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<br /> � 17.'Y'eansfer of the Property or a Beneficial lnter�t in Borrower. If all or nny part of the Propeny or nny interest in it � �
<br /> ia sold or transferred(or if a beneficial inte�st ln 3orrower is sold or transfened and Bortower is not a naturnl person>without
<br /> � ixnder's prlor written consent, Lenler may, nt ita optlon, require immedi�te paymenc in flill of ail sums aecured by this
<br /> Security Instrument.However, this optian shall not be exerclse<!by isnder If esercise is prahlbited by federal luw ns af'the dute
<br /> � of tdia 5ecurtty Instrument.
<br /> � If i.ender eaerclses tbis optlon.l.ender shalt give Borrower notice of acceleratlon. The notice sh�ll provide a period of noc
<br /> leas than 30 duya from the date the notice is delivered or matled within whicd Horrower must Qay ail sums secured by this
<br /> Securlry Ynstiument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expiration of thiR pedod,LeRder muy invoke uny remedles •• ''4�.
<br /> permltted by thls Security Instrumeat without ttirther notice or demand on Borrower. �ti T
<br /> 18. Borrower`s At�ht W Reinstnte. If Bocrower meets certain coaditiona, Esorrower sdall have the dght to have n.
<br /> • - enforcement of this Security Iastrumeat discontinued at aay dme pdor to the earlior of: (a) S days (or such other penod as
<br /> • ""� applIcabie law may specify for reinatatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this �
<br /> � Secudry Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securtry Instniment.Those conditions are that Borrower. (a)Pays
<br /> Gender all suma which then would be due under this Securtty Iast�ument and the Note as if ao acceleration had occurred; (b) ••
<br /> . cures aay defnult of any other covenants or agreementa; (c) pays all expenses tacurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, �� "
<br /> includins. but not limited to, masonable attorneys'fees; and(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure :�•';:
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument. L,ender's d&hts in the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by �-
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall conttnue unchanged. Upon reinstacement by Borrower, this Secudry Instrumenc and the .:�"'�','
<br /> � ablt�adons secured hereby shall remain fulIy effecdve as if ao acceleration had occurred.However,thia right ro reinstate shall �'�• '
<br /> "���'`' not apply in the case of acceleratto�n under paragraph 17. ���_
<br /> ' ��� 119. Sale of No4� Change a�?Loan Secvtcer. The Note or a pattial iatereat in the Note (together with this Security ' •�,�t�:�
<br /> Iastn�ment)may be sold otte ar more timea without prior nottce to Borrower.A sale mt►y result in a change in the entity (lcnown •��
<br /> � . as liie'Loaa Servicer")thai coliccts montbly paymeats due under the Note and th{e Secudry Inatrument. There also may be oae ��
<br /> or more chenges af the Loan Secv[cer unrelatefl to a sale of the Note.If there is a cheage of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wtll be =:,"=;�'
<br /> Biven written notice of tlie change in accurdance wtth paragra�b la above and applicable law.The notice�vill state the name and �_`
<br /> ° address of the new Loan Servicer aad the address to whicb paymeats should be macle.The aotice wUl also contain any ather . `�A,;:r
<br /> • ; information required by applicable law. .,__
<br /> ' 20. Hazardaas Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permlt the presence, use, disposal, starage. or release of any
<br /> ,�,•�_ Hazardous Substunces on or In the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to da, annything affecting the = __
<br /> Property that ia ia violation of any Environmental Law. The prc�eding two sentences sdall not appty to the presence. use.or _�
<br /> '': atorage oa the Property of small quanttties of Hazardoua Substunces that are geaerall mco to be a ro riate to normal ��"
<br /> Y �n� PP P ,��,;
<br /> • resideatial uses aad to maintenance of the Property. �'�+��-t���
<br /> .� � Borrower ehall promptly�ive Usnder written notice of aay investigation. claim� demand, lawsuit or other actioa by any �'�t'�_'
<br /> • ',�r• govemmeatal or regWatory egency or prlvate party involving the Pcopeny and any Haztudous Substunce or EnvironmenW Law :
<br /> ,. �'' of wbich Borrower das actual knowledge. If Borrower learns.or is aotiHed by eny govemmental or regulatory authoriry, that _.
