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<br /> TOOETHER WtTH all thc improvements now or herenfcer erected on the progerty,and all easements, appurtenunces, and
<br /> fixturc.w now or hereafter a pare of the property. All replacements and additians shatl also br coverec! by this Security
<br /> Instrument.All of the foregoing js referce�to in this Secudty Instrument as the"Property. � ,,
<br /> • BORROWER COVENANTS that Harrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed nnd has che rt8hc to grunc and
<br /> � convey the Praperty aad that the Property ia unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrunts and will �
<br /> defend generalty the title to the Property ugAinst all claims and demands.subject to any encumbsances af record. �
<br /> TM1S SECURITY INS'TRUMEtiT eomhinea uniform covenants for natlonal use and non•nnif��rm ec►venams with limited � ;
<br /> varlutions by JudedicNon ro conatitute n uniform secudty lnattument covering�cal propertY• '"`E`,�:,
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und i.ender coventu►t and agree as fallowa: n vvhen due the "
<br /> ' �� ' l. Poyment of Principnl nnd lntcrestt Prepayment and I.nte CharRes. Borrowcr ahnit promptly p y � .
<br /> • ' princlpal af nnd lntemst on the debt evidenced by the Note und any prepnyment und lute sharBes due under th�Note. •
<br />- Z. Funds tor Tuzes nnd Qnsurance. Subject to upplict►ble lnw or to a written wuiver by l.eader, Aorrower shall pay ta
<br /> l.eader on the da,y monthly pnyme�ns ure due under tho Notc,unti!thc Note is p�ld in full,n sum("�un az�)I���ho d�BYme�S r,?
<br /> � � and assessmenta which may attnin priority aver this Secudry Instn►ment es a lien on the Propercy:(b)Y Y p y •��-
<br /> . or ground renta on the Property. if any;(c)yeruty hozard or pmperty insurance premiums:(d)Year1Y flaod insurance premiuma. ;;`.��l;L.=
<br /> � if any: (e)yearly mortgago inaurance premiums, if any:and(�any sums payable by Bonower ta l.ender, ia accordsnce with ___
<br /> , ' the provisions of paragrapb 8,in lieu of the payraent of mortgage ipsurance premiums. These itums are calted'Escr°„i'I�emB.° : ��w-
<br /> � L,ender cnay, ec aaY time,collect and hold Funds in an amount Aot to exceed ttie maaimum amount a isnder for a federally ,=k--
<br /> � .�;i'� rolated mo�c�age loan may require for Eorrower's escrow account uader the federal Real Estate Settlom�at Proceduces Act of _--
<br /> lies to the FandR R----
<br /> 1974 as amendr,d from time ro tiune. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. ("RESPA"). wiless enott►er law'thr,t upp �;,1.,
<br /> . ��� aets a lesset amouat. If eo. Lsmder may, at any time. cotlect and hold Funda in an emouat not ta exaeed the lesser wmount. r,_<<--
<br /> L,ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data aad masonable esHmatas of e�pendttures of ffuture
<br /> t � Escrow Items or othecwise in accordaace with applicable law. I="•�
<br /> � " �.
<br /> . d . The Fuada shell be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. InsuuPmen�i��t�or aA�ty A�
<br /> •� -'�.� (including L.ender.If Lender is such an insdtudoa)or in any Federal Hoate Loan Baak.Lender shall apply Ii P Y �_'-�w�
<br /> � Escrow Items.Leader may not charge Borrower for holdlag aad applying the Funds,anaually analyafn�the ez�:row accQUnt.�r 'p-
<br /> �efi{yi�uug the�scrow Items, uulesa Lender pays Horrower interest on the F�nds aad appllcable law permita I.ender to mAlc�such F;:=�-
<br /> ,. ��� a rharge.However.L,ender may require Borrower to pay a oae-time charge for an independent real estate tax reportfng s�rvisx �.;,.�-
<br /> j used by Lender in connection with this luaa, unless applicable law provtdes otherwise. Unloss an at3n'"erne�►t ta made or _
<br /> :�� 8p��{�lr,law requires interest to be paid,Lender ahall not be retluired to pay Borrower any intorest or ear�in$s on We Funds.
