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�. . <br /> , , . <br /> ' ' ° °. -..._ .�..._..:... „ . . . . . . .___ <br /> , ggm s�,��ss „ <br /> �� •oontltate �r+fth nDpllcablo l�w, aunh contitat shptl not allaat olRor provlslonu ol this Soourhy InsWmont or tho Nato whloh onn bo �� <br /> gNen oHcat v+fthouf tho oonfibthip provision,To lhlZ end iho provislona of this Seoutity Instrumont nnd tho Noto uro dcetarod to . <br /> bo sovornbb. <br /> 16. Bor�owoNa Copy.Bonowor ah�tl bo flNan ono conformod copy of the Noto and of thls Soourlty Inntrumont. <br /> 18. Hazardouu Sub�naoa. Borrowor shA�l not cnuao or permrt tho prosunco, uoo, dlapo8ni, storngo, or roioeao at , <br /> any Hnrurdouu Subatnncoa an or In tho Pro{wrty. BoROwer ehnll not do,nor elww anyone el�o to do, anythNg uttoot�ng tho �� <br /> Property thnt hs tn vlot�t�on a1 any Envbonm�ntt►1 Luw. Tho prceoding N�o eontancos ahall not appy to thn pro3onco, uae, or <br /> ' atom99 on the P►oporty of smali quantltba of HtuArdous Subatancos thut are generu�y reCOBnlsed to bo appraprluto to normai �� <br /> resldentt�l uoos snd to maln�rtnance of tho PrAporty. <br /> .. — BoROwot eho�l promptly gNa L�ndor wrlttnn nottco of flny invastl�stbn, claim, damond, Iawsuit or othar notbn by any <br /> , � ,,.J govcmmcntai a reguintory vganoy or prlvnta pnrty �nuoNing the Property and any Harerdaus Subatanco or Environmontnl Law of <br /> v�hbh BoROwar hue natuut know�odpo. If Bortownr laams,or Ys �otMied by any govemmantat or regulatory outhorlty, that any <br /> � romovni or other romodlatlqn ot nny Ht�lydoua 3ubnlnneoa nfhcttng the Property is necessary, Bortowor ah8i1 prompty t�ke tlll <br /> neeegsary remedlai notlona in naoordnnao wRh Envkonmentel Law. ::hry.',i <br /> As used In this 18,'Hnrurdou0 3ubahu►cOS' ore those substances deMed es toxb or heseudoua subatancos by .� <br /> EnvUonmental La�v and tho toltowinp subatnnaos: gasocno, ksrosone, other (lammabb or toxb peuoleum produota, toxia ° A...�� <br /> • pestbidas a�d 8�Envirnnretontni Law"mmen enttador4l Iaws and lawegot the Jurisdbtiony where thedPropeRy is t1oCa ed that rela e <br /> }. ..;�... . .�:�:- <br /> the patagraA � <br /> ,���(;;>;f;%� , to health,safely or env4onreGntal protootian. �?r; <br /> NON•UNiFORM COVENANT3.Bortowor and lendsr Nrther oovenant and apree as follows: ; <br /> ' 17. ASSlgfltll@At 04 Rtl11t8. Bartower unaandltbntxity assipns and transfers to Lender all the nmts and revenues of the ��;�Y <br /> � prc+perty. Bortower nuthor4�oaa Londer or Lendur$apants to aallect the rents and revenues and hoteby dUeota eaoh tenant of the <br /> � PropeRy to pay tho renta to Lvndor or Lendors ngants.Harv�sr, p�tor to Lendora not�e to BoROwer of Borrowara breach of ^�.��� <br /> � � .� any oovonant or rigrsomqnt In the Svaudty Inatrumont, 8arower shali oot�eat and receNe ali ronts and revenues ot the PropeRy j-,�= <br /> '' as Wotoe tar the bonoHt of Londor and Bormw�c This nssignment ot rents constitutes en abSONte easignment and not an .��,�:ya> <br /> ,i•::�i',. assignmont tor eddftlonol seoudty only. <br /> ,,.;:,;t. :�' �. <br /> �'.•::��:� �• I}Lendar gMes natico of breaoh ta 8ortower. (a) aA ranta received by Borrower shatl be hetd by Borrowor as trustee tor �"�•''- <br /> �`'� � � benefft of Lendor onry,to bo appl�id to tho sumo accured by the Seourlty Insbumenh,(b) Lender ehalt be entkkid to cotlect and . �-r. <br /> Q . –;'�a,�,.,- <br /> � ,�' receHe ali of tho rentA o} tho Proporty;and (c)eaah tenant ot the Properly shail pay ait renta due end unpafd to Lender or �.,,?w- <br /> i,.eri��is�'s a$6nt QA!.C!ld8r8 v�t!!tf91+elmm�nd 4o the t4nent. , 'i�', <br /> ,;Y,�,. Borrower has not exeeuted flny p�iar assip�mnnt of tho rents and has not and wlll not pe�torm any aot thst wout0 prevent �� <br />- "'•' Lender trom oxercisinp ks riphts und�r thW PemgmPh 17. �._'��: <br /> �'•�'{���� � i.ender shall not bo rmquued to entar upon,W1ie aonlrot of or matntaln the Property betore or after givin9 noUce af breeoh io _ ___ <br /> ,��.