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<br /> _ ! cmdemn��ian or alber ykia�af any p�rt of the PtopeMy.ar for convayarwx in lieu of ca�wiemna�iaa,nm hM+cby aui�ned and
<br /> siW I bo paid to I.ender.
<br /> - - In the cveat of'�w1a1 lating of the Prrqw�ty. �he proceade sMwll be�pplitld �o the �umR socurcd bY tAi� Secu�ty
<br /> -";;���� In►ltumrnt,whelher�x not then due.with aty excesa poid to Botrower. In�he event of u�wAial tdcing of Ux Property In
<br /> which the fair�wket value of thie Ptoperty immodiptely befa��he tuking ia equwl ta ar g�eAtcr th�n Ihe�nwuni of the�uma
<br /> �+ rocwed by ihix Secu�ity losuumcnt immedlately boforo Ihr laking.unlcs+ Bomnwer and I.ender�Nhenvise agiee In wtiling.
<br /> . Ifie wmc sc�.�urod by thir Sccuri�y Insaumenl rh�ll be rcduced by tlw amouai of the procccds muhiplied by thc Fallowing
<br /> ...::�;.;c G,klfwi: fai thc twnt amnunt of ehe sums�urcd�mmediutely bcfore tha�aking,div�ded by 1h11he fuir ms�ricet value ai the
<br /> ',^' Ptoperty immediutely bcfar the taking. My 6alw�e shall be paid to Borrovver. in�l�o evcnt of u p�utial toking of�he
<br /> . Property in which�he Pair marka valur of the Propeny immodiately befaTr the uiking is Iexa�hwt the umount af thc suma
<br />; ;; _ �. F.�''1: �� securcd immediutely hefore �he taking. unles.4 Borrow�r wW Lender otherwise agrce in w�iling or unl�+ti applkAble law
<br />, '� '' otherwise provides,the proroodc shall be applied ta Ihe wms securcd by Ihis Secu�iry Insttument whether or na�he sums�na
<br />-���;;�,� UKn due.
<br /> •••.��. • r.- U 1he Pmprhy is aBandoneJ by Bomower,ar iP,afler notice by I.ender�o Borrower ihot�he caKiemnor ofkrs �o nwice
<br /> -,��' '•'��',i`"'"�` un Awwd or settk u rl�im for dpmages.Borrower Paiis to respond to Leoder within:j0 days clter�he date d�e notice�s given.
<br /> �_ . ..�� Lende�is au�Mxized w eoHec�and apply�he proceods.a�i�s option,cither to nestar�tion or�rp�air ot�he Prqieny or to�de
<br /> -=-= ;`�6. sums secured by�hi�Securi��r In�rument,whelher ar not Ihen due.
<br />�t � . , Unk�Lender and i3aROw�r al�nvl+� agree in wtiting,any applK�tio� of pracceds lo prineipal sh�ll nol eaknd ur
<br /> � , ,d„:.�a,•' ' postpone tlie due date uf�he mo+xhl�puYments refemed w in Racagrrphs 1 and 2 ur change�he umoun�of sucb payments.
<br />- � 11. �a�er NW Rekaseds Forbearaac�e BY Le�der Not a Wairer, E�tcnsiun of the time iar pagme�rt �x
<br /> � , �+ " modifK;rtan af ananiratian af�he sumx secured by Ihis S�r:urity Ins�niment gr,utted by Lender ta uny s¢c�ess�x in i�trrs.�
<br /> '�' . of Born��rr sh�ll na operate to release the liability of�ariginat Bortower or Bamwer�s�uccesaors iro interest_ Le��,der
<br />.-;�. .;. `�:•`,'�
<br /> �_-.-- -.• cL�fl oot � •�ryuircd ro cummcncc proccedings og�inst any suc:rssor i� intcres�or refuse 10 eatend �ime far peyment or
<br /> �;'• othenviye madify amoKiwtion of the sums secured by this Seruritp InstrumeM by m�+on of An�►ckmand mAde by�he ore�inal
<br /> _ -- — `. Borrower or liortnwer'x�cucces.�ors m mtere►�. Any lorbearars�x ny i.en�r iu cxeicisiog*n,�i�i�i�x rcm.-..iy slull not�c s
<br /> C� '�'.; �;��.;��':�;�:: waive�af or reclude ttk exercise of an � t or remed .
