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,:. . . . .. <br /> , � . . <br /> k . <br /> , <br /> . <br /> , .. . . , . . „ .,.,o.... <br /> . .. _....._..._...._:. ,r. . . ._ ._..___..------�--- <br /> .. , � . 99� �a��� .� . <br /> �� • 3. �ioz�trd or Propsr►y Insurnnce.Bc�nower ahull kcep the impruvements now exi�ting or hereafter erected on the <br /> � Pmpetry inaured aguinst lasa by flre. hazarda included within the tern� "eatended coverAge" and any other hazurds, including „ <br /> . fioods or tlooding, !or which l.ender requlr¢s insurance.Thia inAUrnnce ahall be maintalned in the nmounts and for the perioda . . <br /> ' thut Lender requirca. Thc inaurunca cnrcter provldin�thc insurance ahall be chasen by Bonower eubject to I.ender's npprovAl <br /> which ehuli not be unreasonably �efthhcld.If Borrnwer fnils to maintuin covcri►gc descrjbed nbovc. Lender may, nt l.endcr's <br /> aption,obtain coverAgo to protect Lender's dBhie in�he Propecty in accordnnce with pnragrAph?. ', <br /> , All insurnnce paliciea nnd renewnta ahali be acceptnble to L.ender and sh:►il Inrlude n atundard mortAaBe alAUSC. Y.endcr <br /> , ahall huve the right to hold the policies and renewals.If l.�ncler requlrea,Botrower shall promptly glve to L.ender�11 reccipts of •.,��.. <br /> ,� . puld premiuma und renewul notices, In Ihe event of losa.Honower shall give prompt notice to the inaurance cnrrier nnd l.ender. - <br /> - Lender muy make pmof o�f loss if not mnd�pramptly by Borrower. ��" <br /> - '�"J Unlesa Lender and Botrower otwenvise a}�ree in dvritinB, insurunce proceods aha11 be applied to restoration or repnlr of the _t <br /> �' Prapeny damaged,if cha restoration or repelr is ecanomisally feoslble and I.ender's security ta not lessened. If the restoration ar <br /> . repair is not ecoaomically feasible or Under's�ecudry would be lessened. tha insurance proceeds shail be applied to the sums -- <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due, with any eacess pald to Borrower. If Borrower abandons thc ,�, <br /> . • Progerty. or does not anawer witbin 30 daya a notice from Lendar that the insurnnce carricr has offered ro settle a claim, then n;.� <br /> �� Leader may collect t�e insurancc proceeds. L,eader may use the procceds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay sums �`•�r <br /> � ° ;� secured by thla Securlty Instrument,whether ur not then due.The 30�day perlod atll begin when the notice is glven. i=. <br /> � �� Unless Lender aud Horrower otherwise egree in wdting, any applicacion of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or �=- <br /> ','� postpoae tha due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of the paymeats. If �, �- <br /> under paragraph 21 th6 Praperty is ncquieed by Leader.Borrower's ri�ht to any inxurance policies und proceeds resulting from --• <br /> _ ` damage to tbe Property prior to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudry Iastrumeat ` T <br /> ' � immedlately prior ta the acquisition. �"' <br /> �, 6. Qccupancy, Preservation, Maintenumce und Frolectton of the Property; Borcower's Lonn Appltcution; �;"�-� <br /> -y'U� LeF.sahmtds.Borrower ahall occupy.establiah.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence withia skty days after the -- <br /> � executioa of this Securlry Iastrumant and shall contiaue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one r�' <br /> ''� a year after the date of occu.pancy.unless 1-endar otherwise agreea in wdting,which consent shall not 1s�unreasonably withheld, �'`7` <br /> " � . or uNess extenuating cirewnstances exiat which arc beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or impair �;:;^_ <br /> �!, �.. the Property,ailow the Property to dcceriorate,or commit waste on the Nroperty.Borrower shall be ixa default if aay forfeiture �::--- <br /> uction or proceediag, whether civii or crimiaal,ia begun that W I.ender's good falth judsment could result in forfetture of the _ <br /> I;'`+�'� `�4 Propetty or othenvIse matedally impalr the lien created by tWs 3ecurlty Inauucnent or I..ender's security iaterest. Borrower may <br /> -'�-1s � �� - cnr:sucts s default ans!re�nssete,�a�+mvided in pars�raph 18,by causinu the action or ptoceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruliwg -- <br /> " � � that, 1n Lender's good faith detem►inadon, precludes forfeiture of thc Borrower's inte�+est in the F^rapeny or other material <br /> ° n impairment of the lien created by this S�wriry Insuuraeat or L.ender's serurlty interest. Borrower ahait also bc in dafnult if <br /> `� Borrower.during the loan epplicadon prosPSS.gave materially false or ineccurate lnfomratton or atatements to Lender(ot failed <br /> : !