�;�::� r <br /> `''�'• ` 8ortower. However,Wndor or e judiC�aty appolntud receNer mtty do So ut any Wne there b e breaoh. My appAcation o7 rents `,_:___ <br /> . ; '�i . sho8 not oure or wnAro any dotault or InvatbddYn eny other right or reme0y of I.endor.This assignment of renta ot the Propsrty �.��, <br /> �:.:ir;;,,•� shaA terminate when tho dobt sooured by tho Secwtty InsGUment Is pald Y�tuli. <br /> '�;`;�i:;;;�: '� m�nt in tull under Paragreph 9� � <br /> �• .�',:� 18. Forectoa�ro �r�cedure. i4 I.�r�cler requtres immediete pay <br /> � ���'�'}��%�� Lender mey tnr�ko tbe power ot scste end any other romedtea permitted by eppifanbte �aM►• r-�. <br /> . �� .: , <br /> � Lend�r sha9D be► entlUed to coil�e4 �a� expanetea Ineurred in pursuing tho remedtes provided In i � <br /> . thia Par�gra�h 90� inaluding. b�u8 eue��1 Iimited to� �easonabio attarneys' feea end aoa4e o4 tiUe �;r-='= <br /> � evidonce. - � <br />_ ,'�,;:�,; � If the powua of m!e lo Invmtce�D� 7rustea ahell recard a noUae of detauit in eaah counry in _ - <br /> � �';r;"' _� whiah any pert of the �rop�� i�t t��d and at�elt matl copie8 ot rweh notiae U the m�nner �;._—._ <br /> ' ^ preacribed bY�pll�ble law to �orarower and to the othor pereone �Oreaaribed lby epPiicebte law. �____ . <br /> After tha tlme vr�qutrod by a�apl[aa03ro tew,trustee st�all givo publie aotiee ot saie to the persona _ <br /> ' o�K,���., end In tho enan�nor proacrfb��by a��lteabte law. Truet�e� without demamd on �or�ower� ahntt aetl Ty� <br />_ ;��}..,,.;;., ._ tbe Properly et publta �uctt�n t�t�m highes4 bidder et the tinno and place end under the terme _�-_�.., <br /> uf,;:.;f����."„�� �±�,•�-M�r! !r. !�+ r!!i�!`! �4 ,st�r I�m m�e !� ar�ore peraela end in any order Trustee determines. -�++^�� <br /> f <br />-�=�==��� 'iruoi�o a�oy w:n�+��+n �t� �t �:: =: �"Y •"r��s� at ��Property by pubiio ennou�coment et 9fle . <br /> ., . � time end ptaoQ ot any prevta�o�ryl uu�heduled eate. Lond�er or ita tleatgnee Qa+�y puraheae the <br /> '� i P�aperty e4 any r�ia. • �-�_ <br /> .. � } Upon roaeipt �t poymQnt o4 thm prlce �8�, Trustee shaii detiver Yo the purehaser T�uatee'e =���:_� <br /> deed conveying th� PPOperty.l'ho rr,citet8 in the Yrustee's deed ehali ba prime teole evi�or�ce of l - <br /> the truth of tho s3a�4omento mn�e cl�erein. Tru�tee shali apply the proaeeds at the salo In tko .';,�� <br /> "" foilowl�� ordcr: (u) 40 0ll co�a a�ud expenses of eacerc t s ing t he power o f s a l e, e n d t h e s a l e� Fh__�,=_ <br /> `� Inclue9ing tho payvnont of thQ 7ra�at�e�'s 4�es aotually incurr�d, not�o oxeeed threo � ,'":,. <br /> of the principai am��awt of th� rtmtti et the time of the deetareUon of defauit� end reasonabte ��.�f,; <br /> - , attornaye' teea a� �opo�u9tted by tnw; (b) to a01 �ums secured by th9�Saeuriry instrument; ma��D (e) ��,h��.',, <br /> ' any exce�s to th�poraon or par�cna� legaty ��itled to tt �,.�.:�;: <br /> It tha Lendor'a Intereat in tlt7�Securlty Insaument is hoid by the Secret�a�d i�`�e �ra�Y ,;,-; <br /> requ0ros larimodia4o paymQret in flitl under Paregreph 9,the Seoretaey may Inv�b��tho nonjudleEel � <br /> ,, power of sale p�ov�clod in tRo :�U�gt�e Femil�/ Mortgago Forectasura Act of 1994 (°AoY'� (92 U.S.C. . <br /> 37b1 �E�•)by rcqueattn� a 4ae�ctos�u�e commtssloner designated under the Aot to comm�nee <br /> --- - W���.� �.. �a. s..� IJnlhten In tha er�eedina sentenee <br /> _ — – t0i@C�03U�Q dfl0 YD SOTI utQ �criy w f+w..vw ... ..... .��.. ..�_._..v °- --- � . _ – <br /> nhall deprive the Soc�otary ot aa�y �ighte otheewlse avaiiabte to a Lender ueder thie Peragreph 18 <br /> � or eppticnbte Eaw. <br /> ' �9. qeconveyttino�• Upon pnymunt of alt sum3 secumd by thls Security Instroment.Lender ehaN ruquest Tmstae to <br /> � r000mey tho PropcsRy and ohnU curronda thls Ss�curity Instrumont end nu notnd ovidancing debt securod by this Securtty <br /> `` Inawmont to TNStoo.Truatao ahnil rocomny the Propaty v�Rhout warranty rsnd wfthout charge to the pc�rson or pc+raons lc�gnl�r <br /> " vntitbd to ft.S1iah paann or poraong ahnit pt�y ony racordatlon costs. <br /> 0 <br /> , v ' f50�31At0(7f00) Paps�of 6 <br /> '� b <br /> • oto?r [ <br /> i. <br />