<br />_ ,,,,. P Y Rh Y
<br /> l2 StMCessors and Assigas Bound;Joiat aad Seveml LiabilNy;Co-slgaers. 71ie corenants and agRements of this
<br /> `' ,. �. Security Insuument sholl bind and benefit Ihe successors und assign.g of Lender and Borrower,subject a the provisions of
<br /> �:;t�
<br /> , ;, ,_�.t., '�;�:.� p a r a g mph 17. Borrower'.s covennn4c and agreert�nts shall be joint and severul. Any BoRawer wlw casigns this Secu�ity
<br />_ • �:f �:.7,.�,:;t�. �nstrwaent but does na execute the Note: la)is co-sigoing�h is S ecurity Ins�Nmen t on ly to mo rigag e,g r p nt and conve y�hat
<br />,_�,:',�:,. :;:' Bnrrowe�k intere�t in the Property unde�the terms aP�his Security Insmimem; (b►is not prrxnally obligated�o pay the a�uma
<br />',9��r:•��. ��•��'" secured hy thix Security Inurumem;and(cl agree+thal Lendee:uid any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,f'ur�ear
<br /> y;��;�: : �r �mal�e any accommodations with regord to�h�: terma of Ihis Security Ins�nrment or the Nwe wiihout Uwt BnRav�•er's
<br /> _�; •.
<br /> ���- conscnt.
<br /> _ ' '�;'�� 13, Loan Charges. If�e loan securcd by this Security Inctrument is subject ta a law which sets maaimurr� loan
<br /> ::-�� ,,,:
<br /> : . , - - - — ci�arges,and thnt iaw is inaliy intetprc�ed so[hut the interes�o�othe�ioun chwgc�cutkti:icYi or iu be coflectcd'sn car.;..cii�n
<br /> re
<br /> ' with the loan exceed th�permitted Ilmi�s.�hen: IA)any such la�:n�ch�e shall be reduced by the amount nece�sary to reduce
<br /> �' • •* •� the chnrge to the permitted limir,And(b)any sum4 alrcudy collected from Bormwer which eaceeded permitte�limi�s will be
<br /> .. t,
<br /> �;;`s/� ,�+�'S����.: refunded to Bo�rowe�. Lende�mAy cha►se�o m;dc��his mfund by reducing Ihe principul owed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> �b ,, direc�puyment to Sr+mnwer. If a rcfund redure.,�rirsripal,the reduction witl t,�:�reated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> ___ �•;�� prepayment chArge wectNr Ihe Nae.
<br /> � r,��,,_ i 14. Notices. Any�xn�ce ti� Bnrtawer pmvidad lor in thi,Security Io:�rumrnt.rhuli toe�ive�� by dCiivr�ing it ur by
<br /> !t� •;���:._�:,, rnniling a t►y Pnt cl:►�.�muil unles.applicnble law reyuires use of�nrnher method.The ootice shall 6e directed to the Property
<br /> � � � ';;d„ .,' Addrex�;�r un�•o�fier address Borrower design•rtcx by nudce��a l.�:nder. Any ndice to Lender shall be given by ti�x�cluss
<br /> '_•� • ����y r,� ` :' , tn�il to I.epder's n�.Jress stated herein or uny other a�dtrs+l.endrr dcyignmet by nwice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for
<br /> ��,.. ��;,# <"r;.,,: in tUix Secutity In.rr�amcnt xhall lx dc�emed to h;n�e becn gevcn tu Bo�rm�er ur Lender when given as provfded in this
<br />._)�u� ��ui�t� ,, .,�� . P�FU'aPh•
<br />'��' ��r�'��`'�}��'� 1�. Governing I.aw; SeverablUty. 7'his 5ccurit} Jn.tru�nent shnll be Fovemed by fsdernl luw und Ihe law ot the
<br /> ..�iri,�,, i :,a� ;�... . 1t r*'..
