<br /> 1 '
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<br /> ,: ., puy�rtcnts mny no longcr bc rcquircd, �t the uption nf l.endcr,if monQnQc inaurunce covera�e(in the nmount nnd for thc ncriad
<br />� thuc i.cndcr requtYCS)pruvlded by an insurcr approvcd by l.ender uBain bccomcs nvnlloble nncl ta abtnincd. Borrawcr ehnll pny
<br /> � the prcmiumn required ta mr,intnin mortgoIIa i��surnnce In etiect,ar ta providc u loss reserve, until thc rcquira:mcnt f'or�natt�nBc
<br /> inauranca ends in accordnnce wlth nny written nBrcement be�wecn l3urrower nnd Lcnder or npplicublo law.
<br /> � • 9. Inspertion.l.ender or ita uBent muy mnice ren�onuble entriea upon und inspectiona of thc Propeny. l�cnder ahntl Bive ;
<br /> Borrawer nottce nt thc time ot or pdor to cm inapection specit�ing rea,sonuble cnuse for the Inspcetion. � .
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon. The pm�xeda af ur►Y award ar claim for dmm�ges, dlrect o� conacquential. in cannection with nny _�
<br /> � condemnntion or other tukinQ of nny psut of the Ftopetty.or for conveyance in licu of condemnation, ure hereby nssigned und � ,�+
<br /> ' shnli be patd to Lender. �.
<br /> � . �• � In the evont of u totel taking of the Property.t1►e proceeds shull be upplied to the sums secured by thta Securiry Instrument, � �. `z
<br /> �:;:/t a
<br /> ' . whet�er or not then due,wlth any exce.4s patd to Borrower.In ���o orprea crrtthun the atnotu►ccaf�thees mia secumd by chia �
<br /> market value of the Property Immediutely before the taking is equal B �
<br /> �urityr 1n,stmment immediutely before the tatciaB.w�less Borrower nnd Lender otherwise ugree in writiag. cha suma secured by -
<br /> this Secuclty Iasuvmeat shatt be reduced by thc amount of the proceeds raultiplted toy the following fraction: ia��c,a etal � ;vrw.y
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediet�ly bsfore the takiag,divided by (b)the fair markec value ot the Fro�Which the fair :1�`�'�""`
<br /> � before che taklag. AnY balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of n partlal taking of the PropertY 'Y„-Y.-
<br /> market vulue of the Property immediately before the taking ia less than the amount of the sums secure�immediately 68fore the . ,�t�,�
<br /> . " tsking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwiEe agree in writing or uuleas appllcable law othetwise provides,the pmceeds shall ,y=
<br /> . .�':�. b s a p p l i e d t o t h e s u m s s e c u r e�b Y t h i s S e c ud ty Inatrument whethar ur not the sums aro then duc. �T: _
<br /> � '� If the Property is abandoued by Bonower,or if,aftcr noticx by Lendot to B oTrot'�er t ha t t h s c a n d e m n o r o f f e r a t o m a k c a n ,�
<br /> �'� award or settle a claim for dasnages� Borrow'er fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr the dete the notice is given. �J-��-,:
<br /> � � Lender is autborjzed co co]lect aad apply the pmcc�eds,at its optioa,either to restoratian or repair of the Prope�ty or to the sums =_,ye'
<br /> secured by thia SECUrity 1nRaument.whether oc not then due. �_�,-.�_`=
<br /> "•;•pyi. � - -
<br /> .'''��,;� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to prtncipal ahall not eatend or
<br /> • +-��� ha 1 aa3 2 or change the aiaaunt of auch paymenta. �`- _
<br /> � �t � postpoae the due date of the montl�ly paymenta ceferred to ia paraB�P ��-`-'-=-
<br /> 11.Borro�ver NQ4 Releaseilt Forbearauce By Lender Nat n Watver.ExtensioA of the tirae for payment or modification
<br /> , of amortization of the sums secured by t1�jg��Borrowe or�Horrow�er'sYsueccesssora in in�eres�l�-�t der shall n t b requir�d ot E::r�-
<br /> m
<br /> not opernte to release the liubility of the odgin ces