<br /> any n7nvv�i v�other r�u�atian aY any tiarardoy;Substsnce aff�tino thQ Prs�rty!a n�s,ry; Rarrower shall pmm4stl,v take "
<br /> all aecessary remedial actions in accordance with Environcnent�l Law.
<br /> " pa uaed in this paragraph 2A. 'Hazardous Subatances' are those substaaces defu�ed as toxic or hazardous aubatances by �;�_�°_
<br /> � ..�.rv�,.,
<br /> ' ' Envi�onmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, keroseae, other flammable or toxic peuoleum products, to�lc --
<br /> � � ° pesdeides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials contalning asbestos or formaldeh de,and radioacdvo materi�ls.As used in __
<br /> , e
<br /> � ' � th;s paragraph 20, •Environmental law' means federal laws and laws of the judsd ction where the Property is located that
<br /> ��.;��:� �' �lute to health,safery or envimnmental protectian. ___
<br /> '`'��•� NON•UNIFOYtM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr coveuant and agrec aa follows:
<br /> �i4:�..
<br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedles.Leader ahall give notize to Borrower prior to acceleradon follow[dg Borrower's brencb �y:.,.,
<br /> • of any coveuant or ugreeme.nt ia thts 8ecurlty Instrument (but aM prlor W acceleration under paregraph �7 unless ___ _
<br /> � nppftcnble luw pmvldes otherwise).The noHce shall speciPys (a)the defaWh @)tlse acHon req�alred W cure thB defaul�
<br /> � , (c)a date,uot 1¢ss Wan 30 days lrom the dAte the nottce is�iven to Borrawer,by��htch the defauit merst be cured; ecd
<br /> � (d)t6at [ailure to cure the default on or beforP the dnte specifted tn t6e notice may result in aeeeleratton of the sums _
<br /> � ° securtd by this 3ecurity Insbmment and sale o!the Property.The reotfce shall 41tza4her inform Bormower of the eight to —__
<br /> reinstate afEer acceleration and the d�ht to brinB u conrt udton to assert the uon�e�dstence ot a detault or any other =__
<br /> � � defense oi B�rrower W acceleration and sale. It the defa�t is not cured on or bcfore the dnte specified in tite na4ice� �;ti;:;;,
<br />_�....f_. .. �"' I,ender, at ite opiian,meyrequirc im�reedinte payment 1n GWI of al!sums secured by thls Secwtty Instrumcnt w(thaut —_'
<br /> � � fuither demaud and muy tnvoke the power oi salp end any other remedles pern�itted by eppltcuble t�w.L.eader shnll be --
<br /> " ° entltled Qo oolloct nll expenses tncurred in parsuing the rea�edies provided in thts pAragruph 21.including,bnt rtoE limttod __
<br /> W�reasonuble uttorneys'[ees nnd oasts of Ntle evideace. . [�`�sx'
<br /> �?`��`�, If thepower of sate ts invdked,Trustee shaU rcrord a notice oP detault i� ear.b cnunty in whtch sny part of the 1�,?t-:.
<br /> �::� _ . �.
<br /> � � pr+uper�ty!s l�cated end shull ma0 coples of sach notice in the manner pmscdbed by applicoble law W Born►wer and W '� !�
<br /> �'°..--_-� � ,,. the otAea petsons�rescribed by applicabte io;v.After the time required by n ji jiSicaibte ici�.'tY�vs4a s3�.a31 glvs�:�c e:l3ce ' _-
<br /> �yL�—. - —, . ��,ir�as tkr.�:,�nnd in W�sneaaer�rescdbe�hy Applicabte Inw.Tru�tee, withon�t dems��7 on Bon+awer, shalt sell � �'�-°'--
<br /> .:=��- iue i�v�caij w:M v::i.a::."'�«^v�Za'..~..�S!^s.�'.�!�J�L�t�e*at tho Nmo nnet n�w�w wn�t nn�ter the te�s d�lenate�i in thc notfcc of �--_—
<br /> +� sale in one or more par+cels und in uny order Trnstee determiaes.Trustee moy postpone sale oi all or anypae+cel ot the -
<br /> �� Pi+operty by publ[c ennouncement at the ttme and pluce of cWy previously sc��uled sflle. Leader or its d�.aignee mey
<br /> , ' .. ' purchase We Property at nqy anle. _
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