�,�;' to provfde Lender with eay matedal intormadon)in connectiott with the loan evldenced by the Note,including, but not limited <br /> ��='•�� " � to,representattons cnnceralag Borrower's nccupancy of the Property as a principal restdence. If this Security Iastrument ia on a � <br /> . � leasehold. Borrower ahall comply with all the proviaiong of the tease. If Borrower acquire� fea tide to the Property. the <br /> leasehold and the fee tide ahall aot merge wlesa Leuter agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Protedion of Leaider's Rlghts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements coatatued!n <br />+.,.�''�r!t� �-� this 5ecurlty Ins�ent, ar there la a le$ai proceedin�that mny sigaificandy tifffert Lender's rights in the Praperty(such as a <br />- �;,}i'i� �� pmceeding in baalauptcy.probate, for caademnation or forfeiau+e or to enfnrce laws or regulations), thea I.ea�er�aay do and <br /> ,.1r;;���'�'•'`, a for wbate�cv ia necessary to protat the value of the Property and Leader's rlghts in the Property.L.ender's actions moy <br />� . � PY <br />_�:�;;,',",',. include Pa}+1nB any sum.g secured by a Ilen which has prioriry over this Secudty Insuument. ePPeartng in court� PaY�& <br />'�"`��'�``�`'''"� � mast�nable attorneys' fees ead Entering on the Property to make repa�rs.Although Lender may take acttoA under th4e paragraph __ <br />�1��;,n . Y� _ <br /> ��, 7.Landcr does not have to da so. <br />�;;'�;`;�?' ��y�: Any amounte diabursed by Ireader undcr thia paragraph � shall become addldonal debt of 8otrov+er se�ured by tl�is _ <br /> !p:h!-... 'r -- <br /> .. . Secudry Instniment. Unless Borrower emd I�nder agree to uther terms of payarent, theae amouata shall bear interest rnm e ,� <br />.fi-:• �• date of disbursement at tbo Note rate und ahnll be payable, with intetest, upon aodce from I.ender to Borrower requesting _ <br />�;:�'3�_-�_ Payment. ., � , a p � <br /> .�,;�f, 8.1:4este�,e Er�zr��sQ. If 3.endet seqee�ted tnorioege lnsus..�ct+�a�cnnditinn ot mnking the loan secured by this Security <br />;":'��_.;_��, ,,-_� instrnment, Borrawer shsill pav the pmrnivans require.d ta maintain the mortgAge insuraace in effect. if. for any reason,the <br /> ="_�y� :.�.ur.n�xser.tse z�qulr�yy t P.,�Pr ta�,aPV�r rnaeaa m he�n erFecc.Borrower sha�t pm the pzemiums�equiird io =-__ <br /> .�.:.�g:a� .. <br /> ��}'"'�;;,.° ?� obtaiu coverage substantiaUy equ�valent to the mortgage insw�noe previously in effect,at a cos[substunNally equivalent to tho <br /> �;-- �� ' ` ooss to Borrawer of the mortgago Insuranx previously in effect. froni an altemate mortgage insurer uppmved by I.en der. I f - <br /> {,''`ir� substantially eq�ivalent mortgage inswance coverage is not available.Borrower ahal!pay to Lender each anonth a sum equnl to <br /> ""��;.'� �. one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inaurance pnmium being p�td by Borrower whes the insurance covernge iapred or ceased to _ <br /> 5' be in effect.Lender will uccept,use and reta�these payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of raortgage iasurance. Loss c+eserve - <br /> � ' Form 3028 9t�0 �'°= <br /> '. ��RfNEI res�m.a �eDO�ot0 w,�,: �;�? <br /> . , ,;y. <br /> . ��'`. <br /> --�- ---��T-,•--•----� „ . . , , � � , ., ��� � <br /> . „ •, ' - , • , " r ., ., „ . <� „ . . ' . . <br /> ' U , . , ,. . <br />- �. � . ��„ ,.�. , . � <br /> , , �, ' .. , <br /> . ' ,, ., , ,_ „ <; " , <br /> . " 1 .a . .. -`, ' .. �' ,. .f <br /> . . . . ' • . � .. •• �. _ _. . . .__. ..._"__.� <br />