<br /> „ . ,•a� ����e�roc�Ings against aay aucce.csor in interest or refuse to extead time for payaient or otherwise modlfy amortization __
<br /> ��' __ of the swna secured by �oroearnace by�unci i�e����sg su;y z�ght Qar??!!�ybahalt not�be�a wai er of or preel deethe
<br /> � successors ia intemsi. Any
<br /> �� exercise of eny dg1�t or remedy•
<br /> :,,,, ,: 12. S�ceecssors uad Asstgas Bound; Joiat urezl Severml Liablltty; Go-slgners.7'he covenaate aa►d agreewents of th s
<br /> � ''�'��'' gecur(ty Insuument shall bind aad benafic the successors aad essi8n$ of Lender aad Borrower,sub�ect to the provisions of
<br /> ' ;•�k��:':
<br /> ' ''' Parugrapb 1?. Borrower's coveaaats and agreementa sh�l] be joint and several. Any Borrower wbo co-sigas tbis Secur ry
<br />` insttument but dces not eaecute tha Note: (a)is co-sigatu8 tlzia Security Inaqumeat only to ms►rtgage, gcant and convey that
<br /> .,, - • Borrower's iataresi in a�e Property under the terma of this Security Iasuun►ent: (b)ts not person911�extend,modity forbear or
<br /> '' " secured by thts Stxuriry Qnauuunent;and(a)a8cees that Lender aad aay other Borrower may agree
<br /> ' �" make any aceommudatlons with cegard to the terms of this Security Instsument or the Note w[t�out that Borrower's consenc•
<br /> ' 13.Loan Chcir�es• If the loun secured by thla Securicy Inauument is aubject to a lav+which sets maaimua►loan chargen,
<br /> ., ead thet law is tia�lly iate�pretal so Wat the interesloan char e�shal be reduced by the�am�collec��w reduce the c4t ge
<br />� �:.:�`,.: loaa e�ceed th�permitted llmits�then:(a)eny such 8
<br /> ����<-;,�,,;�, ' to the permitted limit:and(b)any swns atready coltected fcom Borrowar which exceeded perndtted ltmita will be refunded to
<br /> :. ,Rr.,���%n`�,� � Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refi�nd by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by�makin8�a direct
<br /> °"(;`'+ payme�s to gorcower• If a cefund reduces prineigal, the ceduction will be treated as a partlal PrePaY�
<br />-`'�i`�''�''�'.�.�':
<br /> _ . prepa�m�nt charge under the Note.
<br /> � n4.Nottces.Aay notice to Bonrower pmvided for in this SecuritY Inatrument ehail be given by dolivering it or hy Amal1�s
<br /> - � y it by ficat class mail uatess applicable taw requires use of another method.'fhe nodce aball be directed to the PropertY -
<br /> "�'��-?'_.. or any other e d dress B o i rower desi g nates b y notice to Lender. Any notice tc�Lender shall be givea by flrat e1HSS mail to
<br /> ,-` ,::��i ...:.�.�:: Leader's addresa stated herein or any oti�cr eddr�ss Lcader d�i�sates by notice te �rmwer. My notice pro v i d e d for i n t h i a —
<br /> �,.:;f�:-� �.�;���t�h�2 be.��mext to have been Aiven co Borrowcr ar I.ender when givan as provided in thia paragttiph.
<br />`.�,�,�`�. iS.Governtng t�aw: Severanniiy. Tlud �.�:::�5 r»-°•••"-""-"•rrovlsion�ciaus of thisf�SecutiryAlasttum ut or the�Note
<br />-�' �''•'° ' jucisdicdon in which the Propercy►is located. In the event that anY P
<br />-�•�:-.,
<br /> --�"" ' r�antl;cta with appl;cable law.such contlict shall not affect other pmvisions of chia Security Instrument or the Note which caa be
<br /> ` ,,;r,ti � given effect without the conflicting provtsioa.To this end the provisions of th{s S�uriry Instrument and the Note are declared N
<br /> _ . te be severable. of the Note and of this Security Instcument.
<br /> � � 16.Borrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be givea one conformed copY =
<br /> , Fom�3028 9/D0 =�_
<br /> [�::
<br />. . pOpe 4 of 0 imnmr. '�.�
<br />. _. . • �$73(Q1��187/1{.04 �'"�--
<br /> � .� �:f:l;
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