmhes tAat requheenent wiq cause undue hardship tor 8ortowor,or unteso extenuatlq eiroumstenoea exis4 whbh are - -
<br /> _ . �! beyond�ortower's controi.Borrower ahaq notHy lender of any �xtonuathg oMcumotanaos.Bonowor shaq not oommit wasta or —
<br /> :..,,, :. ,, destroY�damape or eub�tenttalry ahengo tho PropeAr or aitow the Proporty to dofarWrete,noaaonoD� wear and tear axcoPtod.
<br /> =_��c�_� .. t.�ndcr may hapeot tho Prope+tr R the i'roperty ls vnoont or ubandoned or tho ioan k� h do�uk.Lsnda may teke reasonabt� —
<br />".-�--� -�,.;��. ...�p�� l,.._rieeavw a�r.h varsnf er ot►andDned PMDSftV.BOtfOLYCf�hQfi 8190 be n ddnvn n aini'v'v�to+'..u:�.78 Li'm iwR __
<br /> � ,�1 i� eppticatbn procaSa, 9ave mato�ry► ielse or haccurate htormatbn or atatementa to Lendnr(or iaqed to O�ovido L.�x�dcx wsh ar►y
<br />��TT--:L` mntoriu�hfcm�eUon) h oonnoction wfth tho loen ovidonced by tho Noto,inoluding,but�ot 17�nAa1 to,raAteseMatbns aoacembp
<br /> ��' BorroworB ofxlJpettoy of tho Property as a prino�a� restdanoa. It thts SacurUy Instrumant b on n bnsehatd, Bortower shsA
<br /> ...w,,... ..._...
<br /> �_��'.�'''• compiy w[tA tAe provisbna of the lease.It Borrawer ncquiroa tae tRle to tho PropaRy, the besohold and t�so tlGe ehati not be _
<br /> _ `.r"�. , merged unlesa Londar ag-ress to tho morger tn wrlting.
<br /> � ' � 6. CondemnaUon.T4re proceeds of any award or claim tor d'�mmttgo�,dYoot or conaeqttentint,h conrteotbn wilh any __
<br />_ : �. conc�mnntbn or otRa tekhg of uny paR of tho Proporiy, or tor corneyenco M piace of eond�nnr3tbn. ure heroby assigned nnd -_
<br /> � ;. shaq bo pab to Londer to tho toRant ot tho Nll amount ot the htbbtodrtoss thttt remsY'�3 un�ld undor the Noto and thb ,�;,.;_:
<br /> � Socun'�r Inatrumenl. t.onder sha0 apPN sueb proeeeds to tho roduatloa of tho hdoEtadnoss unc�a the NOto end thN� Socurily ,,..�;
<br /> instrument. fYst to any deihqueat amounts applbd In tho ordor provlBed In Peragroph 3,und th�n to pro�syMent ot prholpai.
<br /> � My appiicatlon of th6 procooda to tho prinalpat shait not eMOno or p�t�tpono tho duo�iuto of th��r�nttflf pay�p.::hEch ers =-_
<br /> ���; " rof�vred to h P3regrgph 2,o� Ch9ngo the Bmount ot stteA payrttonts.My mcCess Pro�ds ovcr an�m0unt roqulrod to Psy etl .:�'
<br /> ° ���'%�'.' ' oulgtpnding hdobtednss3 undst th�s Noto nnd thtu 9xu�ily Insdumont shnil bo patd to tho an4�'ry bg3t�r antltiD�bd ttieroto. � -
<br /> . ; , ..
<br /> � • �. Char�ea to 8orrow�r end Prote�Uan of Lendar'a Righta In tha P�operty. Bortowet 4h1d pay an
<br /> povc�nmeMat or munkaat eh�s, fines and Unposftbn3 Mat cw rtoi neNeoo n e�a�agr�n z ooR� oGnp va� .��: _-
<br /> abOgatbns on tfio dYeaty to Me anNiY whlaA b owed the paymenl.if taluro ro pay woutd ad�coy eltoot�andc�o hierost b
<br /> ° Mo Propert�r,upon Lendes�s roq�mst Boaowor ohall promptty IUmtsh to Landor rocopta ovidene„p tho3o paymonts.
<br /> • ' ' If Borrowm fnib to make tAa3o paymonts or tho paymnnts raQuYod by PnregropA 2.or fab to p�tortn eny othor oovenant�
<br /> ' , and epmcments eonta�ned h 4hb Security lnaWmont,or tharo Ms a�gal Rrocc�sdin9 that may E�tflk&ntty a4teot lond�8 Hghto in
<br /> �� trto Prope�ty(s�teh es n proCU�d��9 ln Bunkn+ptaY,ror condamnatlon or to entorco tuws or rc�pu�ttona),thon landa muy do and '..
<br />' pny whnLorar b �ocatenry to Drotoct tAO vaWo of tho PropoAy nnd lander8 �ights h tho PropCAy,hoWdfrtg paymer�t cf tax�,
<br /> horesrd haurence and otha Eeoms montionod h Pcu¢gmph 2.
<br /> - ,,
<br /> � F3113.tM0 IP100) pap�4 Ot 6
<br /> ; OCO?�
<br /> .� :9 �.
<br />