<br />�''" ��<�+d juriwliction cn which thc Pmpeny is IexateJ. In the evenl th:n.my provision or cluuse of�C�is Security InMrument or the\otz
<br />_��y�,�_ ��•�:�.�f�l.
<br /> J�� • � ; {.'oral".���:::> - �-onflicl�with�+pplicable luw.,uch cnntlic��hall nnt ulfect���her pruvisions��f tFoix Stcuri�y �l���rument or�he Note which can
<br /> `'%:.��,;, ' X"�'. ��,.��:�
<br /> ,. ..�. n; . y�4•+ �j� be given effect without Ihe conllicling provi�i�m. To this end�he provixiimr�f thi�Secuaity�Instn�ment nnd tice Note are
<br /> • •�•(,. ..;r ��r` ,��`� doclured tu be severuble.
<br /> ,� y,.�.i� �.
<br /> �• ti :�.-�.r,���'� '� 16. Borrower's Copy. Bcxrower�hall tx Fi�en one conformed copy at+he uate and oi this Securia�Irtps�niment.
<br /> ��� '��1''���°�"�` �S�''� 17. 7Y�ansfe�of the Pro e�tg•�nr a Beneflrial lnteresl in Borrower. li ul l or un}• in of the Pm n•or an intar.sl in
<br /> _ ...,k.• t:.�.t`,',,. -;ig-::'�., P �'� pa > Y
<br /> - � r�u.�'�.;?!;.;� �,,, il i�sold or trwihl'crreJ lor if u hen:ficiul intrre.t in Born�wer is sold or transtened nnd Borrower is r�t n natur,�0 �ertionl
<br /> - ��� ,.
<br /> �;�1�.� "/',,''��r'��;.�1, wlt�out Lendcr's prior wriucn ron+em, LenJcr mvy,a� ii.optian.rryuirc immediutc payment in full of nll �ums secure:l by
<br /> _ :•;.;,;,, ;:.v; �'�`;-.`� ,�h+.°�,,.; this Securirv Ins�rurnrm. Hnwrver,lhix uptian shull not be exerei��d hy Lend�r i(exercise is prohibited hy federal Oaw as of
<br /> �'P'•' �t' ,� y.. � t6ie dute of this S��:uri�y lnsirument.
<br /> ;�;,��: . } �� �h•`� ' lf Lznder exer�i<e��his npiiun.Lender shall give Borrowet notice uf uceelerution. The notice shu17 S�rnvidN a�riod of
<br /> ',����,,�� ��rt5',,.. ' noY;ess�hun 30 Ju �frWn the cl.��e th�n��tice i�delivcrcd or mailed wilhin which B�►rrow•Nr musl a11�umc securecj b�. Ihis
<br /> '��;T'?.' ' 't i:�`�:`��; 5ecaeia�• Ins�rumen�. If Borru��er fail� �o � �hr.c +umti rior to �he ex imtion of tOrs �nad I.ender ma inva�ke :ut
<br /> 6�� � �;� . p�Y P P P' � Y Y
<br /> ,�,t•q�:�,1 ::
<br /> ' ::,':��t �• rerrxdi�,permined by thi�Securit��i���trument wilhoul further noticc ur demami�m B��rtou�r.
<br /> ' ��,''��':�ry O8. Borrower•ss Right to�elnamte. If Bnrrnwrr m�et.cenuin conJi�ionti. Borrrn��er vhall i���e the right to huve
<br /> j'; � , ��•'�r;:�` �.�i' � enforc�nt of�his Securi�y lnserumem Ji,cuniinu�J:u any time priur lu IM:curlicr of: la)4 days(or such dfier Fxriod:u
<br /> " . .''������'���. SingkF+r,�l�..Fennk Vxe�tn+MlkNw�l'NIF�IRM 1*�TRI'4fiNT..1'n�t�Rn1'�v�h�nt+ 9N0 �psvtJ.,inn�iotsl
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