<br /> ;;,.<<
<br /> � ' Borrower aad Lender may agree in writing, however. ihat intcc�t a�ait tr�paid an W:.Fua3�. I.�der!�h�i�give to urcower. _
<br />- ,:.'(:�;�i1i .
<br /> •,��";r . without charge. aa anaual accounting of We Funds, showing credits and debite to the Fi�ads nnd ch�pur�ose for whic�each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.'I'he Fuads are pledged as additional secudty for all iumsi Iawed��d iss����t���wer
<br /> - . �. If the Funds held by Lender excced the araounts permitted to be held by app
<br /> ^ ' for the excess Funds in Acoordance with the reyuiremente of applicable law. If the amount of tha Funds�aeld bY L�ader at any
<br /> • � time[s not sufRcient to pay the Escmw Items when due,I.eader may so notify Borrower in wridng,and,i�n such case Borrower
<br /> � eball puy to L�ender the aanount necessary to make up the defictency. Borrower shall make up the deficiaacy ia no more thcin
<br /> twetve monthiy payinents,at Leader's sole discretion.
<br /> - � n � ' Upon payment in tWl of ell sums secured try this Securtty Insuument. Lender shall prompdy ►bfuund so Bonower uay
<br /> �' �� Funds held by I.ender.If,uader paragrAph 21,Lender sh�ll ecquire or sell the Propercy.l.eader�pdor w tihe acqu9aition or sale
<br /> •., .r-� of the Pcoperty,ahall apply aay Funds held by Lender at die dme of acquis{tion or sele as a credit against tbe sums secured by
<br /> s.:,.,`,�::' � thia Secudry Insuument.
<br />�°=::'.--�; ' 3.Ap�licaUon of Paymente.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payazents rtxtived by Lr.mder under pazagraphs
<br />-' �2 `-`"� ' 1 nnd 2 s�all be applied:firat. to aay prepayment charges due uader the Note;secand,to amounta paya'nle under paragrAph 2;
<br /> '.'..�'.i"r.. : . _
<br /> Tr._;+,;,��� third,to iaterest due;fourth,to principal due;aad last.to any late charges duE under the Nate. __.
<br /> - �� 4.Chnrgesi Llens.Bortower ahail pay all taxes.assessmenta, charges. flnes and impasitians attrtbutnble w the Froperty
<br />' � " ''�' wh{ch may attain priority over this Securtty insuument, and leasehotd payments or gmund rents, if aay. 8orroweY sh�11 PaY
<br />%��`y,�. , these obligutloas in the marmer provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in tbat manmr.Hornower s1uil1 PaY them on time directly _
<br />�f����_t'?�•'�• to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fl�rnish co Lender all notices of am�unt�to be p�id uader t6is puragraph•
<br />-.�,__�,_-,;�� If Borrower uialces thes�PaYmenta�tGac;tiy.Sor.awcr shalt procagdy furnlsk to LQnder re.�i�itA evidenc#au�the payments.
<br /> -__- =— Boctv�ver sita!!pr<±m�+dy d4:.cAarge any t[en whtch hes priority over this Securlty Insuumeatt unlesa f�orrower:(a)agrees in
<br />- '�'�� . .._�:.,_,.... ��,�,..�o►ap e�T P11(IPT•n+�cnnrc�tv in good faith the iien -
<br />�?�rh►--,�� writing to the paymen�oi the obii�aiivu na.w�,�y c.►��.�.......�:^.:c:_.__r•----. . �
<br />��r��•.�: �� by, or defends agaia�at enforcement of the iien in, legal procxedinga which in the Lendel's apiaton operate to prevent tbe �
<br />- �� entorcement of the lten;or(c)securea from the holdar of the liett aa agreement satisfactory to l.�mder subosdiaating the liea to•
<br />_ � ..{. _ � this Security Instrument. It Lender determines that any purt of the Property is aubject to a lign whic8s��ny attain Priod�Y over
<br /> „ � �is Sec�utcyr inatrutneat,Leader mny give Bosowee a aotice identlfyinII the iien.Borrowea sl�ati satisijr�e lien or take one or -
<br /> • more of tho aetiona set forth above witbin 10 days of thv givina of notice. _ _
<br /> • . Form 9026 9/8D �,
<br /> i —
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<br /> � � �.
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